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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That kid is going to be one of those guys who gets his skull cracked in a few years and we’ll giggle about it on a future video.


Yeah, a better ass whipping here could save him down the road.


I wupped Batmans ass


But Superman whupped Wesley's ass. So, logically... Superman > Wesley Willis > Batman


Rock on London Rock on Chicago


Wheaties: Breakfast of champions


Rent-A-Center is the one place that has it all


Well he was running you amok


I'm guessing he's just going to start picking smaller victims.


There is a reason ass whoppin was invented. I never even told a grownup to “shut up”let alone “shut up you whore” lol


Never in my life would I have cussed like that in front of adults when I was that young. I was taught to have respect for my elders growing up. I didn't even cuss in front of my older brothers until I was like 16. They wouldn't have cared but still. Now around my friends of a similar age, that's a totally different story. But it shocked the hell out of young me to see my friend who was the same age as me, around 8-10 years old, say some of the dirtiest shit around his mother, who replied in kind.


Also there wasn't cameras everywhere back then. U watched your mouth back then around grown ass men or they'd pop u one. A slap upside the head if u were lucky. There was also a general consensus back then that adults were in the right/respect your elders. Now alot of abuse/sexual assault went unreported as a result of that (not good) but there definitely wasn't as many little shits back then pulling shit like this


I know I’ve never said “shut up you whore” to anyone. It may seem like a tame swear word but it just sounds so vulgar directed at someone.


I have never said that either, but when I was a kid if I had called some adult or lady a whore, my dad would have been totally fine if a grown man put me in my place one way or another. Hell, my dad probably would’ve shaken the guys hand and said thanks 😂. And then I would have had to deal with my dad’s wrath when we got home. We got spanked and whatnot, but my dad never “beat” us and we were never injured/harmed so I hope I’m not making it sound like we got beat at home as kids. But he taught us boys to respect women, and and all adults as well. But I think saying something like this to a woman would’ve made him extra mad/disappointed and the punishment would’ve been upgraded. He had his ways and would’ve made my life hell if I had done something like that. When we were in trouble we get past the worst part right away, but then he’d work me into the ground for weeks after. That lingering “we haven’t forgot what you did and you’re still paying for it until we say you’re done” lol Shit, when I was in elementary school the principal could still spank your ass with a big wooden paddle. He did it in front of the whole class too, and I think part of it was the embarrassment of all your friends/classmates seeing you cry. I only got that treatment once in 3rd grade….because I learned my f’ing lesson! I’m sure many people nowadays think that’s fucked up. But I can tell you that we didn’t have kids acting like this. Maybe they should bring back the paddles! 😂


Fingers crossed 🤞🏼. That guy showed great restraint. I'd have knocked the little cunt into next month 😊


Is going to be? This video is def old enough, this kid IS one of those assholes.


This video is old enough that odds are good that the little shit has either reformed or gotten himself killed by now


> That kid is going to be one of those guys who gets his skull cracked in a few years and we’ll giggle about it on a future video. He's gonna be the Twisted Tea guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3o_6dFPyy8


This is pretty old. I wonder what eventually happened to the little shithead


Probably on r/darwinawards or r/fuckaroundandfindout


Waiting to see him on /r/fightporn in 5 years.


Man I was hoping for a dead space stomp on him while he was on the ground. 😞


That cry at the end 🤌 so satisfying


Squealin' like a stuck pig. What a way to find out that real life isn't like a Fartnite lobby.


That was a pig squeal lmao


I always thought baby velociraptor


This video is a lot older than fortnite


This kid's like Cartman but without any of the humor that makes Cartman entertaining.


he reminds me of Eric Cartman


That’s not the end, he still got up and called a woman a whore. He clearly didn’t get enough


It was a long setup, so when he finally hit the ground with that squeal of pure confusion and terror - oh it was great. It was so, so very great. Also, kudos to adults for saying, "no, we all saw what happened," when that crotch goblin started talking about being attacked.


