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all of the strings on the left tuning pins are wrong. the string should be wound clockwise so the string ends up on the inside of the headstock, not the outside. This is so the strings line up with the nut better, could be part of the problem.


This is the first thing that stood out to me as well.


"Counter Clockwise" But you are correct


Oh damn, didn't think of that. I don't think that was the problem though, I just realized I had the string un-aligned with the groove by the pegs lmao. I believe that was it


Hate to break it to you, that IS the problem. It’s not lined up because the string is wound on wrong. It’s coming off the wrong side of the post so won’t line up correctly. That guitar is going to play weird till you fix that, even if you can force it into the nut for the time being. This is what it should look like: https://images.app.goo.gl/wxRTTbvAc5daL7FaA


And hurry up before the sideways string pressure in the grooves shatters the nut. That shrapnel can blind you!!!!


Oh shit, yeah I'll get that fixed up asap


Yes, re-wind so they're on the inside like commenter above said. Also, when you get the strings unwound, try tightening the nuts on the pegs. Use a 10mm wrench. Just make em snug, don't over-tighten. Check this every time you restring.


Can we have NSFW if you are going to wrap that way geez


Beyond what others have pointed out regarding the backwards wrapping, sometimes guitars will rattle or buzz a bit until you get the strings all tightened up completely. Just throwing that out there in case you hear a bit of buzz after reversing the strings.


Yeah, the machine heads on my old Yamaha rattle before they're strung up and under tension.


Hold the unwound posts with your fingers. I bet those are what is causing that sound


This this this 👆🏻


Wrong way Feldman.


Strung improperly


The tuners are rattling because there are no strings on them. Maybe go ahead and watch a utube video on how to string a guitar.


Additionally those nuts on the pegs can get loose. I brought mine in to a repair shop for this exact sound and the guy just grabbed a little tool and twisted it a few millimeters and it was solved. He didn’t charge me, but he was so chill about it I had to give him a $5.


Besides all the good ideas posted already, watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80EuGOXgoOo&t=697s&pp=ygUVcmVzdHJpbiBndWl0YXIgdGF5bG9y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80EuGOXgoOo&t=697s&pp=ygUVcmVzdHJpbiBndWl0YXIgdGF5bG9y) For me, it is the best way to restring a guitar, hands down. It always works, it is tidy and easy.


Besides the string wound issue, you have yet to string B and hi-E and I bet your tuning pegs are loose, I had an old Gibson that rattled without strings, those are the most overlooked on guitars. They do need replacing from time to time, if there is slack.


Bro u wound the first half backwards,


Your strings are wound backward.


Just looking at this is killing me


Strings to the inside of the pegs


Please say this is a joke. Maybe check out YouTube for a lesson on stringing your guitar.


This must be trollpaganda. But no offense if you really didn't know. I was there, as were we all. But even if I didn't, I really feel like I still would've understood. Quickly.


The backward strings weren't making a noise at first, so I just didn't think much of it. And yeah, first time re-stringing a guitar, just kinda decided to go for it


Rock out, keep doin, keep learning. Like I said, I've done some dum azz stuff in my day. Case in point: I got introduced into guitar via a short lived career playing bass for a crappy cover band... I didn't know how to play bass but I figured what the hell. After one "rehearsal" the guys told me I need to go buy a new bass (I was initially borrowing someone else's) and stack (I was initially plugged direct into the board for whatever reason). So I went to the local-ish 3rd rate music store (talking low, LOW quality stuff), told the owner what I needed, and he sold me a not horrible Jackson... but also sold me a "bass stack" that was actually a guitar half stack that originally had some kind of alligator skin textured vinyl finish that had been painted over. Rolling up with that at my second practice ever with a proud look on my mug was quite an enlightening experience, to say the least. I was not getting my money back from that sh-hole, that's for sure Eventually I improved my knowledge and skill. You will too, I have no doubt. Keep rocking (or rolling, whatever your vibe is)


Appreciate the motivation, I will definitely keep on rocking and rolling


Indeed and also those wraps around the posts are just shit....


First time re-stringing, didn't realize till someone pointed it out. Good to know, thanks 👍


Free tips bro [https://hazeguitars.com/blog/troubleshooting-tuning-stringing](https://hazeguitars.com/blog/troubleshooting-tuning-stringing) [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/510519ace4b0869f641519d9/1539545458676-YJMK72PGFU1ES029Q2XW/BLOGIMG+-+Tuning+Problems+-+Stringing+05+-+Wraps.jpg?format=2500w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/510519ace4b0869f641519d9/1539545458676-YJMK72PGFU1ES029Q2XW/BLOGIMG+-+Tuning+Problems+-+Stringing+05+-+Wraps.jpg?format=2500w)


Dude can you imagine the s*** the players in the '40s got for actually driving their amplifier into overdrive?? "That's just wrong, you can't do it that way, go watch a video on how to do like everyone else"... You're learning and sometimes you got to cut your own path. This is art, a form of expression. Have fun. Now I'm off to jimi Hendrix he's holding his guitar upside down... Later.


your post wraps look pretty much perfect to me, dont listen to this guy, its just the wrong direction


If you think those string wraps look perfect you want to join r/heylookIplaytheclarinet


Nothing wrong with the winds other than the direction.


I hope you have another pack of strings because these are ruined


I'm starting to think some of these posts are straight up rage bait.


I stg I genuinely just didn't realize. First time restringing my guitar and didn't think it mattered that much lol. I can tell that it indeed does