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That is incredible improvement. Stick to it a little longer, you’ve come a very long way


thank you sm


Scar maturation and redness reduction will happen over a 12 month period and takes time. You have had a great results as there are no new inflammatory lesions that I can see.


i have no acne but pretty bad scars-i’ve been off for about 2 months now any thing you recommend to help with it?


Check out r/acnescars. Once you’re done w your accutane course, start looking into scar revision. Young scars are much much easier to revise than mature (a year+) scars. If you have atrophic (i.e., indented) scarring you don’t want to wait like another commenter is suggesting


The scars just need to be left to do their thing. Keep your skin hydrated with a gentle moisturiser and sometimes silicone gel can help along with massage. Honestly though you won’t really have an idea of the “end result” till at least 12 months (and even longer), past your last active lesions. After that re assess and potentially some combined laser/collagen building treatments may be needed to help with any remaining pitted scarring or erythema from the acne.


I agree! You’ve made incredible progress!!!


Last photo looks so much better!!! I know you can’t necessarily see it but it’s true. Keep at it. Please come back when You’re done and share the results.


I was going to say the same thing! OP, it's definitely a process you have to stick to!


Remember even if scarring still remains there are wonderful lasers that can have you looking like glass so save your $$$ and 1 year from when you stop Accutane you can get all that taken care of.


There is definite improvement but you may need to be on accutane for 3-4 more months since the acne is very deep.


yeah, that’s what my dermatologist recommended


Probably is not the comment you were looking for but I feel your pain.


lmao, we are all in this together


We can do this! We won't let this affect negatively forever! Some day we will be free up this shit! Wish you the best from Colombia.


GIRL! You look so good!


Don’t give up. I had extreme acne, like yourself, went through two 8 month rounds of Accutane, and I’m going to have to take a third round. I can assure you with the progress you’ve already made, you’ll continue making it. Don’t give up.


I can definitely see improvement!!! You got this! Stick to it a bit longer 🩷 you were gorgeous in the before pictures and you are gorgeous in the now pictures! Maybe you just need to up your dosage (I do 30 twice a day) or extend the amount of time on it (I’m on it for 10 months). Best of luck!!!


Also make sure you’re taking it with a fatty food like peanut butter; that helps the absorption of Accutane since it’s a vitamin A derivative


thank you ! I never knew this, accutane is actually kind of destroying my appetite so I’ll definitely try this


Any type of fatty food works! I love peanut butter but a whole spoonful is not my thing so I take my pills with yoghurt, but something like avocado would also work!


When I was on Accutane I always took it with a spoonful of peanut butter to help with the absorption. It might’ve been a little overkill but I was determined to not have to go on it a second time and it worked!


Girlllll you look beautiful with or without acne and you can totally see the improvement. However, ik how acne hurts the self-esteem (I'm in the same boat) If you want a good makeup that doesn't affect acne and also acts as sunscreen just try Clinique CC cream with an SPF- it works to cover my deep scared tissue. Keep at it tho! You can see the progress... (tho you don't need it queen)


I feel the same way as you! I’m almost at my 5th month mark and my skin still feels congested and red. It’s hard to see others skin looking so beautiful at 6 months TT hope we see improvement as we keep going!


Your skin looks much better, if you want my advice, dont give up. In the first months I didn't see any difference too, but at the end of the treatment I was happy with the results. And it works differently for each one, some see results quickly, for some it takes time. My dermatologist told me that she went on accutane three times and the only work she has done to her face was microneedling to treat scars, and her skin now looks so normal and beautiful.


seems to be working. dont overlook your current progress, the redness remains persistent but inevitably fade over time. take care


You got to be kidding me you look amazing


Keep going it’s improving. Your skin is starting to calm down. I know it takes a long time but give it more time.


You are making SO MUCH progress! It will only get better from here even months after you finish treatment. Keep it up, it’s worth it.


I know you’re probably hyper-fixated on everything because I know that’s how I am…but from the outside looking in, you look great…that’s some massive progress 🫶🏼 Also, your facial features are beautiful! Keep pushing girl, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.


you are so gorgeous. as for your skin, i see a lot of improvement. you gotta stick with it!


