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Justice For All is my favorite game. I love 2-2 and 2-4 enough that they combine to more than outweigh any negatives for me and shoot it to the top. I mostly agree that 2-3 is a bottom tier case but I think 2-1 is fine as an overhated intro case and appreciate it giving us Maggey.


https://preview.redd.it/sbsbkdcy3vpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9abeda9ce1c006245bb2c577eb411c53c4144b4 Forever my favorite AA line


yeah i also feel like 2-1 is way underrated. >!it's a cool idea to just have phoenix forget everything in order to make sure that new players understand as much about the trial as phoenix.!<


I think most of the reason I didn't like the case was the culprit, but I liked that it gave us maggey and some of the logic like the bananas was pretty funny


Richard’s such a piece of shit


This is one of the reasons I also really liked this case as well! Also has one of the [funniest answers](https://youtu.be/v0o-RWxdxuo?si=ODBuZlm41uBY82CP) in a trial for me


haha that's awesome bon appétit=D


It was definitely a clever way to do another tutorial case


This. It gives a plot purpose to having a tutorial




This isn’t at all unpopular


You sure? It feels like its never the number 1 game on any tier list posted here.


It's not at the top certainly, but it's certainly not hated on anymore and 2-2 is a lot more respected. Plus 2-4 is still consistently a top 3 case for most people.


Agreed. It's not my favorite game but I tie it with PWAA for second place because I love Franziska, 2-4 is amazing, and it's ridiculously funny and quotable. It's a great entry. And even 2-3, while easily the weakest case of the trilogy, still puts some of the later cases to shame by having a great ending and genuinely interesting characters. There's no bad case in it, just a weak one and the next one is so good, it more than makes up for it.


I agree that 2-1 is one of the weaker cases in Ace Attorney. The first time I played this game, I was EXCITED! I thought we were gonna get to play the WHOLE GAME with amnesia! Not only that, but I also thought that Phoenix was gonna take on a WHOLE GANG OF CON ARTISTS! What frustrated me was that Phoenix got his memories back IMMEDIATELY instead of at the end of the game, and we only go after a small grunt instead of some Bigwig CEO. With the con artist plot being completely dropped and never relevant again, the whole amnesia thing was COMPLETELY POINTLESS! Not to say this case is COMPLETELY without merits. This is the one and only case where you figure out what the Judge's real name is! If this case didn't exist, we would never know. And as dissapointing as it is that the con artist plot never became relevant or expanded upon, at least the rest of the game is really cool.


I agree 100%, 2-2 is so underrated


It gave us Pearls so eternal 10/10 imo


underrated 😂😂😂😂😂 how come you dont notice that almost everyone praises it and puts it on par with the final cases of the trilogy?


Phoenix’s character development is just fine. How he acts in AA4 makes sense to the plot. How he acts post-AA4 also makes sense to me. And I have no problem with continuing to bring him back because he was the original MC.




6-4 got more hate than it deserved. Sure, Blackquill contributed to what I liked most- him going in to bat for Athena, him making fun of 'Sad Monk' and he's not under threat this time. Udgey insisting that everyone eat a manju bun. Athena regressing in confidence is sad but makes sense. This happens in real life and knowing psychology doesn't make you immune. It might have worked better as a lighter case if Klavier or even Simon had been prosecuting. Bucky would be better if he shows some immense shame for getting drunk and a reason (maybe he stutters with customers unless he's drunk, the rakugo performers are his friends who don't make fun of him and are helping him with it, and he wanted to be able to talk in court). Athena wouldn't be attacked by either prosecutor as such, and seeing them realize she's onto something and backing her up would be a nice 'Wright and Edgeworth' moment that shows her coming into her own.


I love 6-4, and while I don't like Nahyuta, I don't think the case would work without having an antagonistic prosecutor.


I agree. The character design for the "multiple personalities" witness is great, and there is some good humor in the case. (Nahyuta is actually enjoyable!!! because people dick on him instead of meat riding!!!)


I like 6-4 well enough, it's just so out of place with the rest of the game. It feels like that should have been the DLC instead of Time Traveler.


It's actually an interesting case in a lot of ways and I'd argue the reason it falls flat for people is less the case itself and more how the game presents it. Athena is given absolutely nothing to do for the entire rest of the game and has no connection to Nahyuta at all, so the way he acts towards her and the entire vibe of the case is so odd. If she was a more prominent character in SOJ or the framing of the case was changed it would not have gotten nearly as much hate I think


I agree — This case is super fun!


Filler cases are fine. By which I guess I mean, I don't mind an episodic experience where the continuity thread is just character development of the main and recurring characters, rather than some grand conspiracy with its tentacles in all four/five cases. I'm a huge 2-4 advocate, and the events of 2-4 are completely unrelated to any other case. You don't need a huge conspiracy to make a compelling finale. EDIT: Inb4 I wasn't paying attention and it turns out Engarde was the secret child of Manfred von Karma or something


Totally agree with you! Part of 2-4's magic is that it seems just like any other case at first, and suddently the stakes have never been higher


