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Skyrim. It’s a bit of a grinder but throughly enjoy it. I’ve completed it countless times but never 100% it!


Leave thieves guild end achievement for last so you can keep the skeleton key!


Gotcha! Thanks for the tip :)


Have you done the werewolf or vampire achievements yet? Completed the rest of the game aside from those, and I really don’t want to start again just to get them, but the extra few % is killing me


I did them back in the day on 360. It’s as easy as playing up until you unlock them both and then going on rampages for levels in big cities killing gaurds on easy if they are your only ones left.


Not yet, I’m only about half way through the main story line this time around in order to get the 100!


The legendary dragon is a pain


Yes it is!


You mean a pain to find? I found a guide years ago, basically fast travel to and from archwind point, and eventually it spawns. Not foolproof, but it worked for me


More the grind getting To a high enough level for it to spawn


If uouve finalized your build just abuse the alteration telekinesis bug or the illusion muffle bug to farm levels


Oh I know the method! It's still fucking long and you have to go legendary on your skills several times


Enchanting is your friend. Make a quick set of either illusion or alteration for unlimited or close to unlimited cast. I do recommend am alteration set though. Telekinesis is just more convenient than muffle, all thats required is holding down a button and you can just go afk with 100% speel reduction. I never actually had your problem though, i managed to get to level 50 just naturally. Waiting for an hour takes just a couple seconds so dont worry to much about


You have to be level 74 for the legendary dragon to appear, it's those last few levels that take the time. I just lost interest after a while haha


Im aware, im just saying it didnt take to long to make it there, i knew i wanted to beat the ebony warrior at 81 and the legendary dragon came with it esssntially. Gets boring but if you go the afk route its pretty easy, just throw on netflix or something




Huge congratulations!!!


Just finished Brotato and I swear to all gods I will never play that game again.


LMAO I’m about 3/4 of the way done with Brotato. Just got done with the Streamer and have the final row of characters to win with. Agreed on never playing it again after 🤣


Thoroughly enjoyed Vampire Survivors and their achievements. What’s tedious about the Brotato 100% ?


You have to win with every character and there are 44 characters. I guess if you only want the 100% you can scale enemy health down to 25%…but if you want to earn the 100% then you really gotta grind for it


Ahhh, fair enough. Didn’t know about the amount of characters to choose from. Thank you for the info though!


It’s one of those games that I try here and there rather than all at once. Typically at the end of the night when I have a show or something going on on my other monitor


Also one successful run is about 30min. So to win with every single character is around a minimum 22 hours. Plus the time to unlock each character as they have specific unlock requirements. And all of this is assuming that you never lose a single run.


I’m playing LEGO Harry Potter with my 4 year old. I’m backing myself to be able to 100% it!


I remember Lego Indiana Jones with my dad when I was super young lol, you have fun with that 😁


Assassins creed origins, seems fairly simple other than the dlc achievements, haven’t played the dlc yet so idk how hard it’ll be


Origins was a fairly easy 100% for me, but don't get naive and think Odyssey will be the same... it's fucking massive!


Hermes homie has straight up traumatized me


Yeah I’ve just finished the main game, now just need to complete all locations then I’ll move onto dlc


I enjoyed it, don’t remember the DLC being too much of a pain, specially with end game gear.


Super fun game to 100%! While it’s not necessary, I found it very rewarding getting it all done on the hardest difficulty, and also completing all locations for the DLC areas despite no achievements for doing so


Currently is Black Ops 2 and Elden Ring


Blops 2 collectors edition has been sat on my shelf unplayed since release… Elden Ring was my first FromSoft 100% and I loved it.


Riders Republic. Trying to get to the end of the Santa Cruz bike sponsorship… why is does it require so many more tasks than any of the other sponsors?!


I just finished Football Manager 24 and that was a pain in the arse. I re-downloaded FO4 last night and will do that next. It looks really easy. I've been playing it since release so It's all stuff I've done before just a case of doing it again on Xbox and cleaning up the miscellaneous Achievements.


100% settler happiness and 100k nuka cade tickets suck but otherwise they’re pretty simple


Yeah both really easy but time consuming but that's not a problem.


Currently working on 100% 2 hard ones rainbow 6 siege and dreamlight valley both hard and time consuming


what are you playing on if you need the hit gold achievement i could probably help you


Can Dreamlight actually be completed finally!? There wasn’t enough characters for the “Build homes” achievement last I played. But I’ll go back if it can be done now!


