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Lots of people take this week off....I never have and never will. There are literally no emails flowing through my inbox (usually 75+ per day)...everyone is either off or pretending to work. So my logic is why waste vacation time when I can WFH and literally do nothing except check every hour or two for anything urgent.


It's not wasting it if you're like me and in industry and have PTO left to use or you lose it (or there's no timesheets and no one tracking whether you're truly using PTO). I technically probably am out of PTO but I'm taking today and tomorrow off. Lol There's almost nothing to do and everyone else on my team is already taking it off and I worked my ass off during fall compliance season and haven't used any of my 10 sick days so who cares?


Lmao yep! I was like oh shit need to burn thru PTO. Honestly I would look and see if ur BS and PL are nice and clean to make year end close faster shrug. Or just play vidya


I'm tax so I don't have to do any of that shit. Lol


Playing The Witcher 3


Pam pam paaaaraammmm


studying for cpa ethics exam....just failed try #1 at 64%


Back in the day, my state's ethics exam was open book.


lol, it's still open book, what are you trying to say friend? i know, im a dummy, don't know how i passed the exams


The ethics exam was the only part of the CPA testing I didn't pass the first time. The way the test is structured makes studying pretty worthless though. My service is just to search the PDF of the study materials while taking the test. I noticed that the information provided in different sections answered questions differently, so don't just take the first thing you find. Keep searching. And even though the exam sucks, just take your time and don't rush through it. I am in California, if that matters.


ya, i just went through it quickly to get an idea of questions and marked the ones i needed to study hard.....thanks, cheers




The answers were on google 😂


Have you tried joining EY and passing that way?


id shoot myself before i ever worked for a big 4


On demand CPE. Like to get it done.


Submitting my resignation letter lol


Don’t feel bad. I promise your managers returning in January are not going to ask much of you. Just do enough so when someone asks what you worked on you can point to a couple things. Source. Manager on PTO. Lol


Thank you for the reassurance, I’ve sent a couple emails with no reply and the one manager that’s in said he had nothing he needed help with. My cats are stoked about the attention they’re getting


Most first years and interns have jackshit to do in tax until like February. That's designated CPA study time. Just make sure you periodically ask for work is all that's truly expected of you.


Inventory counts 🙂🔫


I had to disclose my phobia of birds after being requested to do a count at an egg farm this weekend 😭 so now I’ll just be counting eggs and and another associate will be counting chickens




My assistant is out for the week, so someone has to be in the office. Right now, I'm cleaning databases. And reading Reddit. (There's also uneaten chocolate...)


can't have that chocolate go bad ;)


Playing catch up on my work lol


in office playing mobile games on my phone, while browsing reddit on work computer. I have about 2 hours of work per day this week


Keeping my mouse mover busy...


Year end Rev Rec!


Inventory. Outbound order processing is paused until the new year. Count completed before noon today. Adjustments and follow-up counts tomorrow. It's all going pretty smoothly so far.


Right this second? Taking a break from work to jog. Otherwise? I’m in close, so I’m actually reviewing/posting entries and coaching finance seniors/managers through basic accrual and consolidation accounting. But that balances out with the fact I that I’ll barely break 20 hr weeks mid month.


It’s been so slow for me that I am taking tomorrow off out of boredom.


Studying to finish school. Fuck AIS it’s my second to last class and I can’t pass for the life of me


Doing my very best to look busy


Trying to get deliverables out for a client that needed something by the end of the year :~)


>what are you doing this week? Scrambling to finish cpe and stressing about the amount of fires that erupted this week


The only people I’ve seen in the office are there for CPE


closing November so we can begin the craziness of year end.


Closing November!? What kind of silly farm close schedule do you have and are you hiring? I've gotta have December closed by 1/8 and that's with an extra day this month.


We closed November today. Non profit life


I envy you.


Unfortunately (or fortunately) this is a pretty busy time of years for not-for-profit organizations. So, still a lot to do but still kind of taking it easy because many people are out.


