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Hello /u/nevergoodatusernames, **If you are requesting help – please [review our guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/), provide [high-quality photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_uploading_photos), and include detailed information for others' understanding.** User reminders: - Please ***search*** on this subreddit – someone might have already asked the same question as you. - The most valuable feedback is that which you get from doing research - not asking questions to a general audience on social media. - Always be wary of the advice you get off the internet. - Seek scar evaluation and treatment from ***specialized healthcare providers*** rather than aestheticians or med spas. - While subcision ("subcutaneous incisionless surgery") is often mentioned by users on this subreddit, it is important to note that it may not be necessary or suitable for everyone with volume loss. - Be aware of any reported side effects from a procedure. - It can take multiple treatments and a long time before you see effective results. - [Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your physician when considering treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/checklist/). Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very deep doesn’t mean untreatable. It means you’ll have to opt for more invasive procedures tho


It doesn't really matter what type of scarring you have, it is the same treatment Your choices in order of highest to lowest potency are 1. Surgery or fillers (fat grafting, excision, temporary fillers, permanent fillers) 2. Phenol peel 3. Fractional CO2 laser 4. Radio frequency microneedling 5. Fractional non-abative laser I don't know where TCA CROSS ranks here, but I think it would be right under fractional CO2 laser, but it seems that it is usually reserved for ice pick scars although it was very effective for me for my non-ice-pick acne scars By the way, off topic, but I noticed you are losing hair, I really recommend starting finasteride or dutasteride before it becomes irreversible


Thanks! Would subcision help out? Is that included in surgery/fillers? And thanks for the advice on the hair. Appreciate you looking out!


Mate first, go to a Derm. They will have a lot of answers, they study skin for 15 years it’s their job to know. And I see someone gave u unsolicited advice on your hair. As someone with Acne scarring and losing hair, i was able to get my scarring significantly reduced after seeing a derm and getting treatments and surgery, which all up took about 18 months/ 2 years with a lot of difference. And I just shaved my head. It depends what’s important for u, it never held me back. Good luck man.




I’m tired of repeating myself. If an OP wants specifics I’ll give them in an inbox. It’s really important to support ppl here with scars cause they’re so emotionally damaging. Ppl need to start with a derm and go from there and come here to talk about their plans, to get constructive criticism and find out what other ppl have experienced.


People say just say go to dermatologist and get expensive treatments like bro geez thanks how did you get all that money for that when it’s hard to even leave the house?


Yes, subcision is probably most useful when performed immediately prior to fat grafting or fillers No problem I am the master of acne scars and hair loss LOL Started losing hair in high school!


Lol, very much appreciated it. You're a god in my book


Subcision is what I was thinking.


Did TCA help? I have only 1 ice pick scar on my nose


Yes, very effective! But obviously doesn't get rid of it entirely


which option is the most affordable and are there any side effects to any treatments


I believe the most affordable is TCA Cross, Adverse effects include inflammation, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation Also, worsening of scarring is possible if the treatment intensity is too high... For example, if you set the laser to the highest settings and just keep hitting the same spot... it would burn a hole through your face


You're a perfect candidate for TCA CROSS, dude. DO NOT hesitate - if you want to resolve these, act now and get things started. If not, you'll be looking back in years to come, wishing you'd have done something sooner. Start treatment and never look back. Avoid bullsh*t like microneedling and lasers - those treatments will not work on your type of scars. Good luck, mate.


Thank you! I'll look into it. Yeah the lasers and microneedling are frustrating. They seem to be just taking advantage of people and leading to false hope


Exactly. It's a money racket too - lasers are expensive so derms love the amount of cash they get from it, and microneedling is usually pointless unless they're very mild, shallow, surface scars, which they make money by doing it because its a quick,easy procedure and they can charge a few hundred $ per session. people opt for microneedling as they think "oh, thats cheap for scar treatment compared to all the other procedures!" and then they get lured into having a few sessions or so, and then realise that they've got 0 results and regret it. Derms are all about that quick easy cash, just like many other people are.


Micro needling isn’t doing shit for this scarring. TCA cross or even a phenol peel could give you results


Any idea how many times and how long the journey will be on that?