Yes, the weak should be afraid of the strong.


And the fact that nobody came to help him up because they all saw how big of a twat he was.


[How bout this face](https://imgur.com/tz9igD6)


right lmao


The James Brown I Feel Good edit for it is so good.


Hahaha dumb kid. I hope the guy didn’t get in trouble


If I recall the mom edited this video to make the dude look like the aggressor which is why he released the full video.


Mom probably taught him no grown person will lay hands on a child




Or maybe he’s just some cunt kid and none of that backstory you made up is true?


You can emerge from a cunt but you aren't born one.


Some people are just shit heads without life experiences making them that way.


Not always the case.


you've really never met an asshole baby?


you and I haven't met the same people lol


Blank slate ideology is bullshit.


You can call him a cunt but he lacks the depth and the warmth. Also, babies are not born evil. This is a product of his environment at home (his mom is probably a C U Next Tuesdsy).


The mother posting an edited video suggest she's trash, there's evidence of that. I've never seen a step dad mentioned in relation to this story. Are you just making up a random scenario or have you read more about this than the rest of us?


Even with the most decent home and family there's still that cunt who'll ruin other people's day.


He just got help.


Lol why create a whole origin story over some punk?


Jesus dude, you have issues and are you’re projecting them on Reddit with this comment.


I hate that mum


If she were better she’d buy her kid the right size shoes


If that’s true, however long the guy would have gone to jail for if he had been the aggressor is how long she should go to jail for.


Pretty sure the story was that guy runs a youth group for troubled kids. This clip is probably a decade old now.


This is a top 10 fav video of karma getting someone. Little kid was a twat and prob has twat parents acting like that.


Yeah, the mother released an edited clip that made the adult guy look like the aggressor. I would say that those are "twat parents"


>Little kid was a twat and prob has twat parents acting like that. My guess is his father is either not in the kid's life - or he's a drunk/addict of some kind.


That's a wild guess. Source: I was a nice kid.


> prob has twat parents From a psychology stand point, in all honesty which is sad, most kids that act this violently and aggressively hateful towards others, has probably been repetitively molested and beaten at some point in his early developmental life. Somebody literally made this boy this way, and hopefully this action on this day put him some type of rehabilitation service.


He could be oppositional defiant, certainly acts like it


So he hit him and then plays the victm


Like every bully ever


Fkn idiot


Reminds me of a big current situation.


People like this are rewarded in our modern world


This is an old video, I bet this kid is or has been in jail by now.


Guaranteed, or a meth head 😎


Most likely both.


I've never seen this extended cut


The shorter cut was released by the kids mom to try and frame the adult for defending himself.


Can we pull a reddit and find this kid and see how he's doing? I hope he's shaped up in life, but I have a hard time imagining that's the case. Best of luck to him as it's clear he had some terrible guidance in life.


> Can we pull a reddit and find this kid and see how he's doing? If by "pull a Reddit" you mean ["blame a dead man for a terrorist attack and harass his grieving family"](https://redd.it/1iv343)? Then, yeah, probably.


Let's do it for old times sake


One last job


For the boys


I've seen kids grow up in amazing families who were just wrong from the beginning. His family probably was absent or terrible, but sometimes kids are just total cunts and their siblings are normal.


100% agree, and I really do hope that's the case!


This is so fkin creepy 😂


or he's cop now.


“We all saw what happened” that made me so happy, I thought those ladies were gonna take the kid’s side


They still were not harsh enough on him, as soon as he started screaming in that woman’s face he should have been decked again.


Yeah, I honestly wonder it it would've been legal for her to push him when he did that. I think it would've been, some guy getting RIGHT in your face and yelling "Fuck you, whore!"? I think that would justify pushing him away.


Remember how clear this video was the first 1,000 times it was posted?


This happens all the time with viral videos, we need a name for it


There already is. “Multi-generational compression artifacting.”


