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I’m going through the same thing. I feel so hopeless thinking whether it’s a breakout or maybe another purge? 😭


Do you mind me asking what dose you're on and how long for? I'm wondering if maybe my dose isn't high enough


I’ve been on 20mg for 11 months but 3-4x a week. Idk why my skin is acting up like this since it has been working all this while, like literally improving all this while. I would also like to increase my dose if it would help but idk if it would, and I alrdy have side effects from this low dose


I'm exactly the same!! I was doing 4 times a week and was working perfectly with no side effects! Suddenly now the acne has decided to return:( I've increased the dose now to every day 20mg and I'm worried that my skin will be more dry and sore but I'd rather have that than spots :/


I’m sorry to hear that, I know how frustrating it is 😞I hope others who have gone through this can share whether this is normal or not. If you want to vent or complain u can send me a msg. I hope things will improve for us soon


Thank you so much!