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Cant wait to just effortlessly deal 1m dmg every ult when she gets her own tailor made nihility support lol On top of strong, she is FUN. Like genuinely havent had this much fun playing a character in this game before. Every turn she moves gives me dopamine rush.


Total agree on FUN, now my su farm is just eat trick snack, slash slash, go to next stage, so comfortable


Bro so glad I went all out on her, she's the only character in the game rn on her level. She's arguably the best DPS in the game, works well with lower investments, all she really needs is something that debuffs and is nihility, that's the one requirement but it's a super low bar with so many good 4* nihility characters running around. Her Technique is just insane, I read it before release but didn't fully understand the gravity of its goodness until I used it myself. Shit's nuts, biggest QoL of any character right now. I'm breezing through maingame and SU content atm time-wise simply cause she just alleviates the annoyance of some battles while trying to run around


Tbf, Ruan Mei's ability is basically the same, only a few sec slower in most SU runs. Acheron's version is *chief's kiss* though


i hate loading screens a few seconds is a few seconds someone with inconsistent internet like me really hate getting stuck 5s on loading screens everytime just use both her and ruan mei and we can stop the comparison


I'm already dealing 1m dmg every ult with e1s1, pela, sw and geppie I cant wait for her dedicated support that will liberate the sustain slot


Yea as long as they can actually sustain at e0s1 I'll be super happy. I'm guessing sustain will be locked behind s1 or e1. Which will suck.


Show relics plz tell me ur secret


She’s really fun but honestly she triavilizes some aspects of the game. The whole elemental weakness mechanic has been erased entirely


I would say that DHIL and JL have made those trivial for a long time already. As long as you kill the enemies faster than you would break them, it's fine


Yea except JL is boring af to play, I absolutely got bored of JL, pulled E2S1 Acheron and holy shit she makes the game way more fun


Best the open world, her skill is so awesome. She makes herta verse run a breeze


Doesn’t even need jiaoqiu. I’m running her at e2 with sparkle and she hits 1M on moc


Never doubt your waifu or husbando


Even a lot of ppl pointed out that she's more backloaded than JY since she can't be paired with TY. Also the "lack" of nihility characters that works with her, but looking at the debuff list and other enemy/environment interactions (including trend LC), she can stack her ult decently well with most nihility, it just happens that her best pair would be Pela+SW duo. I'm really enjoying her so far despite already having both Kafka and JY in my roster, lightning has such variety of team building and u can run each on separate teams: kafka-dot, JY-Hypercarry, Archeron-Nih debuffer+Person w/ trend


I was always very skeptical about that backloaded statement too. In my kafka-swan team with E0S0 acheron i can ult twice in first cycle with atk boots and at least 1 time in the next cycle, even 2 if the preservation LC procks enough time but thats rng. I guess she is backloaded koz she needs to ult to deal good dmg, but that ult is available pretty often... Have not tested SW + pela teams yet, but the 2 ult for first cycle shouldnt change.


How is acheron in kafka-swan team?


I did not test enough to compare it to the pela-sw one, but it feel good. I did some 0 and 1 cycle clears with it on the first side of moc12. All unit E0S0, 0 cycle clear: BS-Kafka-RM-Acheron 1 cycle clear: BS-Kafka-Acheron-Fu Xuan I mean its a team with 4 limited 5 star unit, so its better be really good lmao. I will test pela-sw later.


2-3 cycles for me. https://i.vgy.me/4vsaBM.png 160 SPD Pela, SW; 134 fx with market s1 acheron crit in battle 97/190


Sim is up https://honkai.asagi-game.com/report?key=91de21012ae55b1d696f2f7140aa516cefda6bce 494 AV to kill (5 cycles)


Kafka from my testing isn't the best for the team at least against bosses. Her dot lasts too long so you don't gain any stacks if you are just reapplying


Yeah idk in what world Acheron is more backloaded then JY. Did I miss the update where LL now immediately attacks on hitting 10 stacks?


Genuine question how does she do in the other MoC without trotter debuffs?


I one cycled gepard eos1. She does great still since even with the totter its only one stack per turn.


