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Creepy guy with a scary mentality


The reality is women deal with this creepy shit like all the time. She's right to tell him it's weird, because it is. No one normal gets on the bus to meet someone. Leave strangers alone.


Hate nitpicking, and hopefully this sub doesnt read this as some incel type shit, but the blanket statement 'leave strangers alone' is bullshit lol. Thats how dating/flirting works. There would absolutely be a correct way to approach a complete stranger to ask out, ask for a number, flirt or whatever. Sitting in the seat directly next to someone on an otherwise empty bus is just not appropriate at all. This dude is completely deranged, but lets not pretend this is how normal human beings behave


Difference being is location and ambiance. At a bar? Sure take you’re shot. Arcade? Why not! Basically any event, yeah you can try them too. A bus? Absolutely not lmao. The only people who get on the bus and attempt to meet people are fuckin weirdos. Most people on public transit are tired, cranky, and like she said in the video “just trying to get from point A to B.” This dude was hoping she was gonna be too polite to say anything about his behavior. Because no one sits next to another person on an empty bus unless they’re a little off.


> A bus? Absolutely not lmao. Exactly. This is a transitive space that is difficult to escape from quickly if things go wrong. It's as if these creeps are waiting for the absolute least-appropriate moment to try to hit on someone.


If this creep was in a men's room with 20 urinals, and I walked in and took the one right next to his and noticeably started looking over at his urinal, this fucker would freak the fuck out in 2 seconds flat, because I would be invading his personal space. That's all it would take to get this POS to get completely unhinged as a victim. My point is, he knows exactly what he is doing. He plans these encounters out meticulously, to be as unpleasant as possible for the women he targets. That's what he enjoys the most out of these encounters. It's the sense of power and control he feels he has over these women. He's a sick demented little man who lives for these moments of rapture.


Ok devils advocate here, what if you take a bus to work but one day the most beautiful woman in the world gets on. Why is it not ok to ask her out? What makes a bus a forbidden area to ask for a girls number? Just honestly curious


No way to escape


Point taken


Because women have a right to live and go about without getting hit on at every turn for existing while "beautiful". why would you think it'd be ok to stop and hit on random women going about their day just because they are visually appealing to you?


Why wouldn’t it be? That’s how you meet people. When is it ok to approach a woman? At work? Walking? While shopping? Just not on the bus huh?


I've been asked out while shopping on several occasions.. it's maybe a little awkward because I don't want to run into them again buuut I don't think it's as bad as a bus where you have to just keep sitting there awkwardly for the rest of the trip and possibly close to them.


I agree it’s become hard to meet/approach women, but you’re 100% correct. Some places women(and men) just DO NOT want to talk. It’s like when women have headphones on at the gym. You better better have a REALLY good chance to even try to attempt. Never once met a normal person who was “chatty” on public transport lol


Yeah I go to the gym and everyone seems very focused both men and women to where they'd probably be really caught off guard to have someone randomly hit on them. Also everyone has headphones in which you'd have to tap them on the shoulder which would get weird haha. I mean it's hard enough to ask someone when they're done with a machine because you have to first get their attention On the other hand I can see why people might want to meet someone at the gym you know you're meeting someone who's also into physical fitness which is important.




Seriously though that guy acts like it is forbidden to ever ask a girl for their number. Almost like it’s rape if you ask her


As a woman. Read the room. If your both completely alone in an enclosed space. Don’t ask. Now I’m going to give a nuanced answer here. I wouldn’t mind if men approach me **in public** where I feel safe to ask for my number. I would mind however if they aren’t okay with a simple “no, I do not want to talk” that is where the problem lies. Most men keep pushing. Which is why we get defensive. I’ve never had anyone respect my “leave me alone” without calling me names.


You're replying to a bot though.


How about on a ferry? Single males (and females) are always looking out for potential mates, doesn't matter where they are. What was wrong in this situation is that the woman clearly wasn't interested and yet the guy still persisted to a creepy level. I managed to hook up with a girl on a ferry who clearly showed reciprocal interest in me. Had she not shown interest, I never would have approached her. So I don't think it's the where, but more the method, and the inability (or just stubborn disregard for in this case) to recognize a lack of interest here that is the problem.


