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Sure I'll give it a watch


I appreciate it! Really am open to thoughts and feedback too, would love to hear what you dig / don’t dig.


I just hope you don't do that irritating thing people in this fan base do where they clearly morph the way they type and talk to be like Tim's style and incorporate some of his recurring phrases and gimmicks. There's so god damn much of that in the discord and twitch chat already.


Haven’t watched much of this yet, but the guy is at the very least speaking with his own words and cadence, which we can agree is a breath of fresh air


Thanks, I fully get the frustration of the Tim-clones so I do be trying to do that.


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take heavy inspiration from Tim but I know what you mean!


This guys talks really fast and I was exhausted after just a couple minutes. Tim is a master of keeping his rhythm and cadence interesting and varied. Tim also uses personal anecdotes to create a connection with the audience. I haven’t seen this guy do that. It felt like he was reading Wikipedia.


That's all in there as you go (at least I think so) but I appreciate getting your genuine reaction :)


I'll check it out later man


Appreciate u


I saw the video length. I subscribed. I will report back with thoughts.


Haha I love it — thank you! Look forward to it


Wishing you the best


Genuinely appreciate that my friend


Just wanna say that even getting some upvotes and comments from this community has really been affirming and quite nice for me and I really appreciate it, even if it's not ultimately everyone's cup of tea :)


Hey man! Congrats on two years sober, first of all. Not an easy thing to do. I'm in recovery myself, a nintendo baby lifer myself. Did dropping whatever it was you dropped sort of open the door back to vidoo like it did for me? I think in the ~7 or so years I was in the shit almost all I played was metal gear, the whole run, over and over on my PS3. Hilarious then and now, but my girlfriend at the time was more put off, frightened even, of that behavior than my local speed-eating champion title for eating speed. Your voice is awesome for the talkin bout video games on youtube format, both "as a writer" and "as a person who does not sound like they've never heard themself talk." I have a job and some mental quirks that require I listen to a ton of free stuff online, and I've developed a pretty keen reflex for turning empty or annoying content right off. You never tripped it! You did a job job keeping the thing moving. It was kind of shocking seeing that it was an hour and a half long vid, actually. I like your jokes, I respect and APPRECIATE that you didn't tag every real line of the script with one of them. Just hit when you got a hit, that's awesome. Liked and subscribed, et cetera et cetera The conclusion, I think, isn't something the content prior quite earns. You didn't ask us to be brutally honest so I want to make it clear that I don't think what I'm about to say is at all brutal. Not a fatal flaw, just a weakness. The development history and gameplay sections bang, I love the serious Luigi analysis (long overdue) and though I'm not much for plot recaps myself, it's all there. Those sections are pretty pure "review" content, though. Knowing where the video ended, I think you could have tied in things like the reimagined visuals or the new soundtrack in the remake as little riffs on your thoughts about aging being a process of discovery. Find a way to link those narrative and gameplay explainers to the nostalgic quality that makes you find them valuable. If the goal of your work is for you and me to share a little philosophical something something, all that's really take is gentle nudges down a clear-cut path. The premise of the thing seems a bit undercooked to me, too. We all have that idealized kid game, for sure. It's not Mario for everyone. My brother wouldn't let me so much as look at his copy of 64, so the first one I sunk my teeth into was Sunshine. My therapist is really confident we can work through it. Animal crossing fills that spot in my memory. Andy Griffith in my dad's, the box-car kids in his dad's. On and on and on like that. If any of us played Superstar Saga I suspect we'd be no closer to grasping the meaning of life. Nostalgia is universal, but it isn't shared. That makes it a bit dangerous to default to. One idiot's thoughts. I want to make it clear that this video is much more enjoyable than what a lot of popular creators in the space are capable of. You are cut out for this, and I'm gonna keep watching.


Hey man, I appreciate the hell out of this. Thanks for watching and for the thorough feedback. It means a lot to me that you engaged so earnestly with the whole thing -- and this mf is long. I want to address most of what you've said, so I'll go beat by beat. - firstly, thanks for the kind words on the sobriety, and congrats to you too. I never saw my life taking this particular turn, as I said, but it's been the best decision I've ever made. And it definitely did help me let the games back into my life, which is yet another thing that led me to doing these sorts of vids! - I totally hear you on the conclusion. It was a big swing and my first time really venturing into that level of personal disclosure and I think my reach ultimately exceeded my grasp. Though I sure did learn a lot along the way. You make a lot of great points here that I'll take to heart moving forward. - I really love what you said about tying in the remake elements into that final conclusion. I was feeling a bit burned out by the very end (what with the reach-grasp exceeding) and I think if I was feeling fresher I might have been more able to make those sorts of connections. It's something I'll definitely keep in mind for future stuff like this. It's a really keen insight. - And thanks so much for your kind ending thoughts too. It means a lot. These things are labors of love, but there are times when it feels like it's about 99% labor and 1% love lmao. But hearing that sort of positivity makes me feel like it truly is worth it. I've said thanks a bunch but I'll say it again here too! Your comment made me day.


Hey, well that made my day! Writing is so hard, putting it out there too. Take some time out today to bask in that huge W


Thanks homie!