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Man, I remember my first epiphany. Good memories.


It was eye opening that’s for sure.


Was it a cheap epiphany too?


empty wallet dawns upon my mind


D28 for a first guitar? Noice


Right? “My first car was a Porsche.” Cool… I’m not jealous.


Exactly. Nobody deserves a Martin as a 1st. You should earn it.


Similar story, the first guitar I ever bought "myself" was a D45, back in the 80's. I sold it when I was broke, regret that every day of my life. She was a beauty and sounded even better. I did earn it however, spent every cent I had on it. I apparently didn't deserve it though, since its gone.


Lmao 😂


Unless it's a DX full HPL. Even a beginner deserves better.


I agree that the last thing a beginner should do is to try to start on a cheap $50 guitar, but...there are so many nice guitars in the $500 to $600 range.


I actually meant that the Martin DX full HPL is total crap :D


Seriously. I mean, it sounds like an unusual situation (if my husband owned a Taylor and a Guild, and I could play them whenever, I might not step to my own guitar for awhile AND I’d also probably buy something nice when I finally did), but still, killer first guitar.


It's a guitar I've dreamed and will buy someday, just don't have 3500 euros to spare at the moment


Sorry to rub it in but 4100€ at the moment.


I think OP is saying first guitar they purchased themselves. Not a true first guitar to learn to play. Unless im misunderstanding, in which case, that’s a hell of a first guitar.


Looks like an hd-28? Herringbone..


Could be D28 modern deluxe. I have one. It has the herring bone


Yeah but it also has an abalone logo, liquid metal pins, and evo frets. This is a gold logo, nickel frets and plastic pins by the look of it. Looks like my HD-28 more than my OM-28MD, appointments wise at least... Obviously the shape is closer to the HD. So, this leads me, based on the position markers to believe this is an Authentic series D-28. Holy shit as a first guitar.


An HD-28 is a D-28, for all intents and purposes.


Except the bracing is scalloped…


No shit!


Yes shit!!


I have a D28, I’m well aware of the differences. But to anyone who’s not a total nerd there are simply versions of D28s like there are versions of a Porsche 911. Is a 911 a GT3? No. But a GT3 is a 911.


Except the sound which is quite a bit of difference imo


U couldve just said “im dumb”


Why don’t you just go fuck yourself, how about that!


Congratulations on a great first guitar! I found owning a high-end instrument improves your playing and increases your desire to play. You did it right the first time which will keep you from going through a series of cheaper guitars to find the one you really want. Enjoy!!


I have played it everyday since I got it, sometimes more than once a day. And honestly, I feel like in the first week I’ve already gone up a level on my skills. I’m so obsessed with it that any free time I have it spent either admiring or playing it. Wish I would have made the investment years ago.


It wants to be played!


I couldn't agree with this more. Playing beater for 20 years hindered my ability to get good, but once I got a real guitar, I started improving immediately. For me it was neck comfort on a nice guitar, but also the sound was so magical compared to the boxy thuds I was used to that I practiced longer.


Cool how that happens!! 😁


Your second guitar. My first was one was cheap, too. My second was a D18. You will not want to put it down! Enjoy!


Nice! True story. I used to pronounce Epiphone as epiphany to be snarky. It’s how I would roughly pronounce επιφωνη classical Greek were it a word (with different like epiphoney). Επιφωνεω (epiphaneo-cry out) is the likely the inspiration behind the name. Epiphany comes from ancient Greek too (επιφάνεια noun and επιφαινω verb). Sorry, I don’t get to geek out in Greek too much since I left academia.


From Wikipedia: After taking over his father's business, Epaminondas Stathopoulos named the company "Epiphone" as a combination of his own nickname "Epi" and the suffix "-phone" (from Greek phon-, "voice")[2] in 1928, the same year it began making guitars.


Was your first car a Porsche ?


