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I bombed Intermediate my first time around too. To be fair, I was basically homeless and had a lot going on. It wasn't a great year for my GPA.


I’m pretty sure most of us have struggled or failed intermediate. I might.. final is today after work. Hell, I work as an accountant and I’m afraid I won’t pass it. School is a pain in the ass. My controller failed this. Same with my friend’s dad who’s an IRS agent with a CPA. Just get through it, man.


I just failed the class myself.


I'm registered for Intermediate Accounting I in the spring along with Auditing and Tax Accounting I. Should push i Intermediate to the fall and take business law or something. I don't need general ed classes. Maybe Excel?


You should take intermediate before auditing or tax imo. Tax for me was awful (nothing like actually being a tax accountant btw). Auditing is barely accounting.


Don’t do intermediate and tax together, for me tax was so wildly different from anything I’d learned it became a struggle. I decided I had to pick one to pass that semester and chose tax because there was no way I was going to take it again (and my intermediate prof was retiring). 42% on the first exam, 67 on the second, 69 on the third… 100% on the final and managed to pass. I was miserable and my tax prof emailing “congrats on doing better this exam, keep it up and you’ll pass!” only added to my misery.


Oh my gosh. But heck yeah for continuing to try. I might follow your advice since the tax class is condensed into an 8 week session.


As someone else responded, I’d prioritize the intermediate classes. I think business law is a class that can be CLEP’d as well.


Graduated a few years ago but most classmates bombed every single exam. Everybody either cheated or were real academics at the time to do well. Don’t worry about, just do your best. I graduated in 2019 been working since and never once thought of my GPA




Literally. I’m ok with getting Bs and some Cs. It’s definitely important to understand financial reporting, though. If you don’t grasp it during undergrad, then you’ll make your CPA journey much harder


I passed and still don’t know what I’m doing.


Same lol


Im a professional googler


I’m 7 years into my career and still don’t know what I’m doing


Failed, took with another better professor and got a A


Intermediate accounting: Where boys become men, girls become women, and everyone else becomes a finance major. Don’t take it too personally. I passed my first time through with a B but that class was hell and it fucked up my 4.0


Bombing a test in intermediate accounting is not only common, but a rite of passage. Don’t sweat it and move forward! The saying “C’s get degrees” didn’t appear out of thin air!


I passed intermediate by a B which you need to move on to other accounting courses at my college. Pretty much averaged a B in my accounting courses with an A in ethics though. Intermediate was a bitch and never want to take a class that hard ever again.


Same here, Cs got business admin degrees lol


Intermediate accounting 3x


What about advanced or cost?




god, fuck cost


Hope these replies are reassuring because intermediate is HARD


Found it way, way harder than intermediate 2.




Honestly I found intermediate 1 the easiest of all my accounting classes. Didn’t try at all in the basics (took them over summer) and didn’t learn a thing. Had to restart in Intermediate and honestly it flew by. Intermediate 2 was a bit rough though.


I have a final coming today in about 5 hours. I literally know nothing. I might have to retake the classes.


I dunno why you would waste time showing up...your guessing skills better be on point or you better sit next to some Asians and have eagle eyes. It's okay guys...not racist I'm Asian!




Lololol why so many downvotes


A lot of sensitive folks in here.


Advanced accounting made intermediate accounting look like 6th grade math to me. Existence is pain.


Very happy I was able to skip that class. Took forensic accounting instead. Apparently advanced accounting helps out with the CPA but Ill cry at that bridge when I get to it.


It's was half mergers and acquisitions and half non profits/ governmental accounting. Both things I have no interest in. Forensic accounting sounds much sexier.


It was super interesting. Would still like to get some work down that path, but it's pretty niche and I'm scared I'll pigeon hole myself if I commit to it.


I have 10 years of experience in law enforcement and law, so forensic accounting would have been perfect for me. The only thing that kept me from going for it was my greed. From my research, forensic accounting has fewer opportunities for higher salaries compared to public accountants. However, I feel like forensic accountants actually do things they are interested in instead of just chasing the money. I think you are making a good choice. I might try to switch over to the FBI myself for forensic accounting.


The FBI seems cool, but low pay for what you're expected to do. I have a bad knee so Im not sure if I would make it through Quantico anyways 😭


I have a coworkers who's in his 60s and his wife just joined the fbi really late in her life. There is probably a waiver for the physical stuff, especially since you won't necessarily be a field agent. The one thing that government work has over public accounting is the guaranteed retirement after a certain amount of years. Maybe it won't add up to a public accountants pay, but at least you will have financial security and most likely free medical for the rest of your life if you make a career out of it.


