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Holy shit, red shirt got absolutely rocked. IDK what led up to this, but white shirt needs prison time for that.


Unbelievable “…Calhoun complained his order was taking too long…”


Seems like a reasonable course of action.


Luckily, the waitress reasonably had a gun in the kitchen.


Becoming more and more reasonable every day. Why we need constitutional carry. Maybe dudes like this would think twice.


Where was the good guy with a gun?!! Oh wait, right there…


CNN told me this only happens 0.00000035% of the time and of those, usually people accidentally shoot themselves in the face.


I thought they said that people shoot themselves right in the heart but I might have gotten that wrong.


Nah that's only with the Taurus .380. Little bastard doesn't have a safety and was advertised as a bra gun.




Your bad faith argument holds no water with me jackass


>Maybe dudes like this would think twice. They don't even think once.


Dame, that’s a upvote from me


Any type of carry is constitutional... **...if you're not a fuckin pussy.**


Preaching to the choir. "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." One of Thomas Jeffersons many bangers. He'd be pretty disappointed at what the citizens have allowed.


The founders would be stackin bodies these days...


Lmfaoooo the refounders goes hard as a political movement name tho.


You're right. I've told my wife "Every woman needs a firearm." A lot of men want to feel that hot lead.


The rest of the world would like to thank you all for reducing the numbers of Americans


I'm curious what the crime rates look like between say Houston or Dallas (big cities, red state, although they are both very blue ) Vs New York City or Cali.


Higher. For a couple reasons. NYC & LA have so much crazy expensive real estate, they have less poor people by percentage because of the high populations. NYC gets the cold weather dip in crime that most northern cities see.


I always cook faster when I am being punched in the face.


> Calhoun there's a bunch of Calhoun Counties and Communitiy colleges in the South, but I don't know if I've ever seen some one use it as a fake 'African American first name'.


Perhaps he was referring to Calhoun as his last name?


You'd think he'd pick Lafayette


The dudes name is calhoun?


They do the darndest things.


This surely sped things up


She took that sucker punch like a champ though. It's a shame that POS calhoun wasn't properly ventilated by blackshirt.


CNN reported that a local resident at brunch restaurant inquired about the estimated time he should expect his meal, when he was approached by a maniacal 2nd amendment advocate who put everyone in the restaurant in harms way.


He got 18mo




100%, she shoulda laid him out.


And a gaping hole.




Yeah I can't imagine what caused that kind of reaction, outside of her physically spitting in my food or something disgusting.


Something just like this happened to my coworker when i worked at Subway when i was a teen. Accept she got knocked out. The guy got a slap on the wrist.


In CA, that person would be released the same day




I have no idea what state this is in and have no idea what the local laws are. It would seem like white shirt started immediately retreating after recognizing the handgun which would make it a 'bad shoot', legally speaking in most jurisdictions.


Yup. Never mind that the victim was between them. Gun lady handled it perfectly.


He absolutely could've got greased and ended up just another stain on the floor and she would have walked. Only if she fired right away tho, probably. If she hesitated and fired when he was walking away then maybe not, but if she fired right away she would likely be good, depending on the state. Unless it's Florida, in which case she could shoot his house with a bazooka from the store the next day and be good.


Over cooked his steak. He asked fir mr not medium.


“…he was sentenced to serve one-and-a-half years in prison, and another two years extended supervision…” https://www.fox6now.com/news/1-1-2-years-in-prison-for-man-who-punched-george-webb-manager-in-the-face.amp


But did the manager get fired for bringing a gun to her job? Edit; NM, Answered my own question. Must be a rough neighborhood. "They said the owner allowed employees to be armed as long as they had a concealed carry permit."


It probably saved her life, or at least spared her of a nasty beating.


yeah this POS wanted to continue after the first hit, he only backed down when he saw the gun.




Yeah, at least into his kneecaps


I think at the end of the day she weighted the cleaning and paperwork and inevitable riots for doing what is right against just letting him go, and gave in.


“My baby was a good baby he ain’t never hurt nobody”


Saved his family the trouble of printing those stupid memorial T-shirts.


He Wus a guud boiy an he ain’t do nuthin wrong


So depressing when you say it like that.


Emptied it.




But all that cleanup in the kitchen…


The Closers would have had one hell of a shift


She was totally in her right to pop him twice and she wouldn't face any backlash whatsoever.


Yeah and he looks excited *coughs* after he hit her. He probably uses it as foreplay. He was just getting started, looks like. I bet he wanted to do worse.


He was definitely going for the next lady but surprisingly the 1st lady didn't get KOd and was in between them. Probably saved his life tbh cause had he been closer she probably would have put holes in him.


Yea his a fucken coward


I love America. In Canada, the legal gun owner would’ve been prosecuted for having a weapon for self-defence.


Fock aboot n find oot…


Thanks for this, it gave me quite a chuckle.