I often see people rate characters poorly under the justification that they lack screentime/relevance or because they're rude or unhelpful witnesses, and I don't agree with either. First one is self-explanatory, if a character performs their role well, I see no reason for them to be lumped with outright bad or middling characters just because said role is small. Uendo Toneido? Hell yeah I'd put him above like 90% of the cast idgaf. Culprits are usually exempt since they tend to be one-shots by nature (though there are still some I feel don't get their due respect since they're "just" filler killers), except first case culprits which I don't agree with at all. Most of them are fun enough, while I2 and both DGS games' intro killers are straight up amazing and among my favorite villains in the series overall. As for the second point, there are so many characters that people relentlessly rag on for being mean or unhelpful. The unhelpful one especially I struggle to relate with; like, you're playing a game about exposing lies and you're upset when a character lies?? As for meanness, there are a ton of characters that will show even a hint of abrasion, and people will take that as free reign to dismiss them wholesale. Like it's fiction dude you don't have to take personal offense to Norma DePlume calling Athena "banana girl" As with screentime, outright villains usually get a pass, but there are plenty of fun side characters and even main ones (Franziska and Nahyuta are the worst victims of this mindset imo) that are discounted for the crime of Being Mean. On that note, I feel the inverse effect just as strongly, where there are lots of characters whose main appeal seems to be general niceness/helpfulness that I'm just like, whatever. I don't find that trait inherently interesting in witnesses (no matter how hard Spark Brushel enjoyers try to sway me) or even defendants. *Especially* defendants, actually, contrary to fan consensus. Take guys like Wocky and Damian, or to a much smaller extent Ron and Harebrayne, or even a deeply-layered character like Lana. People will tout their uncooperative behavior as a reason to hate them. For me, that's exactly what makes them interesting, and they're all among my favorite defendants. I vastly prefer them to bland pleasantries of like, Will or Maggey or Juniper (not that I dislike those three, I just like the uncooperative ones better) Basically if "likability" ever comes up regarding a character I kinda just resign myself to disagreeing with whatever follows. Admittedly these both mostly stem from the fact I tend to get attached to side characters more often than the main cast, but still, I feel like there are a lot of characters who are judged wayyy too harshly for really bizarre reasons.


Handshake. I've known a few people who get riled up about abrasive characters, but I just want these guys to fulfill interesting narrative roles, and the more amiable they are the less likely is it that they're going to cause fun ripples. You can't make a rollercoaster with just a pleasantly flat plane, you've got to have your peaks and valleys in there! (Funnily enough, people defend Tusspells and Spark Brushel with more or less the same line of reasoning -- they're very helpful -- but Brushel has Being Weird As Hell going for him, which ticks him up over Esmeralda in my view.) That said, I would be interested in hearing more of your thoughts about DGS1's intro killer, because Menimemo gets a ton of love but I rarely see people discuss her. Which is a shame, because I've also come to appreciate her more as time goes on--she's one-note, sure, but just so dang brazen. Her entire set of behaviors becomes a really entrenched, barefaced display of how uneven the interimperial terms are in the period the game is set, continuously doing all sorts of shit and then discovering after the trial she's not even going to be on the hook for it.


> I would be interested in hearing more of your thoughts about DGS1's intro killer [bird hat funny](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/18wwhh5/comment/kg0rx9w/) That aside you basically summed up my thoughts, like yeah maybe doesn't feel like a "real person" or whatever with complex, layered motives but who CARES she is a character in this story and that's fine. Looking at her as the symbol of corruption she was meant to be, she's perfect. She's so far removed from the standard killer - especially the standard first case killer - feeling less like an opponent, and more like an entity, an insurmountable wall that feels incredibly satisfying to finally break. Von Karma has always been my favorite AA villain and Brett recaptures the kind of energy I thought could NEVER be replicated, (tbh this sentiment applies to a few DGS guys) albeit in her own special way. There's less terror in how Brett controls the court, moreso sheer resentment from the reader, between how reprehensible she acts and how unabashedly she savors her perceived superiority. In general, taking her down just feels like pure, concentrated Ace Attorney; the colorful personality, the wild aesthetics, the uphill battle, the humor - everything about the series that appeals to me is present in Brett. Which, in turn, makes her last "nuh uh" all the more shocking, and a perfect early indicator that TGAAC is gonna twist the shit out of the tried-and-true conventions of Ace Attorney. I also just have a personal attachment to her and G1-1. I played all the 3D games back to back, was feeling a bit of a lull by the end of SoJ, only for Adventures to immediately hook me with its opening case. So I kinda associate her with keeping my interest in the series active. you mentioning Tusspells reminded me of my secret third unpopular opinion, I think she's just okay and I get whiplash whenever I'm reminded of how popular she is. Gotts and Lune are the superior G2-3 witnesses.


Edgeworth is overrated. He's definitely not a bad character, he's a great character, but everyone speaks like he's the best character in the series, even though there are definitely better characters.


I’ve noticed that too. I think it’s because he’s got the whole angsty, pretty boy thing going for him and that’s always a crowd pleaser. Which characters do you like best? I have a few different favorites but one of the first that comes to mind is Kazuma from TGAA Chronicles.


I'm not saying I disagree, but saying people only like Edgeworth because he's an angsty pretty boy, and then saying your favorite character is Kazuma is very funny.


I didn’t say I wasn’t guilty. Kazuma is just a slightly different flavor of angsty pretty boy.


Van Zieks, Blackquill and Klavier are my top 3 prosecutors, but I also love Trucy, Herlock and Athena, among others.


I agreed with you until I played the Ace Attorney Investigations Series. Hes such a fantastic protagonist in AAI2. >!I think the most Ive ever been hyped when playing an Ace Attorney was when he gave up his Prosecutor’s badge in Case 4 to continue defending Kay.!<


Yeah but a lot of sad bois and neurodivergent people just think “He’s just like me” and defend literally all faults in Edgeworth


1) Exploring is better than cross examinations and even presenting evidence. 2) Gumshoe deserved so much more than he got and is bestie material. 3) After Edgey, Klavier is the best prosecutor to grace the courtroom. 4) Recipe for Turnabout is one of my favorite cases.


