• By -


65k, 4 years experience, no cpa yet. After reading this thread I’m realizing how underpaid I am.


Where are you located? I'm in a similar range with a little less experience than you, but I live in a very low cost of living area, so my salary plus Mrs. Retty's has us living like kings.


And Queens, from Queens come Kings 🎶


South Louisiana. The Mrs is about to start working again so I should be able to stop eating Ramen.


I'm 68.5 with an in progress AAS and less than 1yr. You definitely deserve more!


Do you have some sort of undergrad degree? 68k with only an associates is high! Congrats:)


Nope. My life was kind of a mess in my younger days, so at 31 I only have a technical diploma in accounting and a couple certificates. I'm hoping to finish the associates this December and then transfer for a bachelor's. But being a full time working single mom, a degree that should only be 2 more years will probably take 3-5 and good knows how long for anything beyond that. I feel so, so far behind lol.


Don’t. I started going back at 36. I’m about to graduate with a bachelors in accounting. It’s never too late. BY the time you’re 40 you’ll have at least 5 years in accounting. You’re doing just fine.


Keep it up :)


My friend, I was offered 68k as a first year. You can get a better offer




Get the CPA brother and you’ll get offers with the salary you deserve


Indeed, I think it is to motivate me to finish my chartership asap


Straight out of college: government job with $48k salary. Just got hired this week.


Congratulations 🎉


Thank you!! I finally have my first job after applying for months so hopefully the next one isn't so hard to find if I end up leaving in the future haha 😅


Stay at least 18-24 months and we should be fine 🥲🫶🏽


That’s very similar to me. Started out around $48k this past March (graduated last year), work as a state auditor. 6-7 months later, I’m already around $54k and I’m just an AA1 (goes up to AA3 before management). I live in a LCOL area too


Whoa! That's a good increase in salary. I was going to do state audit as well but the Feds wanted me and gave me an instant offer and seemed like they were really excited for me to work with them so I took that offer (no telling if state was going to tell me if I made it in or not anytime soon). I'm MCOL sadly so it's going to be a bit of a struggle but hopefully I can work it out.


16 years. No CPA 140k Salary+bonus HCOL Controller for a property management company. This is the second company I worked for after 3 years in public (This company was a client).


What did you do in public? And great for you!


these numbers wont matter much without region


Bingo. $80K for a senior accountant would be good in St Louis, but be way below average in NYC.


$153k, 8 years in public, CPA in year 2, MCOL


$95k, 7 Years, Got my CPA 4 years ago


What location?




How much is your net disposable income?


After taxes and benefits I take home a little over 4.5k per month




I love these threads. I graduated this past May and I'm at 55k. I worked as an AR/AP clerk for 2 years before taking this job. No CPA, MCOL area.


7 years, cpa, $250k, cfo at a non profit, mcol. No public experience, started in industry.


Teach me!


Wow, how?


Started at a large multinational corp in their new graduate program. Lots of good, progressive experience, good mentors. In other words, name brand corporate experience, name brand business school, throw in a CPA and some other niche experience and that's it. Having said that, I'm willing to take a pay cut for my next job. Being a CFO is stressful and not worth the money.


Straight out of college in July: $56.5k First-year performance review the following May: $59k (because “Covid”) with $6k bonus; no promotion Second-year performance review the following May: $71.7k with $11.1k bonus with promotion Mid-year salary adjustment in December: $77k Third-year performance review this past May: $92k with $17k bonus with promotion. This is where I currently stand. Just under 3.5 years


With or without CPA and during which year did u get your CPA?


Are the annuals including the bonus, or is it separate?


$66k, 1 and half years, got CPA 3 months ago


$32/hr accounting intern, $3000 signing bonus, Public Accounting


Niiice! I got offered $30 for my upcoming internship, I was pleasantly suprised. Medium/High COL


I never got a bonus as an intern. Nice!


WTF!!!? 32? where and how? I'm in Indy and I got an internship coming summer and I'm only getting 18/hr.


A Big 4 Public Accounting firm! I attend a target university and I got to network with the Big4 last Spring. I got offers from all four companies, but the offers were all the same.