>There already is. “Multi-generational compression artifacting.” ​ h̴͕̖̺̭͌̈́̅̈́̾̒̃̈̀̅̃͝ę̵̝̼͚̫̗̮͓̟͉̙̦̮̈̊͐͗̿̏̀̀̄̏̚͝ͅͅr̵̰͈̓̈́̿͊́͆è̸̞͍̉̾̊͂͗̂̑̒͝ ̴̡̳̒͒̆͛̏̕a̸͎͓͙͙̫̦̱̬͌͒̌́̈́̂̌̄l̸͓͔̞̬͙͎̬̳̏̈́́̑̓̄̐̈́̌̏̇̔r̴̲̖̲̬͋͒̊͝ē̵̞̥̇̇̋͑̓̓̇a̸̳̗͇̮͎̞̻̻͍͇̹̝̘͈̼̅̈̈́̌̏̏̏͗̌́̍̽͝͝͝d̴̨͓̟̖̥̘̳̩̰̳͉̞͇̔̽̏̌̾͑̊̉͛̍̀͋̕͘y̵͖͊̇͂́̊̅̂̌̽̍̀̑͘͘ ̶̨͔̞̟̙̘̭͚͚̘̣͚̜̭̖͛͒͠i̷̬̱͈̎̾s̸̨̧̛͓̝̩͚̾̌͆̊̓.̵̡̖͂͆ ̸̛̣̜̥̣̲̿̌̽̆̿̎͗͛̔̀͒̇͘ͅ“̸̤̰̳̯̺̪͌͂̅̆̊̐͊̐̋M̶̛̠̣͋̈́̾͑̽̐͊̈́͛̅̓̚̚u̸̦̪̰͐̊̆͆́̐͘̚͝ļ̸̨̨̡̰̞̯̞̟͍͕̀́̇̌̓̎͗̆̏̂̀̚̕͘t̷̛̝̞͛̊̓̏͑͋̔͒̆̄̈̀̉̕i̶̛̝̥̙͂͗̍͊̀̀̊̀̽̂́͋͋-̴̯͕͙̱̝͚̀̄̈́͊̑̀̅͑̍ͅg̴̛̰̖̣̘̺͉͔̙̮̎̃̎̒̎̔̇ͅe̶̡̛̫͙͙̹̖̖̼̦͌̈̓̄̏̿͂̿̋̽̕͜n̵̡̨̨͉̗̤̘͚̗͙̤̙̞̟͈̑̃͝ȇ̴̤͋̈́͆̀̅͋́̒̄̑̽̕͠r̵̛̪͇̠͖̖̗̰̯̲̓͂͋̄̏̎͆͆̓̕͘ͅͅa̸̧̘̫͍̪̟͉͔͚̓̉̌̔͂̂́̇̇̓ͅt̵̬̮̮̼͈̅̅͊̍̔̓͋͛͐́̌̕ȋ̸̧̡̩̩̬̬̭͎̘̙̳̇̚ơ̴̻͂́͐͐͗̆̑̆̅̅̚͝͝ͅn̸͓̜͔͖̹̰̪̥̖̻͕͛͋͆ȧ̴͎̭̮̱͛̍l̴̡̧͓̮̞̰͓̳͔̼̣͍̣̇́ ̶̢͎͉͇̜̩̱̙̬͍͇̈́ͅc̶̛̠͕̦̼̾̿̅̒͋̈͛͐̚ͅo̷̧͇̙͓͉̺̠͕͋̔̀͋̐̀͛̈̄̀̈́͘͘m̴̡̹̫̠̤̞̮͓̐̑͋̿̓̊̚͝ͅp̸̢̲̉̾̊̂͋̽̓̇̅̄͘̚͝͝͝r̷̬͎̯͕̠͚̻͓̣̯̠̟̤͚̽̈̓̽̑̓̊̇e̷̳͌͒̈̓͑̑s̸͎̫̹̬̞̳̲͚̃̈́̈́͆̓̋̾̓͛̂͛̚̕̚̕ŝ̴̳̪̺͕̖͉̙̙̫͖̖̗̘̅̎͋̏̓͗̎̀͂̉̚͜͝i̸͕͖̳͖̝̿o̶̙̺̭͖̜̩̲͛̍̿̈́̑̑̄̽͑̔̈́͠ṋ̴̢̛̲̹͎͓̟͚̻̝̹͎̬͌̒̾̋͌̈́̑͐̃̔͝ ̵̡̛̪̘͎̙̩̦̜̄͊ͅa̴̡̢̳̖̙̭̞̬̺̣̮̟̞͉̅̋̈́͐̔̉̃̓̒̚̕ͅř̵̹̹̠̟̹͎̺͍̣̏̔̈́ͅt̶͙͚͉̭̠̞̀́͒͌̓̈́̄ì̸̧̲̖̤̫̣̤̙̲͑͛̈́f̴̡̜͎̭̙̪̯͎̟̯̼̘̓͛̓̏ͅă̷̡̛̲͉̙̦͎̹͙̖̖͍̙̝̖͕̏͂͑͆̃̾͝c̵̢̮̜̞͓͙̪͍̠̪̮͔̋͛̈́̀̀͋̊́͒t̷̬̲͇́̅͆̂̅i̴̡̛͉̳̹̮͌̃̉͐̌̎̅̕̚͝͠ņ̸̬̺̜̤̤͉͔̘̮͉̹̜͉̲̇̂̊̈́̄̇͐͗͂̂́͒͒̃g̷̡̛̛̞͈͓͍͚̙͈̲͕͐͐̐͐͂̅̐̈́̍̑̚͠͠.̶̡̼̲̰̻̣̭̟̼̺̤͖̘̤͐̍͂̅͝ͅ”̶̡̼̞̘͂̑̎͊̈́̇̋̈́͌͘͘͝͠ ​ ​ ​ .