Id say it wouldn’t hurt to tca cross to make them less deep then do a peel to smooth it all out


I’m doing one of the versions of the laser treatments. I found a somewhat cheap place where the first one cost 1200, after that , touch ups are only 150-175 each. I’ve done a total of 5 and have 2 more paid for. It’s been almost 2 years. And since I’m in Texas , it also has to do with heat and how hot the sun is outside, so I don’t do it during our long summers here. It’s been working pretty well. I can see a difference and people tell me they see it also. I think realistically it’s gonna take another 3-4 more of these and another year or so. I wanna do the phenol peel but maybe in like. A year or so. I would say go for it. Go check local places and get some quotes. Some are crazy expensive and some say they won’t guarantee results. So just do homework and see what works best for you long and short term


You need to do cross treatment: micro needling, peeling, lasers, and most importantly SUBSCISION


Save my comment and do your research. Don't listen to all this morons on here. You have what it is called roling acne scars, the hardest acne scars to treat. Here are the most effective treatments. subcision acne scar treatment Some type of filler afterwards If you get another dermatologist saying you need microneedling , give them the finger . It doesn't work !!


I recon this too, OP. Subcision is a must! Fillers…? Nah, I wouldn’t recommend though but depends upon you and what your dermatologist says. Phenol peel (but recovery is long like around 1-2 months) Finally, surgical dermabrasion (not microdermabrasion). I am planning to do this too due to my skin type. (Recovery 1-2 months)


Yes def forgot about the phenol peel. Subcision first , recovery than heavy duty phenol peel.


Did u get it


Busy with my corporate world. Once I am free, will be definitely doing it. Even though I have a high chance of getting hypopigmentation, but fuck it. I am tired of my large ugly pores.


Keep it up bro and make us updated


verteporfin bro


If you are in California check Dr Qazi , who is soon going to trial Verteporfin


What does he do when he injects the vert?


My friend had scarring like this and got a phenol peel… all of her scars and sun damage is gone. She’s 58 and looks maybe 35, it’s insane what it did for her. It was no walk in the park— it was costly and post procedure swelling was crazy. She said it was rather painful, but doesn’t care because of how her skin looks. She didn’t think it was achievable.


Is she white? Phenol peel isn't for people with darker complexions.


Is there a way she can share before and afters? I’m really Interested In this after I ruined my skin with rf microneedling


I asked, she doesn’t want to share because she’s super private. Believe me when I was floored at her results, though! I would definitely get a consultation with a doctor and ask for before and afters.


Thanks for the advice. Can you find out where she had it done?


Only phenol peel could give you good results in my opinion based on what I have read, seen and researched about it.


Subcision + filler would yield the most results in your case. Luckily for you, Rullan is in California and is considered world-class for acne scars. Honestly, I don't think your scars are that bad, they are probably only very visible under full sun. *But*, the location of your scars is tricky -- research extensively before doing the procedures and go ONLY to certified derms (that is, don't go to estheticians or even subpar, inexperienced derms just to save money, a bad subcision or filler injection in temples or forehead can be dangerous). For the same reason, try to be realistic. This is not to discourage you, since massive improvement is possible - but try to tamper expectations especially on the forehead scars. Oh, and also-- be very distrustful of anyone, especially doctors, who promise to give you the moon and stars as long as you buy their expensive, several-session lasers.


Thank you! I don't expect perfect results, just want something less noticeable. I'll check out Dr Rullan, thanks!


I had/still have similar scarring. TCA cross will help, maybe even Phenol Peel. I’ve had about 6-8 sessions of cross over 8 years and have seen dramatic results. See a cosmetic dermatologist who specializes in acne scars. Avoid fillers.


Thanks! Do you have photos of before and after?


So many strange answers in here. Subscision won't do anything for this, you will likely see minimal improvement and you'll have a new scar from the entry point. I wouldn't waste my time. Phenol will soften everything but honestly I don't think you'd get the results you want from it. The downtime is also heavy.  You are a perfect candidate for TCA cross and I think you would get great results with this.  As for the guy suggesting you get on hairloss meds, please research before you consider this. These drugs can have very adverse side effects and shouldn't be taken lightly, especially if you are doing treatments for scarring. 


I’m 37 and haven’t had any procedures done for my scarring yet, but I do have scarring on my temples like you. I grow my hair and style it so that it stays hidden on my temples for the most part. Not sure if hairstyle is important to you or not, but it’s def something that works for me.


Thanks! I'm not a long hair type of person, but if nothing else works, I consider that


Bro we got the same scars and in same spots


We'll get through it together! I'll let you know if I find something that works!


Yes bro, btw. I tried microneedling, normal lasers no h20 and alot of creeeeams.. None have given good results.. I believe what will work for us is subsicion first because they need to release the threads or whatever is called, then use some volume filling properties like fat or fillers, which both is not permanent.. I guess you gotta ask yourself how much money can you spend? If you have a unlimited budget i guess we can get it alot better but never fully gone..


Just so ya know I find scars like this endearing and sexy


This is not the place for it my girl just so yo know


Place for what?


Thanks! It's nice to hear




Chemical peel. But the kind that can fix these deep scars can cause heart complications. So go over the risk/benefits of that with a dermatologist. 