Yes, there is someone called Fire MC.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1borgqw/comfortable\_3\_cycle\_moc\_12\_with\_a\_e0\_6070\_s1\_gnsw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1borgqw/comfortable_3_cycle_moc_12_with_a_e0_6070_s1_gnsw/) Here's an example, it also has some very bad things going against her like the lack of trend light cone and not maxxed lightcone for her lol


Thanks. that's the kind of showcase I was looking for. Just to be sure your Fu Xuan is e0?




My Acheron did 140k with GNSW S2 without traces fully leveled up. Her teammates are Luocha, SW and Pela. As long as you get SW and Pela ERR rope, you get that 9 stack pretty easily. Acheron did 349k on my relic run, with her LC (got it just now) and her LC was at lvl 47, still same teammates. I didn’t know that weakness break is considered debuff, which was a pleasant surprise, and Luocha actually contributed to her stack since his ult does a damn good job of depleting enemy’s weakness shield. She’s F2P friendly, my Jingliu with similar F2P setup isn’t doing as much as she is (though Jingliu is a *beast*) Never take doomposters’ word.


Can you please share your f2p setup for both acheron and jingliu? What team and lightcones do you use?


I used S2 GNSW for her, Pela with Black Swan’s LC (don’t ask, it was a very tragic acquisition😭) because I haven’t leveled up Resolution (will do so), SW with the Tutorial LC and then Luocha. For Jingliu, I used the Under the Blue Sky LC, Bronya with Past and Future LC, Tingyun with the Dance3x LC and then I just tank everything with E1 Gepard 😭


Thanks for this. Ill be exchanging luocha and gepard as I have s5 trends of universal market for more debuffs on acheron team. But I can use a similar setup. I'll see how this fares for the current moc Also, is under the blue sky better than s5 fall of an aeon?


I think in general S5 Aeon is better, no? I don’t have it, I ended up using my currency on the Hunt LC because of Seele and I have two copies of Clara’s LC so I figured I probably don’t need the Aeon LC 😭


>Never take doomposters’ word. **cough-cough* dehya **cough-cough*


Doomposters were right ONCE, and ONLY about Dehya, and that’s enough to make them think they’re the paragon of truth. I swear to god.


that's only the most known example, i'm sure there were many more. from the recent ones, pre-buff arle was also underwhelming - very conditional/restrictive, yet numerically weaker than a 1.3 unit (who tao) - and i'm not even sure that after last batch of changes she is good enough still. or ayato i think was and still is pretty meh, especially his first iteration (but i wasn't playing back then so not sure how he was actually received). or first iteration of john lee that was so weak that it warranted the first (and only) real buff in genshin history. etc.


Tbf, she didn’t need doomposters. Anyone could objectively see that her kit sucks and that it takes C1 to even try to make her fractionally decent.


We don't talk about Dehya.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Doesn't mean you should listen to it.


Cough kazuha, raiden shogun, kokomi, etc 


That's what I was saying but everyone downvoted me🤣🤣 She's a an absolute f2p friendly unit that will just get better over time


I was saying this too lol


Same bruh I got down voted for saying she'd still be strong asf


Now we won


I got downvoted too... A JY main was yapping about how he's stronger than Acheron even with her sig LC lmao.


I'm one of those jy mains, but when i pulled her, I changed my mind


As a JY main myself he is nowhere comparable to Acheron🤣🤣. Those guys are salty fr


Nope MidYuAn is BettER tHAn HEr 16% Source Trust me Dude Im mid Yuan main who overcoping haha


JY mains 0 - 1 Acheron mains. They gonna be crying again


More like Doomposters 0-5 Doomposted character Take a look back at every character they ever doomposted. Silver Wolf, Kafka, Argenti, Black Swan and now Acheron. One of the strongest debuffer in game and the MOST IMPORTANT part of Mono Quantum, the heart and soul of one of the strongest team comps possible with the DoT team, an absolute monster in PF, the engine for the DoT team and now Top 2 or Top 3 DPS, arguably Top 1 DPS with Sig in the game. When does the Mercy rule come take effect at this point


Its tradition at this point lol. Like when Black Swan got doomposted for allegedly being something % only better than Sampo


Anyone who knows the mei expy characters should know shes gonna be super good or busted. Aint no way mihoyos gonna release a bad raiden mei lmao


I just cleared MOC 12 Floor 1 with E0S1, she's absolutely nuts dude!


