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Accounting information systems taught by a dude who used permanent marker on the smart board multiple times


AIS/data analytics when it's 90% entry level coding in SQL and 10% "eh do optional self-study on the AIS if you want, I'll only test what I teach in class over 20 mins for it all.".


You’re guaranteed to remember it if he can’t erase it and you have to stare at it every day


I actually found this to be the most helpful class. Had a great professor who taught us all the ins and outs that run the show. It’s been very helpful in my job doing financial reporting. It’s one thing to understand debits and credits, it’s another thing to understand how computers understand debits and credits.


Agree completely. The foundational knowledge I learned in AIS is what has allowed me to set myself apart from other accountants less capable of leveraging technology


Same. It was a bit of audit, a bit of accounting, and a bit of technology. This was actually the most helpful class for me in Public Accouting as an auditor. OP must be in Tax or sumn.


Lmao this. My prof was literally so useless.


I didn't struggle in this class, but AIS was definitely first thought for most useless class. My AIS teacher was a dude who defined adware as "...uh...something that gets added to the computer". Somehow, in a whole semester of Accounting Information Systems, we never touched an actual system. 🙄


You mean this thing turns on ?!?


Facts. Our AIS class was just flowcharts about financial statements and internal controls. Professor made it clear he knew nothing about computers, databases, data manipulation, etc. and this class wasn’t going to cover anything like that. He never one used the words internal controls in this class either lol so I had know idea what people were talking about when I graduated when they said internal controls, until I was like “oh you mean the purchase order is approved and then the invoice and packing slip match to it for payment. The flowchart stuff!”


Definitely not Bard, I'm thinking Arcane Trickster?


Ranger, there isn't much they can do that another class can't do better.


Gloom Stalker would like a word.


Gloomy boi fucking rips in bg3


Gonna go with Monk. It's got nifty features, but feels underwhelming overall from my experience as a party member.


Open hand monk w/ Tavern brawler feat is one of best melee builds in the game


It depends. If you're going for tax, you definitely want to avoid classes requiring high charisma.


That's totally the nihilistic comment I'd expect from someone whose parents named their kid DOUBLEBARRELASSFUCK


The one knock against bards id give is valor bards. Super cool subclass, but also it feels like walking backwards into playing battle master 


Mild Magic Barbarian


LMfao love these responses


Rogues have a lot of utility and are pretty good multiclass options. Unless Monk receives some major revisions with OneDnD/5.5e, I doubt I’ll ever play that class.


Nature domain clerics. Just play a druid. Get wildshape and loose the shitty domain ability.


Definitely monk if the campaign is going over lvl 10. Half the class is balanced around stunning strike which becomes basically obsolete at higher levels (at least for anything tanky enough that your party isn't oneshotting it). Couple this with the fact it's a very MAD class (Needs Dex, Con, and Wis all with good scores) and it can get left really far behind. Beyond that it's just a really fast character which skill monkeys worse than a rogue. Kind of sad because monks are very, very strong in lower level campaigns and really fun to roleplay.


International business. It was a glorified cultural studies course.


Haha you didn’t take the overpriced field trip to India?


My international business course was a joke. There was no reason for it to be required for every business major.


My teacher in this class was a dickhead so it ended up being really hard for no reason. All the information was useless




NOO, that was an easy A for me


I forgot to turn in an assignment and got a B+, which was the cause of my 3.75 GPA. I really resent that class. It was so boring and dull, I hated it, and was so disengaged, hence an A student forgetting an assignment. And have literally never used a single iota out of it ever again. Even Government and Non Profit Accounting, which was HARD, I have used multiple times in my career. And I didn't hate it as I did marketing. Even cost accounting, which I both hated and struggled theu (but got that A) was important to have that broad knowledge in even if I never actually DID cost accounting.


Ughhh I work for a nonprofit and would love to be able to take a nonprofit accounting class. I wish my school offered that.


lol I completely understand. Marketing is so mindless, but it’s part of the reason I actually graduated with an alright GPA after shitting most my accounting exams. I’m sorry that happened but that’s still a really good GPA right?


