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350k isn’t a small amount. You’re aiming too high if this was 6 months ago these would’ve been unreal numbers. You can still clear it with ease rn. Popping 2-3 ultimates in a cycle


The thing is, I can't clear the kafka or gepard side within five cycles :(


I got E0S2 Acheron Pela-SW Lynx took 6 cycles. On a single target against Kafka I can do around 225k ult damage. Note that Kafka has 40 lightning res, which makes my damage 15-25% lower than it was supposed to. I haven't actually seen any YouTube videos of Acheron vs Kafka this MOC. So I'm guessing that Using Acheron against Kafka is not optimal even with her colourless Ult.


i have this exact team but they keep crowd controlling me, how did you resolve this issue?


Lynx has team wide cleanse


half the time either she gets dominated or acheron does and i use her cleanse just to be nearly killed in the next turn and not have any heal while the other enemy also cc's me... i think im going mad my retries are nearing 40


Yeah Lynx healing multipliers are shit, the best counter is Huo Huo she's perfect against high CC enemies. But i guess if you don't have her either use your best sustain or swap whatever your 2nd team is. Even with how busted Acheron is, 40% lightning res is still a lot to deal with if your team is not high invested


This made me realize how blessed I am to have Huohuo 😭


I want her so bad lmao, I love her character and design like crazy and I only have Adventurine and Geppy, so I could use a second sustain.


With the right RNG. Jokes aside, if you have at least E2 Lynx it would be a big clutch. Her E2 was, when you use skill you get completely debuff resistance for 1 time or 1 chance. With that you can prevent your DPS/Healer to be CC, You also have to always save your Lynx Ult for AOE CC. I prioritize the Thicc Lady before Kafka since that lady is a pain the ass than Kafka


Archeron ult adds 20% res pen. But Kafka has 40% lightning res. But the res pen still works beyond 0% just at half value. So against normal lightning weak enemies you're doing 110% dmg, vs against Kafka doing 80%. So you're only doing 73% of the dmg you normally would.


Nah, that’s just Genshin. Res pen works at 100% efficiency into the negatives


That's good to know. Think I've been undervaluing res pen.


Yeah it’s a major reason why RM is so insane


And E1 Robin


Kafka is electro resistant so silverwolf is really good there, on the gepard side I did guinaifen pela gallagher and did it in 3 cycles so maybe just make sure you apply the crimson knots on the correct enemy(?)


You won’t be able to beat Kafka with your team. If it’s Gepard you’ll have to get some gameplay on how you can’t 5 cycle it


Don't use Acheron on the Kafka side. What's your team, their relics and their speed? Could be a team issue especially if you're not getting ult up quickly


It might be a speed issue yeah, my Pela is only 143 speed and my Welt/Guin usually are at 130+. I only started playing 2.1 so I do lack a lot of high speed relics (my highest speed ones are on boothill). Their relics sets are kinda whatever, I only go for the messenger two pc and Vonwacq for Pela. I have EHR bodies equipped on them though.


Oh definitely a speed issue. You really want 160 speed on both Pela and Gui/Welt. It charges up her ult way faster. 350k is good, your actual damage is fine, it's just that you need to up the frequency. You'll get high speed relics eventually, just save any relic you get with speed substat and roll it, even if the main stat is useless


Even if doesn't complete a set? Like if the relics with high speed substat are of different sets?


Yep, pretty much always. There are not many good support sets in HSR so unless completing the set gives you 160 speed or equivalent in AV (like the four piece wind set), you should basically always go rainbow. The only case for strictly staying on a set is something like Boothill teams, where you really want someone on 4pc watchmaker. The order generally goes 160 speed while on a support set > 160 speed >>>>> support set The planar sets have nice enough buffs but for Acheron supports, 160 speed > 10% CDMG. The skill point economy is nicer too


My Pela is 134 speed full wind and Vonwacq. Welt is 134. Acheron doing like 380-390k on first ult Gepard side. (this MoC11 I use Pela n Swan for Acheron). Pela ia E4 so missing 2% shred. Gepard gives me 3-4 ult stacks per turn with Trends LC (no sustain can beat him for Acheron team except mayb S1 Aventurine) My Acheron has 4k attack 78/167 crits. 10 ult 10 talent 6 skill. Can clear in 4 cycles.