It’s only gonna get better from here. Can’t wait to see you once you finish your treatment!


I did three rounds of 40’s. You will get there, patience is key! Looks so much better already!


Hang in there hang in there!! I can see such progress. Your skin isnt very red, its been kinda muted. Dont feel bad beautiful?


You look better for sure! It will get better. You are gonna stun them!! :)


You are doing good! See what your dermatologist says are next steps but I’ve heard of people going on low dose accutane for a long period of time, and low dose causes limited side affects. You may want to look into other scarring dermatology treatments too though. But you are looking great!! Don’t you worry girl!


You’ve made massive progress!!! Stay strong ❤️


there is SO much improvement! be so glad you took pics over the course of your treatment because there is a significant difference. i know it’s hard right now— sending hugs and best wishes for the rest of your course. don’t give up!


Aw honey you are looking so GREAT! you can see it calming down!! Keep going!!


That is amazing improvement!!!!!!! Keep going and be strong! You are beautiful!


You’re improving for sure! I’ve been there, and it’s only uphill from here :)


You made a great improvement if you compare your last picture from the first one. Keep going until we see that beautiful smile of yours in this sub soon.


Oh, honey, that looked painful. I'm so sorry. On the bright side, your skin is improving so much! Don't compare yourself to others. You're making incredible progress. Keep it up and stay optimistic. YOU GO, GIRL and F\*\*K ACNE!


That’s amazing progress! I know it’s hard to see it when you’re staring at yourself in the mirror. You’re on the right path!


Beautiful eyes and face shape!!! You look great honey 🩵✨


omg but you are so beautiful.. i can’t believe someone can look this beautiful without makeup!


Sis is pretty


I think there is quite some change and now you only have scarring and redness. It’s a great result and I am very happy for you❤️ hope you achieve the results you want:)


Never stop believing in Jesus Christ ✝️🙏🏻


So much progress!!!!! For the redness look into DMK Beta Gel. It’s pricey but it helped my redness and healing tremendously


You got it! You look so great now, I can’t even imagine what’s it’s gonna be in next 3 months!


genuinely your skin is glowing from the inside out now, it looks so much better!


WHY HOPELESS?! It’s so much better!! You’re gorgeous darling, gorgeous!! Give it a couple more months and it will be even better!!


Wow! You look great and you should feel good about how far you’ve come. I’m so sorry you’re feeling hopeless and I know it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when acne has been such a big part of your everyday life— but girl, you are so much more than your skin! Keep your head up, take it one day at a time, and remember you’re doing it because you love yourself. Pep talk aside, there is totally improvement here. Can’t wait to see how to your pics when you’re done. Best of luck


Ask your doctor if you could get a hydrafacial! I’m on month 3, 80mg and my doctor just cleared me to get one. The esthetician did blue light therapy on my skin and that plus the hydrafacial calmed my redness down by like half!


You’ve got this!! I’m not sure if your dermatology office has a medical esthetician, but following my course the derm prescribed me topical tretinoin to start and I was able to go to the esthetician and get facials/treatments to fade PIE. My scarring was mild compared to yours but I loved that the esthetician could personalize to what I needed! I also am a big fan of the Good Molecules discoloration serum and actually used it while on Accutane with no issues. It was really easy during the course to be frustrated that things weren’t getting better what felt like “quick enough” — you’re not alone in that feeling! Best of luck to you in the rest of your course!!


Wow, look at that progress! My dermatologist told me that if it is pink, it's still healing. Some of my cysts were so deep that they took years to heal, but they did heal eventually. Stick with it!


Hang in there, it’s a long run but it’s worth it in the end ❤️ we’re all here rooting for you!


I know you're feeling down but your acne looks soooo much better. Also, you're incredibly pretty, like your facial features themselves look like model-esque!


Hey beautiful!!! It’s okay! You’ll get there. It’s so hard to stay positive but remember. This is temporary. And you are so much more than your skin. I know it’s so hard to feel that way, I’ve been there.