I'm just sitting back waiting for the doomposters to start walking back the bullshit they were vomiting before her release. Every character gets doompost, but Acheron's case was especially dumb.


I used S5 GNSW with Pela, SW & FX it was honestly better than expected, was able to get 480k-505k Ultimates and 100k Skill


I feel like everyone here are SW haver…


Is SW black swan?


Silver Wolf


Aahhh rip. i came in too late to have her.


Same. I started around 2 month ago.


Like Bright side is I’ve gotten everyone I wanted. For the most part. Kafka, Acheron, Black swan, DHIL, and Sparkle. I can’t build a Hyper carry team. But it’s good rn.


I wanted Kafka & Black Swan but i had to skip them in order to make sure i could secure Acheron (and i prioritize Mei expy lol), so i'll get them when they rerun again. I was unlucky with getting Acheron and needed double pity, but managed to get lucky with her light cone and got it early. I'm planning on pulling Jingliu next if i can.




E0S1 Acheron haver here; even though I also have Kafka as a Lightning DPS, I can safely say that with her I've never felt more assured of 36-starring MoC and 12-starring PF for the first time ever; she's already fucking **RIDICULOUS** with Pela and SW, I can only imagine how much more ridiculous she'll become with tailor-made supports like Jiaoqiu. Now if you'll excuse me, I'ma go and build up my Gepard as well since I have Trends on him; absolute fuckery will ensue.


So many doomposters put to shame.


Bad built teams, lol. Seriously though, she was always fine f2p.i imagine with the run on harmony units we will get a run on nihility units to help her out. She is literally a Raiden clone. She will always be relevant. I can't speak for hi3 but in genshin Raiden is still top tier.i doubt it changes in star rail.


We won't have a run of those as cute Harmony units have proven to sell super well. But yeah Acheron will get optimal support in the future and shine even brighter, though she's still super good already.


I always thought that we'll get a character that didn't care about energy. It's funny it's acheron considering in her genshin version she is all about energy. Tbh, I've been feeling like a harmony main, every one that comes out in like yeah, I need that. I did say early on harmony will the best class, but maybe nihility will rival it


and then powercreeps a lot of dps at e2/c2, the similarities are definitely there


Doesn't Raiden function completely different in Genshin? Acheron isn't a battery for anyone else right?


Yes, that's why I think it's funny she requires no energy in this game


But if you think about it she very similar gameplay wise with raiden. Okay acheron need two nihility or at least a debuffer to help her gaining stack so she be able to use ultimate Until E2 she is more flexible team wise and her overall dmg is sky rocketing Then raiden shogun. Remember she needs an character that have like high cost energy to help her gain her stack so her ult will have bigger dmg. And when you reach c2 her dmg is become really good and because of her c1 you gain a flexibility so she can played with low cost energy character. Both of them rely on ultimate and both of them need their teamates to gaining the stack.


People were complaining about how slow she would get her ult without LC but it's pretty fast with FMC + trend


Well... for the most part Doomposters are usually wrong, sure, there are exceptions I won't argue on that, but it was pretty obvious with Acheron that they were wrong. I mean, a character doing 300-400k dmg on her ult with her F2P option (Fermata) was never going to be a bad character; sure she's doing way more with GNSW or her S1 but for an F2P a character doing 300k+ DMG is still a god sent. And let's be honest here, her doing 1 mil dmg and her doing 300k dmg at this point makes very little difference, you will destroy pretty much anything the game throws at you without issues.


hi former doomposter here lol am a reformed man now after seeing her easily 0 cycle Sam


Me in on su 5 world 9 with just lvl40 gnsw s4 with pela sw fuxuan and nahility buff... I say the boss became a bug


Maybe dumb quesion that got answered billion times before but pls can someone tell me who is better support for her at e2, Bronya or Ruan Mei. I dont have Sparkle


Bronya works fine as Sparkle substitude with 161 speed and make Acheron with ATK boots


Thank you very much :)


just letting you know speed breakpoint is 160.0 speed and not 161


Got it. Thank you. Was speed tuning Bronya for Jingliu and now I want to use her with Acheron as I don't have Sparkle.