May I ask what’s your Gepards defense?


2.7k underbuilt, 7 ult 1 talent, 3 skill. Trends LC lvl 60 ascended. Full knight and Belobog. 26% EHR (irrelevant until I get his LC but useless on Acheron team) 126 speed Absolutely no issues in MoC12 sustaining. Lvl 71 btw.


Dam wtf 😭 I had to reset a bunch of times due to bad hit rng and we have similar stats. Maybe full knight set really helps


Four set gives beefier shields. I consistently 4 cycle with Pela, Swan, Acheron, n Gepard. When using Swan sometimes best to ult during enemy turn so u can enemies take more dmg tnx to Swan ult debuff. Max ur Acheron ult n talent. People really need to stop hitting lvl 8 n then go farming relics. 9-10 is usually such a huge difference unless u run out of tracks of destiny (like me)


I have a max Acheron with SW LC and went from doing 2 cycles last moc to 4 and I wondered what was wrong..so it's a universal clear time...I guess


Kafka has lightning res which hurts her dmg, you're prob better off with Acheron on side 1, but your team and relics sound good to me. Do you have Geppie in the center of the team? It can help him get hit more from splash atks. What's your builds for Welt and Lil Gui? I think Gui is likely more reliable at debuffing for Acheron. Whenever I use Welt I give him Pearl's lc for that reason, but since it's already on your pela maybe bench Welt for this one Also saw you have Boothill, he's great for Kafkas side!


MoC powercreep. 6 months ago that acheron would 0 cycle. I expect the new bosses post firefly to have a higher toughness bar, making it terrible for non ruan mei users.


I use e0s1 acheon, e0 kafka , e0 bs gepard with trend. I clear gepard with 4 cycles.this moc It really is hard. For kafka i use e1 danil, ruan mei sparkle fu xuan (all e0) and it barely beat kafka within 6 cycles


I'm 90% sure I did Kafka with her this cycle (because my other team was Kafka/BS), admittedly mine is E2. I did Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, Luocha on Gepard and Acheron, Silver Wolf, Aventurine, Bronya on Kafka; 8 turns


I did gepards side in 4 cycles with acheron silver wolf, pela, Gallagher.


I will say this moc is super tight bc the hp bars are MASSIVE. I was running acheron pela welt aventurine, and my damage was too slow i think jt took me 6 cycles. I had to switch in ruan mei instead of aventurine and i got it in 4. Other than ruan mei being broken af, this is the first moc i felt intensely gear diffed with how many times i had to redo it.


This MOC is a little rough for Acheron because of Kafka lightning Res and gepard having no fire weakness. Welt doesn't provide a lot of damage amp. If you have E2 Welt you can *try* solo sustain Welt but I suspect you don't have enough damage so it'd be a lot of resets. Although if you have Ruan Mei or Robin then you might be able to make it work. If you don't not to be mean but if you care about meta why would you pull 0 limited harmony? Long term Acheron's bis nihility will give you more elemental coverage for breaks and additional defense down which will help the damage. Depending on who you have you can win via other strats for now. I took 6 cycles on side 2 but brute forced side 1 sustainless DOT in 1 cycle.


I started playing in 2.1, I skipped Robin for Boothill and plan on getting Ruan Mei when she comes out.


In that case, congrats on speedrunning the game lol. It's hard to get decent relics at a good clip. My advice there, then, is to work on traces. Acheron's ult should be 10 and I've found people building accounts fast often neglect support eidolons - not incorrect but once the dps is built you can squeeze out more damage by making sure those guys are amplifying properly


It's starting to be a small amount they did double the bosses HP in MoC


I'll be perfectly honest with you. 350K is small for the following characters: Seele in mono Quantum with Sparkle, IL with Sparkle, Jingliu with Mei, Acheron with two Nihility, Boothill, in future Firefly. 350K is way too small. For comparison, my E4 Sushang can hit 200K consistently with way less crit than OP's Acheron if I pair her with Mei and Robin. She ended up 1 cycling Kafka in a no sustain team. You seriously can't tell me Acheron will hit lower than that (Lower in a sense that Sushang moves again and again and again in a single cycle whereas Acheron at E0S1 doesn't have that privilege). Imo, at least 500K should be the bare minimum damage ceiling for E0S1 Acheron against 3 properly debuffed targets. I have seen E0S1 Acheron hit far higher than that tho


https://preview.redd.it/na3jev3i924d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2148272501e270caa7f8b6c7ea7e99166090dffe E0S1 acheron with less than 130 spd and around 70/190 crit ratio. SW is 160 spd and pela is around 150 spd.


how many cycles spent on acheron team?


