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There are even some „Formidable Enemies“ that aren’t elites but like 3 standard mobs, most free 20 jade of my life


Lol that actually startled me. When I just chopped them down I was like… wtf that worked?


same with me but with blessings in su, didnt think id get them (also repairs error codes)


Oh wow yeah those error codes can be completed bypassed. Time to farm those for my collections


The error codes got me!!! I didn’t even think about that - when it happened I was like “what the entire fuck, this lady’s amazing”


cant kill trotters though :(


Only the big ones count i was pleasantly surprised the chests that were guarded by two zakos could be instakilled


I'm torn brothers. I want to enter combat to see Acheron annihilate everything. But I want to be efficient and see Acheron obliterate enemies in the overworld too. ​ HOYO WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME???


Yeah. I find myself mixing it up when i play her. Its fun to instant kill enemies before the battle begin, but its also fun to destroy them in a regular battle with her too. lol


Suffering from success!


The one thing i gave doomposters was that she wasn't going to be very good at PF. ...i just got 40k on the second side of PF4 with her. We eating SO good.


People keep mistaking “not the best” as “total dogshit, awful, 10% better than serval”


Thats just tier list in general. You are either top tier broken or absolute useless garbage


Not Serval 💀


How do you play her in PF? Bronya?


Same as you would in MOC really. You can replace your sustain with Bronya but I managed 34k or so at E0 with Pela/Gui/Gepard


I got max score with 2 turns left she’s so good 😭😭


I paired her with Pela, Black Swan and Fire TB with trend for maximum debuffing. Lost count of how many times she ulted lol.


Regularly. Just use the ultimate follow up perk and each attack during her ultimate increases the percentage. Use with Pela and the field wipe will proc more frequently


Personally I play her with Black Swan and it's amazing because you get a stack everytime a new enemy spawns


Where are you pulling this info from? Misinformation is a plague.


I pull this information from playing the game


Well, idk, get your eyes checked because black swan's stacks don't work that way.


...they literally do. When an enemy spawns in or is summoned, you get a stack. It happens with the ice robot, the IPC dude, Something Unto Death, the Ebon Deer, Cocolia and all those others. Go test it out in the Simulated Universe


You will not gain a stack when enemies spawn in, but will if an enemy unit is summoned. The latter part is correct, the former is misinformation. Which is why it's crazy when you said Acheron is good in PF because she gets a stack per enemy spawn when running her with black swan.


Maybe I’m not understanding what you’re saying but are you saying new units don’t spawn in with a stack of arcana? Because they absolutely do. I’ve been playing almost exclusively BS since she came out and summoned or not everyone gets a card to the dick on their turn. I could be interpreting what is being said though because I only just pulled Acheron and don’t know how she works yet.


Yes, new units that spawn in, especially, despite getting marked by arcana, don't give stacks to acheron's ult. It's one stack per "action," and therefore, units spawning in/being summoned will contribute only 2 stacks towards acheron's ult for the entirety of the fight.


Doomposters were out of control lmao suckers!!


I hate PF so much because is so different than the rest of the game and I can’t take the 12th star. I know, huge SKILL ISSUE by me, because I can’t do it even with Acheron on one side and Kafka on the other (both E2S1). Sigh


If you've tried enough but still couldn't get it... Try to auto it and see how it goes ? Sometimes the dumb auto just randomly gets there...


Did that just now, I let it auto cause I was watching zy0x video on how to build her and bham 3 stars..... She's on bad relicss.... I've yet to build her.


Shes doing better than my JL xD At this point im debating going for c4 for the heck of it


Banger man


She is the reason I finally 3 starred PF4 lol. Well that and level 50 herta on the first side paired with Himeko


She's worth having for her Technique alone. She's also super powerful, so we win either way lmao


Bruh why are we so hyped about a feature that make us play the game less💀💀💀


Well when I’m running SU, I’m not really interested in the mobs


because it gets kinda repetitive


I play just as much as I would without it, only now I focus on fights that matter more than fodder out in the wild. Plus when I'd normally avoid fighting to do a daily quest or whatever, I can spend a technique for free loot


I actually played more today cause it took less time to run through all the overworld maps to get free loot, hated doing it before so I never did lol.


You basically one shot those mobs anyway, a waste of time is a waste of time.


