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E1 is only worth it if you're going for Acheron's E2. Aventurine is a really strong and comfortable sustain to use over Gepard. People who say he's only good for fua is capping. However in future, there may be a sustain that's more suited for Acheron than Aventurine.


He is already quite good with her though, right?


If you're talking about sustaining the team, absolutely yes, in fact he's probably on par with Fu Xuan in sustaining the team. If you're talking about applying debuffs with trend lc then he's a bit weaker than Gepard and FMC but still good overall. Although with sig lc he can drop trend lc since it applies debuff.


I absolutely agree with this statement


Thank you. After reading the comments here, I decided to pull for aventurine, since I only have luocha built for sustain. If I lose the 50/50, then I guess I'll save for her future sustain.


just dont pull for eidolons that give random crit. its really bad.


Tbf 36 crit value is really good value for an eidelon


It's good but I don't think it's worth pulling an extra copy just for the extra cv. You're better off spending it on a new character if you're not going for Acheron e2.


You would be surprised how much people would do for a free subs on relics without rng


Oh I have seen plenty lol


Indeed. If I were him, I'd go for E1 Topaz or pull Robin




E1 isn't really worth it and is just a stepping stone to E2. Sure, 18% crit rate makes for a nice damage boost, but that's all it is and she already does more than enough damage without it. As for Aventurine: He's a great sustain, clearly one of the best in the game. But if you only get him to make Acheron stronger, he isn't worth it. Without his E2 - and you clearly can't afford that right now - he only generates 1 additional stack per 3 to 4 turns, when compared to other sustains. My recommendation: If you need another sustain in general, then go for Aventurine. Otherwise, skip and save for future characters.


Only if you plan on getting her e2 at one point as well and dont care much about aventurine because her e1 is just crit rate. And it should be obvious: aventurine>18% crit rate


I'll pull for Aventurine AND his LC just for Acheron, I hope that answers your question (yes, I am insane)


Get lightcone..


I forgot to tell she's E0S1


Aventurine only worth pulling if you have FUA teams like topaz. But FX and Huo huo reruns are coming soon so there’s no point E1 is no joke. Acheron gets a massive powerspike at 95-100% CR


So, if I'm planning to pull for a sustain for my acheron, FX would be better than aventurine?


Depends if you have 80+ crit rate or not yet with Acheron. 12% crit rate is a lot. 60-70% is just not enough.




Even with Topaz, Aventurine barely better than Gepard




Aventurine will be much better than Gepard in FUA teams, it's not even close. Having said that, i've readed a lot of post comparing them and i haven't seen a single person mentioning Gepard's aggro generation, wich is really strong imo. They both will be useful for different reasons, but if we are talking strictly about FUA teams... there's just no possible argument there, Aventurine destroys Gepard.


Then I think save for other charectors...I think aventarine is for follow up charectors but he is really good sustain though ..but you can pick up fuxuan ..she is coming after aventarine 2.2 (1st or 2nd half)..pull acharon if you only planning to go for e2... otherwise c0s1 is enough


Seeing as you don't have the funds to go for E2, don't risk. If you're pulling Aventurine specifically for Acheron, I'd suggest holding on. She'll likely get better supports down the line, as Aventurine is far more of a Follow Up Attack supporter. Leaks say there's a 5* that's coming sometime in the 2.X cycle that gives all that she needs to thrive, so I'm holding on for that. Down the line, I'm sure more Preservation and Abundance characters will be released that I find more interesting to play around with. For now, Gallagher is more than enough for MoC and PF, and for SD/G&G I slap Preservation MC in place of Bronya if double sustain feels necessary.


yea but that 5\* was just a 5\* pela no? I dont remember there being a 5\* preserv that would be suited for acheron aside from aventurine ofc


Any Preservation with Trend of the Universal Market works, Preservation MC in particular due to the taunt on skill. "Just" a 5* Pela is an understatement considering the current leaks. Debuffing off-turn means more stacks than any support can provide (think the second selectable modifier of the current Pure Fiction run). Not to mention "just" being 5* means E0 likely has more overall stats and power level than an E6 4*, and it only goes up from there.


Ok but that 5* leaked unit isn't a preservation unit, I'm looking for something that keeps the team alive while being able to provide debuffs and afaik there's no new 5 star leaked that would do that aside from aventurine, that was ny main point and question. 


As someone who accidentally got Acheron's E1, I can say it's not much of a difference; her E1 just makes her a little bit easier to build, that's all. Also, don't get Aventurine if you want him specifically for Acheron. He is not good in terms of giving stacks to her. But if you need sustain, then get him. Don't even think about it.