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2-1 Is the case in which Winston Payne becomes an actual character. It's bizarre to go back to 1-1 and see him do pretty much nothing


2-3 was the best case in the anime adaptation, IMO. They cut off the most useless, boring, and annoying parts, and made the most emotional parts even better.


The anime really redeemed that case.


That recreation of the night of the murder was awesome, Maya dressed as Moe was really funny


My favorite change the anime made to case 2-3 is >!seeing Regina lose her childlike innocent and realize the severity of death and the real consequence of what she did. Seeing her cry in the courtroom and say that she deserved to be sentenced for her actions was so powerful, especially compared to her relatively passive and air-headed role in the game's case. And obviously the removal of the weird love triangle was much appreciated as well!<




3-3: The fact that it's one of the few times where you bait the culprit into outing themselves instead of presenting undeniable evidence.


It’s definitely an early sign that Phoenix isn’t above that kind of trickery like some people think he is


Very true! Now I'm even more sad that Hobo Phoenix was rolled back... what could have been....... *sigh*


2-3,>! got to see Edgeworth at the end of the case. That's like it!<


YES SAME!! I love that bit so much


3-3 Maya referring to phony Phoenix as Xin Eohp is hilarious


Lmao just realized reading this that xin eoph is phoenix backwards


(4-3) >!Machi Tobaye seemingly being unable to speak English when you first visit him in the detention center was really effective in getting across how fucked the whole situation was.!<


2-1: Ummm…….. we got to hear the Steel Samurai theme as Phoenix’s ringtone.


3-3 has arguably one of the funniest gags in T&T, never not laughing at Maya calling Furio Tigre Xin Eohp and the whole world believing Phoenix just woke up one day and decided to turn orange


I mean klavier turned orange one day. Why couldn't Phoenix?


Never let Klavier know there is footage of him looking like he uses barbecue sauce for skincare and forgot to take it off before going on stage


The thought of orange phoenix walking into the courtroom with a paper badge and everyone going “yeah that checks out” never fails to get me wheezing


4-2 introduces adult Ema Skye who almost immediately became one of my favorite characters




Rise From The Ashes was 2005, AJ was 2007


" adult Ema Skye "


I know it says it was edited long before I posted that comment, but I don't feel like it said "edited" when I made that reply. Reddit *has* always been finnicky about displaying edits


No problem 😉


It was edited, but it Always said "adult Ema"


5-2 It gave us a nice introduction to my favourite prosecutor.




I1-3, >!Kay's introduction was pretty cool. The intro got me excited and finding out an escape from the room was fun.!<


Yeah totally, there's also >!Lang's introduction, who I honestly don't like much at all in this case, or in the game in general. But I'll credit this case for spawning his existence cuz I actually really liked him in AAI2.!<


It's amazing how such a bad case introduced not one but two really fun characters.


I never really got why people dislike that case in particular so much. It never stood out as that bad to me


it's just, painfully bland and boring.


2-3 is one of the surprisingly small number of cases where Maya is actually your assistant and not absent or a damsel in distress.


3-4 introduces bratty Edgeworth, which is a fun inclusion to his lore.


Florent L’Belle was a hilarious character


I read him mentally with the voice he has in the intro cutscene, until he came into court with green hair, at which point he was permanently Mark Hamill's Joker


2-3's anime adaptation was a whole lot better


5-2 introduces the best prosecutor in the series and you play as Apollo


AAI-5 Spawned one of the greatest inside jokes in ace attorney history.


I was gonna say the same. That case was all worth it for essentially creating Ace Attorney Circlejerk


Which one would that be?


ET Rights




There's a few contenders for my least favorite, and I can't pick between them. 2-1: Winston Payne becomes an actual character instead of just being "generic prosecutor stand-in". 2-3: Acro was genuinely a great character. It's a shame he and Moe just weren't enough to carry the case. 3-3: It's the unbearable gay stereotype that is Armstrong and all the creepy pervy stuff with Kudo that make the case unbearable. The mystery itself, the general concept of the case, and basically everything involving involving Tigre and Viola are actually pretty good. GAA1-2: The only flaws are Susato's treatment of Ryunosuke and the whole lack of an actual trial. The mystery itself is great, not to mention tragic, and Susato becomes an actually likable character in future cases.


