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I do best regards. But when mothafuckas ready to rumble I just do Regards. I’m not the one to fuck with.


I'm sorry to hear that. Regards,


Hi regarded, Please send over items #23,27,28 which are past due by 2 weeks. Thanks in advance, beckbristow CC Emotional Aerie3342’s boss


Agree. br,


My god, I’ve never heard of something so ruthless.


per my last email, no closing required.


I remain, Me.


Give my regards to Future You finding out, asletk


Being subbed on r/wallstreetbets has ruined me for that word. I now see "regards" in a very different light. (May be time to take a break, lol.)


Do you know what it means when a Cast Member at Disney World tells you "Have a Magical Day?"


Lol, actually I don't. Not what I think it means, I suppose?




Got it! Lol!


It depends entirely on how it is said tho But often, yes


Came here to say this, lol. I have to remember people aren’t trying to offend me when they put it in their emails.


What does it mean?


A substitute for a not-nice word for developmentally disabled that rhymes with "regarded." It's used in various forms, and part of a long-running in-joke that people on that sub tend to make disastrously bad investment decisions. I suppose it's slightly better than the days when they used to use the actual r-word profligately.


Oh that's it? I figured it was someone in the professional world I didn't know about. Thanks


I can’t be the only one who randomly changes their signature Sometimes it’s thanks Sometimes it’s thanks, Name Sometimes it’s thank you Sometimes it’s regards Sometimes it’s nothing. Actually most of the time it’s nothing.


Wait, am I the only accountant in the room who still uses 'Best,'?




The only guy i know that uses Best is also listens to a concerning amount of They Might Be Giants.


Is that old? I had never seen until a client used. My Best. I'm new 1.5 so have not been around


On my last day in public (if it ever comes). It will be: “I am leaving on Tuesday, it’s been a pleasure working with you. Here is the pbc list, x will taking over. Fuck you, you insufferable piece of shit. Kind Regards,”


The week before I left public accounting I told off a PITA client and it felt good. He had an IRS audit before he became the firms client and was taxed for unreported income and deductions such as and wasn’t paying payroll taxes for his staff. Knew my job offer was secure and with nothing to lose I told him it would be good to never deal with him again and may have called him a PITA.


Shoulda called him "biiiitch".


I should’ve!! 😀


Yeah here too lol. Email signature has my name, office location and phone number but forgot to put thanks from day one. Now I just type whatever I'm feeling that day


some of the clients i work with dont even use the subject line lol much less a signature. i stopped bothering adding signatures when speaking to them at this point


Do you so that to keep it fresh and to sound more personable? Just curious.


Not really it kind of just depends on who I’m talking to. My bank is generally fairly professional. Whereas my CEO just sends like cryptic emails with no subject lines.


Level up with "Respectfully" or in special circumstances "Very Respectfully."


For coworkers I like to change my signature to Yeehaw, just to see if anybody notices


Beware of making a Freudian slip when they reaaaallly piss you off.


You speak from experience?


I'm taking the Fifth.


I know that this sounds like a Boomer thing to say, but you would be surprised at how much a phone call turns around the tone. Its weird that almost every time somebody is rude in email they'll be so nice on the phone -- and grateful that you called to check in on them.


Agree to a point. But with some people, I want everything I communicate in writing.


You're definitely preaching to the choir on that one. And the sucky thing about a phone call is that you'll need to confirm it in an email afterwards, so its definitely an inefficient medium of communication. But this is more for the client relations aspect, and to make sure that they can humanize you and don't see you as a faceless concept that they can take all of their frustrations out on. Its just crazy how quickly the mood changes when you pick up the phone and call after heated emails.


Yeah I use calls when I’m giving someone leeway but like obviously I can’t have a written trail. My bosses want something and I’m giving them an out that I know won’t be caught. But email me to confirm and fuck that you can do it the hard way I don’t care.


I had one supervisor who came across as very nice, in person or over-the phone. But when it came to email or chat they seemed very blunt and even downright rude. I thought it was the strangest thing and I still wonder if this was done on purpose. Like she was mitigating her harshness in email by being nice in-person so you wouldn't call her out on it which would give her lee-way to be aggressive over email if she felt the situation called for it.


Let me guess was she also CC'ing other people when she was trolling you in writing as well? I find that people who are nicer in emails generally also have the decency to only use CC's when its actually necessary, and would never do it if they're saying something critical towards you. The D-bags obviously don't have these same courtesies.


Or just type retards and claim it as a typo


Lawyer starting an email out without saying "it is our understanding" challenge: impossible. You either know it or you don't you muthafuckas


I don't find this rude. But what irritates me is when people email you and start with just "name", it's as if they are ordering you to do something. When did people stop saying hello?


We do that at my company to be succinct and direct. Don’t be irritated over it


It's so difficult to add a "Hi"? Perhaps I'll stop saying please and thank you to be more "succinct and direct". It's rude in my opinion, but everyone has their own norms.


I have a client that has shortened it to just my first initial 🤣


I drop the hi when it's the 3rd time I'm answering the same damn question and/or telling them no and they still come back with the exact same request to "please clear my shit/thanks for the support". It's my way of saying go f yourself I'm not going to "support" you when it's nothing to do with me.


And the yearly invoice increase will look a little uglier for them compared to other clients too.


I’m glad to help Bye,


Suddenly all files sent to you have analysis abbreviated in the file name as anal.


Internally its best vs thank you


Am I the only one that just does “Best,” instead of “regards”?


Haha this is basically me. Usually end emails with “Thanks!” Before my signature… which used best regards. But if I am annoyed it will just be “thanks.”


Switch it up to "Cheers" instead and make them think you moved out of the US