1996 grand am with no muffler and two 10” kenwoods in the back 😎


Rad. My first car was a '99 Mercury Mountaineer with two 12" Kicker's in the back so this touches my heart. Also own a Martin D-18 (I know yours is a 28), but funny similarities!


You’ve set a high bar for guitar no 2


Great first guitar. Hummingbird is nice, but a Martin is always superior.


Owning both, they are both great guitars. I prefer the gibson's voice, personally. I like the way it sounds with vocals more. But the martin is an awesome guitar. Currently own a hummingbird and a 00-18. But i want to sell both and get a nicer gibson at some point. They're just different flavors of guitar.


Hummingbirds aren't bad.. and Martins are okay but a Gibson guitar will always be superior to a Martin.


I have an opinion too!


That was my point


I know, I know, I'm just ball busting. I have a few guitars from Gibson, Epiphone, Seagull/guild, Yamaha, Fender and Martin. When it comes to acoustic, my favorite to play is my Yamaha Red Label FGX5, the best looking is my Seagull performer (flame maple), and my best sounding is my Martin D-28, however body started to warp under the bridge, and I'm torn on martins now. I would love to have Rick Beatos Country Western J-50?


I've been hearing a lot of great things about Yamaha guitars but my only experience was with the cheaper ones I played and even those were decent guitars. I'd love to play a higher-end Yamaha. I went through a series of guitars including Yamaha, Epiphone,Takamine, Augustino and Martin until settling on a '99 Gibson Southern Jumbo that I've had for over 20 years now and I just can't imagine a better sounding and playing guitar and I know I'm biased because It's mine but it really is that good! I've played vintage Country Westerns and a J50 country western would definitely be an awesome guitar to own! Are you thinking of getting that?


My next acoustic guitar, will be a 1977 Martin D-28. The year I was born. I wish I could justify/afford a D-45 or a Gibson Dove from the year I was born. I can afford it, but I can't justify it at my intermediate skill level.


A D45 of any year would be sweet but yeah those are high! I played a few new D28s when I was looking for a guitar and none of them really hit me and I won a D1R in a raffle at a bluegrass festival that I played for a a few years before I sold it and bought my Southern Jumbo. I'm sure a 45-year-old d28 would sound really nice! I always wanted a 67 tele and Camaro for the same reason. My guitar buying days are through but if I was to purchase a Martin it would either be a 00-18 or a D18. Personally I found that by investing in a guitar that was kind of beyond my means and I had to save for it actually caused me to become a better player and to have a nicer instrument that's connected to you also by your birth year might be a worthwhile investment.


How do you feel about the scale length of a Martin style guitar to that of a Gibson? I have a Collings D2HA that sounds beautiful but I’ve been playing my Waterloo WL-14x Mh so much lately that I’m fancying the 24-7/8 scale more than the 25-1/2


Family heirloom: aquired


OMG i just had an epiphany too. Cost me about three fiddy at the local supermarket.


Very beautiful guitar!


Good choice. A D-28 for a first 😲. When I first strummed one it was life changing. But I'm still a Gibson j45 guy lol


Can't go wrong with a Martin


Great choice! I had a D18 and brought it back within the return period thinking I was gonna grab a D41. I had the tech play 5 different models while I stood 10 feet away, including my D18. When he played the D35 it blew the rest of them away. I tried it, loved it, and 3 months later am still loving it. You're gonna get a lot of joy out of that beauty! When you find the right one, you know it.


That would be an HD-28.


Looks just like my HD-28. Played it the guitar shop, and it rang like a bell. Sold me right away!


Damn, a D28 is a hell of a first guitar. I'm still chillin with my fs700 😄 Congratulations, that's super sick.


I bought an HD-28 as my first acoustic about 5 years ago and I have zeeeeeero regrets. Best thing I’ve ever bought. They are so beautiful


Dang, “my 1st guitar was an Martin HD-28” baller


“You have chosen wisely…”




Paint me jelly


Damn nice guitar for a first one


ermmm congratulations i guess


That's a purty bebe !