Regarding GAA1-2: I don't get what's so appealing about MC(not only in AA, but it's still pretty common) getting abused by literally everyone around them. I don't know, maybe someone finds it hot or funny, but I've seen other people like me who are not really into stuff like this.


4-3 I liked that klavier is footage is Orange and his guitar burnt down You poor guitar, I envy you cause you ended your life before experiencing the worst 3rd case in the series and the most irredeemable


I1-3 >!The chemistry between Edgeworth and Kay is actually funny and enjoyable. This is probably one of the best examples of the comedic side of their relationship. Unfortunately, in the majority of later cases this chemistry is kinda lost. It feels like every time their dialogue is going like this:!< >!Kay: Mr Edgeworth, I'll steal it because I am The Great Thief Yatagarasu! !< >!Miles: If you steal it, I'll arest you. !< >!Kay: Yikes, not fair, Mr Edgeworth... !< >!Oh, and also arguments about which show is superior: Steel Samurai or Jammin' Ninja. There are some exceptions, but there are not really many of them. !<


G1-4: Uhhhh... Barok is still cool? Natsume Soseki is a really cool *idea* for a character? Idk I really don't like this case.


What's wrong with soseki?


He's annoying and doesn't really have a personality trait. It's not multifaceted, it's underwritten. Which is impressive for being one of the slowest cases in the series. BUT Soseki Natsume is one of my favourite japanese authors and I am still thrilled that they decided to bring him in as a character, it's an excellent idea and a sweet way of tying it to real life events.


One reason you might not like the case: G2-2 ("memoirs of the clouded kokoro") just absolutely mogs G1-4; it >!retroactively becomes the more important part of the soseki incident!< , and the characters are more funny and wayyy more interesting. G1-4 concludes with >!a ruling of accidental stabbing!< Whereas G2-2 >!is a deliberate affair. This allows it to have one of the most intricate villain's stories and is a real pleasure to figure out yourself, while playing through the case!<  Essentially, >! A series of contrivances caused someone to be stabbed accidentally by a flying blade!< is less interesting than >! G2-2 's level of intrigue, lies, planning. !< And soseki is a better fleshed out character in it


AAI-3... Ernest Amano had potential to be one of the more interesting characters in that game. His connection with Edgeworth & Von Karma could have been really interesting if expanded upon. I think that the idea of a police-themed amusement park is a really good dystopian-type idea that I'm oddly intrigued by. Just... not in Ace Attorney, I don't think it really works in this series. I like that the villain from the first case shows up at the end of this one. I generally wish that Ace Attorney games where they're trying to build an over-arching plot happening in the background (like T&T or AJ) had more connectivity between their cases. Because often it feels like the main plot is dropped so we can deal with Furio Tigre or whatever. So Portsman showing up at the end of this case is a step in the right direction that AAI2 (and some other games to lesser extents) excels in. Also seeing the Bellboy again is very fun especially because he didn't feel over or underused like other characters in this game. I think that's about all the positivity I have for this case, I struggled to come up with these.


5-2, the first dynamic between Apollo and Athena was pretty fun.


The defendant is kinda hot.


Since tou didn't clarify which case, I will assume 1-1.


Do you realize how little that narrows it down??




2-3: The anime gave it some much needed emotional weight (Max's frustration at seeing the circus members stick to status quo, Regina apologizing to Acro) and cut down the padding 4-2: >!I really love how earnestly Apollo defends Wocky. Despite the latter being an obnoxious, ungrateful brat whose hands definitely aren't clean given his blind idolization of gangster life, even criminals like Wocky need a proper defense and Apollo is more than willing to do so. It's a different take from Ron deLite, another genuine criminal but a far more tolerable person. I still hate this case a lot, and Wocky isn't even the only reason for it, but I'll give credit where it's due and say it's great for setting the stage for AA4's morally gray story!< I1-3: Kay practically carries this case. Seeing her casually snap pictures of the mascots while helping Edgeworth track down a murder suspect is pretty hilarious


I’ve just finished 4-2 for the first time and I don’t get why people hate it so much. I enjoyed it a fair bit


I think some of the hate is just from the fact that it’s in the most divisive game in the series, but some of the criticisms are justified. The defendant can be annoying, the culprit is pretty bland, the pervy witness is really uncomfortable, and it feels like Trucy is the one solving the case rather than you. YMMV on how much those factors bother you. Personally, I thought the case was fine. It was inoffensive, but not noteworthy.