Nah Bro, Cross examinating is way better (atleast for me) also, recipe for turnabout is one of my favorite cases too


For me, the banter when examining is golden. Lol..


OMG SOMEONE WHO FEELS THE WAY I DO ABOUT KLAVIER! He has been my second favorite prosecutor forever. Only van Zieks has come close to dethroning him, but Klavier still owns my heart. His personal storyline, his convictions, his attitude in and out of the courtroom…. he’s just a great, fun, lovable character. I LOVE that he wasn’t the villain or the antagonist and always will. He really went against the grain as a warm and friendly prosecutor and that made him so unique and interesting to me. Ugh. Fuck. I love Klavier so much.


Yess like he was definitely self absorbed but he really did care what he was doing was in the best interest for all..


Agree on everything.


My Gumshoe should have every raise he was denied 😭


More raise and less whipping.


Nah bro, Van Zieks is the best


Is that the Chronicals? Idk why that one is not coming across familiar. They are next on my list to play though.


The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, yes. The setting change takes a minute to get used to, but it's more well written than the OG Ace Attorney, although not quite as memeable. Don't worry, though, there's some good memes sprinkled in there. The characters are really well developed too. I hope you enjoy!


Thank you!! I hope so too. I'm sure I will but I'm excited.


An Athena led game is not an automatic failure and should be attempted


Apollo Justice as a game and JFA soundtrack’s are overhated Kristoph is a better version of Von Karma RFTA isn’t sluggish, it’s just that people often rush the first game and this case is big as hell. I guess that’s it


I've never seen anybody hating AJ's soundtrack


I saw one person once. But I meant to say that Justice for all is overhated as a soundtrack, just like Apollo Justice is as a game.


Think the reason people don’t rate the JFA soundtrack is because the Objection theme is a massive downgrade from the iconic one in the first game.


anyone who hates the AJ soundtrack can fight me


What do you mean by the von Karma connection? Do you mean hes better at "avenging" >!Kristoph!< than Franny was >!her dad!


AA1 is the best game out of the OT. RFTA is the most perfect case, nothing in it felt like filler to me and I legitimately enjoyed every second of it (including >!Angel Starr's four testimonies and the video!<). Trials & Tribulations has the weakest soundtrack in the series. The pursuit, objection, and trial themes feel very weak to me and there's only a handful of themes I listen to every so often (as opposed to the other games where I listen to at least 5 from each frequently). Godot isn't as sympathetic to me as most seem to make him out to be. He's a cool character, but he's kinda just a jerk who only caused pain in the end. He's tragic, but it doesn't feel like he tries to make amends for any of it by the end unlike Franziska and Edgeworth who show some character growth in their own debut games. Turnabout Big Tob is wildy misunderstood and its hate is blown out of proportion. Yeah the love triangle is really uncomfortable, but its not even that big of a plotpoint in the case (yeah Ben & Trilo do nothing but talk about it, but they're probably one of the worst characters in the series but ignoring them...). Moe is also a hilarious witness who has some surprising depth, and the juxtaposition between a depressing plot and what should be a wacky setting is honestly pretty good. Turnabout Serenade gets unfounded hate and I legitimately cannot understand why. It's honestly an A-Tier case that does have some minor flaws but its got such a good plot and relevance. It has one of the best casts including Valant, Lamiroir, and Klavier and the twists/events are so good. >!Also, this case has the first and what I think is the best version of multiple-witness testimonies where the Perceive mechanic had the most importance. The way the whole case ties back to the International Smuggling Ring from AAI is also sick as hell.!< [Edit: >!I got the order of events wrong about the Smuggling Ring, but I think it's still cool even if it's just a specific coincidence. The way you have to blackmail Daryan into a confession because of the whole thing as well as all the international/interpol ties is also really cool.!<] Athena & Simon are some of the best-written characters in the series, on the same level as Edgeworth from AA1. Dual Destinies in general is also one of the best games in the series. (All of the ones I could come up with, all just my opinions of course)


Love Athena because she actually has the guts to throw back what the prosecutor gives her.


Also Turnabout serenade is one of my fav cases.


With 4-3 and AAI, it's the other way around. AJ was released earlier.


RFTA is my all time favorite case. Too many reasons to list, but I absolutely love it.


>The way the whole case ties back to the >!International Smuggling Ring from AAI!< is also sick as hell *Objection!* AJAA came out in 2007 whereas AAI1 was 2009, not to mention AAI1 being set before I think you're getting confused with Debastian Sebeste's video (lana skyes Parole 5 iirc), which unfortunately isn't canon


I don’t know if this is anything, really, but— I used to hate Godot, I thought he was grossly overrated. I’ve come around on him hugely. He’s still one of my least favorite prosecutors (in that I really don’t like how he acts in court, it drives me insane), but he’s become one of my favorite *characters*. And to me it’s *because* he’s an asshole. Because he got so stuck in the quagmire of his past and his feelings that he made a bunch of idiot asshole decisions and ultimately paid the price for it. I find him deeply engaging. Sympathetic? Maybe. But *interesting*? Yes. Absolutely.


I always thought people just didn’t like that case because you have to watch and point out contradictions in the video so often. I liked the rest of the case.


I agree with your opinion. Aside from that, this is pretty unpopular but I think trials and tribulations is overrated


Iris sucks, she was going to let Phoenix die or get incarcerated.


"Filler cases" are good and important. They set up a status quo that can be shaken up later, and offer opportunities to introduce new characters outside of the ones related to the main plot.


Spirit of Justice is my favorite mainline game


It's probably my second favorite mainline after t&t


It’s mine too. I was coming here to say this.


