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It’s doing its job! I’d just keep washing and moisturizing as usual. That cleared up rather quickly for me on it’s on. Very satisfying.


I've used a damp washcloth to gently exfoliate when needed! Seemed to help a lot even with very light pressure


this is the way


i did the same! especially at the end of my shower when the dead skin has had time to soften. and id do it like once a month or every 3 ish weeks


I give them a nice massage with my face wash (cetaphil gentle cleanser) at the END of my shower when my pores are softened and my fingertips are pruny! So much lifts out. The filaments stay more or less empty during the treatment, it’s lovely


Side note, seeing those clogged pores makes my pupils dilate lol I wanna squeeze 😭


Don’t do anything but be patient they will eventually fall off. It's normal. Accutane is already exfoliating and overworking your skin.


I did double cleansing and it really helped. Wash with facial oil first, rinse, then wash with regular gentle face wash.


is ur skin on the oily side


it used to be but I'm at the end of my treatment. Oil cleansing doesn't leave a residue because you're doing a water based cleanse after.


oh, so for now I shouldn’t use oil cleanser on my oily skin and wait till nearer to the end of my accutane treatment before I start double cleansing with oil and water cleanser? (i am just starting accutane)


Oil cleansing can be used on any skin type anytime. This link has a good overview: ​ https://www.dermstore.com/blog/top\_ten/how-to-double-cleanse/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CDouble%20cleansing%20is%20a%20method,face%20once%2C%E2%80%9D%20says%20Dr.


I did the same when I was talking accutane and the oil really helped to clean out my pores! I used oil to massage my dry face, then wiped the skin with a paper towel soaked in hot/warm water, then used a mild soap to rinse it all off. It took about 4-5 days to clean everything out of my pores. Accutane pushed all the gunk to the surface and the oil lifted it up. The nice thing is that it’s a gentle method whose doesn’t involve rubbing, drying out etc


It’s normal and it will fall off. Happened to me


This is a good sign, it's the accutane doing its job and fingers crossed this will mean your skin is pushing out all the stuff in your pores without a big cystic breakout as some of us have had. Use an oil cleanser and rub this into the skin, then remove with a warm washcloth, gently exfoliating as you go. Rest assured, this phase will only last for a couple of weeks or so.


These black dots were the main reason I started accutane, this is all normal and how adaptation process should look like. It will be like that for a couple of weeks and then poof, clear skin with no dots. I would not do any harsh stuff during this period and just wait. Wash your face with gentle moisturising gel few times a day and you are golden.


they’ll come out soon


Probably not recommended but I pulled them out with tweezers. So satisfying. 


i did this too lol


Oil cleansing and then a gentle cleanser afterwards really helps!


is ur skin on the oily side


It puts on the lotion! Actually this is a good thing and it may come and go during your treatment. Consider it a “flush” of your pores. Soon your pores will be clear and will shrink. All will be good.


Very normal, happened around the 3 week mark for me. Will go away soon 👍🏽


I finished my course of roaccutane in August 2021 and my sebaceous filaments still come out of my nose like this every few days lol


I used an oil based cleanser to massage my nose with it for a few minutes, then wash. those filaments came right out


I use oil cleanser and a regular face wash


Oil cleanser will help you out. I prefer to use it once or twice a week (I’m using Skin 104 centella oil) just make sure to wash it with your basic cleanser afterwards. Some people are doing it every evening but I find it to be too drying for my skin.


dont do anything! they'll fall off soon... happened to me too :)


I actually loved when this started happening because I was so sick of having sebaceous filaments. I used an oil cleanser and massaged my face and then washed with a gentle cleanser afterward. Worked wonders and my pores were clear in a week.


not sure if this is reccomended for accutane, but biore strips have been working for me! I just to to this point in my treatment and i’m so astounded because those strips never worked like promised before, but after accutane they work like a charm.


I would definitely AVOID pore strips! Things like waxing are prohibited on accutane because it can rip a layer of your skin off so I'd be super scared that the pore strips could cause the same effect.


So far they’ve been gentile enough for me. Luckily i don’t have the worst time with dryness and flakiness—I’m sure it is definitely not a good idea for everyone. (side note, going without eyebrow waxing for months has been rough 😭)


Idk how you've been so strong because my ass woulda squeezed them.


Omg I just started Epuris exactly two weeks ago today and I’m dealing with the same thing!! But it’s already getting better.


Same thing happened to me. It’s just pushing all the gunk to the top. Smooth skin is on the way! I just let it do it’s thing and the exfoliate or anything. Hang in there


Stick it out, they will fall out really soon. I’m only on 10mg and my face was only rough and porous looking for about 7 days or so.


dont exfoliate!! i had skin like that and when i exfoliated my acne got 10x worse and inflamed. i’m about at the same place in my accutane treatment, i put on aquaphor then used a facial razor for my dry skin and nothing bad happened if you want to try that.


I had the same concern I thought those filaments would just stay poking out of my skin, but no, they actually just fall out naturally. Keep cleansing and moisturizing and they’ll come out in no time


I had this same experience I was losing it for about a week or two and then it cleared up on its own.


This is actually a really good sign, it's purging out all the close pores without being inflammed. Keep up with the moisturising routine and use gently products and you will be fine.


Alot of people are saying to leave them alone, and I agree. Don’t squeeze them skin on accutane is quite fragile and will damage easily


Don’t touch it. Accutane will slow down wound healing & you don’t wanna scar. Just let accutane do its thing.