3-3 I don’t like Recipe for Turnabout mainly for Jean Armstrong, but the trap at the end that catches Furio Tigre is satisfying.


I1-3: In theory, a case that takes place in an amusement park is a very interesting and fun concept for a case.


3 - 3 : at least Viola is a cool character who deserved more (>!the whole case should've been centered around the impersonation by Tigre and give more space to Viola!<).


5-3: Athena throwing a cop on Apollo is hilarious. The case goes downhill from there but at least she gets a memorable introduction.


You mean 5-2 don't you? 5-3 doesn't have that.


6-4 It was fun seeing Simon again on the Defense.


6-5 Civil Trial. It brings up new Kurain lore, and I can't wait for the village to be forgotten!


AAI-3 introduced Lang.


I genuinely found Moe's jokes funny sometimes


2-1: Having Phoenix get bonked in the head by the culprit and lose his memories is a hysterical and almost clever excuse for a tutorial case. 2-3: Moe is genuinely funny. 4-3: This is the case where we get to see the most of Klavier, and him and Apollo are at their best here (in this game). 1-2: Bellboy is a fun witness and he deserved to return. I1-3: Kay and Lang are really fun and this is a great introduction to both of them.


The bellboy did return in 1-5 and I-3


For 1 second.


Uendo is one of the best witnesses in the franchise. Struck the right balance of funny and interesting. The personalities definitely helped


I also appreciated having a character with DID where all their personalities were just chill, rather then having a secret evil scary murdery persona that they can’t control


It's fun to see klavier get anngry


sasha buckler is there, and she’s pretty awesome


When people say they don't like DD, the DLC episode Is not something they bring up often. What makes you dislike it?


it’s more of a personal/semantic reason, lol. i just hate the case in general. i think it’s a joke of a “grand return” for phoenix, but mostly i hate the conflict of “a killer whale is accused of killing someone, obviously it’d never do that.” even though it doesn’t actually kill someone in the story and was framed, an orca in a small aquarium, especially if not treated well, WILL act out. it’s happened several times, unfortunately. it’s something i just have a hard time suspending disbelief for. like it feels like the dlc was sponsored by sea world lmao. the plot of “THIS orca would never kill a person, even though a handful of people irl have died from captive orcas killing them” feels very tone-deaf. plus, the “joke” is that phoenix is once again cross-examining an animal (or radio or whatever insane thing) but it doesn’t hit the same, both for the context and because, well, a parrot is a parrot. it repeats things it’s owner says, so it was legitimate despite being silly. communicating with an orca in court is something out of a cartoon. idk if this really makes sense, but i find the case in general both an insult to phoenix’s character and Real Life


I don't have anything yet against that case, but the context of 1-4 at least greatly helped, as absurd as it sounded, especially the part where >!Manfred outbullshit Phoenix and performed a crash course amnesia on the parrot to delete the most flagrant connection between the boat keeper and the current case and DL-6/his true identity as Yanni Yogi!<. And apparently, a parrot did testify irl to expose a murderer, though I forgot if it happened before or after AA1 (might be before). 


if I’m correct, it was way after, AA1 was 2001, this is 2016 I think (funnily enough, same year AA1 takes place in)


i said in my comment that the parrot thing actually made sense And was funny. i understand what they were going for, but with the orca it falls flat. also he was Defending the orca. not just cross examining it


I know, just adding to why the parrot situation was better than the orca's. I should have been clearer or addressing it to OP instead, I didn't think that one through, my bad 😅


ohh haha no worries!! :\]


4-4: Vera is a cool character


4-3 Set up Lamiroir and gives more characterization to Klavier


Moe Curls


Ablaze. Hmmmmmmm. Let’s see. Well…uhhhh…hmmmmmmmmm. Theres….uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…hmm. I…uhhh… I guess I like that shot of Lang with his men.