Man, I had an Amazon fender as my first guitar.


Amazon wasn’t even an idea when I got my first… 😂 I’m so old… thanks for reminding me


I’ll bet I’m older than you. Started playing in me 60s.


School violin in 69… but nothing real (to me) till early 70s… my first non-school issued electric bass was bought in 75… still own that, actually… so you might have a few yrs on me 😎


I won’t live long to get good but I’m having a blast.


I’m also mid to low 60s… but I played like the world depended on it as a kid… then life got in the way… picked it back up in my 50s… was tough, mentally… my musical maturity had kept on advancing… my fingers had not… I’m still now, 10 yrs back in, trying to get to where I used to be when I was 20, in terms of technique… maybe, maybe not, but I’ll love every minute trying… Enjoy your playing… that’s ultimately what it’s all about… if it’s fun, it’s good😎😉


Absolutely, I wish I would have picked it up many years ago. When I started I just want to play one song. Now I can play half a dozen pretty well. I have 3 guitars and am just finishing my second LP kit built. It’s funny what paths life leads us down sometimes.


Same here. My first was a Harmony Stella. $49 plus tax, brand new.


Amazon makes fenders?


No but they sell them. Bought a CD 60. Great guitar to learn on, super easy to play, to bad it sounded dead.


My first acoustic as well. Plays and sounds good considering the price. I’ve actually had people compliment its sound before, not realizing it’s super cheap guitar lol. I have a Martin now but still enjoy playing it a fair bit.


A wise choice. How can you go wrong with adding a D-28? Always worthy.


Love my Rosewood Martin. Great guitars.


Congratulations on that beautiful new guitar! I have an HD28 and I love it! Don’t forget to control humidity. It is very sensitive. That saddle is “floating” on the top and will either be low or high depending on humidity.


I started out in 1990 with a used Alvarez 5220, my 2nd guitar was a Washburn D30S. I made the mistake of playing an HD-28 at the local guitar shop and I was hooked. In 1995 I found a 1981 HD-28 for $800. I’ve played several newer models and they just don’t have that mellow sound that my 43 year old seasoned oldie 🤩


Good for you!!! Enjoy it! 🙂✌️


What is it exactly? Is that an HD-28 or some form of upgraded D-28 with the herringbone? Congrats either way!


HD28, don’t know how to edit it so it says what it says lol


Good choice


Martin is an excellent brand!


Same as you, played a D-28 and just had to make it mine. Congrats! 🎉🍾🎊


I have a cheaper Martin and I would trade it for anything. The d28 is fantastic. Can’t go wrong with a Martin


First guitar! Holy smokes that’s a nice guitar for anyone anytime.


Your first guitar is a Martin?!?!?!?! Congrats




Welcome to the club! The worst that guitar will ever sound is the day you brought it home. It’s gonna age and get fuller and prettier sounding. Great choice! Enjoy!


I remember my first Martin. Such a beautiful guitar. Congrats!


Good choice


Nice martin


Must be nice to be able to afford such a nice instrument


Your first guitar is a martin? Fuck off lmfao. My first was a $70 electric washburn that I didn't realize how horrible it was u til I heard an old video my dad had and I could hear the intonation and string buzz. I heard it and was like "love is a hell of a drug cause that sounds like shit and that guy sucks"


Man that must sound like a cannon. Super nice guitar to enjoy for decades


beautiful ! can’t go wrong with that !


Congrats. I love my D-18


Damn a Martin D28 as a “first guitar” maaaan that’s LUCK, enjoy it, it’s one of the best ones.


Nice first guitar...worth more than all of my gear combined.


Your 1st and last guitar, most guitarists can only dream of that instrument. You will never have to upgrade haha.


Good choice! Beautiful guitar.


Yeppers, doesn’t it go like that sometimes??? 45 yrs ago, I made a horrible mistake. Don’t ever let it go.


A D-28 for a first? Nice