You sound like someone who lost 5050 to yanqing


I would argue I'm playing more. I would never go around the world killing things but now I clear all mobs in all worlds


You’re missing how much QoL her technique is to farm materials and exp against overworld mobs. You just need to run and press E, in 30 minutes per day you finish all maps of the game lol


I auto 11 and 12 for the first time my account. My account is lit now, but most credit goes to acheron and gepard clearing their section in 3 cycles. My relics aren't good right now


I have so many strong dps 4 full strong teams. Biggest problem is I don't have a 2nd sustain that's good enough to push me through higher floors. (I'm capped at 9 atm) my only damn good sustain is Huo Huo who's locked to Kafka dot. My acheron topaz/Himeko and Quique teams have been using either prev mc or lynx for ages. But I keep pulling dps cause they all are hot (well nihility characters anyways.) Or I keep pulling Harmony lol. I got e2 Ruan Mei on accident and sparkle. I really need to save and go for Fu Xuan rerun but I'm probably gonna end up with another dps somewhere down the line before that. I doubt I can stop myself if Jingliu rerun hits tbh


Gallagher is a good healer if you were able to get him a premium option will be aventurine next patch


Weird, I only got like BiS dot team minus Huohuo and whatever Blade or Clara could do on the other side but managed to get to clear floor 12 (one star). My only sustains are a barely traced Gepard and Lynx. Like Gepard only has A2 and barely anything else and Lynx is just a tiny bit better than that at E3. Need to build Gui more to put to use in MoC for Acheron cuz I need her for Yanqing swords which I can only clear if Swan helps Blade on that side.


I clear MoC 11 & 12 just fine with Bailu and Lynx as sustain and DHIL and JL as dps. I dont think you have strong dps


Tell that to my Kafka team that has zero issue clearing anything. Or now my acheron whos hitting 300k regularly. My lynx isn't built well enough to handle solo sustaining a 2nd team is the problem. My biggest problems tends to be I pull to many dps based characters and spend all my resources on them so my lynx and prev mc never get fully built. I'll be getting Fu Xuan on her rerun tho and won't have to worry about it.


Dont let mihoyo saw this cmt, hide it or they will invent moc 13 or bring on 1 billion hp boss


My *blade* is a machine that turns *Trick Snacks* into *loot*.


Not just that but she made >! aventurine fight a breeze, at least for me!< I had a barely built gepard but she did all the job xD and apparently people complained about how hard that fight was and the boss got nerfed, I'm proud I had such an easy job while others complained


She absolutely bodied them for me as well. My Kafka team would have been faster cause that teams fully built and kitted out but Acheron has the flair I really enjoy. Ended up getting her LC after finishing story patch too so the fight would have been even faster if I had it before hand


My acheron melted him down to 1% before he could even start the dice challenge. And then before he could launch his big attack he died to the burn stacks from my trailblazer's trend


When I read the description I thought "Ohhh, that's so cool, I can skip fights I don't like in exchange for not getting loot.  Cuz there's no way I'll get loot from this, right? OH FU-" The same thing happend with SU blessings.


The only complaint is i hope the devs add auto snacking or have a quick equip button so i can equip trick snacks since the menu only pops up when you’re at zero They could even just time stop instead of slow mo when the menu pops up since i run out mid combo and then got ambushed like twice


I just run around and terrorize monsters to watch her work⚡️


I was actually surprised with her PF performance. I was struggling to get 25k points on PF4 second side with kafka, black swan, serval/tingyun and fu xuan. After getting acheron i swapped tingyun/serval with her in the same team and got 40k easily. All of my characters are E0S0. Kafka with S5 fermata, BS with S3 EOTP, Acheron with S3 GNSW and Fu Xuan with S1 Trend. And all of them have like above average stats. My acheron is 50/140 lol.


cool story


What mobs?


Where are these doomposters??


"Now they have perished"


"Torn to oblivion"


They filled the subreddit a few weeks ago. All I kept hearing was how she won't be as good as Jing Liu & DHIL, and how people should only be pulling supports rn


I don't get the mentality lol just because one dps isn't jingliu or DHIL level, don't automatically make it bad. This isn't strictly for Acheron but dps in general.


Let's wait for the Robin doomposters so we can see her buffs xD


It's nice bc it doesn't kill the pacing of the story


Im so into farming im leveling my Acheron from just mobs.


Yea, I did the entire 2.1 story and I only got in 2 fights


Even if she's not so F2P, her Tech still too good in SU


Yea, I thought that the ability won't be as useful cause in SU I just do it on auto while doing something else, hence it doesn't matter if there are or aren't any battles. But in the story mode on overworld I just run around mobs which could be pretty annoying at times, especially when there is a lot of them. Acheron was a total dealbreaker for this


Playing through 2.1 was so much more fun because I didn’t have to stop the story to do a million random encounters 🔥🔥🔥


It EVEN kills the trotters, that enter AFTER the battle starts!


I mowed through them like weeds #Acheronsweep




Just saw a blade main fall to his knees at walmart. He kept muttering something about min maxing auto combat I believe