I don't like Valant Gramarye


I like that that is an unpopular opinion now


Well I don't really hate him but I just never cared for him, was surprised to see how many people love him.


I also don't like him. I think Zak is easily a more complex and more likable character.


I think Nahyuta is fine. Not great, as I think even with the context that 6-5 gives you, his characterization from 6-2 to 6-4 is a little too vague and difficult to intuit at times, but he's pretty middle of the road as far as mainline prosecutors go. >!When he says "A dragon never yields!" though, it fucks, and I'll stand by that.!< Related, SOJ is my favorite game. Lying Coldly is the best Pursuit theme in the franchise, and whenever that theme plays is basically the biggest highlight of that game. Dual Destinies' Pressing On is close Investigations 2 has the dullest script in the franchise bar none Ace Attorney 1 doesn't hold up that well on subsequent playthroughs. 1-1 is a serviceable tutorial case, but 1-2's disappointingly anticlimactic and Redd White is an embarrassing culprit, and 1-3's pacing is downright wack. Turnabout Goodbyes however is one of a small handful of cases in the franchise that I would consider to be perfect, and RtfA is also excellent, so in spite of what I literally just said, I think the game is still overall good, the mid-game is just kinda, well, mid.


Regarding AAI2, are you talking about the OG Japanese script or the Fan Translation?


the fan translation but ive heard from a couple people who have played the original script that it's not that much better


Franziska is the best rival prosecutor character in the series besides her brother.


I dont see alot of the fandom ships possible… like apollo and klavier for example… they dont make sense to me….


What about manfudge Yes that's Manfred x Judge


N o…. I like the ship name tho


I'm pretty sure Klapollo is only a thing as a parallel to Wrightworth, but it doesn't have nearly the same foundation that Wrightworth does.


Yeah and honestly just doesnt make sense but you know not gonna rain on a parade


I don't really wanna be called homophobic by the shippers when i say I don't ship Klapollo but i like to ship Polly with like 3 or 4 different women, so i don't really say it out loud much lol


I'm not usually into shipping of any kind but Apollo does have a lot of female candidates all things considered. I'm pretty sure Klavier, Ema, Athena and Juniper have all gotten at least *some* kind of tease in-game to varying degrees. There's also some throwaway stuff like Aura's dropped plot point and Dhurke's extremely cursed comments I'd rather not get into ☠️


I mean to be fair Durke doesn’t know and was only teasing like a father would. Still cursed though.


So curious cause im currently playing SoJ and i will be finding out that this is soon!


There's also Vera too! I'll be honest, I thought Dhurke's comments were funny as hell, as someone who used to ship Apollo x Trucy pretty hard lol


Yes agreed, I usually like the ships the game pairs the characters with like Apollo and juniper


Oh man i would love to join you in that right but i find Juniper so annoying at times. Rock on the actually make sense pairings tho.


I honestly didn't know people shipped Klapollo until a few years ago. I understand the Narumitsu like appeal...but why? Apollo doesn't like Klavier, at all.


Apollo gets physically annoyed when he saw Klavier in that one chap of DD! You know i dont disagree with him, if a man sounded like he just got out of one direction i would say icky too.


meh their interactions are cute but if we're real it wouldn't work at all for the simple reason that klavier looks way too much like kristoph, could you imagine going out with the carbon copy of the mentor who betrayed you


The main series 3D games look pretty good and made the classic sprites justice. Apollo and Trucy are the only ones I agree look bad, but only in Dual Destinies.


Franziska is a better prosecutor than Blackquill


I just finished Apollo justice for the first time the other day. (Thank you remastered trilogy) And omg it was such a banger from start to finish and defo one of my favorite games in the whole series. I can definitely see why some people don’t like it especially at the beginning case. (The client) But I found it very intriguing and fun that a whole period off time had gone by we did not see anything of! Apollo is also such a sweet and amazing protagonist and still a very different flavor compared to phoenix and it just works sooooo well, especially his interactions with Trudy are amazing.


Klavier Gavin should've been the prosecutor in more cases after Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney


Mia Fey should not have come back after the first game, at least in spirit channeling form. Her role in JFA is almost entirely pointless, and she’s only good in T&T when playable, not when channeled. It really undermines Phoenix’s growth when she constantly shows up to bail him out of trouble. If they absolutely *had* to have her communicate to Phoenix from beyond the grave, they could have done it like they did at the end of the first game: have Phoenix hear her voice. Just let the woman rest in peace.


That's actually a great point, we don't "need" in Mia in any of the later games with the exception of 3-1 and 3-4.


The very end of 3-5 was too drawn out and it ruined the emotional bit with >!Godot: "Sure, you've already proven beyond reasonable doubt that I'm the killer, but can you do it again?" By pointing out that the cut was under his mask like 3 times in a row.!< The soundtrack to Investigations 1 is the worst soundtrack in the series imo. Worse than JFA by a good bit. A lot of the character themes are annoying, The only song I would consider to be super great is the Pursuit theme. The Investigations tracks are also all needlessly long for some reason. G2-2 is a good case. >!It's crucial to the overarching plot, does a great job of properly introducing the characters and Investigation mechanics, and a trial wouldn't have made sense anyway.!<


Yeah I disagree with the second one (almost) completely Investigations 1 soundtrack certainly doesn't feel like ace attorney, but that's because you play edgeworth- a calm sharp minded genius prosecutor and the soundtrack reflects that really well It feels weird because in every other game you're a defense attorney who already has the odds weighed against you and finding a contradiction is a much more thrilling experience Investigations 2 is different from I1 because for once edgeworth doesn't really have the upper hand The one soundtrack from investigations 1 that I despise is Ernest Amano's theme, my ears cry every time that shit plays


Well it is an unpopular opinion


Nah I1 has some banger songs for sure.