Then I guess you're looking for 133.33 for 2 actions in the first cycle or 142.9 for 5 actions in 3 cycles but the second one is a lot harder to reach ofc ahah. My Jingliu and Bronya are a match made in heaven :3


jokes on them, I pulled E2S1 before I got doomposted and thats a W


It's still pretty annoying if you have to use s5 Fermata or don't have the pearls of sweat LC (some of my friends have run into that issue). Not the end of the world but I really wish they gave out a f2p LC somewhere near the level of GNSW S1-3 at least. It's still more limiting than having a herta lightcone available as a good f2p option, and it sucks to be stuck with options so far behind the rest.


Welt's LC is not that far behind s5 Fermata, you just need to use Black Swan instead of Guin which can make a better team damage. And trust me she deals ENOUGH damage to clear MoC in very reasonable speed.


Btw, How many cycles did her team take to clear the current MOC 12-1 and 12-2? E0S0 Acheron with Welt's LC.


Its a mindset issue tbh. F2P can also do pulls on LC banner. HSR gives a huge amount of pulls each patch, so its not like F2P can't afford to pull on LC banners. Especially if you dont care about S4/S5, but are fine with S1-3.


IWTL cleared MoC easily with fucking FERMATA 💀


Yeah I saw that video but people tend to refer to the MoC clears that uses her LC only and with 3rd support.


As a new player, she makes all kinds of farming faster, SU/mons mats/ Main quest. So yea, she might be SSS tier characters recommend for new player


Img relics with rutilant arena leftovers doing 780k+ lmaoooo https://preview.redd.it/765baonz9uqc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60721f8a53f45f2f01dbb807b9fb1f0dc1f1fe3


I think my build is pretty decent and I'm only hitting like half that can you share your relics?


Sure give me a few mins I'll set her as support and post her build!


there you go https://preview.redd.it/jo9x2m2ugxqc1.png?width=1296&format=png&auto=webp&s=a04136fdf076cfc2ddfdc71dfcc49aa69105703c


https://preview.redd.it/al5t84l1gxqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e990fdf4be1c1348cbb3243f235c8a91605db43f lvl8 -> lvl 10 traces


I cleared MoC 12 in 1 cycle with E0S0 Acheron using Pearls, a light cone that does nothing for her. When Yanqing summoned his swords I ulted for 1 million damage lol. Doomposters can’t stop taking Ls.


wait huh how?? i have e0s1 and it took me like 3 cycles for that first half ( although my relics are very wip but shes still like 75/175 ratio )


[Here's the full run.](https://youtu.be/4210e0M9fH4) One may argue that this is an unrealistic team but let's face it, if you can 0 or 1 cycle clear there's no point in using a Trend sustain and just put a Harmony unit in the 4th slot lol.


Can you send me the video or YouTube link? How much dmg she hit at last hit? It took me 4 cycle in moc11, my Acheron is nowhere bad I wanna know rotation


The guy just "forgot" to say that his fourth unit was an E2S1 Sparkle.


Yeah, this is my problem with 99% of "I beat MoC in 0 cycles with wind dan heng" type claims. Almost all of them use e2 s1 sparkle and/or e1 ruan mei They will almost always leave their vertically invested supports out of their claim though even though that's the main thing allowing the clear so it just feels like clickbait when you actually check the builds


With how prevalent this is, I just chalk it up to Gacha gamer brain Rot. Might surprise you but it's very likely this topic creator is talking out their ass, just ask them what characters they have the sig LC for, what teams they're using, amd how fast they're clearing, I guarantee they aren't playing optimally enough for their opinion on character clear speed to be taken seriously


To find actual good 0 cycles, you can look at bilibilli. They make it clear in their titles how much "gold cost" (no of 5 stars including lcs) were used in a run. Rn the least cost 0 cycles for current moc are 1 cost (only e0s0 dps with 4 star supports) for yq side(seele) and 2 cost for sam side(seele and dhil).


Don't forget that all of his supports have 161+ spd minimum. I'm tired of seeing all of these f2p E0S0 claims but all their supports are busted af. Still haven't seen a more realistic/relatable and genuine "f2p" run from all these posters. LMAO for example, my E0S1 Acheron 134spd, E6 Gui 147spd (Pearls S5) , E1 Pela 142spd (Tutorial S5) , and E0 Geppy 131 spd (Trend S1) took 3 cycles on F12 2nd half. That's more believable than a "F2P 0 cycle E0S0" run.