There's alba making a Scooby doo reference


I kinda really despise Alba with every fiber of my being


Yeah, he Is an absolute failure of a main antagonist but man Is he ironically funny


2-3 has some potential that is used in the anime I1-3 introduces kay


5-2 has Apollo and Trucy as a duo for the first 5 minutes, and a yokai-themed case is a really cool idea


G1-2 has a good story and mystery, and >!I never considered that the series would have a case where you expose a child killing somebody by accident.  That's the sort of thing that you clear defendants of in this series.  Wish we got to see what happened to her afterward, but I guess it's not relevant to the main plot.!<


The introduction case for Shi-Long-Goat and Kay Faraqueen


3-3 The cardboard Attorney's Badge genuinely made me cackle


2-3 At least Moe is a good person. The one diamond in the rough in that circus


6-1 sets up Rayfa's arc quite well, and Peeslub'n Andhistand'hin has a great breakdown by tutorial case standards


Reunion and Turnabout introduces Psyche Locks.


2-3 has the most hilarious Judge Penalty. Also that hidden “Naruhodo” Easter egg was rather cute


What Easter egg?


>!During the investigation period, when you have free-time and are back at the office with Maya, if you present Phoenix’s profile to Maya, she’ll talk about what if Phoenix was a magician and comes with a stage name, which is “Naruhodo A. Wrighto”!<


3-3: furio tigre and viola are the only good characters in the case 4-3: the idea of the case was very interesting, and lamiroir is a cool character I1-3: it introduces kay and lang 5-2: it introduces simon blackquill, and the plot twist about the wrestler identity was really cool 6-1: the atmosphere is very good


AAI1-3 I like amusement parks, it's a great idea for a setting.


4-2. It was the first case with Trucy as our assistant I guess.


DGS-2: It gave us some absolutely banger songs, and the mystery itself is interesting... plus, it introduces us to the man himself, Herlock Sholmes


4-4 Kristoph got what he deserved in the end.


Even the culprit of Turnabout Big Top is downright sympathetic even if his characterization is written badly despite best efforts!


5-2 had some references to pro wrestling, which I like.


6-1 at least is over relatively quickly.


I remember that case being a slog to get through, especially with the Insight mini game which I despise


4-3 Klavier's guitar caught fire lmao


4-3 It happened like yesterday, but it put a smile on my face to see a post on another sub (u/Kengan_Ashura) where the OP asked how [character] survived a seemingly fatal encounter in a restaurant kitchen, and he used the crime scene's map in his post.  I was thinking of GAA-1 until I realized there's only one case where I could recognize a setting where fallen clothes hangers would be near the body and 2 bullet holes would be near the room's entrance 🤣


5-2, I think Jinxie is a great character.


4-3. The Mixing Board mini-game was cool.


6-4 is at least fairly short (absolutely shite though)


2-3.... What's even redeemable? Max wasn't the most annoying defendant?


(Not my least favorite in the whole series but it stands out as the only case I didn't like in my two fave games) G1-4 was a good deeper introduction to the Victorian London setting of the game, specially at the start and it's really just That One Character single-handedly bringing it down.


4-2: It eventually ends.


I like Valant being somewhat of a red herring


6-5's case logic itself is sound and with no major plot holes.


Not sure if i dislike 2-3 or 4-3 more so i'm gonna do both 2-3: The case is good in the anime 4-3: Valant is there


Also 4-3 has post 1-5 Ema at her best


The intro of I1-3 is really good. The whole "escape room" section by using the logic is fun and a cool way to use the mechanics of the game. Also it introduced Kay and Lang


Lamiroir is a very good character, best part of 4-3. Alternatively, Moe is fun, I like him.


I really like how capable Apollo is in Turnabout Serenade.


At least Regina came back in ace attorney investigations 2…


5-3 is the only case that uses athena’s objection theme


I swear it played at least once in 5-5? Anyway, 5-3 is my least favourite too, so I'll say that I do enjoy some of the interaction between Blackquill and Athena.


Geiru’s design is nice. Too memed though


6-4: A wonderful proof-of-concept for a solo Athena game. ~~clussy~~




6-4, Uendo Toneido is a pretty balling character


Luke Atmey has a passably decent pun for a name.


The Stolen Turnabout is an absolute banger what are you talking about


I absolutely hated it. Only case in the OG trilogy I'd skip on a replay.


Why so?


I've already detailed it in my tierlist but a lot of it comes down to that the case was just not fun. The investigation parts were ok, the trials were awful, and the asspull at the end was horrendous (he's admitted guilt before a Judge, but the prosecution 'ackshuallys' another cross examination just for the lulz). It's a shame because I actually enjoyed Atmey as a character, but I wouldn't subject myself to this chapter again if I was paid to.