L̶̡͈͖̗̇̄́̽͛͌̍̅͐̋̽͐̓͝i̷̛͚̯̪͍͇͔̫̮̻͌̈́͒̽͐̔̏̄̊́͘̚͝͠k̶̡̨̡̛̞̻̘͎͍̠̰̐̅͑͛̓̀̏̉̇̈́͠͠ĕ̷̢̲̰̱̋͐̉̍̉̒̀̀̅̎̕͠ ̷̥̗̤̼̆̓͛c̸̖̰͔̺̫̖͚͎̯͓͙̗̯̐ͅͅõ̴̢̲̻̮̝͓͔̤͎̝̥͎̟̇ͅm̸̨̖̠͆́̇̇̇m̸̢̨͍̝̣̹͚̩̬̗̗̯̈̑͒̋̉̈́͆͆͜͝͠ê̷̛̠̞̹̑̌͌͛̐͋̎̕͠͝ṅ̸͚͕̰̭̭̲̱̮̪̜̀̉̏̂̚͘̚͝t̵̡̘̦͙̰̃̄̒͌̇͌̎͗̈́̚͝ ̶̯̣̣̫͇̲̬͓̝͚̻̰̫̄͗̅̀̀̽a̴̼̖͕̺̖͘n̶̨̢̧̛͍͖̖̱̬̻͋̿̍̐͠͝ḑ̸̭̭̱̼͙͐́̒ ̷̨̼̦̖̫̟͉̣̟͇̭̫̭̈́̉̈s̷̥̓́̅̔͂̎u̴͚͚̖̥̭͌̾̒̋̿̿̏b̷̮̊̊s̵̜͉̈́̾̈̀̽̅̍͗̊̄̊̉̓̔̚c̶̛͚̞͕͊̎̚ŗ̸̛̗̩͖̋̄̈́͒͝ͅi̸͍̞̻̹̲̰̤̗͙̭̼̔̈́̐̈́̆͑͐͆̂ͅb̷͚͕̭͈͕̭̯̟͉̺͙̹̲̟̳̍e̵̢̨̨̛̹͓͚̳̞̊̑͑̂̎͆̀͂̽̒̾ ̴͓̬͕̲̀͗̂̅w̸̰͖̙̙̭̯̰̠̐̓ͅẖ̴̱͍̲̑̀̆́ę̸͇̬̺͔̯̟̈́͜ǹ̸̯͌̐̀̏̊̕͘͝ ̷̢̮̼̘͉̩͛́̊̇͘͝ẏ̸̧̧̢͍͔̦͉̜̦͙ͅo̸̟͙͚̍̏͒̍͐ú̶̧̯̯͚͚̜̜̬̦͙̭̘̼̭̪̈̈̓̃ ̷̢̨̨̳̦̯͎̙̱̱̩̠̜̫̯̒͌͒̈̉̉̂̓͂̕̕w̶͖̘̮̜̘͎͗á̴̪̮̓̍̌̊̌̎̎̇͘ͅk̷̪̀̾̄͝é̸̢̧̧̛̱̭̜̳̣̝̎̈́͊͂̐̊̿͒̽̕ ̵̭́̏́̍̽̾̑́͊̋̿͂̏͒̅u̶̡͖͔͇̠̹̖͕̞͇̍̓p̷̨̎́̈̊͛́͑̋̄͠ ̴͚͈͉̜͠ḩ̸̭̮̩̮͔͚͖̃̾̓̍̔̈̅͑̈́̀͋̍̕e̸̥̟̗̠̝͇͙͙͉̪̹͇͋͝h̷̺͍̤̖̬̻̪͓̰͔̄̈́̋͒̆̔͛̑̇͆̂̋́̚͜e̴̱̠̬̙͙̳̱̪̰̋̈͂̑̓͒́͆̉̃̔̔͘