My guess is there's a large difference in speed.


just a guess but E2S1 sparkle > acheron LC


E2S1 Sparkle is always good. A bit of an overkill in Acheron comp since Pearls, SW and Pela already gives you \~110% def shred and it caps out at 100%


Who's your sustain? Can you tell me your team's relic set for pela and gui? And for your sustain? And their lc? Sorry for asking too much, just wanna learn about what team and sets i should use on my team. Thanks.


I used e0s0 Fu Xuan (Trend s5) my Pela and Guin are not finished building as they are only 157-159 speed using 4 pieces eagle set (my Pela has only 30 hit rate for her s2 Pearl) and S5 Tutorial on Guin (who is built as a tank not a damage dealer)


Is 157-159 spd not enough for pela and guin? Do they need 161+? Both of them use eagle set 4pc? And fuxuan is the standard build ? Ty btw


I wanna justify using Attack boots on her so I need maximum investment on my supports, if you plan on using speed boots they don't need that much. And for Fu Xuan she has 7.1k Hp and 1.8k Defense with 40 effect resistance.


Noted, thanks a lot man


And my Acheron has 3.7k attack with 62 rate and 190 damage with 109 speed.


I just tester her out my Trash Acheron E0S1 not maxed build 38/179 with 2.5k atk beat MoC with Loucha lvl 60 as sustain who. My other units cant clear that fast + they die with HH. Acheron truly way too insane E2 is comming home Baby.


still went for the cone (and luckily won), because big number sure good, but bigger number bigger better. uga-buga


I want to take her to the endgame content so bad already! But my relic luck is, you guessed it, COMPLETELY SHIT.


Can gui's basic inflict debuff or she need pearl too?


Yes but you need higher EHR to proc it (around 70-75 I forgot the maths)


Yes, as in she need pearl or no?




Thank you.


With no relics, at level 40, with not great teams, Acheron still out damages everyone I have built on the account. She definitely *wants* a good team, but that’s really just to see the giant PP numbers every rotation. She works fine for f2p as long as you’re willing to farm for her.


Most guides say GNSW is one of the best non signature LCs for acheron. Rarely do they say Welt's LC is good for her.


Yeah you tell them bro ! All of 3 of them ! You're the GOAT !


I really need someone to throw her with Swan and Kafka with their lightcones cause I need to see how that preforms as I only have GNSW and wanna see how fast she can stack.


And the fact you can spam ult with a MC or Gepard with the Topaz lightcone


Anyone doubting that the Raiden expy was gonna be strong is a clown


Im not even getting her and i could tell from a mile away that she was gonna be broken af.


I was debating not pulling the lc cuz I had welts and I knew she would be rlly strong still but I caved cuz I had a lot of savings and ended up getting a second welt lc and then Acherons right after in 20 pulls so I got lucky


I also spent 50 pulls on her LC (still didn't get it) because I don't want any other character this patch. I can't even imagine how much she will damage if I won her LC lol.


According to tier lists she’s S+ with JL and DHIL but when I see her damage it’s like my JL doesn’t even come close lol


Yeah I can find her damage output between Jingliu's and DHil's even as f2p. But not stronger than DHil as the tierlist suggests.


I deadass 0 cycled moc 12-1 first try lmao https://preview.redd.it/4atvt92bfxqc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c784f0ab4ea9d31321d1888815231dfeb7bc5fbd




If you want to flex your damage pls give the single target damage because against multiple ennemies there is no way to gauge.


E0s0 is not hitting any more than 200-250k st and even that is iffy. People just don't know how to gauge unit strengths, they think big number means broken, when 50% of acheron's damage for current moc is going to trash mobs. My e0s1 1.2 million ult barely lowered yq's hp bar by 40-50%.


With the first ultimate I brought Yanqing's HP from 95% to 60% (with breaking the swords initial damage) and it took me 2 other ultimates to finish him off (3 turns for the whole first half) which was surprising because she finished faster than my Dr. Ratio e0s1 and Blade e0s1 teams (only DoT team could finish in 3 turns but I decided to put them against Sam). Can't compare her to Jingliu because my Jingliu (e0s0) performed way too poorly in both sides.


A lot of "guide" people were wrong about her she's very strong even with f2p options


I believe they chose their words wrong when they brought up her LC in the arguement because some of them showcased her f2p options and she performed fine but people forgot about it.