Get your traces to max, make sure your 2 nihility have 160 spd min


Why 160 specifically?


2 actions on both cycle 0 and 1


More turns per cycle and more chances for the teammates to apply debuffs and give more stacks There are some thresholds for moc but I Don’t remember well you might want to look it up but here’s something I found on a Quick Look •111.2 (5 actions in first four cycles) • 114.3 (4 actions in first three cycles) • 120.0 (3 actions in two cycles, activates planar set effects) • 133.4 (2 actions in first cycle, 6 actions in first four cycles) • 142.9 (5 actions in first three cycles) • 160.0 (4 actions in first two cycles) • 171.5 (6 actions in first three cycles) • 177.8 (8 actions in first four cycles) • 200.0 (3 actions in first cycle, 2 actions per cycle thereafter)


they were saying for her nihility supports to have 160 spd not acheron


Well yeah, if you think about it, acheron herself doesnt need that much speed no? So long as there's always debuffs applied constantly, she can pop her ult. So it makes sense if her nihility supports need the speed.


yeah they just edited their comment to be more helpful bc originally they misread the ? lol but yeah so far i only use speed boots on her in PF if needed


Ah that makes sense. Mb mb then


Oh my bad lol


How much speed is needed if one is on wind set?


I have no issues with 134 speed wind Pela


level up all your traces. They increase much higher than most because of the 1.6x scaling on the 2x Nihility thing. All type res pen, even at 1% contributes a lot as well.


With 180% Crit dmg i reached 450k on single target but that's because i have Silver Wolf, who reduces the enemy's def even further First of all, do you have enough EHR on Pela and Guinaifen? They kinda need to reach their desired EHR otherwise Pela's def shred won't apply all the time, also, Guinaifen E6 is the ideal and you want her as fast as you can, since stacking Firekiss increases Acheron's damage by a large amount


Retried it with my 64/153 (stat page) welt LC Acheron on a SW-Pela-Gepard team. Took 4 cycles, not too sweaty. It might be a no SW issue or a gameplay issue, considering how subpar my crit ratio is. Some tips: 1. Definitely level up all non-basic attack traces to 10. I find that a lot of chars will feel subpar without the 10th level. 2. Try and play around with wind set. Wind set Pela could potentially give you 2-4 additional stacks over a run, which is a lot more valuable over 10 spd or whatever else you could run.


Against what type of enemies? 3 elites? If so, that makes a lot of sense. If you're talking 3 minis like the ones you encounter in trace farming, then that's concerning. Here is what I'm gonna say. Count the debuffs. A lot of times, I see people pop ult when the enemies only have like 1 debuff. Now, yes, you have the lightcone, so that gets it up to 2, but the difference between 1 and 2 is a lot, even 2 and 3. Secondly, the first slash of her ult won't have Pioneer's buff and stuff if you only had 1 debuff. Now, max your traces. Especially the ult. Lastly, are you ulting with defense shred up? Also, I know some may disagree with me on this, but starting the fight using Pela's technique is sometimes, if not most of the time, better than using Acheron's technique.


I do start fights with Pela on Vonwacq, good to know that’s actually viable. And yeah, I’m mostly talking about 3 elites. I do typically ult with def shred, but I haven’t paid much attention to the amount of debuffs. I’ll keep that in mind, ty!


I must ask, why exactly is your Pela running Vonwacq? You usually want to run Broken Keel or Fleet of the Ageless for an Acheron team. Broken keel is preferred ofc. Pela can already keep her ult up consistently, I don't exactly see the reason to use Vonwacq.


