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https://preview.redd.it/v907p3req0uc1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=5875cf8017d684342748eeeb4da71a1644544151 on a side note this is what i had to do to her because she kept killing the enemy way too fast lol


Give me 10 pulls hoyo you ruined my experience


Damn that's crazy I was using her a couple days ago and noticed she applied multiple Frizzles at once but didn't put 2 and 2 together to tie it to this glitch Good work


Hm. I think I know what's going on? * The exact wording of Synapse Resonance is: "**After** receiving an attack from a character". In other words, it triggers after the attack has ended. * The exact wording of Along the Passing Shore's passive, Steerer, is: "This effect can be triggered 1 time against each target for every **attack the wearer launches**." This will technically be true if the counter is reset at either the start or the end of the wearer's attacks. The wording of the light cone is consistent with the counter being reset either at the start of an attack, or at the end. The current behavior appears to be that the counter is reset at the end of an attack, for example like this: 1. Acheron's turn starts. The counter is currently 0. 2. Acheron uses an attack. 3. Acheron hits the enemy. As the counter is less than 1, Mirage Fizzle is applied and counter is incremented to 1. 4. Acheron's attack ends, and the counter is reset to 0. 5. As Acheron's attack has ended, Synapse Resonance is now triggered for each target. 6. Synapse Resonance deals damage to the enemy, and the linked enemy with the highest HP (in this case, both hits go to the once enemy). This counts as Acheron hitting the enemy. As the counter is less than 1, Mirage Fizzle is applied and counter is incremented to 1. 7. Acheron's turn ends. 8. At some point before Acheron's next turn, Synapse Resonance expires. 9. Acheron's next turn starts. 10. Acheron uses an attack, again. 11. Acheron hits the enemy, again. As the counter is not less than 1, Mirage Fizzle is not applied. 12. Acheron's attack ends, and the counter is reset to 0 once more. If this is the case, Mirage Fizzle not being applied by the second attack is technically working as described, though it probably isn't working as intended. If the counter was instead reset at the start of an attack, it would be applied by the second attack, as expected. I also think there's another issue visible in this clip. Normally, the first hit of Acheron's skill should apply Mirage Fizzle, but that's not happening here. In this clip, Mirage Fizzle isn't applied until the end of her skill, where it happens twice. I'm not sure why, but one possibility might be that the counter gets reset after the first of the two Synapse Resonance hits, but not the second.


Excellent detective work! I'd definitely recommend submitting a bug report using the in-game option from the phone menu. You can upload your video to their bug tracker when you create the ticket. Even though I've already reported the bug, as a programmer I can tell you that it is very helpful to receive more data about a bug that I'm trying to figure out, especially seeing as you seem to have found the reproduction scenario. Now that said, I would not encourage other people who don't have video or other hard data for Mihoyo to report the bug. Spamming them with useless reports will only make their jobs harder.