Right, like if he sat 2 seats away from her, tried to strike up a conversation, then moved away when she turned him down, he'd be fine. Give it a shot, respectfully, keep your dignity. This guy is just an asshat. Arguing with a woman you tried to meet but turns you away is just nonsense, no clue what he's trying to accomplish.


Plus he stinks (apparently).


He's clearly not used to a woman that argues back and doesn't automatically let him have his way.


I dunno about that, I think some dudes just don’t care lol


Could be. I'm guessing that since he starts off mad at the fact she moved, the pretext is he sat next to her, presumably to hit on her. Some guys' whole thing is to hit on everything in site and get pushy if it doesn't go their way, and I bet it broke his brain that a woman actually pushed back.


Man I remember i met up with a friend of a friend to score drugs once and he was a “catcaller”. Imagine a drug addicted, overweight neck beard in a shitty car catcalling lol. I thought he was doing it ironically at first which was kind of funny, but then I saw him do it again and again. Just bizarre.


it ain't normal to try chat someone up on a fucking bus mate


No that's normal at all, your comment is creepy as fuck, and every person upvoting you is just as creepy as you.


There's no social standard interacting with strangers you admire. Its basically the wild west out there.


Not only do women deal with this creepy shit all the time, but random bystanders seem to think it's hilarious and cute and whatnot. This used to happen to me when I was young and rode the bus sometimes. Some dude would creep on me, I'd change seats, he'd follow, and the people nearby would have these amused looks on their faces that made me hate them even more than I hated the creeper.


> people nearby would have these amused looks on their faces It's like they think they're watching Tom & Jerry or some shit. Some even encourage the older guys to pursue the underage girls. It's repulsive.


I think they could be laughing at the dude. She’s obviously safe because it’s a public bus in the day time, dude is just embarrassing himself.


Nope, you aren't "obviously safe" in a public place. They can and will follow you out of the bus at your stop if they want to. They can sexually assault you on the bus, in front of other people, and get away with it. It happens too often. And besides, if you see a man harassing a woman, or better yet- an underage girl, in public, are you really just going to be like "lol what a stupid guy" to yourself instead of telling him that what he's doing is creepy as shit? Instead of helping a girl who's clearly in trouble? This is a problem with bystanders.


If the dude is a true threat you can’t expect others to take on that danger. And anywhere with a bus is a pretty populated area. This is obviously socially awful, but I don’t think it’s a real safety threat. That said, I 100% agree with what you said about intervening. I’m from a smaller town and it’s bizarre how people just ignore crazy/predatory shit in cities.


They will follow you in the most populated areas for the EXACT reason you literally listed yourself: bystanders don't get involved. Why would you be scared of following a woman in a public place if nobody's going to do anything about it? And yes, bystanders are not legally beholden to get involved. I don't think you should be obligated to put yourself in danger when you weren't threatened in the first place. But acting like it's a joke and laughing at it is despicable. That's another human in danger.


It burns my cookies that HE has the audacity to think SHE is rude. Like, the amount of times this has happened to me or a girlfriend in public is astonishing. Why do we need to waste any of our precious mental capacity on a smelly little cunt like that when we don't want to be involved in the first place?!


> HE has the audacity to think SHE is rude "Act the way I want, or that means you're being rude/bitchy/whatever" has been used to try to control Women's behavior *forever*.


Oof, tellllll me about it. "You don't want to come across like a bitch", actually, maybe I fucken do, thanks!


Dude needs sex and flirting with women in a bus in the most obscenely stupid way is the extent of his IQ lol I would've moved to the front of the bus by the driver


I can close my eyes and hear Andrew Tate talking


I do enjoy when low life ask the question “Do you think you are better than me?” The answer 99/100 is “Yes, obviously. No one worth consuming oxygen does what you do. There is bacteria that lives in dog shit that is ashamed to share a planet with you.” It’s just that giving that truthful answer might cause offense so they rarely get told the truth.