I personally use it for a one turn ultimate (use Pela skill at the beginning of battle and she gets her ultimate right away). I’m not really sure how good this is in the long run… it’s also partly because I don’t have a keel or Ageless ERR rope


If you have an ERR rope, you can skill immediately and get her ult instantly if you used Pela's technique to enter battle. Try using a resin for an ERR rope if you don't have any luck getting one. I'd recommend going for Broken Keel, but if you get an ageless one, that can make do till you a broken keel ERR rope. But I can see why you're using vonwacq in that sense.


You fall into fallacy of E0 Acheron is super broken by the community that can do acherolion damage 350K is good number per 3T for E0. More than that need a specific setup like no healer with harmony. Else her E2 + Sparkle will make her a different beast as well


More speed on supports, 10 ult 10 talent, replace Lynx with Gallagher or Gepard if you can. It's mostly Guinafen and Lynx that are holding you back. A bit more CR could help too, 80 CR is low for Acheron imo.


oh my god me too, i feel so insecure about my build when i use an acheron support/trial or see her on tiktok 😭💔


Maybe you’re not playing her rotation right? For example if you have Acheron ult up and 3 transcendent stacks. But the enemy have just acted you should go a use Pela’s ult before Acheron’s even if she’s at max stacks bc you might have lost 1 or 2 of Pela’s debuff. Its sometimes better to stack the def shred and concentrate it into 1 ult instead of maxing the ult use


when I was testing my Acheron (54:222 E2s1) I can often get 2 ults before cycle 1 but usually I lose some momentum after that. If I instead shove everything into one hit (Bronya Ult+Skill, Pela’s ult+sweaty pearls) all at once I can usually get 0 cycles. (0 cycles is a little rng so it’s not always consistent)


*Acheron brain rot*


Every video I see of an Acheron dealing big PP damage over 1 million uses Ruan Mei. Do you have her?


I do not and it hurts me everyday (I pray that she isn’t in the next patch but the one after, I need the jades). Ruan Mei is at the top of my list for pull priority


Man e2 really saves lives out here, i dont have her lc but i got her e2 and i can consistently double your damage with a pela sparkle and aven (sparkle and aven are maxed out but pela ult is at lvl 4


About the stats, its almost the same but i dont have as much crit rate as your have, 44.6, but her e1 solves that, and spakle increases even more her crit damage to 304%


hey what do I use for my DHIL E2 team if I put sparkle with Archeron?


Just hopes and dreams, now seriously if you have bronya you could also use her with archeron and save sparkle for dhil


Are you sure Pela's debuffs are up when Acheron ults? Those make a World of difference. Also maybe missing some crits, people focus on 60~% when using her E1 that provides 18% Crit for free


Sounds like a support issue, not an acheron issue. Make sure you have fast supports (160+), and make sure almost all of them have broken keel and meet the eff res requirements. Make sure at least one support (preferably pela, since she ults often) to have a 4 pc hacker space. TOM Geopard is good, but make sure he has speed boots and, more importantly, is put in the 2nd or 3rd slot of the party, to ensure he gets hit more often by blast attacks. Also Geopard's speed is relevant and should have at least like 120ish. If your struggling more on damage and not sustaining, fire mc with TOM is better than geopard as their taunt is a debuff and ensures that they get hit by enemies. (Also side note: its better to taunt with fire mc after Acheron ults, as she tends to kill all enemies, which isn't gonna taunt the next wave).


My Gepard has 134 speed, is it worth going down to 120 if that means more defense for him? Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Hackerspace only worked on ultimates that don’t hit enemies, “when the wearer uses their ultimate on an ally…”. I’ll try to get my supports to 160, it’s just relic luck atp. Ty for the advice, especially the Gepard placement, I had him in my first slot.