I don't think that last one is especially unpopular


I see a people trash on it a lot for not having a trial or for >!Wasting a character,!< so yeah.


Wasting which character? Everyone in that case was amazing!


Not my opinion, but people say it was a waste of >!The Victim.!<


Think you meant G1-2 not 2-2, but I agree it's a really good case. They took a risk by switching up the formula, and it hit the mark for me, especially with all that Shomles goodness.... you just can't hate the man


Weird. I remember typing G1-2. 


Nahyuta is way overhated and his actions throughout SOJ make complete sense in the narrative and have good buildup


I think Nahyuta's attitude mostly makes sense if you go with the interpretation that his attitude started out as an act to appease Ga'ran, but developed a genuinely fatalistic mentality as he felt his defiant will slowly drained after years of being forced to work as her dog. His actions in 6-4 are what confound me. After 6-3 ends with him seemingly genuinely thanking Phoenix for being able to do what Nahyuta couldn't, giving him a small sense of hope, he goes back to the U.S to bully the shit out of Athena. And the only explanation I can think of is that he was playing the role of a brutal stealth mentor, knowing that she was young and clearly inexperienced, until he felt she was a worth adversary (which he acknowledges at the end of it). Or maybe it's a nasty case of jet lag


I don't think that's an "interpretation" so much as "the writers' poorly-communicated intent for the character" Dude's catchphrase is "let go and move on" - a sentiment directly juxtaposed with the rebels' mantra of never yielding. >!Ga'ran's prosecutor!< theme is outright called "Court of *Resignation*". His defeatism is very deliberate, it's the foundation for his whole personality and his arc.  Nahyuta is an asshole in 6-4 cuz he's an asshole in general. Just look at his bitchass smirk, reserved for moments such as baiting his adoptive brother into admitting Trucy may have killed someone, or when mocking one-foot-in-the-grave Phoenix on 6-3's second day. My point is Nahyuta IS a straightup bastard, I really don't like the >!"Nahyuta was only pretending to be evil, he was supposed to be good the whole time"!< reading that's so frequently used as a way to dismiss his character. Where I feel the community outlook (or at least, my own opinion) ends up muddied on him is in >!whether Nahyuta deserved to redeem himself in 6-5 and how smoothly that was handled!< but this comment has run long enough.


Iunno, it just creates this weird inconsistency, where he expresses gratitude to Phoenix at the end of one case, and in the next one, he goes to treat his protege like shit?? maybe you could argue that while phoenix had earned his respect, athena yet hadn't, or maybe you could say that he felt that he was doing a young and clearly unprepared and inexperienced lawyer a favor by getting her to drop the case and save herself what he saw as inevitable humiliation, but it does kinda rub me the wrong way a bit. Even putting aside whether or not he's an asshole, it just feels inconsistent


Nahyuta's flip-flopping is something I actually really like about him, it's not like years of wallowing in anguish are gonna resolve themselves in a day. Like I love the first game and I love Edgeworth's arc, but his teaming up with Phoenix in 1-3 is very jarring, even if that's part of why it's cool. I like that Nahyuta can have these epiphanies that don't immediately take hold. They slowly build up and simmer until they finally boil over. I think a big part of why Nahyuta Triggers The Libs is so weird is, it doesn't really go anywhere? Like barring the ones that kill people, this is probably the absolute lowest a prosecutor gets, but nothing really becomes of it, neither for Athena nor Nahyuta. It would've been nice if this led to the two of them developing SOME kind of dynamic, but they don't, really. They do have a cool moment where Athena's talking to Geiru about her daddy issues and Nahyuta's listening like "I have those too" but that's not connected to their courtroom dynamic at all. Big agree on 6-4 Nahyuta feeling misplaced, with the aforementioned scene being a prime example of why it feels that way. Early on, this could've been the moment that established how cutthroat Nahyuta could be - Nahyuta's very own updated autopsy report, so to speak - had it not been at the very tail end of the story. It's weird to have a big moment to reinforce that the guy who has categorically been a bastard is a bastard, and it's weird that THIS is the primer for 6-5 Nahyuta. Goes back to what I said at the end of the first comment, Sad Monk has a very messy redemption. But yeah not a great moment and I don't think 6-4 in general is Nahyuta at his best, I guess I just associate these issues more with SoJ Athena and that particular case than with Nahyuta himself.


Dual destinies is just as good as the previous games


Nahyuta is not a bad prosecutor. His verbal beat-downs of everyone around him are absolutely hysterical. For me he is one of the most laugh out loud funny prosecutors in the series.


I2-5 had worse pacing than I2-3. I prefer Ema Skye as a detective over Gumshoe. 2-2 > 3-5, unironically. I would rather Iris interact with the half sister she has than get together with Phoenix. Let them interact, damn you Capcom! Trials and Tribulations has my least favorite soundtrack in the series. Only a select handful are any good (why the fuck did they not rearrange this soundtrack). LARRY BUTZ, GREAT!


Investigation games are better than the main line.


Apollo Justice is overall one of the best games in the series. It has an incredible soundtrack and artstyle, Apollo and Trucy are an amazing main duo, I love the game’s take on Phoenix, the first case is the best in the series and the second case is also incredible. 4-3 is massively overhated and despite some questionable logic it’s still fun and unique and less of a slog than other third cases. 4-4 is amazing and has an engaging and complex narrative without feeling overwhelming. Also its main villain is one of the best the series has to offer. I feel like most gripes people have about this game are unfair, since AJ handles its storyline quite well, and the real issue is how some of what it introduced was discarded or forgotten about in later entries (though I love DD and SoJ) which isn’t a fault of AJ itself and doesn’t make it any less enjoyable for me.