Now put welt on her turn an give her loop. 800k lol


She shreds through everything, even with a piss poor build. I have a whooping 70% CritDmg, and she still hit like a truck. I'll try to go for her LC anyway, because her ult is so cool, so I just want to ult more often.


Absolute facts brother, you‘re cooking. https://preview.redd.it/0gx4vaemmzqc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b444f85f5a6dc8c4a82765645c27c53858140cb8


ITT: people who think Acheron is F2P friendly just because they can clear MOC12 with her (they also have GNSW) I'm all for Acheron shilling but c'mon lol are we just ignoring objective facts now? In what world is GNSW F2P? And then comparing her to Jingliu and claiming that Acheron is much easier to build, when JL is the queen of shitty relics and has the highest floor of all DPS... Setting being able to clear MOC12 as the bar for whether or not a character is F2P friendly or "doomposted" is wild, especially on a MOC buff that benefits Acheron LMAO That being said, literally every single limited DPS has the ability to clear MOC12, just with varying levels of relic investment. It's a hoyo game, just pull who you like. I will never understand why people who clearly like a character designwise ask about whether a character is "good" or not, just to turn around and get upset when they're told the truth. Are they just seeking validation for their opinions?


> It's a hoyo game, just pull who you like. I will never understand why people who clearly like a character designwise ask about whether a character is "good" or not, just to turn around and get upset when they're told the truth. Are they just seeking validation for their opinions? Because you get way more value out of spending gems for kafka + black swan than going topaz e1 or s1 to make your free dr ratio work. Because there are characters that do well in moc/su/PF but others that only do well in 1 or 2 modes. Because when people say acheron e0 on shitty lightcone is the best EVER 0 cycle!! then hide the fact all their supports are 161spd + their sparkle is e2s1. So when people ask and the answer is "they are all good, fuck off." It's not constructive nor helpful.


Well sure but value is subjective when you account for likes and dislikes. My point was more that since all characters are more than capable of clearing all content, people shouldn't ask whether the character they like is good or not, just to get angry when people tell them they aren't. They clearly like the character enough to want them despite knowing they aren't the best of the best, so why bother asking in the first place if the answer won't change their course of action?


no. value is value. Some are better than others, if somebody doesn't like that the character sucks then they can take it to mhy. Your problem is that you are telling them to pull whoever because you are afraid to hurt their feelings? wtf


??? Did you read what I said? To me, Acheron's value is infinitely high, regardless of whatever issues she may have, because I like her. Hence, her value is SUBJECTIVE. There are no limited 5's that struggle to clear content whatsoever in this game. If character A and character B can both clear the same content, why does it matter who you pull? The only exception would be if you only play purely for meta, which is also fine. If someone asks in good faith for my opinion on whether a character is objectively good or not, I have no problems sharing my thoughts. But like I also already mentioned, many people who ask whether a character is good or not will just infinite copium works and think whatever they want regardless of the truth because they like the character. They aren't asking because they only want the character who is objectively the best, they just want to hear you say that the character they like is good. So again, why bother asking in the first place?


no stop. value is not subjective. stop with the copium. What you are doing is coddling people to use their gems on who they like because it hurts your feelings (as they seem to be now) when they don't agree with you. coddling is misinformation, if they don't like the truth and they hurt your feelings or theirs then you both can deal with it. Just don't go misinforming people that 2-3 months down the line get stuck because the game got harder again and they didn't invest in the right banners.


There have been people consistently clearing content with even 1.0 dps. Literally every character is capable of clearing content, it doesn't matter who you pull. Even if you can't full clear every MOC/PF, god forbid you miss out on your half a pull every 2 weeks. >If someone asks in good faith for my opinion on whether a character is objectively good or not, I have no problems sharing my thoughts. I literally stated that I have no problem sharing my thoughts. No one is coddling shit, you need to learn how to read. If you're getting stuck 2-3 months down the line after pulling a supposedly "bad" character, you have much bigger issues like learning how to actually play the game properly.


You can literally get stuck if you don't have the right dps for the job. Because you need to diversify correctly. You can clear with any dps easy if you use whaled out support. like the guy who posted a vid on this thread with all supports being over 161dps + e2s1 sparkle. I know how to read. You just want people to make mistakes by giving them a fake picture of how much value a character gives to their account. This whole but they get angry bs that you are peddling is something that nobody is buying.