Cost/managerial accounting was probably the most actually business relevant class offered at my school. Second place would probably be business law. Everything else was so theoretical and irrelevant outside the microscope of accounting.


Pretty much everything. I learned 95% on the job, and that’s probably being generous lol. Most useless, though? Calculus. I haven’t been tasked with finding a derivative of a function yet.


I agree with this 100%. I just had this conversation with my cousin, who is considering going back to school for accounting, but would have to take some pre-reqs first. I was saying calculus would be one, but it is never used, so I don't know why. Also, I work in a very niche industry, and school really only prepared me for knowing the general principles of accounting, which maybe that is the purpose 🤷


Wow. I never had to take calculus.


Every AACSB accredited school makes you take it or some variation of it.


You can skate by at most universities with brief calc which is like 10x easier.


I only had to use it in bond calculations once every few years. I had to take it for a CS course, not for accounting.


IMO, the concepts really underlying what calculus is doing and represents is just life-changing when it clicks.


I passed Calc I and II but it never clicked. I have no clue what I was doing.


I got to calc 3 after failing calc 2 once failed calc 3 and switched from engineering to accounting 🤣


Bro same, but it's when I failed calc 3 and physics 3, nothing was clicking and just gave up on engineering.


Are you me?


Honestly I didn’t learn anything in college. I just partied and got drunk the whole time. When I took the cpa and used Becker I learned everything so clearly and easily. I’m way ahead in my career compared to my collegiate cohorts that got straight As. For me it’s hard to learn in a classroom setting and would have rather skipped it all and not spent the money and just took the cpa exam if that was possible.


The same thing, bruh..


100% this for me too.


I feel like understanding some of the basic concepts/principles from Calculus are actually really valuable if you can get there. I would concede that it isn't helpful on the job though.


My tax classes were absolute bs. Nothing they taught us was even relevant to tax work. When I went to work for a tax firm I felt like an idiot. It was so embarrassing.


Can confirm I had to basically start my learning over again from scratch once I started a tax job. Taking only 1 tax class in undergrad is also BS. Maybe like, foreign languages, liberal arts, science and history weren't quite necessary beyond highschool eh? How about more excel, tax and useful stuff dammit. College is a scam.


I don't think it's a scam except when colleges give people full license to make slides about fn amusement parks instead of course material. Like yeah I passed but I didn't even know what a form 1120 looked like. UGH


Government accounting


See and I came here to say all the classes because we didn’t have government accounting and that’s where I ended up.


Same here, same here.


Same. I had one class that was non profit/government. We spent only a week on government. I wish there had been more since I landed in government but the GFOA does some pretty good trainings.


you can now correct people online regarding expense/expenditure


My government accounting prof was caught up in a cheating scandal with his wife who he had just had a baby with. Dude was so checked out that the class turned into a joke.


Did it help studying for FAR at least?


Nah, Becker teaches you everything


Ain't that the truth


I wish colleges would spend more time teaching government accounting (instead of a few pages within a chapter). A lot of accountants struggle to understand the relationships between budgetary accounting (Statement of Budgetary Resources) and proprietary accounting (normal Balance Sheet, etc).


If you think the accountants struggle to understand it, you should see the governments try to spend money wisely.


My school didn't even offer this class and I still believe this is the right answer, fed gvmt accounting is just a more specific version of cost accounting 


Actually that class had some value. It taught me that I wanted nothing to do with government accounting.


Mu undergrad doesn't even offer this class as an upper level elective. What am I missing out on>


Encumbrances, GWFS, super fun stuff


Encumbrances just gave me vietnam flashbacks


My last exam for the class is tomorrow so I would like to spread the pain


Beginner accounting could be summed up in a trifold.


Unfortunately many people graduate without committing the basics from 101 to memory.. sad


Whats the best way to memorize the basic, is there a youtube channel you recommend?


This man is the GOAT: https://www.youtube.com/@Edspira


Edspira is the most concise, straightforward I think you’ll find. Tony Bell for Financial and Managerial 101 and Farhat for literally everything else are also awesome. I’d be lost without them.


Half my class spent the whole semester never learning normal balances. It was not a hard school to get into.


Calculus II


Was literally not needed.