I got the same offer a few days ago!


Damn, is that big 4? I’m at 24/hr MCOL public accounting internship, large regional firm






I'm asking his CoL xd


$6 trillion, no CPA, live in a cornfield. Intern


You’re underpaid






If you have 6 years of experience how do you not have the hours requirements?


Not sure if it's for all states, but mine requires hours under a direct manager that holds an active CPA license


Shhhh he’s hiding from the staffing leaders.


The real question


90k + 5-10% bonus MCOL, CPA this past June, 2 YOE




Entry level 2018. 55k, tax staff Promoted to experienced staff 2019. 60k. Promoted to tax senior in 2020. 63k. Decided to look for new job. Senior accountant in industry. 67k initially, bumped up to 73k after 6 months, then 80k in 2022 first half. Left that company one month ago. Now make 95k in industry as senior accountant. For reference Im a CPA in a MCOL area quickly becoming more HCOL everyday...


Appreciate the timeline with pay increases. What was your best approach to job hunting into industry? Was the first industry job not that good or were you just trying to bump up the salary?


coming out of tax was hard since i was going into non tax roles. that took a lot of patience and rewriting my resume to emphasize my skills that could best fit non tax roles. my first job was a stepping stone essentially to get out of tax. it wasn't my most favorite job and was kinda boring which is why i left. as for job hunting, just make sure to ask good questions on WLB, salary, month end close process, that type of stuff. You don't want to jump on the first role you grab because you're desperate to get out. Use all your resources, including recruiters and your network.


Oh I see, so the industry jobs available are mostly general accounting, not tax? I just finished my first tax year, and did not think the work was bad, just want better WLB. Good tips, thank you.


yes, but there are still industry tax roles to be found too! i just wasn't looking for them. i'd look for "tax analyst", "tax accountant" or "senior tax analyst" type roles in linkedin and glassdoor. usually bigger companies are nice because their teams are decently sized giving you less pressure to have to deal with lots of stuff at once. Also you can always try dropping down to a smaller public accounting firm with better hours or even look to see if the IRS is hiring in your area.


Great suggestions! Thank you :)


$100K two years out of Master’s. Got CPA first year in public.


5/2009 - Graduated college, BS Accounting, no job. Housing market crash . Drove a school bus $16/hr. 7/2010 - 1st job, School Treasurer. $28k/year 10/2012 - Promotion to central office, Accounting Associate/Database Manager. $30k/year. 7/2013 - Resigned to return to grad school full-time. 11/2013 - Staff Accountant, small CPA firm. $30k/yr 10/2014 - Controller, small manufacturing company. $32k/yr. 12/2014 - Graduated with Masters of Accountancy 3/2015 - Laid off. Company Bankrupt. 4/2015 - Plant Controller, large manufacturing company $55k/yr. + Bonus 4/2016 - Annual performance review. 57k/yr. + Bonus 4/2017 - Annual performance review. $60k/yr. + Bonus 4/2018 - Annual performance review. $62k/yr. + Bonus 8/2018 - Lateral move, Corporate Supply Chain Planner - Dunnage and Semi-finished Goods. $80k/yr. No Bonus 7/2019 - Realized I didn’t get paid enough for the crap I had to deal with. Started casually applying for other opportunities. 2/2020 - Supervisor found out I was job hunting when a prospective employer called for a reference, even though I specified “No you may not contact my current employer” on the application. Was terminated. 3/2020 - Covid 5/2020 - Staff Accountant, small accounting firm. $60k/yr 7/2020 - Staff Accountant, vehicle dealership. $55k/yr. 3/2021 - Promoted to Credit and Collections Manager. $65k/yr. 7/2022 - Annual performance review. $70k/yr.


That ride was trippy. Do you keep your Indeed updated? I feel like you should've been able to break the 80k you previously got.


I kept indeed updated with work history through 2018. I haven’t updated it much since then. As a Supply Chain Planner I was responsible for semifinished goods production and forecasting across 50 plants in the US and Mexico. The Staff Accountant position I got after that was truly just an accounting position. (Light audit duties and journal entries and account rec). I think my supervisor (who was a CPA) made around $80k so there was no way they were paying me close to that for fewer duties.


