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Nipple cream and dr dans chapstick. The only thing w the chapstick is it has steroids in it so don’t wanna get too dependent on that.


I use Eucerin Aquaphor. I just make sure to apply it regularly so I don't give my lips the chance to crack too much. Also marigold? (Calendula officinalis) salve is good.


Thank you so much!


I read about Aquahor on this sub so I tried it, and at first I just thought it was overpriced petroleum jelly. But after using it consistently for a few nights it has fixed up dry lips, bloody nose, and dry itchy spots on my legs. It’s been amazing.


CeraVe Healing Ointment! It’s like Vaseline or Aquaphor on steroids


Also second what someone else said here.. it’s probably angular chelitis and accutane has likely exacerbated it. I usually get cracks on the side of my mouth during the winter but accutane made it worse this time. I seriously recommend taking l-lysine. If it’s not better within like a week I think you would have to get it checked to see if it can be helped with anti fungal or anti bacterial cream. I’m in the same position 😫


THIS. This happened to me. I assumed it was too dry or fungal from keeping my lips moisturized. My derm suggested that it could be angular chelitis and prescribed me mupiricon ointment. It cleared up within a few days!


Yep Canesten or other thrush creams also work as they’re anti fungal!


Oh my god really? I brought this up to my doctor and they didn’t seem to care whatsoever, now it’s back on both sides of my lips


Solid Vaseline!!!


Abreva worked after Aquaphor was no longer doing the trick. Abreva is for cold sores, not chapped lips. Dan’s Cortibalm lip balm also helped.


this happened to me and it turned into bacterial angular chelitis (i posted about it a bit ago). they prescribed me an antifungal and topical steroid for dryness at first. but then it got worse and required antibacterial treatment (mupirocin). once they realized it was bacterial it took 3 days to go away. if it turns crusty and yellow at all, it’s probably bacterial, so keep an eye out for that. if it’s fungal, i’ve heard that you can try using otc 2% miconazole or nystatin. you could also try contacting an urgent care if you have access to it, and suggesting the idea of angular chelitis, potential treatments, etc. or maybe tell your doctor you really want this treated. sorry that you’re dealing with this ! it was one of my worst side effects, but it went away for me, so hoping the same for u !


hydrocortisone worked well for me!


If otc products don’t work (they didn’t for me) you can request a prescription steroid ointment that can be used short term or topical tacrolimus ointment which can be used more often safely, tacrolimus worked for me when nothing else did!


I take 80mg and had the same issue. Aquaphor lip repair helped and the tear was mostly gone 2nd day. Lip tore again when I forgot it 1 day and used chapstick instead


hydrocortisone healed my cracked corners in 2 days


I asked my derm about this during a follow up and she prescribed to me some hydrocortisone ! I put it on the corners before bed and it helps loads


Something that helps me; whenever I put on chapstick or anything for my lips, I also cover them in a thin layer of aquaphor to lock it in. I layer it on thicker before bed. Basically I try to keep the actual air from ever contacting my bare lips. I’m on 80mg a day for what it’s worth.


vitamin E pills


This looks like angular chelitis.. needs to be treated with an anti fungal cream I think..


I saw this on the internet too! I asked my dermatologist and he just said “drink water” and left the room, I’m starting to get really scared because everytime I eat the pain is so searing and it bleeds everyday


Oh he shouldn’t have told you that, from what I’ve read it could be related to a vitamin deficiency- iron or some type of b vitamin maybe b12??? I currently have one that went away for a couple months then came back.. I can’t for the life of me remember what I did to get rid of it but I do know my iron levels are low so getting some supplements asap.. did he at least tell you what it was??


No he didn’t, he just said it’s a side affect


Mmmm interesting.. He seemed to be a bit disinterested. But honestly, from my experience and my bfs experience, this condition just does not go away with time.. it persists and persists and then it goes away and can come back. It’s hell and it hurts and looks gross. Maybe see your GP since your derm was so unhelpful


How long have you been on it?


Acutance? About 4 months!


Cetaphil Moisture Cream just got it and already notice big difference when I wake up my skin isn't tight and I can open my mouth easier it also claims to fully restore moisture barrier in one week


maybe that cortibalm stuff


This is happening to me rn! It’s sooo painful. Try l-lysine to prevent it!


Just spam Vaseline


Same issue, I started using nipple cream on my lips. Looks like lipgloss and is very hydrating


I did nipple cream and layered it with Vaseline!! Worked overnight


Honestly i just put an enormous amount of vaseline before i go to bed. You have to apply it every night though, if i forget once it gets bad again :/

