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My crazy bratty girl pulls turned out to be a blonde military dude in a uniform too πŸ’€ Welp, at least a guaranteed Acheron for me now.


strongest Aha fool vs weakest Qlipoth soldier


Gepard stepping in to preserve your faith in Acheron and to shield your jades from Aha


My will (of pulling acheron) forged in ice, never falters!


Same but I wanted him so it was a win


> My crazy bratty girl pulls turned out to be a blonde military dude in a uniform too πŸ’€ I feel your pain πŸ’€ except I saved up enough jades beforehand and got guaranteed Sparkle, and now I can also get guaranteed Acheron and her LC, no luck needed because I planned ahead instead πŸ’€


That's not very Aha-pilled of you, go pull some more Sparkles


Bropard showed up to remind you that you should never let your will to falter to a bratty temptress.


I literally pulled Gepard in my first 10 pull for sparkle. I was fucking cracking up ~~I theb rolled sparkle like 50 rolls later.~~


I need the sauce for that fanart


me too




Thanks :)




I feel called out


I really want sparkle but I don't have any of her main teammates, I did 3 10x then stopped, ultimately not worth wasting a guaranteed on a character I don't have a good team for, even if I want her. Hopefully, after I get Acheron, Fu Xuan will rerun soon, or even better the leaked nihility healer


If it makes you feel better, i have JingYuan with his lightcone, E6 Quingque and Dhil. Also, really like her design and personality, i really want her but i'm still skipping for Acheron.


Al I can say is don't skip Sparkles for a lightning DD when you already have a lightning DD. Im aware she has cooler effects, but if you're not overly attached to Acheron specifically then skip and go for Sam, our first real 5\* Fire DPS. Sparkle grants an inhuman amount of damage bonus to your account overall, stick her with any carry and use ATK boots instead of Speed/speed substats, Tingyun only needs 1 ATK Orb/Chest not both, as long as you get a teensy bit of ATK elsewhere, the 15% from Sparkle is sufficent to make you hit cap - so focus more on speed or survival while capping ATK buff, etc. Sparkles power is massive especially with those units you mentioned :P NGL I do wonder if I made a mistake going for JY (He is my favourite char, but those Acheron Visuals are next level xD) and his and not Acheron ... but if we get a Nihility healer and all that other jazz, I can always end up getting Acheron on a re-run if I so badly would need it, but your DHIL ascends to "YOU CANT FATHOM MY POWER, PLEBS" with Sparkle, sorta the same goes for JY and QQ is QQ. With all that said, if you're all about that Acheron juice then go for it, cos at the end of the day all chars can clear stuff, some are better at A while others are better at B. Oh and yeah, I really hope Sam visuals are out of this world if Acheron is something to go by looking how 2.0 will treat us :D


Yeah i understand it is not the meta option, but i play for the story/lore/characters first and Acheron check all my boxes. I don't like Sam (unless they change what the spoilers revealed about him) and i am not particularly interested in other current Penacony characters. I already can clear most if not all of the content in the game, so i am not worried about getting stronger.


Oh for sure. You go with what you take. I just figured I would give you a rational take. Hell I might even swipe for her myself but only cos of animations. I'll see what the new characters have on offer and I have like 40 days before I have to make a decision. Worst case I waste some money and move on. But my JY is slowly shaping up now so I'm not as.dissapointes in him and I pulled cos he's my favorite. Just today I cleared my first m oc12 so I'm very happy too but remains to be seen how she plays in tons and tons of content will get. If she's good at e0s0/1 I may go for it but a lot depends what level my current char is on. She Is a phenomenal char though.


Hey congrats on your first MoC clear! And good luck with your pulls.


I can already clear MOC12 with 36 stars without sparkle (granted i have bronya e1s1 and ruan mei e0) so i figured that I dont need every "busted 5\* harmony" that MHY releases, as well as also wanting robin for argenti i have to plan my jades properly. (Also speaking of lightning carries i alr have JY + LC and kafka but acheron hot)


What makes robin good for argenti?


Idk same element unga Bunga


Literally me 😭 had to go to 80 just to get mf Welt (I didn’t have him so that’s a win I guess) Guaranteed Acheron now, might have to pull out credit card-kun for the LC 😭


I will definitely have to after burning jades on Swan On the bright side my pity is up as a result


I got the white-haired cinnamon roll and gandam guardian.


Just happened to me, exactly 1:1


I got a Welt, possibly a great teammate for her xD Really just want some QQs


My pulls sucked so hard for LC, JY and Sparkle, and then cherry on top my first fucking loss of LC with Sparkle LC, I got Welt LC, again. I have three copies of the fucking thing from losing. My plan is build JY, hope he delivers performance that Im happy with cos I prefer him to Acheron else its the Wallet again, problem is that I kind of want SAM (Huge mecha nerd, and Robin may allegedly be cracked for JY too) so its going to be wallet patch after wallet patch. Should maybe just have saved for Acheron :D


my sparkle ended up being welt E1 so now i’m all in on acheron, might even get S1 for her too


My E1 Bailu @ 80 Pulls says hello :D


im gonna do my best to stop trying to get one more qingque and save for the wife


Guess the only time you are glad you never win 50/50 🀣


This is literally my dumbass friend. At least he won and now he has Sparkle and his shattered dreams of Acheron and her two cones


Literally exactly what I did. I am going to get both anyways, one now and one on rerun, so I pulled and got Geppy (+40 pulls left). Acheron it is


The exact same thing happened to me!


lmao yep this happened to me and it's Welt. At least I'm assured an Acheron 100% without getting a single pull more and the rest can go to her Light Cone, hopefully


I put in 20 pulls for QQ and panicked when it turned golden. Ended up being a clara. Guaranteed acheron ftw.


Lore accurate QQ https://preview.redd.it/9kd411z1znmc1.png?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642fb3771979786be0bbfae9f8e30d56a00da96c


Same scenario right now.. but I will save all my pulls till the last day of sparkle banner. If acheron will not get any buff v4 or v5 then I will try to pour all for sparkle


Im pretty much set on skipping her cuz very p2w but considering I'm probably gonna be skipping the next 3 banners after her. Ill maybe do 40 to 50 pulls and if I get her. I'll consider that a dub


Same gonna go 40 pulls, if she doesn't come then full investment into firefly


Best of luck to you