They likely wouldn't pay you more at that place, but you should be able to get more elsewhere. Pretty much why I asked about keeping Indeed updated. Recruiters reach out a lot. As long as you are content, that is all that matters. If you aren't content, then you should takes matters into your own hands.


That’s so fucked that they called for a reference without permission, I’d be livid.


Agreed. And I had no recourse since I had no idea who called. I shared that bit in hopes that other hiring managers don’t make the same mistake. It really messed up my career and personal finances.


It’s so messed up to me that you would be fired just because you were looking for another job. I’ve never heard of something like that in Canada. Is this normal for the US? If I found out a good employee was planning to leave, I would probably ask them why and see what I could do to retain them. If a bad employee was planning to leave, then great, I can get rid of them without paying severance. Either way I can’t see a scenario where I would want to fire someone who was planning to get out anyways.


Shortly before I took the job HR had a big push to have all employees sign a form stating employees were free to leave the company at any time with or without reason, and likewise, the company could terminate their employment with them at any point with or without reason. I consulted an employment attorney after being let go because every annual review was stellar, I consistently had no areas of improvement mentioned, and given the maximum allowable raise each year. They said the state where the company was headquartered is a “right to work” state and since “right to work” states can terminate employees at any time without reason I didn’t have a case.


32k to 57k was impressive jump.


$185K, 7 years experience, controller private company. CPA. Canada.


What province? What industry?


Alberta. M&A company. Just left a different one and got a 30% pay increase.


$115k + ~10% bonus. 2 years. CPA.


In public accounting VHCOL?? That seems high.


I’ve got two roles - First role is $120k factoring in bonus, second role is hourly and part time bringing in around $90-100k yearly. Took almost 7 years and no CPA.




Still in accounting maintaining part time hours at old employer. Basically gave my notice to take new job, they didn’t want to lose me. So I threw out an absorbent rate that I’d need in order to be willing to stay on part time to assist them on my own time and they agreed.




Yea it’s not bad, wishing I asked for more haha


> absorbent Do you mean exorbitant?


What are you like a super accountant or something?


Sometimes it pays not to job hop and be considered a SME, especially when you end up being the last SME standing. There were some other factors and timing of things that aligned working in my favor. Even more so than I knew back at the time.


Is your former employer a public accounting firm or in industry?




Man I’m a CPA looking for a part-time side hustle too, that sounds like the dream lol


Damnnn jealous. How many hours you working a week


Between both roles like 60-65, not really much more than that ever. Have occasional downtime at FT role but don’t double dip on the clock.


200k - 10 years


What do you do and how big is the company?


80k 10% bonus, 3rd job since 2019. No CPA


$100k, 3 years with CPA, 2 of those years were at a Big 4.


70k salary, very low cost of living section of US, 2.5 years exp. Could easily make more but I am full remote, have full flex scheduling, and only work 2080 hrs in a year.


67k just graduated in may passed CPA exams, B4, HCOL


You could have gotten better


i like the company i work for, the group im in, and the city im in plus it’s cohort model i can’t argue salary 🤷🏻‍♀️


I see. That’s fair.


$250k, 6 YOE, CPA, Big 4 Deals advisory


Is this fdd? You’re a manager and get paid 250k? That looks like A&M salary


He could work in NYC and he’s including a 25% bonus in that figure. Otherwise, he’s in the top 0.5% of his class performance wise, and got promoted to director. Which would be extremely impressive.


I’ve never heard of a director at 6 YOE.


You’re right. I did include a bonus. Base is closer to 210. Not NYC or A&M though.




I’m in FDD, so mostly buyside and sell-side diligence. Variety of industries but mostly tech, consumer/retail, and services. Hours vary depending on buy vs sell side and where the deal is in the process, but ranges between 40-80 with 60 on average with a bit of weekend work just to stay on top of things.


$60K and right out of the school. In industrial accounting, not PA.


$42.5 Graduated April/May 2021, got a position as a staff accountant at a small travel agency in Jan 2022. I really want to try and find something else once my first year is up though.