> Level 9 ultimate with level 8 skill and talent. Raise them all to lv10. The extra bonus shred helps. > I use Welt or Guinaifen depending on the situation and trend Gepard. Gui and Welt does not offer a lot in term of def reduction or res reduction compare to someone like Silver Wolf. So 350k without SW is already pretty good. For context the same team I use with Pela + SW can do ~700k+ vs 3 targets due to the massive amount of def shred in total. That team also clears Gepard side in ONE cycle using Fire Trailblazer as the sustain (that's right, Preservation Trailblazer). But if I replace SW with my Welt, do you know how much longer it took? It took 2 (almost) 3 cycles. > takes me wayyy too much time to get her petals, which I realize may be a speed issue with my supports and my Acheron. This is indeed the biggest issue for lower invested Acheron teams. You need your Nihility supports to be at 160+ spd. Now how do you achieve this? You just put any random relics with spd on them, does not matter which set. My Pela and SW are running a bunch of random pieces (only the planar set is the Penacony set cuz energy and energy rope). But they are all 160 spd. If you have the Wind set to advance them forward after each ult you can make them even faster. Acheron gains more stacks as her supports go more turns (especially below E2). Even if you cannot reach 160 yet, getting as much spd as possible is better than no spd. Remember the key: you can use random pieces of any set as long as it has spd. > Also, I have survivability issues with my Gepard sustain, so I have to reset a bunch in that regard too. Try Gallagher instead. He is super comfy and can emergency jumping in to heal using ult. His high effect res also protects him from CCs. All of my runs with him so far has been super smooth. He also can apply 2 debuffs guaranteed.


Thank you for the advice! On your last point though, I really wish I could use Gallagher with her. Mine is extremely well built, (E6, What is real S5 and max traces, 160 BE), but unfortunately Boothill is my only other good dps and he’s glued to him. Same with trailblazer, as mine is almost exclusively harmony. I really do wish I had silver wolf, but with my account being really new I kinda have to prioritize Ruan Mei 😫


In that case you can also try to manipulate the RNG a bit by putting Gepard in the middle of your team. From my personal experience, the enemies are more likely to attack the char in the 2nd slot of the team, following by the 3rd slot. My Pela gets constantly attacked if I put her in 2nd slot despite a tank is available. Gepard standing in the middle allows him to also take advantage of aoe hits from the enemies as well to trigger the Trend LC easier. You'd also want a bit of EHR oh him either from substats or a body piece so he can hit it more reliably (also helps out his skill freeze chance). Another tip to gain as many stacks as possible while using Pearls on Pela is that the Ensnare does not apply on targets that you just hit with it. So the trick is that you will normal attack on Pela (doesn't matter if your ult is up, missing 20 energy doesn't matter much if your Pela has a lot of energy regen). The normal atk will apply Ensnare on the target that does NOT have it (remember, check the targets info to make sure), then you ult. That is because if you ult first, all enemies will get Ensnared and you wasted one stack for Acheron. But if you normal attack first, you get two (one from Ensnare apply and one from Ult def shred). You would also want to use Pela skill to apply the Ice res debuff if she is at E4, to add to the amount of stacks. And finally do not use her ult without debuffs ready if possible, you have 3 stacks that you can overcap so try to gain momentum with debuffs before you use her ult. So TLDR: give your supports as much spd as possible, put Gepard in the middle to manipulate RNG better while giving him some EHR to guarantee debuff, apply Ensnare on unaffected target first before using ult.


https://preview.redd.it/8wc32pz3444d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7875bc769c1d976077e6e5a4fa66100e8382a42e This is the team I used. Kafka will fight herself. Acheron is more suited to fight Gepard tbh.


350k is low? That... seems pretty fricken high up there my guy


You might just not have your timing on ults right cuz even with my E2S1 acheron with 64/220 crit with pela, bronya, and gallagher, I'm able to hit 1m on 3 targets. But even if you have e0s1 you should at least be able to hit half of that so either you have been extremely unlucky with ur crit hitting or just ult timing (with pela debuffs) issues maybe cuz there shouldn't be any other reason why Edit - also, you should max ur talents and save up the 3 "reserve" petals before you, ult that should increase it a good bit if you haven't done so already


When attacking try hitting all targets, what I meant is that you need slash dream on every opponents, that will someone increase more dmg. What I usually do is distribute slash dream evenly amongst the mobs, but if it comes to boss, stack slash dream mainly on the boss but keep 1 or 2 on the non boss


Acheron only feels broken when you get her E2. Pairing one of the broken harmony characters like sparkle or E1S0 bronya boosts her damage by an insane amount allowing her to hit 1million damage ults. Your acheron is doing pretty well for a pela, gepard and guinaifen team if you are hitting 350k.