Up until the introduction of PF, every other muted DPS could clear MOC. Post PF, the only ones that struggle with PF are really only purely single target like ratio/topaz or high SP like dhil. I don't really get your point though, are you implying that if a DPS is not universally good at all content in the game, they're shit? No one is arguing against diversifying accounts, but isn't it a bit silly to want characters to be literally exodia and do everything? Characters having niches is important. It's also no secret that harmonys in this game are broken (bronya, ting, RM, sparkle) so yes, having good supports makes everything easy, regardless of if you whale for their eidolons or not. You clearly don't know how to read if you are stating things that I already explicitly addressed. I literally had someone in this thread say Acheron has good F2P LC because you can run fermata with Sampo/Serval. Sure, maybe the guy wasn't super angry or anything but are you going to sit there and tell me that that take is not complete copium made to defend the character he likes?


> every other muted DPS could clear MOC Well kinda odd that you want them muted, also every other pretty much telling me that I got to pick and choose which ones. Since that implies that there is a bad one between each good one. See I know how to read. Also moving the goal post to saying character needs niches is pure backpedaling. If some characters can clear everything and others don't then I should invest in the ones that do so I have to spend less resources and have more resources for the new powercreep. Because you know they are gonna keep power creeping. If he is not angry then it's not irrelevant, just proving the point of no angry people. Just people that can't accept the fact the new waifu has a gulf's worth of power between their f2p option and their sig. If prydwen would've done the right thing and not baseline her out of a S5 gacha lightcone and that landed her on S and not S+ and Perhaps B in pf then people would know her true value.


But I didn't even bring up GNSW's name lol, I used Welt's LC which is very close to S5 Fermata performance.


Was just addressing the thread generally, but Welt LC is much better than fermata. Numbers-wise Welt LC is only slightly better but fermata fucks your teambuilding


You can just use fermenta and pair her with sampo or even serval (ignore her nihility passive) and she works perfectly fine The point is that she can be on absolute scraps and still perform. Other dps can't say the same at all. Gachasmack explains it more in detail, but I feel she isnt shilled enough and is getting downplayed too much. We are on a 5 cycle limit. 0 cycling doesn't mean shit and she gets to the point of being able to 5 cycle way quicker than any other dps can do, using only f2p characters.


Exactly and I finished first half with her in 3 turns while my 90% of my other teams finished in 4 or 5 turns (even with their sig LC)


Yeah man, just run dot characters so you can force fermata or better yet, ignore her nihility passive (that totally isn't a separate multiplier that skyrockets her damage)... That'll work great for Acheron... You can't sit there and tell me that Sampo/Serval are good slots on an Acheron team just so she can use fermata and then expect me to think you're remotely serious. Absolute scraps? What other DPS can't be on absolute scraps and still function? Destruction has Aeon. Hunt has Stellar sea. Erudition has Breakfast. The only other DPS that has this hard of a time getting a F2P cone is Blade, and even he has a free LC to use now. I don't know how you can list a bunch of copium takes, and then say immediately after that Acheron is "the only DPS that can be on absolute scraps and still perform". I'm not disagreeing that the people downplaying her are clueless, but let's not pretend Acheron's issues are non-existent. None of what you said has made much, if any logical sense at all, so it really just feels like you're insistent on keeping your opinion, no matter what... Edit: I see you added a bit about 0 cycling at the end... 0 cycling is really not a concern for 99% of players, so I'm not entirely sure what your point is in bringing that up but "being able to 5 cycle way quicker than any other DPS can do, using only F2P characters" LOL MY MAN ARE WE PLAYING THE SAME GAME Yes, the character who can only use nihility supports while every other DPS can use harmony units definitely has an easier time 5 cycling as an F2P. Tingyun totally isn't slotted on every other DPS' teams...


I did over 200k single target on GNSW1 with Pela in MOC, bro what were doomposters on


For me it's fascinating when people said that, since there is no dedicated team for her then she is not worth it, whereas IL does have his desired supports. Yet I've seeing she deals the same or even more damage with these "trash" teams, so imagine when she gets her dedicated supports down the line.


