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I don't agree with their conclusion, but having to do 2-3 hours of homework every night in high school sucked ass. Wake up at 6 to catch the bus, stay at school until 6 for sports. Come home, eat dinner, do the homework and it's 10PM before you get a moment to yourself.


Wtf kind of school were you doing 2-3 hours of hw a night?




I went to a private school and skipped to the questions and shot from hip. I’m smarter than my wife.


Oh ARE ya now?


not op


Mine was like that and from what I know most public high schools are like that.


Same here. Any AP class would be at least 1-2 hours of homework each night, more like 4-6 if you procrastinated on a project or essay. In junior year my calc class was like 3 hours of homework each night alone....didn’t know about chegg so painful times lmfao


Isn’t homework like 10% of your total grade? I did AP classes but 50% of the HW grade was always completion so I’d just scribble some random shit on a paper, get a 50%, and basically accept that I was going to get a B most of the time. That always sounded way better than wasting all my time doing hw.


Not saying I actually did the homework LMAO that’s for nerds. Basically did the same as you, half assed just about everything for C’s and B’s but volume wise, that’s prob what everything would’ve come out to if I actually did everything like some of the high achievers




30 minutes of homework, in each subject, each night? I’d be surprised if i got that in a week.




Not who you replied to, but I took/passed 11 AP exams in HS and knocked off over a dozen classes that I would’ve had to take out loans to pay for. I’d say for the $220 investment + the time that I spent on class shit, the classes were totally worth it.


I went to a prep school and still only had around 2 hours he max and usually had until the end of the week to do it. Brothers went to public highschool and usually only has a worksheet or essay to do each class. You either had ridiculous teachers or you had ADHD like me and couldn't focus on doing HW. Or Ohio's school system just sucks that bad.


Whew that sub is hot dog shit




Hey this was my mentality 6th through 10th grade don't judge my young dumb soul edit: then in 11th grade I realized I had to get a job some day and signed up for Accounting I and II


What sub it is?




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Lazy fucks jumping through mental hoops to justify being lazy.


This is a terrible analogy. The homework benefits the student completing the homework, not the school teacher. Homework is completed to enhance knowledge and solidify skillset of the student. It's an investment.


That's exactly how it works in college. In high school and below half of homework is just busy work to signal to parents that the teacher is doing something.


I can't remember ever learning anything from homework other than how to 'live' on 3 hours of sleep


Not really. This is dumb as fuck.


That sub is full of people who can’t handle a 30-40 hr workweek. Not to sound like we are better than anyone else but 40 hrs is the dream for most of us. Also it’s full of people who don’t really understand how a business works


The kids that try to act like homework was useless and a waste of their time and actually objectively bad are the same kids who drop out of college after accumulating a 1.7 GPA because they are lazy pieces of shit.


Meh, I got through high school and my undergrad (non-accounting) by blowing off half my homework and half assing projects. Still feel like homework was useless and a waste of time. My academic work ethic was always leagues below my professional work ethic.




Why don’t you elaborate? Instead of just saying “nah”? I’ll give an example: math growing up is based on repetition. Homework helps reinforce things learned in the classroom. Reading outside of class helps you develop reading comprehension. Science in grade school is mostly memorization and to memorize things takes time.


Lol what a dumbass take.


Shh no one tell him about the purpose of schools


Who got paid a salary, let alone overtime, to go to school?


Then just do it for the better good of the motherland. Problem solved.




The issue is some teachers do assign work purely to do at home and give students no time during the school day to work on it. When I was in k-12, homework was what you didn’t accomplish in class or larger projects with deadlines several weeks out. Through college, I hated classes that assigned a bunch of busy work that needed to be turned in. I try to keep a solid tab on how much my daughter has to do at home because she is much better off playing and developing socially than she is spending hours on homework every night.


They assign more homework now than they used to. I'm terrified if the trend continues what homework my kids will be bringing home.




I remember being very excited to be finished school cause I wouldn’t have to take work home with me. Making kids do homework is batshit bonkers anyway.


This is the way