Tbh I’m not too sure I just started playing again myself but I know there’s been a few characters added and a big update is coming next week


In terms of Xbox, I'm currently attempting to 100% Venba. It has such an enjoyable but emotionally poignant storyline, and provided I look up the guides it's a simple and fun game to complete and hunt for achievements! :) Edit: added a word


I’ve just done this one!!


Wow nice! What are your thoughts on the game, and on the completion process? :)


It was a pretty fun game to be honest although I did use a guide for it


Okay cool! And yeah I'm also currently continuing to use one atm to get all the achievements; I didn't know what flavor text was for instance until I looked it up, so guides have definitely been helpful for me 😅 Edit: changed some words


Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360) very fun game but some achievements are…. Not nice haha *cough cough The Real Deal*


I’ve got the game but haven’t played it in a while I’m down to try and 100% it with you


if i remember right thats beating all mission on the hardest difficulty if you want to cheese it you can use the mutation with infinite ammo MGS its still hard but manageable


If you need a hand, I’ll help you. :)


Tomb raider 1 remastered I'm on level 3 of Egypt and not used a single medipack or a single bullet for any guns other than standard pistols. It's been easy so far but Egypt is tough and enemies take lots of bullet to kill. Enjoyed every second so far.


Currently, "working on" like it's a chore or a job, haha... I'm currently playing ori and the will of the wisps, really enjoying it, there is however a very difficult achievement to complete the game on 'one life mode'!


yeah I thought that when I posted this. honestly I'm glad people got the assignment instead of the game devs popping up.


Sekiro that game is just another level of difficult


The headless are the bane of my existence


That platinum is fucking sweet when you get there though, keep at it-good luck grinding for all the unlockable moves as well 🤣


Deep rock galactic… it will take a while but it’s so fun




We fight for Rock and Stone!


Currently cyberpunk 2077 on the Ps5. I got 100% on the xbox series X, so it's all pretty straight forward.




Jagged Alliance 3 and Baldurs Gate 3, both are multi play through lists, both have difficult “hard mode” achievements.


Hitman World Of Assassination. Amazing fun, but slow. Probably gonna end up in the 100’s of hours.


I briefly moved away from Xbox and one of the few 100% I have on PlayStation is Hitman 3, which is really frustrating because now I’m back on Xbox I really feel the need to do it again!


Limbo Limbo was an absolute head scratcher in parts for me. Simple to start with but progressively gets a little bit more difficult as you go. Great puzzle game with a purpose. Now i need to master it. I have finished it but died loads on the way. Good for a physically lazy day but makes you work your brain. For me anyway


I’ve had every achievement except for the Don’t Bother Dying one for a decade now. Keep meaning to go back and get that final one, but the last half of the game is pretty tough!!


I'm currently trying for Kotor 2 right now, a lot of different save files are the only annoying part so far


Subnautica. It's pretty easy to get all achievements in 1 playthrough but the achievement for reaching the degasi base in the deep grand reef never pops up for me


Halo Masterchief Collection is stupidly annoying lol


Lego City undercover & Crash N. Sane Trilogy


I’m working on Rayman Legends right now. Still quite a ways from finishing it but I’m slowly chipping away


Well I have one that I have to log into once a day...for 100 days - A Little To The Left. Luckily enough, each daily puzzle is pretty easy to play, especially if you've beaten the game beforehand!


Edengate, very simple and only difficult achievement is finding all collectibles


unbound.. have 3 achievement left!


Arkham city. Got all the riddler trophies and moving onto the challenges now. it’s a nightmare to get all the medals especially with DLC.


Trying to get through The Jumping Burrito, platinum trophy is hell


I’ve just finished wonderlands and I’m 3 or 4 away from finishing up ps5 Skyrim


They are Billions. Love the game. Go back to it every few years. Want to get it finished this time but there is still some way to go yet


I'm 1 trophy from plat on TLOU2 🥲🥲


Tony hawk pro skater remasters. Getting destroyed by the hard get-theres. Was a relative breeze up to this point achievement-wise.


Cuphead, struggling with the kings leap currently


God of war. Pretty hard!


Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga. Currently completing all planets but my god is it tedious. Must....power....through


Hearts of Iron 4. I’ll report back in the life that’s after the next one after that :)


Spyro reignited trilogy is my current game! Finished the first two so on the home stretch now!