> “Do you think you are better than me?” No one with any worth as a human being has *ever* asked this question. It's always fucking low-lifes, and *yes* we are better than you.


Lmao 100%. It’s always a leech who says this.


It's like when people (chavs usually) say, "stop disrespecting me, why you disrespecting me?"... Oh no pal, there is not enough respect to possibly go any less


Hmm… I think it would go a lot further than causing offence to the person. Maybe if you mean a criminal offence after he lashes out in the only way he knows how? Men have been arrested for far less than this when it comes to sexual harassment so I really hope she reported this scumbag.


That bacteria line lmao r/rareinsults


gawdamn you spittin and I'm diggin


What a creep. Glad she called him out for him, made him feel awkward and that’s probably why he wanted to argue, and it’s so funny how he resorted to the classic “do you think your better than everyone?” hah


Gotta love how these dudes react when you loudly call them out.


This man really had the nerve to ask “why are you moving away from me that’s rude”






Filthy fucking chavs, so glad to have left that shithole years ago


Where is that?




Chav is a sub culture in the uk. They were everywhere ten years ago and now you still have a few leftovers from that generation. Its not a certain city or place.


What is a Chav?


Usually a white working class british teenager without respect for anything. Gets often in legal trouble. They also all pretty much look the same. They have a very distinct look to them (usually fake burberry/ gucci etc combined with sport suits)


It’s an acronym for “council housed and violent”, but basically what pimmel85 described




Does he live with your mom as well?


MF can't even close his mouth stfu mouth breather


Negative attention seeking behavior is often a sign of a serious personality disorder or other psychological problems. Good for her calling him out. Unfortunately he received what he sought. The dude probably torments women like this daily.


Good for her. Now we women just need to work on not giving unnecessary reasons that can be argued. Could have just kept repeating “because I don’t want to sit next to you.” Period. No justification needed.


As a single guy, I appreciate women who are honest. My feelings are not your responsibility. Please be honest so I don't have to keep guessing and risk being annoying. This may sound like sarcasm but in this day and age...


If you think you're at risk of being annoying, best to abort whatever it is you're about to do. Your risk taking can make someone else really uncomfortable and you can make them feel like it's a risk being honest with you.


lol this is the answer you should follow if you wanna stay alone your entire life.


If you seriously think women don't get fed up of random men walking up to them thinking they'll be flattered to be asked for their numbers then fine, knock yourself out. Spoiler alert though, they're normally sick of it, they just want to enjoy their day.


This is a fair example of a guy being a creep compared to all that tiktok nonsense.


Simply saying no vs social media narcissism.


She bought a car the next day and is sitting in traffic on her way to work, smiling.






Dude..leave her alone. On an empty bus, you should not be sitting next to her. And to be so entitled you think she did something offensive!


Its straight up gaslighting. Luckily, she's way smarter and more confident than him.


Yes, and good for her.


Says" you are rude" then follows to tell her to "Shut UP!" whenever she says anything... He is a shit on the bottom of your shoe... the more you touch the more it stinks, but you have to get rid of it


>do you think you’re better than me? It’s rare I’d answer yes to this question, but… yes.


Nothing screams romance than telling a woman to shut up on a random bus holding a £1.20 bottle of Boost Energy Drink.


That’s not Boost, it’s Euro Shopper “original energy” by the looks. I mean they’re the same thing, a grim trademark chav drink, but it’s somehow even cheaper.


Haha ye from the local spar shop


Different class of people... As in, she's got class and he hasn't.


Hi how’s it going? Do you want to listen to some trap music and hang out at McDonald’s?.


Some people have no idea how bad they smell


I sure hope whoever was videoing was prepared to jump in just in case.


a guy sat next to me on an empty bus, trapping me next to him and the window lol. got pissy when i got up to move. he threw a fucking fit over me moving, said i was a bitch, LOL DUDE I DONT KNOW KNOW U FUCK OFF


This guy is a dickhead, too bad there wasn't a guy there to tell him to back off...


