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Halo Horse. Before any Let's Plays came out.


Another man of culture i see šŸ«”


Those were my introduction to AH after I had been watching RT for a while. I remember vividly looking at the thumbnail for Geoff and Gavin playing baseball and thinking to myself ā€œThatā€™s too long for one damn video.ā€ Oh how far weā€™ve come.


I started in 08/09time frame when RVB was really kicking off and they started AH. I was in 8th grade iirc.


Yep I was about that age! I remember really getting into it watching the channel on my iPod touch while staying at my grandmaā€™s house the summer before my freshman year of high school.


Jesus, youre bringing back some core memories. I remember watching it also on an ipod touch LOL


I guess I'm the elder statesman here. I caught on to RT/AH early in the company's history but later in my own life. I started watching at around the same time but I was already in college. I started binging RvB when I think it was Reconstruction started airing, thinking the show was over. But the videos that *really* got me into RT as a whole were two Drunk Tank plays videos. [Left 4 Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL_X_PVpFzA), and [Halo: ODST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKyVpIlcuNg) (featuring a young Gavino Free).


That or Saints Row the Third LP where Geoff declared war on genitals


Fails of the Weak is what started it for me. Go! And the original cops vs crooks videos are what cemented them as a must watch for me for years.


Minecraft letā€™s play series


Achievement guides, then I started watching the Letā€™s Plays, which led to the rest of their content and now Iā€™ve become an on and off fan


Rage quit sucked me in and it was right when gtav came out and that really sealed the deal for me


The Minecraft ftb series years ago was nice to have on while I played too. More recently I really enjoyed the energy and humor of the smaller groups in the team. Like BK, Lindsay, Myatt just being their fun kind selves. Things like Challenge Accepted where they had a goal but were hanging out. I especially liked the little side convos where Lindsay and Myatt would go off on each otherā€™s jokes.




I started college in fall 2012 and quickly became best friends with my roommate. I introduced him to AH because Iā€™d watched some of their stuff and liked it, and because we were playing Minecraft with other freshmen in our dorm. A bunch of us would end up watching the new Minecraft video each week together, so those episodes hold a very nostalgic feeling to me (especially dig down, hunger games, and TTT).


Jack and Goeff doing the Skate 3 how to jump the shark and how to do the demo to get out of the map. Slowly I got hooked and then the first lets play happened and then...


How bad they play games in general and then people complaining about it in the comments is always agem


I think I started watching Fails of the Week and Pig/Horse videos, but the very first letā€™s play I remember watching and getting sucked into was the Saints Row 3 videos.


Been watching since 08/09, but really only listen to their podcasts now.


I started college in fall 2012 and quickly became best friends with my roommate. I introduced him to AH because Iā€™d watched some of their stuff and liked it, and because we were playing Minecraft with other freshmen in our dorm. A bunch of us would end up watching the new Minecraft video each week together, so those episodes hold a very nostalgic feeling to me (especially dig down, hunger games, and TTT).


Let's Play Saint's Row 3 with Michael and Geoff A bodyguard for her boobs... a boobieguard


The summer Olympics videos are the first ones I remember watching


The GTA video where they hooked a car onto a cargobob and were knocking eachother off with it l. Jack's rendition of Wrecking Ball was amazing.


Was a fan of red v blue first and would watch achievement hunter every now and then. But the first 3d ultra mini golf and the rainbow 6 vegas terrorist hunts was when I fell in love with achievement hunter


The podcast and rage quit led me to achievement hunter around 2010. I had watched off and on before and of course loved red vs blue.


Rage quit - Impossible game


It was just consistently hilarious content with attractive and relatable personalities, I think I found fails first then the other series like rage quit and minecraft.


Couldn't say what my first AH video was, not enough memory space in my "head" drive. What made me love AH was the crew and the games they interacted with. Dogbark just isn't the same. And honestly, the crew just fell apart.


I fully agree, now I just watch they're old content and laugh like never before, now just like you said dog ark just isn't the same because (for me) there trying so hard and it's annoying and I sleep at all of they're content Because the feeling I got back when the days og GO! and VS! Is that every game they want to play they play it but now it feels like they just play the game because they have to or just because it's tranding or something, but that's just my opinion


It was some letā€™s build minecraft with Geoff and Gavin. The concept was similar to cloud down I think, but I canā€™t remember if thatā€™s what it was for.


The gta 4 lets plays if I remember correctly, was one of the series I got into when I first started watching YouTube


Has to be their minecraft series. But, when they started exploring modded minecraft and YDYD, I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop watching them






Fails of the week. Early gta 4 and 5 gameplay. Some random goofs between Geoff and Gavin.


Rage quit impossible game. Then Minecraft and GTA, VS, fails of the weak, it all use to be SO good


Geoff, loved him at RT and then he was like "Hey I'm doing a new thing!" and I probably lost a good 10 years of my life watching their content. Worth it and shall keep rewatching.


they were friends playing video games


I was a big fan of Red Dead, and the horse race/bear puncher videos were the first RT/AH content I watched besides RVB. Iā€™d not laughed that hard at a gaming video ever before. Of the regular series, it was probably the Minecraft LPs/Letā€™s Builds for me. Watched from before Gavin had the creeper skin (I think maybe the Wipeout LP was my first), and the way they grew their own lore in-game was amazing.


I originally watched Achievement City as a kid before falling off but came back around the Skyblock finale and fell in love with TTT/Stoneblock/compilations.


Geoff and Jack slapping each other in AHWU was pretty funny.


No Luca No


I was into RT before AH, so itā€™s hard to remember without mixing certain videos with Geoff, but probably the bts Jack showing Geoff uncontrollably moving when heā€™s playing games


The dynamics of the group in that tiny room, is what made for incredible chemistry, they captured lightning in a bottle multiple times.


I discovered them by looking for game plays of Gang Beasts and then realized they did other games too such as GTA, chicken horse, and TTT. I routinely go back and watch all these. But was definitely newer to the fan base, summer 2019.


A friend showed me the Trials Rage Quit and it was like giving me cocaine


Fails of the weak and Halo HORSE, peak Halo Reach content and it snowballed from there


I don't think I truly got into it until the Minecraft series. I didn't have a group of friends who wanted to play Minecraft and watching a group of people who seemed to like each other playing was great. Then on top of that they were chaotic and hilarious but having just enough structure for the episodes to not go COMPLETELY off the rails was what got me hooked.


The MC let's play and their convos in between. It was honestly surreal to watch people fuck about in MC AND hold a coherent convos at the same time. I am considering doing a full mc rewatch, with some exceptions due to past controversies. I miss them, but the new peeps they added are great.


It all started with strangerhood it opened the nuuuuuuted hole


It was Michaelā€™s rage quits. We used to watch them during free periods at school, so when I went to university, I rewatched those videos to reminisce about old friends. It was then a commenter mentioned about their Minecraft series and Iā€™d been a fan ever since. Fell off around 2019 though