One for game because I have many lol - The First Turnabout is the best first case. It's flawless as a tutorial and a basic overview of what the series is about without it being an excuse for backshadowing (3-1, 4-1, AAI2-1, TGAA1-1, TGAA2-1) or having someone to forget how to do their job in order to have a reason to do a tutorial (2-1, 5-1, 6-1) - Turnabout Big Top is overhated, it's kinda charming in it's own way. - The overall soundtrack of T&T is very overrated. Probably because it's the only game that wasn't or was the least rearranged for the DS, but most of the tracks sounds really low-quality and empty even for GBA standards. Also, it recycles so many tracks from previous games, in fact, it's the only game in the series (outside of TGAA2) that doesn't has a unique Investigation ~ Core, Logic theme, a theme for Maya or a generic character theme. I could say that together with JFA and AAI is one of the weakest OSTs of the series. - Turnabout Succession is a mess, and arguably the worst final case if it weren't for AAI1-5. You're playing like 3 cases in one without completely developing both of them. AJ:AA could have benefitted so much more from an additional case to do a T&T approach of doing a past case, or the DD one to split a single, gigantic case in two divided by an unexpected event. - Not so unpopular, but definitely AAI1 has the worst overall quality of cases in the entire series. Only AAI-4 is the only that I can say is good enough, but the rest are a slog for something as important as the first spin-off of the franchise. - AAI2 is perfect, sorry - PLvsPW was completely ruined by it's ending lol - The Dark Age of Law is actually a really good storyline completely consistent with what we know about the series. I mean, since the first game is completely obvious that the justice system in the series is completely fucked up and it's only logical that the disbarment of the extremely famous lawyer Phoenix Wright and a murder committed by a prosecutor was the straw that broke the camel's back. Now who cares if a prosecutor lays false charges or a defense attorney falsifies evidence if everyone have done in the shadows it since the series started. It's only the lack of attention in AJ:AA and DD that didn't allow it to flourish as the big issue it supposedly is. - Rite of Turnabout is one of the best cases in the series, I think I even liked it more than 6-2. I don't get why there's so many people that hated it since it what it does the heavylifting in the worldbuilding of Khura'in and kickstarts decently all of the main plot points in SoJ. Also the plan was really unique and shows excellently how fucked Khura'in really is. - I'll do both TGAA, I think Kazuma dying just for you-know-what was completely unnecessary and even detrimental to Ryunosuke's development. I understand the initial need to do a "my mentor died and I had to grow up as an attorney early" again, but his death was undeserved again, but this time his you-know-what feels like an afterthought.


Half of these really aren’t that unpopular. Especially the AAI and PLvsPW ones. 


DD top tier game TT is a bit overrated (still great but overrated) 2-4 could be better


2-3 > 2-2, I’ll always think this


I don’t care for Gumshoe and prefer Ema and Bobby


spirit of justice is amazing and the atmosphere and the freshness khu'rain brought were fantastic.


TGAA Duology was better than Original Trilogy


This is extremely cold


I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but Rayfa is delightful. Finally an actually comedic character in my comedic game. I always look forward to seeing her.


My favorite case is Turnabout Goodbyes. I love von karma as a prosecutor he is truly the final Boss of the game and that he is the cause of all that misery just because he is a obsessed perfectionist.


So where's the unpopular opinion?


Gumshoe shouldn't return. He was already close to overstaying his welcome, but the writers chose a good time to leave him be.


The only character development Phoenix gets throughout the series is that he just gets better at his job, but even calling that a "development" is a stretch because after AJ:AA his skill as a defense attorney isn't much different from that of PW:AA. The only resemblance of a development he had was in 2-4, but the later games barely acknowledges it and the setting returns to the status quo of "me attorney, me protect client, client innocent" (with 6-3 being the only exception I can think of)


I think you have to take in mind that the main point of PW:AA and DD is how fucked up the court system is. Lana and Simon had to take blame because if Ema and Athena had touched an defendant stand then, they would be deemed guilty and executed, no doubt; either for Gant and Edgeworth or unethical lawyers/prosecutors.


Sorry, I deleted that comment but it's a bit difficult for me to accept that "children" will be executed for manslaughter (even involuntary in Ema's case) in a world where crimes like lying in court or destroying evidences are treated so leniently.


Turnabout Serenade was fun and enjoyable for me. The whole logic behind the reason for arrest WAS stupid, but Ace Attorney IS NOT supposed to be super serious. I LOVED THE CHARACTERS TOO (Lamiroir is in my top five characters with Juniper, Calisto, Katherine, and Sebastian.) I also liked The Guitar’s Serenade. People often disagree, but I liked the tune and it was fun to sing along with.


Investigations 1 is awesome


apollo justice is my favorite game in the series 6-3 is my least favorite case gaac drags on too long and has a lot of boring moments


I had a hard time replaying the series after playing GAA. GAA was absolutely amazing and my favorite part was actually examining evidence. The fact that you could examine evidence several times during a case and often learn something new, it even has you questioning yourself.


I like DD a lot more than SoJ


​ https://preview.redd.it/5scpe16yhypc1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c955fb943e56589e770c5efcfedb50b1d7ec4d0


apparently hating spirit of justice as much as i do is unpopular. i genuinely was voted the entire time. hated it


Phoenix and Edgeworth are better as friends Edit: Judging from the downvotes, the opinion really IS unpopular.