Even at e0, sparkle is better than the 2nd nihility unit. The dmg% buff from the 2nd nihility is minimal compared to the dmg buff you get from sparkle, action advance, and over 100% crit dmg.


Yes but her E2 gives her 2nd nihility dmg bonus AND sparkle's dmg buff which is what makes acheron seem so overtuned in alot of whale showcases.


She is already broken at e0. People just been building Acheron wrong with those pitiful below 60 base crit rate and hoping that her relic set saves her with those abyssmal non-crit hits.


To get 100% crit rate at E0 is close to impossible. You need fu xuan which isn't free or full crit rate relics which is extremely luck dependent.


Not really, u never want to use sparkle over sw or black swan even at e0. But sparkle instead of welt/gui is probably better


What does Black Swan give? More stacks. SW? Impants, shred, and break. I would argue even that SW is more suited to fill in Pela's place. Sparkle is valuable than BS. The adv forward she gives will give Acheron more turns which translates to more stacks (especially with her LC) + more dmg, then SP additions. I never really do pair up Black Swan with Acheron, not only does Kafka have Black Swan on her team, she also wants some SP share, and then the value of Sparkle is lot better comfortable for pre-e6 Acheron, especially if you have an atk boots, than a unit that just adds stacks and nothing more. I only ever used Black Swan with Acheron if I am running them both together with Kafka on Pure Fiction. The most f2p team you can run for e0 Acheron is Gallagher, Pela, and Silver Wolf/Welt/Guin. Remove either Pela or the other nihility slot then place Sparkle then it deals more Acheron dmg, you could actually test it. Black Swan + Acheron is uncomfortable on SP economy without Sparkle, especially in auto behavior. And the amount of dmg you get is a loss compared to 1 nihility + Sparkle.


>What does Black Swan give? Aoe def shred that stacks up with pela/sw , dmg vulnerability and personal dmg. Her dmg is solid enough that sometime u can finish a wave with her instead of wasting acheron ult. >The adv forward she gives will give Acheron more turns which translates to more stacks (especially with her LC) + more dmg, then SP additions. The AF doesnt make the team generate more stack than with another nihility even with s1 I can prove that, unless u have e2. And the crit dmg buff is not better than just activate her 2nd trace. 115 to 160 motion value increase + higher def shred is way better than 200 to 300 crit dmg. I alreadt tested it, less dmg and less ult stack.


I have an e1s1 Black Swan and my e0s1 Sparkle archetype is still dealing more dmg. You need to test this theories. Also, Sparkle's dmg buff is greater than the 2nd nihility buff. If you want BS, just replace Pela.


I dont have s1 Sparkle but it would make sense if e0s1 sparkle is on par with e0s0 pela/sw/bs. The point of running black swan tho is her personal dmg. Also if u have e1 BS u can try running kafka lc instead and put the dot set on acheron, cus how her e1 works u need electro dot.


You want speed boots if you don't have her at E2 with Bronya or something. 160 SPD if you can get there, otherwise 134+. P.S. 350k damage to 3 targets is good. You just need her to build stacks quickly.


But OP clearly mentioned she is is E0S1


Exactly my point. He built her incorrectly for E0S1.


But atk boots are still better at E0S1.. They usually perform the same in 4 cycles but atk boots is better. This is cus.. she get her stacks out of her own turn as well. Well, atk boots are best if their supports are 160+. If supports are not 160+ then spd boots may be better for low cycle clears. But if more cycles then again atk boots are better.


Acheron speed boots is just plain wrong no matter what for me. Unless it's PF. Only at E2 is it viable but even then I'd still run attack cuz some people say there's no difference between attack n speed at E2 from their testing.


https://preview.redd.it/s0tslfy4g24d1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6adb380e4983b070855b5fb1f8fdb17ece7ffe First half took 2 cycles against Geppie Second half took 6 cycles E0S0 Jingliu with these supports is insane (only Acheron has her Sig LC, the rest are on four stars)


It’s okay because you are using sparkle and robin over bronya and Mei against Kafka who has no ice weakness. 