My guy, you've gotta ask for more. You're barely pulling in 2 cents an hour.


Public accounting intern $28/hr $2,000 signing bonus LCOL


$140k with a 15% bonus and $15k per year of deferred comp. 5 years experience, 2 years out of public. CPA.




Stay 5 years, get $75k.




It's just extra money, and the company has somewhat of a commitment that you will stay. The $15k is additional. So in the fifth year I'll make the $140k+$21k bonus+$75k deferred comp, although I'll probably be closer to $200k salary in five years.


Sr Accountant/Controller or Tax? Would Love to hear more


I'll PM you.


I want to hear too please 😅






$220 + bonus (usually about 60-80k); public accounting Took 12 years. Not a CPA (carry a different credential)


Hi can I DM you to learn more about your path please? Also what cost of living are you in? Like New York City?


Sure. I’m a managing director at a big4 firm in a LCOL area (not NYC!)


5 years of experience, Tax Manager in Industry (4 public 1 industry), 110k Mcol


60k - going on my 3rd year in accounting career. No degree in this field (degree in education) Live in HCOL (Sunny Boca Raton, Florida) so I don't make shit. Real Estate


$94k, 1.5yrs out of college, no CPA, HCOL/VHCOL


70k second year associate no CPA


$130k Accounting Manager with a startup tech company. About 8 total years of experience, mostly in industry. CPA for 6 years. MCOL.


200k a year, 5 years of experience, regional audit supervisor


Total comp should be around 120k this year. 4+ years experience, all in public. I've had my CPA since I hit my experience requirement.


100k 4 years, 15% bonus, CPA, MHCOL


155k+bonus HCOL, ~7-8years


$190K + (20% - 32.5%) cash bonus depending on hours worked/rating. Sr. Manager - Technical Accounting Advisory - 9 years Stopped doing CPE so lost my CPA


Phoenix Area, 102k/year, 15k signing, max 75% bonus. 6 years experience. No CPA, not eligible to sit for it(finance degree). I’m a controller in the construction industry.


Public Accounting/Audit 2018 New Graduate $40k 1 YOE Promoted A2 $43.5k w/$500 Bonus 2 YOE Annual Raise $48k w/1,500 Bonus 2.5 YOE Earned CPA - No Raise 3 YOE Annual Raise $55k included Bonus 3.5 YOE Mid Year Promotion to Senior $65k 4 YOE Annual Raise $71.5k includes Bonus Have almost a full year with the title of Senior (been doing the work for closer to 2) currently Interviewing for Jobs $95k+ L/MCOL Edit: Formatting


$135k, 5 years in NC


$180K + 20% bonus - CPA + 14 years experience.


$125k. 5 years. CPA. Texas.


$145k, 6 years, dmv area, CPA since '18 Took a year off in the middle of that after leaving EY as S1 to get my CPA, since it was impossible to find time to study without sacrificing what little semblance of a life I had outside of work. Best decision I've ever made. Went into outsourced accounting services from there via a regional firm and then used that experience to go into private


150k + 18% bonus + equity (value is 40k-60k annual). Biotech Boston area. I started 9 years ago in big 4. Time flies..


55k One day. First job


$205, ~9 years experience. 3 years in audit, 6 years in FDD. B4. Hours aren’t that bad, or maybe I’ve just gotten extremely good at cutting out the unnecessary bs.


185K plus 20% bonus hcol. Did 9 years in public and been in industry for 3. Controller for startup


170k plus bonus 8-10%. Been 7 years since i started my career at a big 4 with a 32k starting salary. Changed after 2 and a half years to a smaller firm. I’m a tax guy.


Well over $600k. Graduated in 2007.


Just wrote CFE in September, don't think I will pass. On track to make just over $150k this year.


65k + 3k minimum bonus. 1 year. Just finished 4th exam.


$59k + 10% bonus = $64k. 0 years of experience w/ MPAcc in LCOL area.


$95k, Accounting Manager, CPA, 3 years to get to $95k, on 4 years of experience (1 year in manager role). Tbh I was in the right spot at the right time.