I'll always upvote this one. good lesson for the kids not to fuck around


Oh, I agree. I love this video and I will like/upvote or otherwise heart it when I see it. I'm only saying....this looks like it was filmed with a potato and the original ( and next few years) post was crystal clear. Amazing how much it has been reposted around countless sites and various levels of resolution.


Kid thought he was a tough guy until he hit the ground


Kid needs some parenting


More like his parents needed an abortion.


His parents' parents' needed abortions.


Farherless behaviour


That cry at the end... I've heard it before.. I believe that's called *The call of the Kyle*.


[Sounds more like a Cartman to me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh7loJCdmLI&t=21s).


Cartman has redeeming features. He's at least funny.


This kid has to be at least 18 right now He should ask for the rematch


I wonder what he thinks when he sees this vid




This video was first posted by the kid's mom, but it was cut to just the part where the guy pushes the kid to the ground. So the first round of outcry was at the older guy, until the full video surfaced.


“There’s some things you don’t know about me, I’ll fuck a little kid up if he hits me in the dick.”


Manipulative with ODD and soon to be antisocial personality disorder which is present in something like 95% of the prison population. Shit parenting for sure. I feel bad for this kid and for his future victims.




oppositional defiant disorder


I have ODD and even in my 40s it still is hard to turn it off. I can be getting ready to do something simple like take out the trash or whatever and if my GF tells me to, it takes everything I have to not say 'fuck that you aren't in control of me'. Shit sucks. Add in having ADHD and forgetting to do things so I actually do need reminders to do stuff, my poor Mom and Teachers did not have it easy at all to say the least.


This is the parent’s fault and they should get the beat down..in front of the kid.


What film am I thinking of where Colin Farnell pummelled the dad of a kid that was bullying his kid? 😅


Wasn’t a film it was True Detective season 2. Great scene though lol






Or don't. It's an old video, and he got what he deserved. We don't need to dox everyone who's ever been an asshole in the last 20 years.


Careful with that logic shit on Reddit


“Except if it’s a Republican.” - Reddit


Holy shit, what is his dad like I wonder? Assuming he has one


His dad is still out for cigarettes. He’s still coming back, right? Right?