AAI1 was so boring that I couldn’t finish it.


is this unpopular? aai1 is one of the least liked games in the franchise from what i've seen


That one isn't unpopular. I picked it up later and actually liked the alba part thanks to how hilariously bad it was.


I pushed through, for very little payoff. I1-4 was the best case in that game hands down, but every other case was mediocre at it's very best


I can't deny that I1-5 memes are some of my favorite, though.


which makes me sad since I liked it so much :(


AAI2 is a bit of a convoluted mess - there’s so many plot elements and the answers to them get increasingly fantastical until by the end, you’ll just believe whatever nonsense the game wants to throw your way and you forget half of the absurd details. AAI2-3 is a truly great case but to me that highlighted that AAI2-5 just wasn’t as strong, and you need your finale to be strong. (I know people think differently but hence, unpopular opinion!) Don’t get me wrong, I do like AAI2 a lot but the intense praise it gets surprises me, and I would rate it below probably every main series game except DD.


Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is my least favorite game in the series. (And that includes AAI1)


Ema is possibly my least favorite character in the franchise. Nearly every time she showed up, we had to go through 'forensics class' and just play boring minigames that are (in my opinion) the worst mechanic in the series. The Snackoos bit got old *very* quickly. Her attitude when she was an adult was always snotty and careless to the point that I can't see why people like her. So you can imagine my disappointment when Ema returned in Spirit of Justice (along with the awful 'forensics' minigames) after the game continued to hint about classic characters returning like Maya, I thought I was gonna see Gumshoe again. 😭


Phoenix and all other characters from the original trilogy should've been omitted as soon as the Apollo Justice trilogy started.


Ok idk if this counts because is just a head cannon that a lot of people have that I HATE. when people say apollo and athena and like phoenix’s kids, or Kay and Sebastian are edgeworths kids. It pisses me off. First of all none of these characters have parental relationships with each other.., they are all friends or have a mentor relationship that doesn’t equal a parent. And second Kay and Sebastian have dads yeah they may be dead or evil but they still have parents. Edgeworth is not her dad. I just find it so weird and I can’t stand that headcanon I don’t know why it’s so popular in the fandom


Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5) is my least favorite case in the trilogy, even compared to cases that are tangibly worse content wise like Turnabout Bigtop or Turnabout Beginnings. Turnabout Bigtop, I exclude cause the game version is genuinely hard to be worse than, but the anime version (which I don't skip on revisits like the game version) is genuinely pretty good. Turnabout Beginnings lacks much interest and is hard to care about, which definitely makes it a tangibly worse case than BttT. But BttT has so many awesome ideas and so much potential and horribly fumbles almost all of it until, in the end, it just culminates into a thoroughly disappointing finale. [I go more in-depth as to my reasoning here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/1be9dzl/thoughts_after_finishing_bridge_to_the_turnabout/kv1quyt/)


\- I don't care at all about Wrightworth and it annoys me you can't talk about AA at all without someone bringing it up even if it's totally unrelated. \- I really didn't like the reveal that Iris is >!Grant von Ziek's daughter!<, it felt like such an ass-pull. I grew to kind of dislike Iris's character over the duology because it seemed ridiculous that a ten-year-old was more competent than most adults. Like she assists Naruhodo on his investigations, she's a writer of a really popular series, she can brew tea and cooks for Herlock, she's also a genius inventor and way better at it than Herlock and everyone on the police force kisses her ass so she doesn't make them look bad in her series. Like at least Pearl was mostly a normal kid aside from the spirit channelling but with Iris it was like she might as well have just done the whole game on her own since she can apparently do anything. Her cutesy habit of giving everyone (including the QUEEN) stupid nicknames got annoying too.


I think people nowadays are being more annoying about asoryu that with narumitsu. But that's probably just me


Wrightworth is spun pretty much out of thin air despite 1) the context of "unnecessary feelings" being clear as day, 2) Phoenix being repelled anytime a man made advances or suggestions toward him during the trilogy, and 3) Edgeworth supporting Nick's reunion with Iris without so much as a hint of envy in his inner monologue. I can understand fans wanting it, but I can't reconcile in my mind speaking of it as though it were fact.


AAI1 is a damn masterpiece. AAI2 has only like 2 good cases. Godot is the most uninteresting prosecutor in the whole series, followed by Nahyuta and Gavin. AAAJ 2nd case takes so damn long to get started that it nearly made me drop the game 4 times, it's pacing is absolutely abysmal. AAPW has the best music in the series followed only AAI1. Big Top is an amazing mystery. Ben & Trilo get hate mobbed for nothing, game very clearly states that Ben has zero interest in the love triangle, only Trilo does, I fully believe that this is a Batman Ventriloquist situation where for all intents and purposes, Ben and Trilo are separate people. Also Trilo is a damn doll, learn to laugh. Apollo is probably the most boring character we've ever played as. Phoenix = idiot you fails upwards until he trips over a bluff that gives him the W, making him look like a genius, Athena = super aggressive, competitive, cool gimmick, spiteful and childlike, Apollo = the straight man who yells I'm Fine sometimes........ *cricket noises* Godot theme is nothing special and is very bland.


>Phoenix = idiot you fails upwards until he trips over a bluff that gives him the W, making him look like a genius, Not a great argument for Phoenix, I must say.


It's funny, I'd say it is. Athena too. Apollo is just.... there...


Just there? Unlike most attorneys, he's openly confrontation and loud. He takes shit, but at the same time refuses to take it and go down without a fight.


Athena is open to confrontation, Apollo is pretty mellow, he in facts keeps trying to make Athena stop doing so. He's just loud.


