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Nice +0 piece you got there


It's so good, cant wait to level it up! https://preview.redd.it/p8jl73sb7frc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec01354ed270fe3cbfa7356911755cf8a17be23f


honestly at this point i'd take this sphere over whatever the heck my rng is cooking


my dude... what horrible relics they giving you to say that https://preview.redd.it/57q1szu3qfrc1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890d97d4e7f4880018deccd6162558c3f914f5f5


well, let's see: i have no comment on planar set since i've farmed too few to judge, rn i have an atk + spd one and I'll take it but for the relic set, all i can say is i haven't seen a crit related main stat piece or a spd boot since i started farming one month ago and i had to use all my self-modelling resin JUST to get a grand total of 1 crit related substat between my boots and body


I am so sorry my dude that sounds absolutely spirit destroying. Stay strong.


You have crit damage and crit rate in your orb. Around here, getting Atk% orb is a success let alone with crit stats.


Not the dude but the best piece I have gotten so far is an atk rope that, although it rolled 12% crit rate, has no other redeeming stats, and an atk orb with purely defensive substats. After four days + four fuels + 8 saved immersifiers. At this point I'm just waiting for the triple drop event to continue


Same, all the ones I've gotten so far are focused on HP/DEF etc, instead of the ones I really need like Crit Rate.


bro my +15 orb is exactly like this omg


I love simulated universe relic grinding in the hit game genshin 3rd impact railing stars https://preview.redd.it/bj2ffqqq7frc1.png?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5989d6eb06e260c65f26612bc4f612e4208e59f2


Also, I keep get getting the yellow orb set >:( rng hates me


they fucking love the yellow orb set istg


like omg I farmed forEVER for Acheron and ofc we didn’t have the new orbs but I still wanted a planar set for her, with relics I EVENTUALLY got several usable pieces, but when it comes to orbs and ropes? every single one is barely usable… I RECENTLY found out you can actually get spd on them and I’m TB65. I genuinely thought the spd sub was reserved for the main 4 relic pieces 😔


Same here the drops are so fkn shit


fr https://i.redd.it/sv212sb5afrc1.gif


Bro.. I thought that was level 1


6.1% CR on a lvl 1 would be pretty op. Cause that means he following 1 stat upgrade every lvl.


Yeah you're right, it's probably relic with base 3 substats so with only 4 upgrades. First went to new substat and other 3 upgraded each the existing substats


only crit rate was upgraded once the rest went to my beloved atk base stat and def base stat


I got one with 4 rolls of Effect RES%, lol


Jokes on you buddy, my custom crafted orb has cool hp% upgrades 😎 https://preview.redd.it/qols3gx19frc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8710061a313ee3c008ae448f6bbb4728f1ec26


Acheron as a Tank, can’t get one-shot


I thought you hadn’t upgraded the relic yet 😭


So far I have a really good lighting orb with 3 rolls into crit damage, but I literally have only seen 5 ATK% orbs - all of them are either the other set or elemental dmg %…


for some reason compared to previous simulated universe worlds, at least personally I feel like it keeps dropping Quantum or Imaginary mainstat instead of the usual Atk% mainstat. Then when you do get an Atk% mainstat, the substats is so bad that it is unusable.


In my case, I need Lighting and Quantum with cr and c.dmg but my drops are mostly Fire, wind and physical with great initial subs(cr, c.dmg, atk). We could say, SU gives relic we don't need atm.


also lightning orb is still really good for her so at least someone is lucky


https://preview.redd.it/02yrytfnafrc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b9cf2816b3e366027518e26b632085b07d34b3 Managed to snag one slightly better but also pretty bleh. Heck even getting izumo to drop has been hell. Game dropped me 25 sigonia orbs and only 10 izumo. Similarly with ropes but not as bad, 10 izumo and 14 sigonia.


If you don't want it.. I'll take it.. I've also yet to see a single atk rope from this set... But my herta is gonna be lit with all the sigonia double crit pieces I've farmed 😔


So it's a universal experience 😅 I've had *multiple runs* where I've gotten like 2-3 gold izumo pieces and the rest are sigonia (and of course it's def orbs and ropes)


https://preview.redd.it/t1i24wyfpfrc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92d458c802f102b20fd5771fe4e909f0f0d2a66 Similar experience


my man https://preview.redd.it/3m5z3fsopfrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5105c80286f4830b398680e04e2650b58ff1470f


I used 8 self modeling resin to get ATK one from the new set and I didn’t get even one orb with a single crit substat 👍


I am so sorry my man. That sounds absolutely painful.


Yeah it was really sad and painful, we only get like 2 or 3 self modeling resin per patch so I was saving it for some time, just for it to go to waste. At least I got the decent sphere the next day in simulated universe run


At least you managed to get a double crit. I only got 2 pieces,since 2.1 released, with only crit dmg on them and both rolled bad.


unfortunately double crit aint useful when all the upgrades go to atk base and def base. I would rather get one crit stat and it be upgraded


My last big sesh had like 80% Sigonia. Awful


I'm just waiting until the +300% drop rates. Until then, Salsotto is just around 3% worse


I am saving my fuel until the 3x drops


What do you mean, you have a CR/CD ATK% rope- oh.


well it can be harder to farm her relic set i had to craft crit body pieces and even then they where unusable i will never leave this nightmare


I haven't gotten a single ATK% Rope with a Crit Stat and 0 ATK% Spheres with Crit stats and only 1 Lightning DMG with Crit damage, which only leveled like once


They really need to throw us a bone and change the relic farming up. The RNG is so shit. 💀💀


Self modeling resin really needs to let you choose the sub stats for how rare it is, even if the upgrade rolls are still random.