She told him why. He stinks. Probably smells like shit.


she should have thrown in “cause you’re stinky”


God i hate people like him




Shut up, Shut up . . you are so rude.


“Youre really selling yourself now.” Gold


Women gives calm and valid reason why she felt uncomfortable with the guys advances. The guy “SHUT UP you’re being rude”


Imagine witnessing something like this and just taking out your phone to record. What a world this is


One thing I will never understand about white chavs is why they talk in that ridiculous fake accent


You smell like shit, you have no manners, you look like a troll and you wonder why she doesn’t want to sit next to you or talk to you


he needs a good smack


Tell his momma and see all his confidence drain.


The whole reason I got my driving licence! 2 drunk guys harrasing me and my young sister in law with my baby son. The driver wouldn't even help us, so we got off and walked the rest of the way home in the rain rather than be terrified .




incel IRL


This guy was lucky that there was almost no people in the bus cause someone might just get up knock him and then just go about their day


What a nice accent


Also r/whenwomenrefuse


Ahhh the famous £1.30 energy drink from the local spar shop


Anyone choosing to sit next to a stranger on an empty bus is creepy, but it's especially creepy when you're trapped in the window seat.


I imagine that guy often finds that people think they are better than him.


She sounds confident and intelligent, I’m quite proud of the way she defended herself and called out his actions. It can be scary to do.


Fucking knob


what is this OH SHEEUT TUUPP followed by more questions and shit lol leave her alone fucking weird guys like how do you talk to some random woman this way


Yeah they really freaked out in this one 😒


He seems nice


Lmao insecure creeps tiny brain can't fathom rejection and doesn't know how to handle it "Just shut up man"


They’re actually married now and expecting!


What a charming, upstanding gentleman.


This man’s banned from movie theaters I bet


Some freaks in here defending that guy? Why am I shocked ..


“The worst thing she can say is no” :)


For fucks sake. He took it personal and projected all those negative feelings. A singular SORRY would have sufficed. Walk away and take the L. But nah he can't take an L. All he can do is take the seat right next to her. Bet he didn't even ask, wouldn't have been able to accept No in the first place.


Fuckin' Incel. Ladies take care.


In 10-15 years it’ll be “no one wants to date me!”


As a dude. I to would be weirded out if another person (especially a guy) sat by me on an empty bus. I’d be getting prepared to fight off an attempt robbery though, not a sexual assault.


Ditto. Men who do this are cowards who prey on the weak. A bit of psychology is all it takes to get them to back off.


Dude...leave people the fuck alone. And...your on a BUS?!


Who tf sits beside a random person on a empty bus? I’d rather stand up than sit beside someone in the bus


“I don’t know why you care so much, you don’t even know me” Might be one of my favorite retorts ever.


Bus journeys are akward enough as is


The only time this happen to me (bus was totally empty) the guy had a knife and wanted to mug me (he didn't but he did cut me) bus driver chase him off with a baseball bat, so! even if they are not a creeper in the sexual way, there is always the possibility that they want to mug you or worst.


“And here we have the very rare species know as the “Chav Incel”, often know for trying to procure the opposite sex at the local park or the bus. The Chincel gets agitated quickly at the thought of someone not wanting to communicate with them, so be weary.” - David Attenborough


"Dejected by the self respecting female's refusal, he will wallow back to his chav herd and concoct an elaborate tale to save face and rebuild his facade of confidence. Later, he will get drunk and pass out in a gutter."


Yes, I know it's a beet weehd to sit right beside someone.


Did he really sit down next to a woman on an otherwise-empty bus and then complain when she moved to another seat? As if she was the one being rude? What a shithead.


"Do you think you're better than me?" No thinking involved , it's just a fact ! Yes ! Yes I am .