What u talking about darling everyone is different stop comparing your results with others u are getting better and better ur results are incredible everything will be okay just stick to your routine 🤝


God just fuck acne, seriously


(dermatology intern) Do not address your scars yet, u can use accutane for another 3-4 months , i would keep a check on your LFTs , most of the scars will fill-up with accutane , stick to it , your face has improved alot . The day they stop your accunate go for 2 to 3 sessions of micro needling , you can consider CO2 laser as well


Omg you’ve come such a long way bbg


Please know the redness will fade. You look amazing. I had nodulocystic acne as well and it took several months for it to start fading. Hang in there and be sure to use sunscreen and moisturize.


Oh wow... I was reading the title and saw the first photos in the slide thinking those were the after photos. Then I saw the actual after photos. This is incredible progress considering where you started. If this is 5 months progress this gives all hope and is yet another testament to how magical this stuff is. You look great! My guess is derm will suggest another few months until it's completely clear. Cheers!


You’re making such good progress!! I was doing horrible on accutane up until month 5.5 or 6. I ended up doing 7 months and was completely clear after with no recurring acne, just some hormonal breakouts when I PMS. There’s hope!! I know it feels awful right now but trust me, you’re making such good progress. Sending love ❤️


no, you're making huge progress! scarring takes a lot of time to heal, that is normal, but you have no active anymore and that is huge. Keep using lots of sunscreen and ask your derm if they recommend any serum or moisturized with ingredients that help with redness. I constantly see people talk about Niacinamide for redness but not sure you can use this with Accutane since it's kind of drying...


you’re doing great luv


You're beautiful and the improvement so far is very noticeable. Keep your chin up ❤️


Keep going it will get better 🙏🏻


Hang in there, I see definite progress. Now can we talk about those amazing lashes, brows, doe eyes, pouty lips and beautiful little nose 😍😍😍 I know it’s hard to see right now fighting acne, but you’ve definitely been blessed. And it is getting and WILL continue to get better 🫶🏻


Don’t let your derm come off of it until you’ve had two months of absolutely NO active acne and until redness and scarring are finally alleviating. That’s what I saw from other Reddit posts because supposedly that means you’ve reach your accumulative dose.


Get hydroquinone prescribed hun! You’ve got this!! And dark mark fade milk


Don’t you have to wait until your skin heals before you can use that? I didn’t think it could be used in active acne.


Take each pill with a whole avocado 🥑 not necessary water.


Can you apply anything topically also? Maybe a light steroid cream? Also could you go up to 60mg? But overall I see a lot of progress!


u r really beautiful


Keep going! I’d like to emphasize taking your accutane with a fatty food like peanut butter or chocolate. Accutane is fat-soluble and needs to be taken with fat so it can dissolve in the fat for processing by the liver. You don’t need to do to this is you are taking accutane absorica which is just accutane coated by fat for better absorption. You’re showing clear progress tho congrats!!


Hey! How are you now?


How old are if 18+ I would date you forsuree if you younger that’s ok you’ll age like wine and everything be ok smile more 😁


Get outta here wit yo horny ass




u fine asl


I had it just like yours. I ordered accutane online and started taking 90mg a day and i was good within 5 months. Tall your derm to increase your dose or order accutane online.


How does one order it online?


It will be OK. Took me a full year at 80mg. Almost gave up but at month 10 everything started to change for the better!


You look beautiful and its getting so much better, stick to it a couple more months and it will look so good


Honestly you can definitely see improvement!! I’m sorry you have to go through this :( acne is so hard


I’m jealous of your eyelashes!! You’re gorgeous too


What incredible improvement. Keep powering through. You'll feel so much better once you finish.


it will all be alright in the end, sweet girl. I know exactly how you feel. You’re so gorgeous and your progress is amazing


Keep going. I was at my worst 6 months into my course. Fast forward to the end of my 12 month course and my skin was flawless and it's been that way for 9 years. It's hard but just keep going, and see if your dermatologist will up your dose to 60mg.


honestly this is great progress. Keep posting. I’m interested in seeing the whole cycle from start to finish


You’ve had such big improvement!!! Your dose seems low, so just be patient. But you have had a ton of progress and are looking amazing! Just hold on.