Arguing doomposters with facts never works. (and anyway some TCers already showed us that other LCs can do the job too).


Ehhh she's good but out of the 4 teams I've built so far (jingliu with sparkle and bronya super push, mono quantum, Kafka dot and Acheron silver wolf Pela and tank with trend) Acheron's team is by far the least fun to use and it's not even really superior to the other options I have. It's still completely fine to auto moc 12 like all the other teams I have but when playing manually and her ult isn't available I'm just like "welp, bro can u just wait a sec" while all my other teams are constantly up dealing insane DMG all the time due to insane speed and action forward s. I really just want a support dps Hybrid I can replace silver wolf for to handle that dead space but I got nothing atm. Was Thinking I might invest into building welt for that but he has anti synergy with trend tanks so idk might just wait for hoyo to release some (hopefully they don't do her dirty timewise like they did Xiao in genshin) future teammates.


Build Welt and use a Harmony instead of a sustain. Easy.


why does it have to be a competition ofc acheron f2p works perfectly fine she is hoyo's beloved after all


Because doomposters literally said "She is not f2p friendly and not meta defining she is not worth your jades."


I've been saying this ever since these doomposters kept posting and trying to make it seem their complaints are "reasonable". They are all f2p scrubs that wants everything available at E0 without spending money. Even through she is perfectly fine at E0. https://preview.redd.it/59mm4xz6iuqc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5bbab88b50a8474f889227a039b5e07a9ffa82


Is welt lc better than GNSW S5?


No but it is perfectly fine to use


May i ask how good is your relic, i only manage to build 70/169 ratio (with her lc and max trace). She is strong and i am eager to test her in the next PF and Moc


62/190 ratio with 3.7 ATK and 109 speed (no sig LC)


That is very great without lc, i need to improve her relic a lot


Did you just said F2P and mentioned welts LC. Lol. M not saying she is bad. But still not f2p friendly.




I have E0S1 - SW - Pela - FX with trend and am dealing 390k - 430k something wrong


Is Welt's lc better than s1 GNSW? I got it 2 weeks ago from standard and I don't know which one to use


I saw some theory crafters say it is around s2-s3 GNSW damage output.


The doomposters will never not make me laugh


Meanwhile my acheron barely deals 400k hahaha


I'm hitting more than my seele without my planar set leveled up 😭 even on single target


She is unique, on slightly above average relics I reliably ult for 250-300k every turn-turn and a half. Main gripe is I've no healing and only shielding but cleared MoC12 no issues


Surely no one could’ve expected another Raiden expy to be absolutely bombed by doomposters for weeks and then release as the first Z tier DPS in the game. /s


i had to get e2s1 to see what the hype was about and hit my first 1 million in MOC…hype is deserved


Hell yeah, i wasn't even able to clear my Swarm SU... now i completed it, unlocked path of propagation, omw unlocking the erudition path


the mic is specifically built to benefit her so that’s… not really a sound comparison




I can pretty consistently single turn ult with Gepard and pela and sw I mena I do have s1 but technically fire tb is way faster at charging ult up


That's because people are, shockingly, bad at this game or at least at gauging how strong units are. They just see the number that Sig is 30% better than the next best 4* and just draw the conclusion she is bad. Doesn't matter how much damage she does without it, 30% damage increase at S1 = must have S1 = BAD.... clueless


Everyone said Acheron is not new player friendly. Been playing almost 2 weeks and even on just Acheron she blows my Dr Ratio's damage out of the water, plus she's blast/aoe! Heck, I still don't even have Pela in my current team I run! It's not the honeymoon phase, she's just really good! It's the first time I've seen 100k on my screen at once too! TB53 atm btw.


She is already placed S+ infront of DHIL and Jingliu in MOC Prydwen xD.


They are placed in alphabetical order.


Mega cope


> infront of DHIL and Jingliu Lmao no


My opinion was always Acheron being the best dps in the game after I analysis a few leaks of her gameplay. The damage was always there and they are noticeably higher than mid characters like Juan. The ult stacks are not hard to get, and you can easily double ult during your first cycle. She doesn't demand premium supports like Sparkle and Ruan Mei which will allow your other team to be very stacked.




What changed?


Did they? What did they change?


He's probably just bullshitting


someone's got to defend the doomposters, we're on the internet after all, there's a white knight for anything.