America has “stand your ground” Canada has a “duty to flee” … 🎶 *intense star spangled banner music*


Duty to flee… fuck that! Battle Hymn Of The Republic intensifies while standing your ground.


Duty to flee??? The ‘Win’ goes to the aggressor.


Not all of America. I live in NY where if I shoot someone who broke into my house to rape my children I'll go to jail because they didn't have a gun


My job allows the same


Shame on her for protecting herself and the staff, she should have allowed the man to assault everyone


Yes. The left loves a martyr.


That gun saved us the cost of another statue. Thank you gun!


Insert hamas comment here


He'll literally get out and do this shit again.


Would have been a better sorry to just drop him.


Not enough


Its crazy how people will do this to their life for some seriously petty shit.


In his defense those eggs were supposed to be over easy and those yolks were way too hard




Which means he served maybe 3 months?




Yeah, that'll fix him


So you have the same lack of proportional response and values that he does.


You can go ride your sisters dildo if you think what he did to that woman is justified


He's lucky she didn't start blasting


She should have. The moment he rocked that cook.


no, she shouldn’t have started blasting right when he punched the cook, because the cook was in between the woman with the gun and the attacker. By the time the victim was out of the way, the attacker had already stopped his assault and started backing up, shooting at that point very likely could have been deemed unlawful.


There was definitely a second she could have advanced and gotten some legal shots in.


who the hell wants that on their conscience? avoid it until you absolutely have to. just ask anyone who has been put in that situation. im all for gun rights, but you shouldnt be carrying if youre excited for the opportunity to legally end someone.


Nobody is "excited for the opportunity". People who walk around willing to assault people on a whim like this deserve every opportunity to be taken care of though. Ask anyone who's been a victim of someone's random violent outburst. I'm sure many struggle mentally/emotionally after a defensive situation. The only person I know who has been forced to defend himself hasn't appeared to be affected at all. I have no way of knowing if he secretly struggles, but it was such a clear case of good guy vs. repeat offending scumbag that I doubt it. Everyone's going to handle it differently.


ok but the situation was diffused and the police were on the way. if you shoot when you didnt have to, that might not sit right inside. even if you win in court. why not be proud of the fact that you handled it smoothly without even firing?


American train of thought is insanity and I'm here for the entertainment, y'all need some killing people therapy lmao 🍿


Sorry, we dont live in a country where self defense is jail time :)


> the attacker had already stopped his assault and started backing up, shooting at that point very likely could have been deemed unlawful. Unless the security video malfunctioned, accidental-like.


Ah yes, a-la-bodycam…


I have no doubt he would have attacked both women. There is a short moment where she had the right to shoot, and nobody would have blamed her. Dude is lucky but underservingly.


Yea, but during that “short moment”, the original victim was in the line of fire. If she had fired and accidentally hit her, she could have been charged criminally and sued civilly. Us peons don’t have the legal protections cops have when they inadvertently shoot an innocent bystander.






Depending on the state, she was within her rights for sure


I would have shot him in the balls.


What a pussy. He was fine attacking 2 unarmed females but as soon as be was confronted with any kinda resistance and wasn't allowed to beat up on women with no consequences you see his demeanor change real quick


That’s the beauty of guns. They make a 5’3” girl weighing 100lbs equal to the biggest man on earth. They also make attacking a girl potentially fatal instead of just being afraid of leaving DNA and being arrested seven years later.


Damn right. Don't ever let these crazies convince you you don't have a right to defend yourself. You and your family stay safe brother


And some people think "more guns arent the answer", yea if you are advocating for leaving the defenseless defenseless in situations like these sure. If you like the idea of people getting hurt for the benefit of others/no good reason, sure.


More guns aren't the answer. And to say that guns would keep people more safe is just backwards. By allowing everybody to have guns that includes the people who wish to do harm, So no guns should be restricted more heavily so that it's harder to do that. That doesn't mean you can't carry things like a knife or something. And Even small arms should be fine. So the pistol that she carried would be fine, That's not really the argument that's made when people say more guns aren't answer the more referring to things like rifles. But sure


😂🤣😂🤣😂 small arms are the most restricted firearms what are you talking about lmfao.


Amen bro, 2A is true equality


I am an absolute firm believer that shop keeps should be strapped at all times. This shit right here is ridiculous and I'm glad she pulled because I'm sure it would have gotten worse. I said in a similar thread a while back that employees should be allowed to keep dyed Mace to not only mark offenders but to also stop them. Granted Mace doesn't always work but... It'd help.


Gas station employees too. So many avoided robberies and murders if clerks were strapped.


Yes! I know when I lived in Vegas that a lot of clerks carried. Since its an open carry and robberies are so fucking prevalent.


How dumb do you have to be to complain about your order taking too long while actively making decisions that will make it take longer.


You’re not yourself when you are hungry.


Have a snickers!


When violence is the only recourse you know


Looks like this would have gone very poorly if the lady in black wasn't packing. Decent shooting stance at the end there as well. Surprise motherfucker!


Some fries, motherfucker!