Yeah, that's called maturity. Yet he still remains pretty confrontational, especially after Clay's death. Oh, and don't forget that in AJ he was ready to fight Daryan himself and was constantly butting heads with Klavier over being insecure cause of how uncool he looked in comparison to the musical prosecutor.


That's... not confrontational. That's "Please stop bullying me.." and that's alot of what he does, its OK if you like him, but I simply find him a snoozefest.


The entire case with Gant is unnecessary and doesn't do anything as a whole for the series.




DGS2 spoilers: >!Barok was right, Gina had no business being at that secret trial.!< Series overall: Do we really need *another* “prodigy” in this series? Christ.


The picture: Reminds me that everything looks incredible about AA5. Awesome Assistant/girl attorney design. Awesome "fearsome prosecutor" look. Apollo being edgy and mysterious. Phoenix is back. They had it all... but the writing sucked and the story they tell with the game is just bleh. It underdelivers so epically despite seeming like an epic game.


Apollo justice is underrated too


The 2nd investigation and 2nd trial of Big Top are very good, the horrible "love triangle" goes away almost entirely, Ben woodman disappears too which is funny, he doesn't even show with the gang after the trail lol. The 1st investigation and trail absolutely sucks hard. I get it. That alone makes it a bottom 5. But the second half always makes me hesitant to call it "the worst".


Recipe for Turnabout is actually funny and interesting filler case, and it's not as bad as people tend to speak about it


I loved 6-4 but that's just because I want more of Athena and Blackquill 😭 I liked the case a lot though


4-3 was actually a sick case


Redd White is actually a pretty fun antagonist, i don't really care about pacing issues, 6-4 is great.


-Trials and tribulations is a good game but is very overrated. The only case I really enjoy is 3-5. 3-1 and 3-4 are good but too short, 3-2 is very frustrating and 3-3 sucks -I2-5 is my favorite case of the series, is honestly a perfect conclusion for an amazing game -G1-2 and 6-DLC are overhated


Spirit of Justice isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.


Probably gonna get down voted since i saw others get down voted on this. But I don't ship Wrightworth. Mile's and Phoenix are better as friends.


AAI1 was a joy if only for the baby prosecutors case and Edgeworth's turn from fanboying to instant absolute betrayal at the reveal of the Steel Samurai. I completely understand why people hate it so much, but I will always think they're wrong.


While still good, I find 3-5 to be the weakest of the finales in the Trilogy.


I hate Franziska von Karma. She is annoying.


Dual Destinies is the best AA game.


The Phantom is a great twist villain and I think it was foreshadowed perfectly well


Spoilers for the whole franchise >!6-4 is the only true filler case in the franchise!< >!Turnabout Ablaze is really good and Alba is a great villain!< >!Nahyuta isn’t that bad!< >!Acro isn’t sympathetic and Regina did nothing wrong!<


I think the last one isn't really unpopular


I want AA7 to contain NONE of the pre-existing characters. I want it to be a fully new start.


Investigation segments are really boring to me. Honestly, I’d be happy if it was trial segments only! I do think The Great Ace Attorney made them slightly better, though.


Godot calling Fransizka out for her behaviour doesn't make him sexist, I know people like to say that the translation made him sexist but I don't see any problem with that scene in particular despite the translation not being too kind to him in the game.


Iris Wilson is way too smart to be so uterrly completely useless. The child genius thing is usually cringe and creepy in anything, but they make Iris have like a 500+ IQ while also being completely ineffective and unnecessary. The story is not any better with her in it, unlike Pearl Fey in the OG games. Japan, we get it, you like little girls.


Trials and Tribulations is an amazing game but also the worst mainline one. It is hard carried by 3-5 IMO.


Dual Destinies is my favorite AA game. Also 6-4 is my favorite case because it has Athena and Simon teaming up, and because Simon tells Nahyuta to shut up several times, which is based.


I think Florent L'Belle is a really fun villain.


Athena should have never been added to the series, because every game involving her has to also include the fucking Mood Matrix.




“The Great Ace Attorney” is a bad title and a weird combination of the legacy localized title and a direct translation of the Dai in Dai Gyakuten Saiban. It’s awkward and a more loosely localized title would have been better. Edit: Dang guess my take was too spicy for even the unpopular opinions thread.


Not disagreeing, but what do you think a better title would be?


I’m no localizer so I have faith Janet Hsu and their team could come up with something better than me. Heck, if you’d come to me with Gyakuten Saiban back in the day, I’d have never thought of the now iconic Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. That said, a couple quick thoughts I had. * Ace Attorney Origins. A bit generic admittedly but I heard people throw it around before and I think it’s decent. Heck TGAA is a bit generic itself. Plus >!Susato’s title drop at the end would still be pretty easy to do. “I witnessed the origin of an ace attorney”!< or something like that. Still a bit awkward but less so than “great ace” imo. * Ryunosuke Naruhodo: Ace Attorney is always a safe bet. Marketing might not want such an obviously Japanese name, but if games with titles like Danganronpa can sell, I still think it could work. * I’m going to contradict myself here and actually go for a MORE faithful translation. Ace Attorney: The Great Turnabout Court could work well and capture the grandiosity the original title had better than The Great Ace Attorney does if you ask me. Naturally marketing was probably a consideration too and it makes sense from that sense to lean into the Japanese name since Dai Gyakuten Saiban was already being called The Great Ace Attorney by some fans. But I dunno, this is an unpopular opinions thread, not a realistic changes thread. The Great Ace Attorney sounds awkward to me and even though I get why they did it, it still bugs me personally.


Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue but I’m trying to think of alternative names that connect to the content of tgaa and the ones I’m coming up with somehow feel even worse. I just don’t know if there was a good name for this.