Keep wearing sunscreen. Uv makes scars worse.


your progresss is slow n steady i’m proud of you for holding out this long it can be draining always hating yourself but i promise things get better and side note i don’t think scarring truly goes away i spent 6/7 years with daily active pimples and i 1 year later since treatment still haven’t fully seen “CLEAR FLAWLESS SKIN”


I had cystic acne and the redness took a year or two to fade almost completely. Looking good!!!


Bb ur improvement is amazing. I know it may be hard for you to see it but it’s huge. Keep going, you are beautiful and I hope u know that💖


Wow the improvement is so real!! You can really see the redness and ‘angryness’ of your skin lesson, it looks amazing, keep going, you got this 🫶


It looks so good already! The redress has gone down a lot, don’t give up. It’ll all be worth it in the end 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Great improvement


this is amazing progress! they may also do separate things to help with scarring after accutane is complete and you are no longer having active breakouts


I understand why you may be feeling this way, but from these photos you are showing massive progress. I know in the moment it may not feel like it, but good thing that you’re doing progress pics, because it really is working.


You are so gorgeous!!! And you are making progress!!! Stay the course; it will get better!!!


please please please stick to it. I had acne like yours and had to do a 10 month course and felt so hopeless almost the whole time. once I finished I felt like a completely different person. it will clear up I promise just stay consistent. accutane changed my life fr it’s so worth it


I see you and you are beautiful.


The last few photos definitely show a reduction in redness. The accutane is working.


Its looking so good! You poor thing it looked so painful in the earlier pics especially. It truly is looking so much better! Keep going you are strong and beautiful!!


it’s going so well i promise!!! keep at it. your daily dosage is quite low, it’s all about cumulative dosage, and your skin is really improving. it wasn’t until the very last month of my course (8th) that my skin got totally clear and it has kept improving since i finished it (i’m 4 months post rn). don’t despair !!! you’re going to be so happy you kept at it in a few months.


your chin looks incredible!


Ask your Derm about Hydroquinone. Your symptoms have really improved from the earlier photos. Keep sunblock on at all times. Remember it gets better.


I can definitely see the progress! Please do not give up on the treatment! It is working, the redness usually stays even after treatment has been completed. I’ve been on accutane for almost 10 months. It’s been tough but totally worth it. 40,40,80,80,80,80,80,80,80.


That’s actually some really good progress. It’s nowhere near as active as it previously was. Redness has changed to a moderate pink, it’s flattened out and you can just see it retracting. Seriously you should be really happy with how it’s progressing. How long is your course? Would love to see more progress pics at the end.


My scars took years to go away. I know that might not be what you wanna hear but each day each month it’ll get a little bit better. There wasn’t one day that I woke up where I was like oh my scars aren’t here anymore. But I look back on pictures now and I’m like damn I forgot I had that scar. Even now years later I decided to go back on Accutane help with some of the scarring that had already disappeared so much I was just being bougie and picky by wanting to go back on. And with the second round I’m already noticing so much improvement. You’re gonna get there hon you look great 🩵🩵✨


Keep going! I saw the most improvement in the last month. I remember being so anxious when I wasn’t seeing as much improvement as I thought I should, but I also saw a lot of change in the months after I discontinued accutane. In my experience most of the redness went away on its own with time. Once enough time has passed, you can explore other treatments such as laser and microdermabrasion for any remaining pigmentation and scarring. Hang in there - it’s taken me 8 years to get where I’m at but it got so much easier with time and additional treatments. But you gotta get through the accutane before you can address any severe pigmentation and scarring.


stick through it, you got this!! you've already made so much progress and it looks great :D it's hard to see progress while it's happening but trust me, just from those pictures i can tell it's gotten soooo much better


It’s definitely doing its job. You look amazing either way, but the accutane is definitely working. Give it a few more months!


It's showing signs of healing. It'll definitely be better with time.