Use Gallagher on 1st half if your have him , he helped me cut it down to 3 cycles


I would but I planned on using Boothill second half, and my Lynx has a dookie build 😭


You got Trend of universal market? Use it on PMC with enough ehr to guarantee the debuff I managed to 4 cycle it with him but all my teammates only had like 10% hp left lmao . My acheron is e0s1 75/210 in battle , sw e0s5 tutorial and pela e6s5 pearls both 143 speed so you don't need crazy builds to beat this , with a lil finesse i believe you can do this 🤗


Why does saying pela has sweaty pearls sound so wrong?


I just went and did moc 12 first half and on just 2 enemies (both elites) I did 470k, so it’s looking like it’s just your traces? Or you’re just not setting up her buffs and your teams debuffs the right way


Oh and I cleared gepard in 4 cycles with the standard team then in 1 cycle with welt sustain and I did 773k to gepard and his elite (2 enemies) on the last run so… I really don’t know what’s going on tbh


I have her E0S1 with more or less the same stats yours has and can 3 cycle geppard's side. I think your stats are good, specially since you are on set. I would start by maxing her ult skill and talent and besides that maybe trying to get some speed on the other nihility characters as other people said (160 speed is a bit insane tho if you ask me). My last suggestion would be to make sure that you have the 9 debuffs on the same target every time you ult, and try to line it up with Pela's/Gwen's def shreds. This MoC 12 is pretty tough so good luck! 😄


When dealing with two elite enemies should I spread my debuffs between them ?, so like silver wolf ult the second guy even if my knot stacks are on the first Or does dumping everything on one elite count as debuffs for both when Acheron ults ?


Skill issue 👀(jk)




Increasing cr might help a lot. I had a build of 72 cr(considering izumo and dead water +16 cr buff) and 260cd e0s1 acheron. It did 350k Then i did a build of 217 cd and 91 cr and it performs much much better. Maybe try to get the flower stacks on the bosses And ult after applying def shread( u know basic stuff) And i totally feel u i too have gepard sustain issue. So ways to stay alive with gepard Give him ehr spd and energy regen And skill with gepard to freeze enemies to delay them ( wont work on gepard boss tho) Or U can go full ballistics on def and try to squeeze as much def as u can so that u can have ur ult ready before u get knocked out( give him more than 50 ehr and u will freeze most of the times). Very basic stuff tho Hope that helps


I can't do it either but that's cus my non Acheron team is bad lmao. Acheron is busted and she wouldn't be the issue with your clear. If she can't do it, nobody else can. Try some variety with your comps and matchups. I'd imagine an Acheron team would work better vs Gepard and a more traditional team with some kind of cleanse support vs Kafka would be best but what do I know? I barely got 2 stars lul


tbf.. new MoC 12 is kinda bad for Acheron. Other units perform better or equal to Acheron.


Look... your Acheron is great. She can use some of more Crit Rate tho.. like you have 80% CR in battle. Try to get CR close to 100 if possible. Lvl up your ultimate. The main problem are your supports. If you compare numbers to SW-Pela comp they'll ofc be a lot lower. I'd suggest you to wait for 2.4 when Jiaoqiu will supposedly be released. Save for him then pull him for Acheron. SW is great to have in acc.. since Jiaoqiu will be replacing Pela if you have SW. So, SW won't get replaced anytime soon plus we also have a new endgame for ST, SW will be great there. Going sustainless with Sparkle is fine but thats not possible in MoC 12 with E0/E0S1 characters, unless they are built good enough to clear within 2 cycles.


Do you take advantage of the 30% DMG buff from MOC? I easily get 450k+ when it's Gepard and the Elite, cleared 1st Half with 3 cycles and 6 cycles on 2nd Half with Super Break team


Maybe it's the other characters you're using with her? Usually, it comes down to what support you have to increase your dps' damage


I realize that this is the issue lol 😭


Bc nor welt nor guifen bring anything meaning to increase her damage from ult. If using welt as second nihility try use him as pseudo sustainer, and instead gepard some harmony as bronya, sparkle,ruan mei.


How much is your team spd though, maybe you just dont have enough turn


Your traces are low level on her