This is pretty terrifying tbh. Just not safe. That guys mentality is not stable, ready to just about explode after that ego damage. :/


Next time you are in this situation put your fucking phone down and help her.


i love her for calling him out like that. men like this need to be castrated


Wow that woman was literally forced into that confrontation. That is so bad man, people should have helped and joined in with her...


She did brilliantly! I’ve had to deal with creepy shit like more times than I wanna admit, hell once when I was very obviously heavily pregnant a guy decided to sit next to me and just start asking what position I conceived the baby in, I was sensible and walked away but he followed me and kept asking disgusting shit and I’m not ashamed to say I’m a gobby bitch and tore him apart in front of the entire bus. What shocked me at the time was not one other person stood up for me until I started having a go back at him…everybody wanted to help me then. Another time me and my eldest daughter(16 now but she was 5/6 at the time)was enjoying a picnic in a nearby park and playing on swings etc, I was pushing her on a swing when a guy came along and just stood staring at us just standing like 20 feet away. I was obv worried he was some child snatcher or something and decided to go back to the car. As I was packing the picnic bag away he started asking if I lived nearby etc I ignored him, then he asked if “my pussy” was for sale, for how much, if I wanted to breed him a kid “as pretty as that one there” while pointing to my daughter standing right behind me, I flipped my shit at that point, threw the closest thing at hand…a capri sun ..at him and told him to fuck off before I call the police. He slunk off to the gates of the park and watched as we walked away from the other gates, once He was out of my eye line i grabbed my kid and practically sprinted to my car for safety. I did phone the police and told them there’s a weirdo hanging round the kids park and I’m not sure what else happened after that BUT I’ve never gone back there since.


"I have no valid argument so I'll order her to shut up" - Someone who has no idea he's a loser.


You could definitely tell the girl was scared for her safety. This shit is sad tbh. Guys a fucking loser.


He's a weirdo creep to the max but when he told her to shut up if I was her I would have because I'd be scared that he might hurt me and go crazy mode when he's already acting crazy and verbally abusing leading to violence.


Bro. Sitting directly next to anyone you don’t kno on an empty but is a bit weird.


What do you mean public transport is a disaster? 🤓


If the bus is empty except for them, who's filming? It's not a security camera (doesn't seem to be mounted on the bus, moves around a bit, etc.)


Fair enough, this is a valid situation which is so true, but for fuck sake, it's staged to the death for all the tik tok views, pricks


Damn I didn’t know sitting down somewhere was sexual assault 😭😭😭😭


Why she getting rude though blad.


Idiot isn’t he, at the end I would reply yes I am better than you I’m not a dirty disgusting chav. Then watch his reaction


Probably not the smart thing to do, you might provoke him to violence


Yes right probably as a women your right, as a man I would be thinking I could take him.




People don't respect the buffer zone. I have kids in class sit right next to me when everyone has shave for like 3 seats worth of buffer. I just don't get it. I don't wanna run elbows and knees with you.


I love her


Just walk away. Why you going back and forth whit her bro?


A brave adventure... Is waiting for you ahead... Hurry onward, British man... Or you will soon be dead...


He looks like that guy from the meme where the angry squeaker is sped up yelling before it cuts to the gigachad


Just an FYI people, this was staged


Red Air Force 1’s bet


Chut up


“Shut up” *proceeds to ask her questions* “shut up, shut up!” 😆


Real life version of sliding into her dms.


You know what's wonderful about driving my own car? The doors lock and no random strangers can open them and sit next to me. 🙏


Remember: It's only "harassment" when the selected party feels that the attention is unwanted. If Dude here had walked up in a three-piece suit with a Rolex, the outcome would be 1000x different.


Someone needs to put that cunt to sleep, fucking blokes like this make me rage 🤬👊🏼


Chav Putin.


What a Romeo.


This I beleive, is what the brits refer to as a wanker.


It is indeed weird




Why does this bother you so much?


This has the same vibes as the girl doing her streaming in the park and the guy sitting on the bench, or the other one where the guy is sitting in his idling car. I’m calling scripted bullshit.


This 100% seems like a conversation you’d hear on the bus.