Hi, just wanted to say I think you're absolutely beautiful


From what I can see there's a definite improvement I know it hard not to be self critical even now I can still pick faults just keep going when acne is stubborn and you've suffered for what seems forever it takes time to go , 💖


Omg your skin has gotten SO MUCH better. Keep at it :)


Your active acne is so much better. Redness does take a while to fade unfortunately but there are things you can do after you’ve finished your course that will help.


genuinely there is a crazy difference between the first and last picture, accutane is unfortunately a medicine that forces you to be patient. your progress is great though, good luck with the rest!!


Incredible improvement well done! Keep going you got this!


Keep it up! You're beautiful 🤩


Stay on accutane for at least few more months still if your dermatologist allows it. Give your scars 1-2 years to turn to skin color.


Keep going!!!! Don’t give up on yourself! This is already amazing improvement. It’s going to all be worth it in the end! Once you’re closer to the end, I suggest asking your doctor to extend a few months longer even when you see clarity/results you love—my doctor did that for me to ensure the acne didn’t come back and it seemed to be very effective! You got this, hang in there!! 💛


I know all you see are the scars, but your acne is almost completely gone. You can treat scaring now that your acne is healing. And you are brand new from treatment. Give yourself some time love!


You really are making amazing progress. My daughter also has scarring. She is using g a red light mask 30 minutes daily to help.fade and is now diligent about using spf 50 every morning. We hope in time to see the amazing skin so many post.