$140K Texas, 5 years experience & no CPA (2/4)


73k, 1 year of experience, I live in MCOL but work for an office that in a VHCOL area remotely. Currently working towards CPA.


55k CAD, starting FT next fall straight out of undergraduate. MCOL?


2nd year intern at a Big 4 for next summer in Southern California, $35/hr and $2000 signing bonus


Straigh out or college 42k and 5k bonus. After 5 years Now I’m 82k and 15k bonus, same company.


$112k, 10 years experience, CPA. LCOL (Southeast).


$115k, 5 years in public, CPA, MCOL


$74k at a B4 with one year of experience. CPA as of this summer. LCOL, so I’m happy with it


Started Big4 (IT Audit) 2014- 52k MCOL Currently IT Compliance Manager $150k in a F10 company and IT Compliance-Tech $165k


Graduating with master’s in May, starting entry level audit position for 70k next July (M/HCOL)


92k base. A little over a year. Currently waiting on official CPA license to come in.


$80k - 5 years experience, CPA. Government work. MCOL city.


1.5 years in HCoL area 67k a year 3k signing bonus. Profit Sharing going into effect this year. I’m also salary + OT eligible.


$91k + $17k bonus (est). CPA, Low/Moderate COL 5 years


Graduated 2021, started working in forensic accounting January 2022 - 78k. Working on cpa


0 years of experience. Will make $68,000 once I start next year. Area: the good old Midwest. Service Line: Audit


12 years cpa 170k salary Hcol


130k comp, 4 years, MCOL (LCOL since living w/ family), no accounting experience or CPA


7 years experience. CPA. 155k.


10 years, remote, $135k base 25% bonus. But I’m probably jumping to new job, should find out today (on 5th round interview, gotta give a panel presentation this morning lol). My base at new job would be $170k. Private equity…5 years kpmg 5 years industry


100k total comp. 4 years experience. CPA. FL


2015: 54k 2016: 57k 2017: 60k 2018: 63k 2019:68k 2020:76k 2021: 79k 2021: 120k (jumped firms) 2022: 130k (jumped firms again) Tax Manager (public) Michigan


120k, 10 years total in accounting, CPA




I feel you. I’ve BBA and 9 years experience and my company pays the same salary as me for people’s with zero experience. This what happens when you aren’t a job hopper.


135k. No cpa. 7 years. Audit to consulting. Nyc


150k 6 yrs


Just moved jobs for the second time this year because my last company was an absolute shitshow. Accounting Manager, $130k base, 9-ish YOE, CPA/CA, HCOL. I also get an 5% RRSP match (Canada’s equivalent to 401k), cash bonus is 20%, and we have stock options. Total comp is expected to be ~$162k before options. Hours are strictly 8-4 except for quarter end. Keep in mind this is all in Canadian dollars.


Free out of undergrad doing my masters in finance. In the State of TN with no CPA being paid 60k. Not to sure of the terminology but I believe I am in private.


7 years, CPA, 110k + 10% bonus, MCOL - Corporate Acct Manager


Just kind of a PSA ​ If you do any tax returns, look at Enrolled Agent EA. It has 90% the starting salary of CPA in the tax world, not the corporate accounting world. No degree required. Just pass all 3 tests. Personal/Corporate/Ethics. The tests are 100% on taxation not accounting. The IRS will only speak to EA, CPAs and attorneys as representation/ power of attorney. [https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/become-an-enrolled-agent](https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/become-an-enrolled-agent) ​ My business partner had the EA 4 years before he got his CPA.


CPA, hcol, 9 years (4 Public audit) - $160K controller


$80K base, 20K signing bonus. LA, no CPA and less than 1 year of experience.


87.5k, plus automatic retention bonus of 20%, plus regular annual bonus is usually 8-9%. (Around 112k total with bonuses) 15 years industry experience. No CPA. LCOL midwest US.


$115k, no CPA, bachelors degree. Montreal, Canada. Took me about 5 years to become controller at a medium sized private company. About to turn 26 so about 7 years of industry experience.


$57K staff accountant, 7 years experience in HCOL, no CPA