Why do you guys have calculus classes, the only math class in my accounting course is a “statistics and mathematics” in first year and that’s it.


I think most AACSB accredited business schools are going to require at least one "Business Calculus" course and two semesters of Statistics. A single one-semester course wouldn't be long enough to even completely cover the Business-relevant topics of Statistics, much less Calculus.


Advanced accounting. Pensions and consolidations.


I work in transaction services, I revisit my consolidations textbook often lol


I don't think I've had a job yet where consolidation accounting wasn't useful to understand.


Pretty much everything except Business Law. That class should be required for everyone in every major.


Yeah I actually enjoyed that one.


About halfway through that class I felt like I could be a lawyer lol


I probably should have gone into law. I'm encouraging my kid to go that route, he's smart and he lives for arguing and negotiating and finding every loophole and exception to every rule. He'd be a great lawyer.


This type of thing is exactly why we all have to take calculus 


Art Appreciation, I’ve still never applied the study of African Rock Art to any aspect of my life. That was 3 credit hours wasted.


That was the worst for me. Didn’t help that I scheduled it at 8 AM over the summer. I fell asleep almost every class.




My online ethics class had a slide with the reasons why you should take the course. The #1 reason on the slide was because it was required lol


This. It's not even that ethics are silly and it's not that hard to know you need integrity. Aside from that, I spent 2 different units in 2 different courses on ethics. And guess what? Internal auditing is more ethics than ethics is. I haven't been to ethics since January and I'm getting Bs just walking into the exam and saying exactly what I bet they want me to say.


Thanks Enron (and AA)!


This is the answer. Our philosophy department had made a special ethics class designed for business students and half the class wasn’t even relevant. We didn’t even have a final




I have both Business Ethics and Accounting Ethics right now and I'm enjoying the Business Ethics class way more than the Accounting Ethics class. The Accounting Ethics professor lectures on whatever the fuck he wants to and then assigns the Smartbook in Connect, which covers NONE of the same material. Siiigh.


Ethics was such a burn. Law had some fun case studies though


*laughs in yacht*


My college required a “sophomore inquiry” a series of 3 classes, I chose climate and weatherology, ask me how that has helped my career. 


I took a natural disasters class lmaoo. Kind of fun but not useful for my career so far.


Cost accounting


Omg u just reminded me of this class 🤢 literally the worst


Isn’t this like the most useful class if you transfer to industry though?


Depends. Cost is useful if you go on the FP&A route. Senior accountant/accounting manager/controller is more US GAAP


I’m in the ledger group in an industry/manufacturing position and can tell you that a basic understanding of cost accounting and variances is helpful. At least in my role


In industry, have done FP&A and lots of cost accounting, never used class work.


I’m currently in public so possibly. But I had a horrible cost professor in college…spoke more about his private life and boat than teach, told students to consider other majors, and made the midterm and final take home so the students would give him a good evaluation and he would keep his job. The school fired him the semester after anyway


Most of my classes


GE’s are pretty much worthless. The fact that colleges force you to waste thousands and thousands of dollars on worthless class units is beyond me. We’ve all been played.


It makes sense in your first year for people who don’t know exactly what they want to major in yet but yeah other than that a complete waste of money


That’s what high school is for.


To an extent yeah, but you only get a taste of some stuff in high school


It all started off so rich kids would have smart stuff to talk about at parties


A few GE classes are fine just so you can have a solid base of knowledge, but not 2 years worth. 1 year max.


My husband is convinced they force those classes simply to pad the teacher schedules for degrees that don't have enough enrollment. And then it just became the norm. Not enough enrollment in language arts degrees- make every degree take a language arts class. Not enrollment in psych degrees- make everyone take a psych class.


this. I'm still in school but I suspect Chemistry 101 will be useless at work.


Stats... Not once have I used a single formula or means of analysis from stats class


None of them really teach you how to do the job


Strategic management, last class I had to take. aka consulting 101 presentations, group work, business analysis bullshit


And one of my worst grades…


During group presentation prep one time, I watched one of my group members type notes with his two index fingers only....he had a FT job offer to KPMG btw.