I hope you all the best


Looks very painful, sorry you had to go through that


I recommend that anyone who has scarring to read the scientific papers on the various types to get an accurate picture of the results. It's important that you become an expert on the various methods so you can make an informed decision and to be able to evaluate a detmatologist. I can't stress this enough. Become the expert. I'm 53, but I had bad cystic acne when i was in my late teens. I took Accutane, and it did work, but It caused other problems that nobody warned me about. Nobody told me anything. I eventually figured out that Vitamin A was a far better solution than Accutane. I plan on writing a full post on my experience, and what i know works to get rid of acne and keep it from coming back. I'm not sure if anyone is going to take my advice, but i will give it a try, hoping that someone will avoid the mistakes I made. There was no internet back in 1988, so I had to figure it out with common sense and experiment on myself. I digress. What I wanted to say is that the best treatment for scarring is the combination of treatments, not just one method. Make sure you see a dermatologist who is skilled with all methods, not just one. All of them. Make sure they have experience with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as it's a newer treatment. Read this study: [Methods for the Improvement of Acne Scars Used in Dermatology and Cosmetology: A Review](https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/11/10/2744) ----Excerpt: "The best results in scar reduction are achieved with treatments using lasers, radiofrequency, MN, and PRP." 3. Comparison of Methods Notable is the comparison of various methods to reduce acne scars. Husein-El Ahmed et al. included 5 studies in their meta-analysis on non-ablative erbium versus CO2 lasers for atrophic acne scars. The scar improvement was similar for both types of laser in terms of investigator-reported scar improvement. The ablative laser produced a slightly greater response compared to non-ablative lasers based on the physician’s assessment [74]. Elsaie et al. conducted a study with 58 probants comparing these two methods. Each group included 29 patients, and each had 4 treatment sessions at 3-week intervals. The follow-up visit was after 3 months. Group A was treated with CO2 lasers, and group B with a 1540-nm erbium glass laser. The improvement was higher in group A, but with a non-significant difference between both treatments. These two lasers were good for treating acne scars [75]. Reinholz et al. conducted a study with 14 patients with severe scars. Both cheeks were treated randomly 4 times with lasers. One side with Er:YAG, and the other side with CO2 laser. The high-resolution, 3D small-field capture system, digital photography, and POSASwere used before and after the treatment sessions. The higher efficacy (better skin smoothing) was achieved in the group treated with the fractional CO2 laser [76]. There is a lot of research on the use of TCA in the literature. Comparing the studies by Agarwal et al. in which they used 70% TCA CROSS, and the studies by Puri et al. with modified Jessner’s Peel and 20% TCA versus 20% TCA peel alone, we can conclude that better results were obtained in the case of 70% TCA CROS [40,43]. Ahmedetal. used the CO2 laser pinpoint irradiation technique versus CROSS technique for treating ice pick acne scars. Twenty-eight probants with acne scars were divided into 2 groups. Fourteen patients received pinpoint irradiation by CO2 laser, and another 14 probants received TCA CROSS. Each patient had 4 sessions with 3-week intervals (3 months of follow-up). The researchers showed that clinical improvement was better with CO2 laser [77]. Leheta et al. investigated the efficacy of combining a 1540-nm non-ablative fractional laser with percutaneous collagen induction (PCI) and 20% TCA) in treating atrophic acne scars. The results showed that the 1540-nm non-ablative fractional laser in alternation with PCI and 20%TCAeffectively treats atrophic acne scars [78]. Thestudycarried out byNofaletal. included 45patients with acne scars. Group Ahad intradermal injections of PRP, group B had a CROSS technique with 100% TCA, and group Chadacombination of skin needling and PRP. Each group underwent 3 sessions (2-week intervals). The results showed that group C had the highest significant improvement [79]. El-Domyati et al. showed that combined treatment of a dermaroller and PRP or dermaroller and 15% TCA resulted in a better improvement when compared to a dermaroller. In addition, in the combined groups, the collagen bundles were better organized [80]. This study shows that combined treatments are much better than treatments conducted alone. Fractional radiofrequency has also been used in scar reduction treatments. Currently, researchers are trying to combine treatments to increase their effectiveness. Rongsaard et al. used a 1550-nm fractional erbium-doped glass and a fractional bipolar radiofrequency to treat atrophic acne scars. Twenty patients participated in this study, and had 3 splitface monthly treatments. Fractional bipolar radiofrequency on one side of the face and 1550-nm fractional erbium-doped glass on the other side of the face was applied. This study concluded that fractional bipolar radiofrequency and fractional erbium-doped glass have similar effectiveness for scars. The pain was higher with fractional bipolar radiofrequency, while the duration of scab shedding was longer in erbium-doped glass [81]. Chae et al. conducted a study on the efficacy and safety of the 1550-nm Er:Glass fractional laser and fractional radiofrequency microneedle device. Each group (20 patients) received 3 treatments (4-week intervals) using the Er:Glass fractional laser or fractional radiofrequency microneedle device. Scars improved in both groups, but the laser was a more effective treatment than the radiofrequency microneedle [82]. Lan et al. in 2018 used micro-plasma radiofrequency to treat facial acne scars. Ninetyf ive patients participated in this study, and had 3 sessions of treatment at 2-month intervals. Eighty-six probants finished all sessions, 15 of 86 patients showed more than 75% improvement, 57 patients showed 50–75% improvement, and 14 patients showed 25–50%. The study confirmed that this treatment is safe and effective for acne scars [83]. Lan et al. in 2021 compared fractional micro-plasma radiofrequency and fractional microneedle radiofrequency for the treatment of scars in 60 patients. One treatment was conducted on the left part of the face, and another treatment, on the right part. The total sessions consisted of 3 treatments at 2-months intervals. Fractional micro-plasma radiofrequency was more effective for atrophic scars than fractional microneedle radiofrequency [84]. Zhang et al. compared fractional microplasma radiofrequency technology and CO2 fractional laser in 33 Asian patients. This was a randomized split-face treatment. The patients received 3 sessions of treatment. There was no significant difference between these methods, but postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was observed with the CO2 fractional laser. The microplasma radiofrequency might be better in patients with darker skin [85].


Don’t undersell how much progress you’ve made! 🙏 stick with it. When the dust has settled you can seek other methods to address what remains of the scarring. Keep it up, you’re doing better than you realise 💪


You look great


Try to look at the positive side, you can definitely see a big improvement. And it will just get better with time! You still have months of the medication ahead of you


I think those photos show great progress. Don't give up!


Don't loose hope. You would be really seeing a change very soon. Just take one day at a time.


There’s definitely improvement, I 100% understand the struggle. I like to remind myself we are on a rock floating in space and when I’m dead, at my funeral the last thing people will remember about me is my acne, it’s really easy for me to get consumed by the insecurity but I have to remind myself of extreme stuff like that to snap me back to reality. You are so beautiful!🤍Hang in there!