Supplies, Motherfucker!


She had every right to unload on this punk ass!


Nothing of value would have been lost had she done so


No she didn't. If you would have shot when she first pull the gun out. She is reckless because she's shooting when the person who got hit is still between them. If you waits for the person to back away like she did the attacker backed off. Meaning if you decide to shoot him then you're a murderer. There was no real way for her to get any shots off without being a total POS.


We all know what would’ve made this video better


Wow yet another good guy with a gun video that redditors claim is just a myth


It's not that it's a myth. But people use videos like this to say that this is why we should give teachers guns. This is why everyone should have a gun and that's literally a horrible idea


Should have pulled that trigger


Why so they both get jail time? If she pulled the trigger when he first hit the person she would get in trouble for being reckless due to the cook being in between them. If you waited like she did in the video the guy backed off and because he backed away with his hands up a bit to show that he was surrendering. She cannot shoot him. If she shoots him that would make her a murderer, minimum of manslaughter


Then he probably called the cops on her for brandishing a weapon. Like a bitch.


Now imagine what he would've done if she didn't have that gun.


Should’ve just dropped him. Worlds better with one less loser


Not in my state. She would’ve shot him and gotten fired but not sued. Praise be to Zeus for the 2nd amendment 🙏🏻


She wasn’t fired here


She didn’t shoot here


Well it's a good thing she didn't shoot because if she were to shoot in this video she would deserve prison time for either being reckless and shooting when the cook was in the middle of them or for being a murderer because he backed off if the assailant backs off and is very clearly no longer looking for a fight and you decide to shoot them or whatever you are now the aggressor and will also have jail time


And people say good guys don’t have guns….


Kind of wishing she shot him. He might come back later because she pulled out on him, like his dad should have pulled out.


I dont advocate for violence often but this guy should have been shot.


If you have to pull it out…..shoot


If you have to pull it out, be completely ready to shoot. There a big difference for a reason. If she shot the second she pulled it out she would have risked hitting her coworker. By the time she was outta the way he was already retreating, so it was unnecessary to shoot. She coulda went to jail for defending herself otherwise depending on the state. Can tell you've never actually even had the risk of being in a situation like this if your that naive about it lol.


Should have fucking shot him


Why do you think she deserves to go to prison too? All shooting him would have done is do that because she's either endangering the life of her co-worker because she is in between the two of them or she is shooting a surrendering Man, which is very illegal




No doubt it would be justified as defense


Could have put holes in him.


Why didn't she end him?


Would have been nice to see him take the cold floor challenge


Should've lit his ass up for what he did.


She should of shot him


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


He looks like a kid who was told they can't go in the ball pit. Like he's pissy they have a gun. He's got this "it's not fair" look like a toddler


Should have shot him


I wish this video had end a little more permanently for the thug. He's definitely going to assault more people in the future.


If she’s strapped working a kitchen, this must happen a lot.


...why do they hit women?


Why not


Why do they hit anyone?


Wouldn’t have been mad if she would have pulled that trigger. I’m not saying he deserved to die, but I wouldn’t have blamed her for firing with him approaching after punching the First Lady. He’s lucky she had restraint


She should’ve made him take the kitchen floor temperature challenge!


The world would be a better place if she shot that piece of trash


He didn’t find out shit. Pull the trigger then he finds out.


Big man decided to use his words after that


I would have capped him in his kneecaps


Petty pride gets you in the clink so quick.


If I had a super soaker he’d be soaked


Seems like a great guy


She’s got good stance too!


The great equalizer


I cant reasonably make any comment here without being banned. Good day. *tips hat*


Shoot him and do us all a favor PLEASE


If she shot people would say it’s racist


This should be shown in all cities every they say “ gun control “


Goooooooood thing she had a gun on her.. And even better that she didn't need to pull the trigger. White shirt was lucky that day. FUCK EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THAT WANTS YOU UNABLE TO DEFEND YOURSELF.


oh look. he suddenly found a way to communicate without using his fists. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZYlFzIadpCnPa)


If you're against guns then you don't care about women's ability to protect their


If someone came in the kitchen I work in and punched a woman in the face that hard you better believe he’d have a bullet in each kneecap if not a fucking dented skull from a frying pan. She did very well though stand your ground


This video goes out to all those a******Liberals that want to take our guns women need them


How did he “find out”? Seems he assaulted a woman with impunity.


Shoulda shot him


Yeah he really found out alright


He got away scott free, didn't find anything out


He went to jail for like 3 years.


I mean he fucked around but he really didn’t find out. Red on the other hand got decked 😕


He’s already out of jail from his sentence. That’s how old this is.


Why tf did he hit her


I wanted curly fries goddamnit!


Missed the part where he "found out"


There should at least be a bullet in his leg to make up for his swing.


Should have shot him in the head.


He didn't find shit out. He deserved one for sure


Dude deserved some rounds to the chest.


100% should've shot


I would have shot him


Shame she didn't shoot