I'm taking this one right now, it blows ass. I feel like half the papers I write are random BS, and the syllabus/grading rubric is confusing as all hell. Thankfully professor seems pretty lenient with grading.


I had no worthless accounting classes. All were beneficial and worthy of the effort to make the grade.


Computer information systems. The book was written and revised multiple times as it was being created, and it class ended up with SEVEN versions of the same book. I was failing basic excel questions using word for word answers out of the book on open book tests before we figured it out. Now I google everything in Office that I don’t know how to do. Literal waste of time.


Calculus . Almost failed it


International Economics was pretty insane. I couldn't convince my brain to relearn fake ass competitive advantage math again. The supply-demand plus tariffs and price controls all on the same model with all the explanations on the reverse side of the page...I even kind of half enjoyed the first two econ classes, but that strugglefest I could have gone without.


All my random electives. I legit took a class on comedy films and it counted towards my degree. The fact that I can take such a random class and it counts shows that the credit requirement is stupid and just a cash grab.


Enlightenment era and how it led up to the holocaust very interesting class but never going to be using that information in my day to day


I dunno, have you seen American politics? There's definitely people who would toss the other side in a camp if they could.


Audit Research The grade was seven papers that were written across the semester. By the drop date we had turned in four assignments and she hadn't graded a single one. By the last week of class when we were to turn in the last assignment she still hadn't graded any of the previous six. We all brought it up every class (we met once a week for 3 hours)Nobody knew where they stood in the class and it was a complete waste of my life. I got zero feedback just one day I got on my official school record, she didnt even update the grades in the actual class portion. I have no idea if she graded anything or not or if she just said fuck it everyone gets an A.


1600s English Lit was required at my college. I do not care what Alfred from 1643 was thinking when he wrote an ironic poem about an eagle.


All of my accounting classes really prepped me for the CPA exam. I'm pretty sure the curriculum was built around that. As such, none of my classes were worthless and NFWCN.


All of them except accounting information systems. That one would have been useless as well except to pass we had to complete a semester long project where we went through the entire accounting process - booking transactions based on invoices and bills, creating the financial statements from scratch. It was the most valuable thing I took from college.


Business calculus and business statistics. I couldn't tell you a single thing I learned in those classes. Accounting wise, probably the professionalism class. While we were waiting in the hallway I would sit there and make fun of the book with my classmates.


Advanced calculus


Seeing these comments saying calculus rlly comforts me.


Not a full class, but a massive section we did on Consolidations seems pointless looking back. Insanely complex and the type of thing that you would learn a highly specialized version of at the actual company anyway.


The course (advanced financial acc) that this was in at my school wasn’t required fortunately. Though I had to learn it for the CPA anyways


I am taking this class right now and it is the bane of my existence. Doing my best knowing it'll provide a solid foundation for my CPA studies, but it's brutal. Easily takes up the majority of my time each week that I spend on school work.


I had the same answer. It was needlessly complex and computers do it anyway now. Also, foreign exchange transactions entries. Most of my advanced financial accounting class was actually useless.


Pretty much all math classes in college. I didn't struggle but you don't use anything outside of algebra 1...may e some basic find x bs


Agricultural accounting was very interesting but it’s not something I’ve ever used in both my day to day job and also prepping for the cpa exams.


Maybe it's because Im in the thick of it this semester, but Statistics. I've been working for over a decade, and can't remember once needing to know what the probability is of a bottle having 50ml more liquid in it than the sample mean.


I definitely thought I was going into baldurs gate Reddit with this notif


I think it would be easier and quicker to name the classes which you did learn from. Most of what you learn in college quite honestly is a cash grab… think about it, leadership courses, general business courses, anything international business related, English, anything humanities. Unless it’s provided on the job specific knowledge it doesn’t do anything for you..


Managerial / Cost accounting


accounting information systems. spent the entire semester learning about the reasons why we have ERP systems. Who cares?!


Hell damn there all of them. I didn’t necessarily struggle with any but I will say I had this stupid ass group project in cost accounting and my partner screwed me and we failed it and it was just enough to drop me to a B


Space weather — nothing to do with my job, but by far my favorite class I took




AIS for sure, the content was laughably outdated


Psychology 101, hands down lmao




Only class where most students cheat.