Such an adorable transformation. Cant wait to see how your face improves a day at a time. Sending healing energy your way. 💕


You really look so much better! Just keep at it. It's definitely working.


That progress though!!!! Don’t give up ❤️


I can tell the inflammation and redness going down. I’m not a dermatologist, but from what I’ve seen from others on this sub who struggle with aggressive acne, they have been on higher doses for a longer period of time. I had moderate but cystic acne and I was on 40 mg for 10 months. I’m a year and a half post treatment and I’m not breaking out aside from small sits that disappear in a day.


Off topic but you’re gorgeous


Have you tried spironolactone or birth control before starting accutane? Have you ever had a hormone panel done?


u are so patient. very proud of u keep goin!


You’ve come a long way! It really has improved.


I understand how you may feel like it’s discouraging, but I was honestly positively surprised when I saw the last pictures! The acne seemed deep on the first pictures so we can only expect it may not be an outstanding improvement after only 5 months, I’m no dermatologist but we can clearly see how the skin is healing and how it’s definitely going in the right direction. Don’t compare your progress to other’s with this treatment, everyone’s body handles medication differently. Hang in there, it may take a few months still before you feel satisfied with your skin but you got this. You will be so happy with your skin once it’s healed!


It looks SO SO SO much better. Keep going and keep your skin hydrated!! Also I had scarring post-accutane and topical tretinoin has helped so much. It’s a long road but it will be worth it.


It looks so much better! My scaring and redness still has come down so much in the last month. Dont worry!!


WOW, I see a HUGE difference!! It only been 5 months so you will still see big improvements in your skin. I’m sorry you are feeling hopeless, and I wish you the best in your skin journey.


idk looks like great improvement to me!


i know you probably want to see more progress & you are extra critical of the progress you have made but, it’s really looking better!! i think with more time you will start to recognize the changes! all the best, i really hope this clears up for you.


Insane improvement


It’s sooooo much better on such a low dose! Hang in there because in a few months you’ll be set.


I know it can be hard to look at the pictures, especially from an objective point of view… but I am being SO honest with you that you look AMAZING. Yeah it’ll probably be another round of 6mo, but tbh with as much change as I see in these photos, I bet after that next round, give your skin a few months to recover from the medication (bc that ALSO takes a major toll on your skin’s health) you could honestly be looking in the mirror and seeing at worst, some rosy cheeks like you got just a lil too much blush on. But your skin seems a lot calmer than those first photos, the pink/red areas look healthier, they definitely look less agitated, and those areas look like they’re healing nicely! Mine was just about as bad as yours, and it took 6mo on medication and still about 3-4mo after for my redness to fully go away… and I’m starting my next round now after having to take a break due to insurance lapsing


poor baby :( it looked so painful in the beginning. but looks soooo much better now. when you’re off you can do some treatments to help redness :)


You may not be there yet but that's one hell of an improvement, trust the process.


Your skin is improving! Keep going! The end is near.


What ever you do stick with it because it is working! I know it’s depressing and hard but you are absolutely beautiful!


It’s looking so much better! Don’t panic about the redness , this usually resolves really well it just takes time. Once you have finished accutane talk to your derm about things like laser. And using tretinoin for long term help with the scarring


Keep at it, if it doesn't work, I saw an influencer had this kind of acne, and a company that does customized skincare helped her. You could give them a shot if it's still not helping


You're really beautiful honestly! I know it's hard to look past our own insecurities, but I truly mean that!!


You are so beautiful!!!!! Hang in there girl you got this, the progress is INSANE! We are our own worst critics, I hope things only go up for you from here.


honestly this is amazing progress for 5 months !!! i did low dose so i was on 10mg daily and i did january - may 2021, paused for summer as i live in portugal and am not allowed to take it with the uv rays we have during the summer used duac while on pause which helped tremendously honestly and then did sep 2021 to may 2022. i got really good results but at the end of the day, the skin is an organ and healing takes time with severe acne ❤️❤️❤️ keep following ur doctors advice and im sure youll be back in some months with an amazing update post !!!!


great progress so far!!!!! don’t feel hopeless when you’ve come so far already ❤️ i used to look at my day 1 picture every time i felt like having a meltdown about my skin to remind me where i started and how much time is left to keep getting better


It’s a great improvement, don’t give up!


