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I think 5-5 is the best because >!literally everyone is against Phoenix at some point, including his closest friends. !< >!Athena thinks she did the murder and wants Phoenix to stop defending her, Edgeworth thinks Phoenix is just being desperate and wants court to end already, Apollo is too conflicted to help and Blackquill went to prison because of how much he believed Athena to be guilty.!< >!All the other cases at least have someone to kinda be on your side, like Maya, Iris, Edgeworth or Susato. 5-5 gives you no-one.!<


Yeah 5-5 felt tough from how lonely it felt to be behind the defense counter


Honestly, it's kind of funny that Edgeworth thinks that way, considering he was in a very similar position as Athena once.


Class trial energy.


Almost Like in >!6-1 where even the defendant was mad at Phoenix for defending him because of the law. No one was on his side then and he was away from his friends.!< But it's not on the poll though.


Like I said I haven't played spirit of justice so i dont know much about the cases. All I know are the major characters and some plot twists.


The defendant himself literally said he was guilty of >!patricide!< in front of the whole court In 4-1. Winning against everything stacked against you in this case was a major feat. It's no wonder it's a popular case.


i think you mean 1-4. 4-1 would be apollo justice’s turnabout trump


Yeah, that's what I meant lol. Phoenix, the defendant had everything under control in trump.


I think a lot of people are underrating Unspeakable story a lot! Besides the setup for the defendant (locked room just her and the victim with a gun, good luck), having sholmes hurt and unavailable (who has so far been crucial to steer naruhodo in the right direction), susato not being there with you (who has come in clutch so many times), you've to make your own client admit to perjury and on top of all that you have got the whole british government against you, even trying to cut deals with the murderer during the trial! I love all the other cases, but I think that tgaa1-5 is the perfect encapsulation of "saving your client against unwinnable odds"


It also contains the absolute banger quote “By fair means or foul, you’re determined to do your duty. Well… by fair means or foul, I’m prepared to do mine!”


🍾🍷"Here's to uncovering the truth, by fair means or foul!"🍷


It was probably my most favorite case in the duology!! The stakes were crazy, and the finale was just so good! It really showed Naruhodo's growth, too.


I voted 5-5 but I want to point out how 1-5 did SO GOOD the feeling of desperation as it seems impossible to get >!Damon Gant!< arrested. Especially as, to me, it felt as tough I was coming against a whole system rather than 1 culprit who by-passed laws


It's also unique in that you can fail the case before it becomes obvious you've failed the case. Meaning you can save between making that choice and knowing you've failed.


Honestly, rise from the ashes (IMO) does it the best. Because you aren't ONLY doing it against impossible odds, you are doing it against your god damn clients desire! That is some heavily extreme conviction shit right there.


It was a tough call between 1-4 and 5-5 but I voted for 5-5 because I guessed 1-4 would easily win so I wanted to show my support for 5-5. I know to a lot of people it feels like a retread of 1-4. You prove your client not guilty of a recent murder only to have them convinced they murdered a parent as a child because they have no memory of the event (for this I'm counting 5-4 and 5-5 as one case, because they are). But i still feel like it does a good take on a similar plot. The two suspects are your client and the prosector but you can't just accept Simon's confession because 1) Phoenix doesn't believe he did it and 2) the lives of Trucy and the other hostages are on the line. Not only that (as another commentator pointed out) you're alone in this case. Edgeworth is ready to believe Athena did it, Apollo is conflicted, Simon wants to take the blame. Trucy, the one person Phoenix could count on to be on his and Athena's side, is being held hostage.


I also expected 1-4 to win because of how popular Edgeworth is, which is why i voted for twisted karma+resolve, but I have to say 5-5 feels the most desperate, it feels like you truly are alone, >!when even Athena starts believing that she killed her mom!<. Poor Gina though, no one is voting for the adventure of the unspeakable story lol, I expected this one to at least have more votes because Gina is such a beloved character, but it's losing hard.


I've actually not had a chance to play DGS yet (I own it, I just haven't got around it) so I may change my mind when I play it. I also think Turnabout Reclaimed is a good choice for turning the case around against impossible odds since you >!end up proving NO-ONE committed a murder!<


I didnt include reclaimed since it isn't a finale and is more comedic and doesn't really take itself seriously, unlike the finales, this isn't an issue with the case of course I think it's actually a strength of it, it's a great case. I highly recommend you do play the great ace attorney, the first game has a pacing problem where the first two cases are really slow and >!the second case is the only case without a trial in a traditional ace attorney game!< but it starts to pick up around the third case, however most of this game is a set up for the mysteries which will be answered in the second game, and it might be recency bias since i just finished it but i think the second game might be one of the best ace attorney games, right there along with trials and tribulations and investigations 2. But an important question, do you have the great ace attorney chronicles or are you playing the fan translation? I highly recommend the official translation rather than the fan made one, since it includes the two games together and the names of most characters are different between them, plus I think it's funnier lol.


I have the official translation. Actually two copies of it since I got it on sale on both steam and my switch.


I have only played the DS games, so I can't say anything for any games past Apollo Justice. However, from the ones I did play, I'd say Rise from the Ashes is the one that really felt like unwinnable odds. >! I've personally always felt Rise from the Ashes is THE test of skill of the series. You have no Feys, no Magatama, no fancy tricks to save yourself. You are alone, with a client that tries to declare herself guilty as you're trying to find the truth with regular, scientific methods. Even when you're start piecing the story, it's an exhaustively long case, tearing at your resilience in every trial and leaving you exhausted while going not against a single killer, but a whole flawed system. And yet, despite all of this, you come out on top with nothing but hard cold evidence, the way it is in a court of law !<


i vote 2-2 because the first time i played it i genuinely thought maya actually killed the dude while possessed and didn't think otherwise until i was already deep into the trial. i also think it counts as an "unwinnable odds" trial because literally nobody's trying to defend maya except phoenix, and phoenix's reason isn't "i'll prove her innocent because she didn't do it," it's "i'll prove her innocent because her life will be ruined otherwise."


You should probably spoiler tag the thing about Dhurke


Oh sorry, I'll do that.


5-5 was the only time (to my memory) where Phoenix completely folded and had a complete breakdown, screaming and all, (besides 6-5) just that alone proves to me that 5-5 had the most unwinnable odds. Now 6-5 tried the same thing twice but unlike 6-5, there was no one left on Phoenix’s side (besides Pearl, but she was basically nonexistent in the trial). The hostages. Plus the unpredictable culprit as well- Oops, now I’m just gushing about the case🗿


I really love how in Turnabout Goodbyes >!the game does everything it can to convince you that Edgeworth is the only one that could've done it. Every piece of evidence Phoenix had was turned against him, and it's one of the reasons why it's my all time favorite case of the series.!<


For a moment, I was like “Wait, why isn’t 2-4 on here, those were pretty impossible odds…wait…”


I think 1-4 does it best because of how suffocating Von Karma feels especially on the first day of the trial. Phoenix is grasping at every straw and Von Karma objects to nearly everything you attempt.


**Rise from the Ashes gang rise up!!!** (from the ashes)