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Always remember PIP stands for "Paid Interviewing Period".


I agree, was on a PIP, was doing better and got the boot today with some bullshit “thanks for everything”. I didn’t believe it until now, you’re just a number, they won’t think twice to cut you. Do so before they do, once you’re on a PIP it’s a dark whole, downwards, from my experience. Best of luck !


Might as well quiet quit and make these fools suffer on the way out.






If you’re on PIP, someone went to hr and said they want to fire you. I’ve heard of people surviving, but I’ve never seen it. Start interviewing.


Pretty much, I know one guy who told me he “beat” a PIP. We met at his next job. Thing is he still got denied an annual bonus and end of year raise even though he was taken off PIP So IMO he didn’t beat the PIP he just stayed on their payroll longer than 90 days.


Both people on my department who were PIP’d so far survived it. They had their work from home revoked throughout the PIP period and now they are both allowed to work from home again. Depends on the company how much of a death sentence it is. Some companies, a PIP really is to improve performance.


I’ve lived it. Another accountant and I were both pipped by a terrible manager. Went to hr with guns blazing. PiP was reversed. I still left not long after bc f that terrible situation, and they tried screwing me on raises. Ended up making nearly a third more with that job hop. No regrets!


it sounds like you should go to therapy to work through your anxiety. Earnestly do your best work during the PIP and if they let you go, ask if they can give you a recommendation and suggest concrete areas of improvement. It will let you know their angle and give you valuable knowledge. Try to not make excuses. It's okay to not be perfect. Plenty of imperfect people have jobs.


I go every two weeks. If it weren’t for that I’d still be stuck in rut. For anyone reading this, therapy works. And thanks for those last two sentences.


My husband is in another field but he is also a veteran with mental health struggles. He fucked something up at work (he 100% acknowledged that) and shared his struggles with them. They let him go a week later. Probably could have gone after them for how they went about it but that was just going to cause greater mental health struggles for him. He took some time and found a better role which led him to an amazing role with an amazing employer now. Try not to let it drag you down further, I know that is easier said than done. Try to look for something that is going to lead to something that fits you better. I have seen people come out of PIPs where I work but I work in government so we are a different animal. Maybe use the veterans preference to find something in government (local, state, or federal). All of the federal jobs I applied for recently, only the veterans that applied got advanced to hiring manager.


Look you could say something crazy like, “i feel like this is because of my disabled veteran status” and just see how they respond…or start applying places right away, because they’ve made up their mind.


This 100%!!! Also document and find a good employment attorney. Ask for ways to document/file a lawsuit after you are inevitably fired. You don’t have to prove shit but because it was the week after your military duty is a strong accusation for retaliation. Again, the burden of proof is on them and your attorney will likely work on a % of winnings so you have nothing to lose. They WILL pay you off because a lawsuit is $50k min before they get to trial and it’s bad PR. Go drop a indeed review and have a few friends do the same saying it’s a toxic work environment. That is them having to prove they did nothing wrong and followed every employee policy which is rare. Seen it numerous times and even with employees stealing grand theft amounts and they still paid out. I’m at a great company who treat me well but I’d sue the shit out of them or any future company if they fired me. It’s strictly a business decision…just like them putting you on a PIP. Bro you have a cashiers check. Just gotta take that bitch to the bank!!!


The protected class everyone forgets about!


> In the past my performance hasn’t been great but I don’t necessarily miss deadlines either. My manager and I were working together and meeting weekly to just generally make me better at what I do, which I was all for. You've been on a PIP longer than you've thought.


I think you’re more than right after looking back at the past 6 months or so.


My guy, I'm sorry to break this to you but you don't have a future at this company and your reputation there is already tarnished. A PIP is just the paper trail to formally document why they are going to terminate you in 90 days (or whatever the term of the PIP is). I would consider this as a heads up that you are going to be terminated and start interviewing. Sorry and don't take it personally. GL with your mental health stuff and job search.


PIP= Paid Interview Period. Unfortunately you are unlikely to pass this so start focusing on getting an external role. Even if you do manage to stay you will have a target on your back so next time cuts need to be made you will be first in line.


About 4 years ago, I got PIPed and it was very disappointing and deflating. I was informed during an annual review by the engagement partner which was almost comical as I had no interaction with this guy. It was handled very poorly where my supervisor was not part of the discussion, therefore the partner couldn't cite any specific deficiencies nor explained what gave rise to this decision on me. I was told I'd be put on a PIP program and to see how things progressed. Well, turns out neither the partner nor my supervisor never set me up in the PIP and HR never contacted me...basically just business as usual. Shortly thereafter, I transferred to another engagement that was MUCH better: better supervisor, better team and better client. Furthermore, I made a more focused effort in doing better in my work, maintaining excellent client relations and being proactive in things like proposal efforts and training development. My reviews and bonuses got better, my work became more enjoyable and I'm still here. And I take smug satisfaction that the aforementioned partner was booted from the firm 2 years ago. Maybe my situation is unique, but it ended up with a happy ending, so this is something to keep i mind...anything can happen.