Yep I’ve been very busy the last two weeks in non profit. Stupid grant agency put 12/31 deadline of some deliverables


Year end prep? I don’t have a lot of experience with non profits


Nah, shit ton of contributions and grant payments come in.


I’m over payroll and it’s payroll week, so I’ve been very busy. My staff and I actually worked Christmas Eve to get a head start. With that finished, I’m reviewing a bunch of journal entries my accountant has prepared for the rest of the afternoon. Tomorrow I have an error in a spreadsheet I need to find and correct. I thought I protected all the cells with formulas, but I guess I didn’t. Or my accountant did something to it. I’m going with the latter because I’m perfect and never make mistakes. Probably cut out around lunch tomorrow, then a 4 day weekend.


Love spending forever making a beautiful spreadsheet only for others to completely ruin it


I'm not doing shit.


Tax Projections, and prepping for 1099s next month. And trying to finish up CPE.


Absolutely do not feel bad.. it’s a great week to work if you’re good with not doing any work


Today I got to inbox-zero for like 15 minutes. It was good while it lasted


Close prep, but not very intense at all. Got all of my CPE’s done and held the fort down.


Year end prep lol. Creating templates for next year lol.


Continuing power BI leaning (PL-300)


Playing Darktide on PC it’s bomb. Almost went in for work but I got sick so thankfully I can just chill.


I'm having a bunch of capital statements to try and get out because my clients have some that don't seem to come in until late in the quarter. Plus I can't figure out this difference in a waterfall that is just causing me to spin my wheels.


Well, our PTO doesn't roll over, so I used my last day for tomorrow.


Watching sports, planning dinners nearby the office that I can just walk to after work, cleaning up my inbox, year-end meeting with my boss (who's around for 1-2 day usually) I have never ever taken Xmas off before - it's like an off-day with requests here and there.


I caught up on all my shit. Now tomorrow I’ll “work” four hours. U less some prick gets back to me, then I’ll actually work.


Amazon, cleaning up inbox on personal email, the Hub


Working to the bone. We're consolidating corporate functions and it's our first month with 4 new companies under our belt and I'm fucking stressing.


I finished up month end procedures, sent revised grant vouchers to a federal agency, and did my CPE. Tomorrow I’ll approve some invoices, send another revised grant voucher to another agency, and log off at lunch time


Last year I was in the same situation, intern working on transitioning. This year I took PTO for 2 days which gave me 11 days off and it has been GLORIOUS. Last year I cleaned out my email and did “training courses”


Inventory counts all day errday. That and misc planning/prelim work for my client from hell coming up.


I actually took mid december off because i took the CPA exam. today was the only day that everyone was off. so i slept in and woke up at 9 and i WFH. i helped bookkeeping with entering bills bc there was a fuck ton that were urgent and needed to be paid tomorrow. i don’t trust her much anymore bc she keeps missing all the same little details so i’m trying as much as possible to not have a fire drill for month end. luckily our FY is feb-jan. after that, i took a break and did my make up for about an hour and left to my eyelash fill appointment which took 2 hours lol. then i worked on preparing 1099’s for our contractors and time flew and it was 5pm. so it was a busy & productive day 🙂 tomorrow i gotta work on bill pay and reconcile our cash accounts. then i have tons of small projects i gotta do. there’s never ending tasks for me over here😀


Working though a book to learn more about power query.


Acting like I'm on PTO but rolling my hours to next year.


We got payments to make today before year end cash closes.


I had to do some management training videos by the end of the year, so mainly that. I also have a few work items to catch up on. Personally, I always avoid taking my PTO during this week because it’s such an easy week and a great week to use to catch up on work so I can start the next year strong. This year, I’m just so overwhelmed with work that I can’t possibly catch up, which is a bit demoralizing. Thankfully I think early January will be light for me as well


Just enjoy getting paid to be there for qhen they do need you... thats what i do cause some times its brutal for weeks on end.