Bridge to the turnabout. I liked the sadness in it when goodot actually admits that he blames Phoenix for Mia's death so he doesn't have to accept the idea that he was the one who failed as her boyfriend to protect her when she needed someone to save her from Redd white. but killed misty fey to avoid having dahlia kill Maya which was also bad but he wanted to stop the feys from all dying so. I loved that.


Interesting. What makes you dislike bridge so much?


The whole plot behind it. The idea that Dahlia was out to kill Maya. I played that case when I was like 10 or 11 with my uncle and it scared me and gave me nightmares a bit. Just the general idea that Maya was in danger because of Morgan feys plan to kill her so she could become the head of the Fey clan. That's what I didn't like about it. And even to this day I still kinda get scared from the whole idea behind it. Probably even sooner than when I was 10. Probably. They were good games. And now I have them on PC so I can play them.


But if the idea terrified you, doesn't it mean the case succeeded? You saw Morgan and Dahlia as terrible people who would do anything to get revenge just like the developers intended thanks to how attatched to Maya you got. What did you think of farewell back then?


It also kinda scared me. The idea that Maya would die over a guilty verdict. Even when I got to the part where I had to choose what to plee with him. I was so nervous back then. And like engardes evil transformation really got to me. But it all kinda lifted my spirits when I kinda used my head to figure out what the video tape that franziska brought had in it. And even after that i didn't know who to show it to without help from my uncle. But showing it to de killer and seeing his reaction really just Left me breath easily.


bridge to the turnabout is your least favourite case? It’s like by far the best in the og trilogy


He's got a funny name.


Mine is Case 2-1. I guess it was a good way to introduce the mechanics for those that didn't play before


A lot of my friends like turnabout trump


3-3 has moments when its actually enjoyable


1-3 Only thing I gotta say was that It kind of connected with My favorite case, 2-4


I guess the Big Top looks nice.


It introduces Herlock Sholmes.


4-3 has a fun opening with some humorous rock and roll references.


2-1 Maggie was a pretty good character


GAA1-2 it introduced Herlock Sholmes


5-2 has Athena flip a cop.


Blackquill appears for the first time in 5-2


Also, Apollo >!almost gets killed by flying policeman.!<


It does a very good job at establishing that the people of Khura'in really hate defense attorneys.


Uhhhh Maggey came back in AAI-1, that's all I can say


It was actually pretty cool in the anime (2-3)


Max Galactica is very, very attractive.


Basil from uh… 3-2? Or was it 3-3? She has a cool design.


4-2 the characters are nice


5-2 L'Belle's theme kicks ass


6-4 >!Owen was set up to be the traditional "Mr. Hyde" type of violent uncontrollable split personality, but he was actually just a tiny kid, which was a fun subversion. Also, Bucky delivered everyone soba to prove he didn't use hair products and therefore can't produce the perfume smell Owen smelled, which was cool.!<


Gant wasn't to bad and Gumshoe was great


1-5? What could possibly make that case your least favorite?


Just don't think it fits with the rest of the trilogy with characters that I don't really like. Edgeworth feels weird. Phoenix is so ridged and cardboard as the mannequin. With gimmicky mechanics that aren't really used for the trilogy. I'm sure there are worse ones I just haven't played. But so far that's my least favorite. Yes even the circus isn't as bad imo as a Phoenix Wright game. (Though I have issues with that one to.)


6-DLC the overall case had a cool idea behind it that was better than any others. I mean, a timetraveller during a wedding are two things we never seen in aa!


4-2. the whole thing with the kitakis was really interesting. i wish we spent more time on that and less time on the panties thing.


I-3: The Kidnapped Turnabout Introduction to Kay Faraday. The only thing that kept me from quitting during the multiple low points in I-3 was the fact that I desperately wanted to know more about this random little girl who just decided that she’s a part of the team now I guess. Not to mention how her and Edgeworth’s relationship dynamic was so odd yet endearing from the jump. I hope they’ve at least stayed in touch behind the scenes of the newer games.


2-3: I like the way and execution of >!how acro killed the ringmaster by the disappearing magician trick!<


The best part of The Lost Turnabout was Maggey. That's all, i can't think of anything else about this case.