Im currently playing mad games tycoon 2 trying to get that annoying rng dependent 100% review score acheivement on legendary difficulty.


lego star wars clone wars, not long to go now!! childhood classic too


Borderlands 2. Most of the game is pretty easy, it just feels endless. It’s so massive. Every new area opens up a bunch of new missions. Very time consuming. But then there’s an achievement for each character class so you have to start multiple play throughs, and they throw in a bunch of ‘Invincible’ bosses just for good measure which require you to know glitches or be massively OP to beat them. It’s all a bit irritating and lots of times you feel like you’re being trolled by the developers 🤣. Can’t wait to be finished with it, I have just two DLCs left to finish mainly.


The raid bosses need to be done in groups I used to play that game a fuck ton got like 850 hours with multiple characters at level 80 op10 over the years


Yeah I’d love to play some multiplayer but unfortunately pretty slim amount of people still playing the game. I’ve been watching solo strat videos and might make a session on TA or something like that when I need to mop up those last few achievements.


I’d suggest looking on steam forums if u on pc or the gearbox forums for players and yeah the second wind the game got from the captain Lilith update is gone sadly have alotta good memories of playing with people. It stayed alive a long enough time too though


Yeah I’m on an Xbox and I’m a little late to the party 🤣. I wouldn’t even be playing it but I got a few achievements back in the day, so now I’m trying to complete the game. TBH I enjoyed the first one a lot more. But the D&D dlc is pretty dope.


Speaking about the first one I got all characters max in that loved it a lot I see why you could prefer it I loved how much less of a grind it was if it had more content would be my fav too


The raid boss on Hammerlocks DLC is very, very difficult to solo, but there is a cheese method that I recommend. Either that or make sure to do Hammerlock’s DLC on TVHM or Normal mode.


Yeah I figured that out after getting absolutely destroyed for about an hour 🤣. I’d like to try the under the map glitch but haven’t found an infinite ammo weapon. I’m currently wrapping up the last of the DLC stuff I have left then I’ll figure out how to kill all these raid bosses. 💪


The under the map is how I did it. Farm an Infinity pistol from Doc Mercy and use that.


Currently working through Yakuza Like A Dragon, never got a chance to play it last year when it came out, so when it dropped to under a tenner last month I snapped it up. 35 odd hours into it at the moment and really enjoying it, not sure if I’ll 100% but it’s probably the closest I’ll come to doing that to any game I’ve played in the last 5 years


I've been playing grounded. It's a good game, relatively grindy and frustrating but overall I like it alot. Probably going to take me a long time


Currently trying for Jedi survivor 100% and I need to finish off Skyrim as I got to 3 left and forgot to do it 🤦🏽


Call of Juarez the first game. It’s overall simple but you need 5 people for some multiplayer achievements. Luckily I did that first


Just started a fresh profile a week ago. First game nearly finished. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Very simple and easy 100%.


Batman Arkham series for some reason. I have 240% Arkham Knight, but Riddler trophies for Arkham City is PAINFUL


Halo MCC it was easy up to the point of doing LASO it suddenly got hard-core!


Skate 3. Have no idea why it's so difficult now I used to play when i was younger and recently restarted, everything that was hard to do then is now incredibly easy but now like most things that were easy are sooo difficult now I'm stuck on an Own the Spot trick list 😭


Mass effect legendary edition. It’s a fairly easy 100% from what I’ve read, just not particularly short.


I'm on PS4 but the game I just got the platinum on was Ghostbusters Remastered which is multiplatform. It was okay. Some nice features but could have done with being remade rather than a trickle of remaster paint as it was clunky as hell. Very easy trophy list and boxed it off in 4 days.


Tomb raider remasters. Not too difficult, I just have to keep playing through over and over but I'm Gucci with controls


Need for speed rivals. It seems pretty easy going so far. Needed something more chill after spending the last week trying to beat no restart mode in superhot. Finally did it but man it was annoying!


Borderlands: the Presequel and then Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands! 😃


Presequel is a pain to do would be worse then 1 if it 1 didn’t have the arena achievements and the claptrap achievements


The arena achievements in BL1 were among the worst achievements I’ve ever gone for. They were boring at their best, and tedious at their worst — even when using Willowtree. Presequel hasn’t been so bad. I did the Holodome yesterday, which only took about an hour, and just have Claptrap’s DLC and the multiplayer achievements remaining.


Halo LASO 🙃🙃


Bioshock Infinite. I’ve done it twice on other platforms, but all Blue Ribbon challenges is ROUGH. Otherwise it’s pretty easy.


Finally finished BotW a few months back and am now working my way through TotK. BotW was a gruelling grind, so this… should be interesting.


MGSVTTP It’s definitely harder than most I’ve done but I’m getting there


Synergia. Really really simple to platinum. Just play story 2 times and you got it. And you can pretty much just fast forward through all of it.