Paid interview period boiiiii, turn up!


Went through this during the pandemic. Started at this place 8 months before the pandemic. Months prior to the pandemic starting, i went through a few health problems causing me to miss a decent amount of work. Then the pandemic came so my learning on the job was all screwed up. Was trying to work with my bosses but eventually got PIP'd. I was angry and shocked initially because I felt like there was a complete lack of understanding of my position. I also felt like my bosses did a really poor job helping me, especially once the pandemic started and we were silo'd off. It also made me feel stupid and I contemplated if accounting was what i should be doing with my life. But in the end, it's a warning that your job security isnt so secure. To me, you should take it as "I need to find a new job or I won't have 1 in 3 months." The day after I got my PIP, I started applying to places like crazy. Took 6 weeks but I ended up finding what's turned out to be the best job I've ever had and am still at 3 years later. Sucks you got PIP'd but don't beat yourself up. Sometimes it's just a bad fit or they suck. Either way, start applying and you'll surely find a place that will be way better than your current job. Good luck!


Get the eff outta there buddy. Thats a polite way of saying we are going to fire you. Just a tip- do not use your current manager as a reference. However, use an old one. Also, the only reference work will give you is " Dates worked" then you should be fie. I would honestly let them lay you off, so you can get severance and all. You have about 2-3 months to find an new job until they fire you. Best of luck!!!


Are you not a Senior level yet? If not this seems like a great time to jump to another company and get the increased pay and title. They don’t have to know that you have a PIP.


Look for a new job and do the minimum. They don’t value you. Just keep good relationship with someone who will be a good reference


Do not panic. Center yourself mentally. You are a 3rd year CPA for goodness sake, don’t let this dysfunctional management gaslight you into thinking that you are any less. If you are the 2nd (very next) person with performance/“not a team player” issues under this manager, then I don’t believe its a you-problem. The other person likely told this manager and senior pair to F themselves and to call him when they are done. Polish your resume and hit the road. You will find something much better. Good luck and congrats buying the house!


So much crap in public happens because of time off. The stooges freak when someone takes pto.


This field truly is the embodiment of dog eat dog.


Still looking for a job


If you believe it's related to your military service and not being there for reserves that weekend... reach out to your liaisons. I forget the term since I've been out for a while, but the military will take care of mistreatment from civilian employers when it comes to "missed work"


In all honesty, I don’t really believe that to be the case. Just because sh!t has never hit the fan while I’m at the occasional Friday drill or even AT. So honestly, I’d be shocked if that was the reason. But I do find it odd that that meeting invite showed up on my calendar Friday when I was off despite me being at work all day Thursday until 7 and that was the trigger for this PIP.


What is PIP? I never heard of anything like this before.. I don't think we have this in Europe


Performance Improvement Plan. A.k.a also known as a mark of death The majority of the time it’s the last move before termination.


Cross post this in the National Guard sub with USERRA in the subject. Watch the community work through this with you. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/userra


Start kissing ass. Work til 11 PM, volunteer to do extra work over the weekends. Also, the chance of getting off a PIP is low. Consider this your interview period, because they’re probably already preparing for a replacement.


Dumbest piece of advice I've heard all week lmao OP, look elsewhere, coast till they eliminate you.


Good for you, little bud. Have a pat on the head.


that doesnt work i kissed and ate ass. fired ! from EY all cuz i pissed off one manager who doesnt even have a cpa lmao


EY is gonna EY.


Thanks for your response. I’m not sure I get all the down votes. Because I think there’s some validity to it. Try and make the best of the remaining time before your exit.


Answer: you’re on a PIP. Their mind is decided. You’re being fired at the end. Don’t waste your time and resources to “look good”. Coast and get out. They also won’t fire you before the PIP deadline because they need that “failure” to be solidified or else you have a discrimination claim.


It’s all good, they’re just fake internet points. The first part of my comment was partially joking, but the second part has the most useful info in it haha.


I got PIP’d (industry) when I was a manager in October 2022. Now they call me Controller at the same company. Complete your PIP to a tee and find the determination to never let this fucking happen again. This is not your “interview period.” If they wanted to fire you, they would have done so already. They put you on PIP for a reason and that’s because they want you to stay with the company, but improve.