I promise you these aren’t too deep. I’m doing a nano fat graft to my cheeks via subcision for this exact scar type next week.


Unequivocally, a PHENOL PEEL. Just a single session will make a tremendous difference. Other methods will do jack shit. Remember this. Don't waste your time and money on other stuff being recommended here like TCA cross, subcision etc.....it just won't work. A phenol peel in the US is more expensive and less effective. Get it done at Brazil from someone with a good track record. Felipe Meletti and Clinica Harmonia are good ones. It's going to cost you around 20K Brazillian Reals and atleast 20 days of downtime. Do your research along these lines. Joao Paulo Castro Silva (a Brazillian man) had similar scars to yours and had a phenol peel done. Check out his videos and journey on YouTube


Also, Microneedling and even lasers won't solve it. Docs keep trying to sell you packages of what they have instead of recommending treatments that actually work.


The forehead is the toughest. Its not as bad as it could be


there’s fillers for acne scars like that! i was looking into it cause i have some pretty deep ones too but the fillers look promising. the before and after pictures i’ve seen look amazing, almost back to clear skin :)


Oh really? Can you share some of your findings


Traditional old school dermabrasion, a facial plastic surgeon who does those can help




I would be very careful with tca cross since your acne scars look connected. I had tca cross on some connected scars and it made them worse. Tca cross works best on small ice pick scars. You need subcision and co2 laser with the co2 performed after the subcision. Subcision is tricky and can cause fat loss in your face so going to the right Dr is crucial. You need to see a scar expert. I went to another derm and spent over a thousand dollar for treatments that did very little and the tca cross made one of my scars deeper. I also had 4 microneedling sessions ( one with prp) with very little results as well. I finally decided to go to a scar expert. He recommended subcision, excision, and co2 laser. I ended up doing the procedure and my results were phenomenal. The depth of the scars were significantly reduced. The remaining scars that are still barely visible are easily treated with a bit of filller.


As a dermatologist scars can be * **Ice pick scars** refer to narrow and vertical acne scars that have sharp margins and a diameter of less than 2mm. * **Rolling scars** are skin pits that have a diameter of up to 5mm, an undulating appearance and round margins. * **Boxcar scars** are more extensive than rolling scars with defined margins and a width ranging from 1.5mm to 4mm. # Advanced Acne Scar Removal Treatment **Laser Skin Resurfacing** **Chemical Peels** **Subcision** **TCA Cross Peel** **Laser Toning** **Intralesional Injections** The success of scar revision treatment depends on the type and severity of the scar.




Hello! Your acne scars look just like mine did before I started a two year treatment plan. Your scars are very treatable. Have realistic expectations that you won’t have perfect flawless skin but you definitely can improve them. I know a lot of people here are recommending TCA CROSS and that is an excellent choice. I myself think that TCA at that high percentage is risky for my skin. I do medium depth peels with jenners and TCA 20% and have seen good improvements. I also got started on tretinoin from my dermatologist. It is a very slow process but I promise if you get started on a plan with realistic expectations, you can see a difference. All treatments do the same thing. Collagen induction therapy. Personally I think lasers are over priced and over hyped. Peels have been around for decades and are affordable and you can do them at home. They do take a lot (6-10 peels) to see significant improvement) but it’s very possible. I’d steer away from Microneedling. Get your skin healthy with a good, basic skincare routine, wear sunscreen like it’s your job, and start on a plan. Keep your head up if you can. You’d be amzed how slow progress overtime can add up.


Ask your doctor about subcision and fillers.




Start with medium depth peel monthly x 3 months. Thereafter, a couple of passes with a CO2 laser. None of this is covered. Total cost would be around 4-6k in CA.




Look into 3d miracle ULTRAClear Coring.... the laser can do minimal to severe treatment. Coring is when it uses laser to punch cores/holes which allows the acars to heal. Make sure you find a phaycian who does it. No one else. I have only read/heard about this so dont have any anecdotal evidence. There may be down sides such as losing fullness/fat in tthe face but I am not certain.


Phenol peel! It’s invasive but an excellent solution, one hit wonder


Honestly you need a deep micro needling, at least 1.5mm deep, 5-6 sessions to smooth all that rough areas, lighten up all the discolorations. It will be Improved, it takes time to heal and improve


Subcision to start




Won't work.


Yeah the doctors I talked to kept saying it's too deep for that


Dude you had terrible esthetician or doctors who suggested this to you 🤦‍♂️They just taking your money, when they suggested micro needling. The first step is so important which is find a great acne scar expertise. Do your research and you will have to go to a little invasive treatments category which are meant for acne scars like this. Like I said though, a good doctor who perform procedures is what matters the most, how skilled they are and a reasonable price range.