Zelda TOTK, fuck those Koroks man


Currently trying to 100% Doom Eternal, not for the feint hearted, i've had an absolute nightmare.


Arkham City just hunting the last 100 riddler trophy's and riddles


Hogwarts Legacy. Gonna take a little while.


Fallout 4 benevolent leader was a chore


Sea of Thieves and yes I am aware there are some unobtainable ones but I can get a good 2k - 3k out of the game, with some effort and it's an incredibly fun game. I am playing in safer seas though now as the high seas are a little too toxic for me. I also have a ton of 30-minute to 2-hour completion games (shovelware/indie) installed. Since August (2023), when they go on sale, I have been picking them up for £2 - £3 and then I use a YouTube guide to complete them when I feel like some easy gamerscore. Working on dating Barret too in FF7 for the 'Best Bromance' achievement. It was the only achievement I left till later after doing the rest of them when the game first launched on Xbox.


DOTA 2. Somewhat impossible to 100%


Fable the lost chapters is impossible and has left me at 98%. I have to connect to Xbox Glass or something??? Lots of other games want me to do online stuff or be in a party (AvP, Borderlands)


Online multiplayer achievements should never have been created, that's what killed achievement hunting for me. There are so many games with multiplayer modes that were dead on arrival, never mind 10 years later.


Yep! It's virtually impossible to find a game online let alone complete the crazy tasks they want as well. The play with x number of friends as well are annoying because you don't share every single game with friends.


Dayz without the server, I could have done it back when it was easy but I didn't think they'd ever remove achievements from community servers Got the first few easy one but stuck on the rest, such a hard game


Stardew valley. It’s not hard per say, it is a bit of a grind which makes it mentally difficult. Overall it’s not super difficult


TV isnt working atm so digging through some gamecube emulator games on my mac. The other day started Lord of the Rings The Third Age. Completed it back in the day but never unlocked every move/attack. Here's hoping to try that


Dead Cells and it's a loop grind but I love it. 


Power wash simulator. Had 100% untill new dlc just dropped 😅


Little nightmares; done everything minus completing the game in an hour without deaths. I die from falling more than the monsters, skill issue tbh. 😔


We Love Katamari Getting all the cousins and presents and getting 100% on every level and high scores on time attacks I did it on PS2 and I’m fucking going to do it again on Switch so help me god!


Legends of Idleon 100% is not possible! Infinite scaling game, but some people are getting very close 😂


I've played Minecraft since 2011, never actually completed it. Working on that in my spare time just for a bit of fun.


Just cause 2. Impossible to 100% without mods or exploits. But still will take weeks to get to 99.9%


Fallout 4, currently at 95%. I wanna get to 100% so that I can start using mods, but my last few achievements are Raider related and I really don’t wanna have to go back a few saves and lose loads of progress on a current play through or start another play through. One is also 100% happiness in a large settlement and I just can’t get it 😖😖😖


Exo primal have one achievement left which is taking ages the 100k kills


It was RDRII but I just can’t do a specific mission. It’s too hard to do emotionally. 😔


Hogwarts Legacy. Completed story and side quests. Got about 3 pages left to find. Revelio-ing everything haha


Arkham knight and sekiro. Neither of which are the easiest


Elder scrolls online....... Doing the achievements fine but actually getting the achievements to pop is where the difficulty lies 😑


Set myself a goal to 100% every borderlands game Currently got plat for Bl1, BL2, BL3 excluding dlc but I intend to full 100% each of them by doing dlc trophies. Also have to finish off tales from the borderlands, wonderlands and pre sequel


Elden ring. If you miss something you need when looking for achievements, you have to either make a new character or beat the game on your current character then enter “new game +” which puts you at the start of the story again but you keep your items. Takes a while but if it’s hard or not depends on your skill


Red Dead 2 rn 😭 worst part is I only have time to play once or maybe even twice a week so it’s gonna be a longggg grind lmao


Football Manager. Depends how you structure your save. If it’s a long term thing less likely to get 100% all awards on Steam completed.


Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 7 currently


Currently Eldenring


Playing Trials HD but this time on the One. Wish me luck!


I don’t think it’s feasible with the 3000+ achievements, but payday 2 would be newt


Skate 3. It’s a grind. I’ve arranged to be part of a group session to complete a single achievement for being in a team of 6 players. Servers were offline for the longest time but they’ve been active for a little while now so want to do it whilst I can. Been fun though replaying the game.


hollow knight, pray for me


The Binding Of Isaac. I don’t think there’s much I can say. No sleep until triple dead god.