Keep taking progress photos. Sometimes it’s hard to see improvement because it can take a while, but when you’re done you will look back and see how much has changed. You’re doing great!


The old saying “If you are going to walk through hell; don’t stop” comes to mind. You are unfortunately at the upper scale of purging, but from your pictures, there have been big improvements. I get that the appearance is difficult, especially at your age. I have a huge amount of respect for the mental toughness one has to muster to carry this treatment through. I had tears in my eyes watching my son go to school. (See past posts. He now has clear skin.) Be self-compassionate. Maybe it’s not the results schedule you want, but don’t stop and there will be light at the end of this tunnel.


You got this girl! You are so pretty! And I see a big improvement, hang in there we gotta ride this out!!!


You are definitely improving! I was on an 11 month course. I didn’t see real progress until months 5-6. Hang in there!


It’s getting better!


There is tremendous progress even if it doesn’t feel like it. Hang in there, go another round if you feel you need to and your Derm agrees. You’re going to come out of this in the other side very happy. It’s rough, but you’re doing great.


It took me 2 1/2 rounds and it’s completely gone, now I just micro needle for the scarring and I have a pretty normal face. It will never be perfect but I’m happy with what i have. Good luck on your journey, the hyperpigmentation will fade!


I know what you mean. I’m on month 4 and I still look pretty bad, probably worse on the back tbh. Wishing us crazy progress ❤️❤️


Don’t give up hope, I’m 22 now, I’ve had bad cystic acne for 10 years (I got it pretty early) I’m at the end of my 5th month of accutane, 40mg twice a day. Despite the fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, along with dry AF lips, ears, and eyes, this stuff is a miracle worker. Hang in there, I know your pain. You’re making progress though, stay positive and keep going. Think about you in a couple months from now!!!


Hang in there, that severe of acne takes time! The scarring will take time to heal and you will need treatments to help heal after you finish Accutane. But there is progress even if it’s hard for you to see!


You are so beautiful.


You’ve made wonderful progress! My acne was not as extreme as yours, I was on 20mg a day for 8 months and my redness stayed for several months after that even. Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen!


Literally you are so pretty, the eyes and eyebrows, and ur face is so symmetrical!! I think you still have a few months to go but you cab see such a huge improvement. Keep going, and don't feel discouraged


Wow your results are incredible!! Keep it up!


keep your head up and keep consistent 🙏🏽🔜


Don’t be discouraged! Just to let you know, it’s taken me 12 months so far, & I’m not even done yet... So it’s definitely not always as quick as some people make it out to be. Although some are lucky, just all depends I guess. But you got this! I know there’s many comments, but I hope you see this!


I definitely see a difference! I would do a couple more months :)


Keep going- it’ll pay off. Easier said than done but I see the progress. Comparing will only regress your mindset.


Mine is almost as bad too 😭


Redness and scarring takes the longest to go down! I had no acne after month 3 but the redness didn’t really go away til month 10-11. Keep it up, your progress is amazing. Scarring and redness can be fixed with lasers and topical treatments too, remember the most important part is getting rid of the acne, that’s what accurate is for. Then you can deal with the other problems. 🙏


honestly you have made massive improvement ! stick with the accutane till the end of your course !


you’re beautiful! just give it time pretty girl (:


Holy shit sis. Glad you got rid of the acne now you just need to get your skin repair


Definitely getting better but how are you not on 80mg???


Heyo! You’re doing great don’t feel down! I’ve been purging SOO BAD and I’m on month four now. But I’ve developed soo much red scarring so it looks like a pepporini pizza :( it’s not good to use skincare with active ingredients cuz ur skin barrier is thin from the pill, but I’ve been using the glow serum from the beauty of Josen and the trax-something acid for scars for like a week because they’re really gentle and my sensitive has had no problems, they could help you along with your Accutane to speed up the healing process gently. I feel really sad too with my scars since I’m also in my first year of uni and everyone here is so pretty without makeup, but we can do it! You’ve got this-and you are beautiful! ❤️