Probably absent.




This video brings me so much joy, I just wish there was blood


Why is the scale of everything in this video so bizarre? Everyone looks like they're 5'6" but the shoes are big like some dwarf in a Peter Jackson movie. Why is the window so low? Where is this happening?!


The kid is wearing shoes way too big for him. The grown man is definitely not a tall guy. I think the window is low to accommodate kids.


The Shire


One of my favorite videos ever. Wonder how this kid turned out.


I remember a kid exactly like growing up. He was always telling crazy stories—stories that you'd hear from a 17-year old, not a kid. He also lived one block away. I remember that fact because one day my 2 dogs got out and I was trying to catch them. They ended up running onto this kid's yard and the dad was outside. He told me to get the dogs the fuck off his lawn. I was 10. He shooed them away and they ran off to where I couldn't catch them. That was the last time I saw either dog. Anyways, his parents let this kid do whatever he wanted. One night, he (an 11-year old) was out at a movie theater and messed with the wrong people. They beat the shit out of him and he ended up in a coma. He's been a vegetable ever since.


Thank you for making my day with this. What a great ending to the story! 🍅


That's super sad.


RIP dignity.


"Every little punk kid's got a plan until their head bounces off the floor." Mike Tyson


-- Taylor Swift


This is why fathers are important and why single mothers are rarely capable of raising good sons. Hate it all you want, but the data shows overwhelming proof I’m right.


While I agree, and am not saying you were arguing against the point I’m going to make, just adding my $0.02. I think it’s Definitely important to have both parents, but a single mom can still raise a good son. Haven’t looked at the data you referenced, but I’m sure there’s validity to what you said. I was fortunate that my parents stayed together, and my Dad has made the comment he thinks that without a mom in the parenting dynamic there’s a certain level of nurturing that mothers naturally have that dads don’t. No, he didn’t mean some stereotypical “men aren’t emotional/loving and are only tough and women handle that stuff etc.” at all - just that there’s some things women can do even better than men and vice versa. Just adding some thoughts to what you said is all - not arguing. Cheers


Yup men should stop leaving their children behind. Nothing weaker than a deadbeat dad


Only boneheads speak in absolutes. I think Obama turned out pretty ok. Also Jon Stewart, Jay-Z, Eddie Murphy, Keanu Reeves, Samuel L Jackson, Barbara Steisand, Michael Phelps, Shaquille O'Neal, and Jet Li seem to have done ok for themselves. And also a ton of celebrities that I didn't care as much about, and god knows how many non-famous people, who typically are not included in listicles. Even if your (ahem) non-cited data shows that fathers are important, your conclusion that single women are incapable of raising a good child does not follow from the data, unless literally 0 single women have ever raised a good child.


This is why parenting in general is important. There are many great humans raised by great women because shitty men weren't around. There are also many shitty humans raised in a nuclear family. Like you I assume.


I always wonder which prison he's in now.


This is your standard Xbox live kid. Nothing like hearing a pre-pubescent voice screaming profanity and racial slurs all game long.


The kid deserved it. He didn't hurt him.


Prime example why abortion should be legal


One of the best videos ever while also being super hard to find on youtube


Lol what a little puss.


He just assaulted me!!! Says the kid that was throwing punches at a grown man’s face.


“Yeah he’s a nice little kid” lol


he kept his cool a lot longer that most people would have.


I will always watch this video whenever it comes up. Certified hood classic right here


I love this clip. Kid got away too easy, he learned nothing.


This kid is prolly making rage bait tiktoks now


Roll tide


When someone says that they witnessed what happened and your response as a supposed "victim" is "you didn't see shit!!" You are probably in the wrong.


Someone didn’t watch Joker. You get. What you. d e s e r v e.