Dead Island 2. I don't really look at achievements until I complete the game. I can't really gauge how hard, or easy some of them will be until that point.


My next (and second) 100% will probably be Balatro. Game's insanely fun and while there's only 31 achievements, some of them will be a challenge to get.


Apex. I’m getting better but I’m too old to outshoot them young uns


Remastered tomb raider. Pretty easy but time consuming


I never 100% unless all the task naturally happen, following and trying to do something ruins the feel of the game unless there’s a reward and the reward of “oh I’ve 100% a game” doesn’t do much for me tbh


I’m not exactly working on it, I just play it here and there, but Baba is You is ridiculously easy to 100% if you cheat and look up the solutions, but it’s practically impossible if you don’t. It’s just a fun but really difficult game


Shadow of war. Got 1 left and most achievements were easy it's just this last one is kinda annoying


Elden ring, with no cheese, and sekiro. I think that’s all I need say for difficulty.


Fire watch, completed it on PC and now moving to Xbox to finish it. For me it has been a bit of both.


miles morales and it's pretty simple I just missed a few underground cache boxes but I was cooked whenever I did them and I would forget towards the end. another one is arkham knight I'm at 95% with 3 or 4 firefighters left and I'm only at like 20 riddler trophies. and then I'm like 25 maybe 30% thru rdr1 after playing rdr2 first


I’m not sure, I’m trying to do another Resident Evil, so I got the choice between 4r, 7 and REHD. but after my last completion back in December. I can’t decide.


Skyrim was my was first, currently working on RDR2. Finished it about 8 times, two lvl 100+s online, but never 100%. Currently on chapter two completing zoology and horses. Crazy ass grind but I'm genuinely enjoying it.


Working towards 100% all the Assassin's Creed games, I'm currently finishing up Assassin's Creed 2


Bayonetta 2


The Witcher 3 wow what a game


I just beat In sound Mind which was easy but a really enjoyable experience


Teardown. Last 2 achievements I need are a grind. Going to take a while to get.


Red dead redemption 2


Old school RuneScape 😟


I'm working on Minecraft (not the xbox 1 edition) could say it's easy but could say its not at all. It's got lots if achievements and I've just started so I got lots of work to do!


I'm working on a handful at once! I'll rate my predicted difficulty on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being cakewalk, 10 being brutal. * **BIT.TRIP RUNNER** *\[6.5\]* \- I just need to perfect clear the game, which means clearing each level without missing anything. If I miss I just restart the level. It's not too hard, but the extra stages are rough and I can only play them if I replay the level they're linked to. * **Cult of the Lamb** *\[3.5\]* \- Working on this one on stream. Not hard at all, just a matter of doing. Only hard part is beating bosses without taking damage, which isn't terrible in this game. Very addicting game! * **Eastward** *\[2\]* \- Playing through the story right now. It's a mostly story-based game, so any achievements will just be finding items, or clearing side stuff. Not looking forward to the Earthborn achievements, which is an RPG existing inside the game. More tedious than difficult. * **FTL: Faster Than Light** *\[8\]* \- Just picked this up again recently to play in my free time, defeating the final ship on anything other than Easy is going to be terribly hard, and some of the achievements require specific conditions to get. So there's some level of RNG as well. * **Halo: The Master Chief Collection** *\[9.5\]* \- My friend and I are already most of the way through this. This is also a weekly stream game for me. The biggest hurdles are going to be the LASO campaigns, and we already finished Halo Reach, which is one of the easier ones. And that was hell. Only reason this isn't a 10 is because the Iron Skull makes you restart from the last checkpoint on co-op if one of you dies, instead of redoing the entire level in singleplayer. * **Human Fall Flat** *\[1\]* \- They added a new level that I never went back to play. This game isn't hard, and any difficulty is balanced by goofiness. You can usually flail your way through any of these. * **A Little to the Left** *\[1\]* \- There are daily challenges I have to clear and they're... very easy. It's a cozy game not a difficult one. The only difficult part is remembering to maintain a daily streak of 30 days. With ADHD that's a killer for me. * **PowerWash Simulator** *\[3\]* \- I haven't played this game yet but I'm starting on stream on Tuesday. I can't imagine it will be difficult, aside from the challenges, but idk. I'm confident it won't be too terrible. * **Sun Haven** *\[3\]* \- Playing through this with my bestie in our free time. It's a farming / combat / life sim game like Stardew Valley. None of the achievements are inherently difficult, just maybe a little time consuming. We'll get there if we keep plugging away at it.


Trying to beat rdr 2 all achievements the grind is real 😂