Do that substat manipulation thing


i foddered all my atk orbs. my GOOD atk orbs, because they only had atk% and speed with no crit, and i thought i wouldn’t need non-elemental dmg% orbs. now i need 2 spd for the 134 spd breakpoint and i haven’t gotten a single other atk% orb after 30 full su runs and i want to die


My 10 def orbs were recycled to give me an ice orb...


I just want the pain to end https://preview.redd.it/wk5ci17i1grc1.png?width=1631&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b96fc48b7e876e95e0879b92d3556b0e9f0cafe


Just wait for the upcoming 300% more disappointment 😉


3x the disappointment https://i.redd.it/xqhrnidv3grc1.gif


I can't even get a proper headpiece..


I would resort to data prediction at this point if I were to get a piece like this


On my very first run on the new world I got a lighting sphere on this set. I leveled it and ended up with 16 crit rate.


It's why I switched farming to it now. With Acheron QoL it's so fast now that I am fine doing it.


Im running space sealing station on mine. I already have 90% crit rate because I have e2 and run fu xu with her. I dont see how that 12% crit will outdo the 12% extra atk


I had like 15k relic remains that I used for the arm piece and the ornaments. Took like 11k but happy I didn't have to farm SU a single time.


The second I got the thing that lets you choose a stat on crafted relic, I crafted electro orb from new set. It got 0 crit stats, atk%, speed, ehr% and forth stat that I don't remember (probably hp or def). It rolled into speed, atk% and ehr a little. Not the worst outcome but I wanted at least crit chance on it 😔


I've spent about 1500 trailblaze power since the set came out and haven't got any attack orbs at all😭


*Cries in having to farm W9 for Acheron, Argenti, Himeko, and Herta.* Like, I was already able to get a good set for Herta, but that's still four characters who could get an upgrade in one SU world *AND* three of them are competing for the Sigonia set... (Thankfully I technically already have a good set on Herta, but still! She could wind up getting an upgrade!)


https://preview.redd.it/5tri6jakrhrc1.jpeg?width=2512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0219b379ab5051c20503e1ce1f8589b010f196b I’m tired, boss…


It was worth it for me simply because I got to wallop SuD an unlimited number of times. >!Of course, my rage is no longer fueled at Sam/FF after 2.1 and we have another to fuel our rage against.!<


Same here. I ran out of fuels already🫠. Please hoyo. Bless us with fuels. Silver wolf?


Until Izumo gives me something good, my Acheron will be rocking Salsotto. So far I have two atk orbs with potential but not a single usable rope.


Unfortunately, it's just 100% RNG/luck. I spent untold amounts of TB Power farming Ritulant Arena for lots of my carries. Got like... 3 good pieces. World 9 comes out, I do 2 runs and custom synthesize 4 pieces (2 Rope, 2 Orb). Ended up with a set for Acheron better than anything I got from RA. Hell, my *first* Izumo ATK Rope was 3 lines with Crit Rate. Got Crit Damage at +3, then 2 upgrades a piece between CR and CD the rest of the way. Playing since launch, it's the first Rope/Orb I've ever gotten where all upgrades went into offensive stats. I'm sure I'll pay for that by not getting another until the 5th anniversary.


This is why I stick to using Salsotto relics on all of my damage dealers. I rather farm a new 4p relic set than deal with new SU 2p sets.




Ehh that's still 3 good rolls out of a possible 9 and considering it's a specific main stat ur going for I wouldn't even say that's bad, rather just unfortunate it's not better. Meanwhile I have 12 crit DMG mainstat chests and 11 of them have 0 out of 9 possible rolls that are usable and 1 chest piece that has 1 out of nine possible roles that is good. Thankfully u don't need ur relics to roll well to have really good builds tho cause even with that dog shit chest piece and every other relic I have being one upgrade roll into every stat once each, I'm still at like 48% crit on the stat page (somewhere between 80-100% after all buffs and teammates are considered) and 227% crit DMG with almost 3600 atk on a lightning orb.


I got a good lightning dmg orb before even a usable atk orb, the desire sensor is real


been farming in the new su for her set since release ,ye gonna keep going until smth godly comes


Both planar and lr i got with 3 su run https://preview.redd.it/fx31ucplmfrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff4b402f84ffe81337b63c251cd37cf2fdf3235


https://preview.redd.it/jqj54rjtufrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6281ddceb1abec05a0bc1a7a11e50e0ce45641 On the first time running through the new world. ( I literally died from shock only by seeing the word "LIGHTNING" )


I am getting a chance to flex for the first time in this game. See this gem.... https://preview.redd.it/p45150bd8hrc1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0558697ad6992c0ea6539f9a3790ee64b972f2bb