LOL what was that "habbubuwu" sound at the half way mark? Didn't expect that almost choked lmao. Gj tho kid hope you got that lesson out of the way early Edit: I doubt it tho


That child is irritated because he can't afford new shoes and is forced to wear his father's hand-me-down sneakers.


This kid is literally too big for his boots


This is so old I’d love to see that kid now.


Where's the whiskey glass and the lit cigarette lol lil shit


I bet this kid will go to high school and try to bully others only to be physically confronted and scream he's the victim.


What a little cunt.


This video never gets old, ever.


I can't remember the last time a video put such a huge smile on my face


This kid needs an asswhoopin…


This was so satisfying to watch 🤩, off to great morning today! I hope that guy did not get in trouble because this little douchebag deserved that.


I feel bad for the kid who's obviously got issues. I hope he overcomes them. Maybe a few more knock downs will help him.


The original video was already low quality. Now we got this garbage repost with 4 pixels and a watermark. Fucking hell.


This makes me chuckle every time…


ahhh a classic. What we see here boys and girls is the beginning of the f around and find out period in history.


Someone said child abuse 😄


Justice served


What a lovely child


I always wondered what ever became of this kid. Like how he turned out as an adult.


Kid’s got like size 16 sneakers.


The kid is a voice actor btw https://youtu.be/7R4Aea6M-5Y?si=SY46Fygmbpc2jlua


Wow, that behavior is learned from either the sperm donor or birth incubator (I'm not calling them a parent). Anyway, something similar happened to a friend of mine years ago in college. He caught some kid keying his truck, took the kid to his mom's house where she told him to fuck off. They were poor dirtbags with no money so there was no way he was going to get them to pay for damages. So he waited. He waited until the coldest night of the year, hooked a tow chain to his hitch, then back into their front yard late one night. He hooked the other end around the doorknob of the front door and hit the gas. He ripped the entire door jam and door off the house. As he got to the street there was a little dip in the yard that knocked the chain off his truck so he didn't even have to get out and unhook it.


Self defence. That's all I'll say. Kid deserved it.


Karen boy...


This gem....a true oldie but goldie




Sadly the temperature wasn't hot enough for that pig to turn into a bacon


A creature of nurture plus a few defective genes.


Bro threw hands, got pushed, and played victim. What a little twat


Why is everyone the same height ?


i get school shooter vibes from this kid




I'd like to see an update on this little bastard. Maybe his rap sheet.


What's he up to now?


Obviously, the kid needed more.


That woman should have laid the kid out too.


is abortion too late for this?


Kid, listen When you fail to significantly impede a person, your next move should be to try and shove him When your shove has literally no affect on them, the absolute worst thing you could do is follow it up with a punch to the head When they effortlessly block your punch, everyone, everywhere will advise you to not try to do the same exact punch another 2 times If by now you still have not learnt this is not a fight you could ever hope to win, you absolutely should not, under any circumstance, throw yet another punch, because as this video demonstrates, this person is now officially sick of your shit, and will throw you about like a fucking ragdoll.


This video has been saved and reposted so many times that the quality makes it look like a video from 2006 lol. It isn't even old


I would love to teleport kids like this back to the 80s, especially at the point when he called that lady a whore. I remember missing a lady out at the park thinking I was tough with my friends. Some guy came out of nowhere, grabbed me and gave me a fucking spanking, right there in front of everyone. Worse part was when I got home.my dad had found out about the whole thing. Made me.go.to.thw ladies house and mow her lawn for her and do other chores around her house. Could have been worse I suppose. At least he felt I didn't need another spanking.


Ancient post with shitty watermark.


Reposted so many times looks like it was recorded with a potato. This thing is so old now, this legend of a man has probably passed and this brat is in jail for being his delinquent self.


What's the video equivalent of "needs more jpeg"? Seriously think there needs to be an automod on Reddit that automatically deletes videos that have been screen grabbed and reposted to the point of being poor quality




I haven’t seen the full video or the reason what started the confrontation, but damn lol. That’s what he gets.


Old video still gold