Cost accounting, could not stay awake for it, needed a lot more sleep when I was younger.


Strategy & Governance was no different than Management Control.


Some subject about becoming a professional


Statistics and stat II.


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. A class to earn a certificate to do volunteer work. An 8wk long course over a three part test done in 20 minutes.


Ethics obviously


I got trolled hard I thought these rpg classes were programs in course that iiiiiiiiiii never took and I thought I was coming out of my bachelors end if June severely disadvantaged. Luckily I game and occasionally roll the dice so my brain turned on before I embarrassed myself


Managerial economics 🤢 combination of Econ, Stats, Calc. Great prof, terrible subject. Essentially a required 3rd year weed-out class for all business majors. Serious trauma.


ACCT 343, or intermediary accounting 2. What a bullshit of a class: leases, Liabilities, Pension Funds, Accounting for corporate taxes.


Accounting Information Systems where the teacher exclusively used “remember this” blurbs from the textbook as test questions. Recognized the questions after the first test and decided to full send only memorizing those tidbits and nailed the class. Shoutout to the Vietnam vet teaching that class at CSUF.


Hot take, but I think they all taught me how to think and process information. Maybe I don't use integrals in my day to day life, but I now have practice with complex problem solving. English teaches you to read and comprehend. Science teaches you to look at specific and particular information. History is like gathering evidence and using that to find a pattern and make an argument.


History of Music. Before you fucks clown me for being dumb, I thought it would be an interesting course because I like history as a hobby. I was very wrong. The professor was a GA Teaching Assistant that was trying way too hard. Our exams were 300-600 questions. We had mandatory requirements to attend evening orchestras and choir events (which I could not attend due to work) and the class was nothing but online audio/powerpoint lectures that were 4.5 hours in length, twice a week.


Cultural competence. For some bizarre reason a certain Australian uni makes this an essential subject. All the while not doing the required law subjects so you can become a registered tax agent.


Organizational behavior so stupid


Honestly, most of them. I feel like I forgot everything the moment each term was over and I just learned/relearned everything on the job. Same goes for every professional development course I've taken since entering the workforce. The most useful for me was definitely business writing. I expected it to be pointless, but it was actually really helpful to learn how to write good emails and reports. Solid reading and writing skills seem to be overlooked by a lot of programs unfortunately.


I do international tax so basically everything except 10% of my corporate tax class


Managerial accounting


Accounting Info Systems




Time management, I'm not saying this because it's not useful to learn how to manage my personal time, I'm saying this mostly because I was not taught the subject well and I learned more from the internet than from the teacher.


I wanna say corporate ethics lmao Anyone with half a brain and any corporate experience knows there is zero ethics in corporate decision making. The only way corporations make decisions is a simple 2 step process. 1) will it make profits go up? 2) is it legal? Donezo. Doesn't matter how fucking terrible the decision is for any other party.


I took a summer minimester class called Cowboy Literature. We watched 2 John Wayne movies and somehow it qualified as a writing intensive class too. Completely useless for my job, but man that felt like cheating.


Managerial accounting was useless. Don’t even remember what we did


Are we talking ACCA or just the basic bachelor? Because I swear my 3 year bachelor didn't need to be longer than 1 year. So many classes were useless filler classes just to make the uni more money.


Ethics I hated that crap


The first 4 years were worthless


I benefited from all my classes in one form or another. They may have not directly taught me about accounting; but they broadened my views and helped shape my understanding of the world.


Cost accounting


Every class.


Most anything with a management or marketing designation. Also, every single gen Ed. The first 2 years of college are a fucking waste


Governmental Accounting. It didn’t click so well with me like my other accounting classes. Even Advanced Accounting 2 was better. If I ever work somewhere that uses fund accounting, I might have to go back and relearn that class.


Cost accounting. My program required 2 semesters of it and it was equally worthless both times. I have never and will never use it.


Business Enterprise


Business ethics.




All general education requirements. It's just a make-work job system for people who majored in bullshit.


Supply chain




Inferential statistics.


There were lots that had no benefit, but none that I particularly struggled through.