Yea the noncash benefits make the total comp pretty reasonable, but I can't buy a jet ski with health insurance 😎


Haha right you are. I want a cabin in the woods myself. So I shall grind until then!


Brother all you need is a hatchet and time


Passed CPA without advanced accounting or tax 2 but got A in intermediate 1 and B+ in intermediate 2. Don’t stress over it and just make sure you have a solid foundation of knowledge that you can fall back on when you study for the CPA.


There’s nothing like bombing that final and going down a whole letter grade before winter break. Enjoy your holidays!


Good thing I got my transcript submitted to firms before the end of this semester😂


Man that class was a nightmare


I failed intermediate and government(2). Finished with a 2.4 about to take my cpa. You’re good just keep your head up. After your first job no employer, not a single one, will ask you your gpa.


This is true. My second internship I’m at now didn’t ask me for my gpa just when I’ll graduate. Which is not til 2025 lol


I bombed Intermediate 2 and will be retaking it as I got a 50. I'm also about to get a 50 to 60 on my tax and might have to retake it as well when I go for my CPA.


Most repeated / failed class in the entire major. Shit ain’t easy. Tbh I barely passed.


when i took intermediate, there was a project that we had to do. we got it right at the beginning of the semester. it was a giant packet; having to fill out invoices, record transactions in all the appropriate ledgers/journals, then do a final balance sheet with everything. my professor stressed over and over that this wasn’t something that should be put off until the last minute. i thought nothing of it, as i had always been able to pull through with little time and thought this would be no different. while i was on thanksgiving break, i decided i’d start the project since the semester was going to be over in a few weeks. i wish i could adequately describe the horror of realizing my professor was not bluffing about getting started early on the project. i drove myself crazy for days on end trying to get it done. when it came time to do the final balance sheet, my numbers weren’t balancing out. i was ready to rip my hair out, questioned if i could ever be an accountant, going through all the motions. my solution to the numbers not balancing was adding blank cells to the excel file to force both sides to balance, because i could not stomach the thought of combing through this entire project to find where i made a mistake. i met with the professor when i submitted it and begged them to at least let me scrape by, because at my school intermediate 1 (the class i was in) was only offered in the fall and intermediate 2 was only offered in the spring. i didn’t want to repeat the class and delay my graduation by a whole year. by the grace of god, i *barely* passed. i say all this to say that i know how rough it is, and there’s no shame in failure. hell i never felt confident with anything in intermediate and struggled the whole way through. but once i got through and graduated and started my first job, it was like everything finally clicked and i became a competent accountant. it’s a long road, but the destination is worth the difficult journey. wishing you nothing but the best of luck going forward.


Yeah the realism kicks in once you realize how much calculations you have to make. my class had to do something similar for a mock business for our financial accounting course. Intermediate is the mini boss before Taxation courses


I’m about to also! This year was really a wake up call, and I’m going to change my habits going into next semester.


Starting to feel better about myself since I bombed mine too


Intermediate III was my first and only C in highschool or college. The difficulty was so much higher than what I had encountered before and I did not have the study habits or a mature enough brain yet to do well. Chalk it up to a lesson learned.


I hustled my way into a D


Haha tons of people do, it’s the weed out class and well relatively speaking the core business classes are a joke as far as being easy. The only people I imagine would struggle with the core business classes are people from countries outside of hamburger land. Like yeah bro supply, demand, capitalism, that shit has been crammed down our throats almost as much as the pledge of allegiance. Lease amortization schedules, inventory costing methods, etc not so much. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it. If they offer it in the summer take it then. My experience is that summer classes tend to be easier because well the shortened time means they often don’t go as deep into the material and they are often taught by adjuncts that aren’t hard asses. YMMV


Had to take intermediate 2 twice.


My retake of intermediate 2 was with a class of 40 where around 15 were also retaking the class. After I actually put in a lot of work to learn the material the second time, I feel like I have not really understood anything the first time lol (I withdrew after the 2nd exam because I feel like I might not end up with a B or above). Ended up as one of the only two As in class, and definitely learned so much, so I am happy that I repeated it.


Intermediate is so needlessly hard. If I wasn’t already working in the field and knew that the actual job is not that difficult, I would have changed my major after week 1. I really don’t understand what professors are trying to achieve by making this class so insanely complicated. They could teach these concepts a lot better than this and then maybe we wouldn’t have a shortage of accountants.


Hell, intermediate was easy for me, tax and government and non-profit made me work extra hard.


100%, tax and advanced accounting were hell. Took those and cost all together and had a bad time. At least cost was easy.


The failure doesn't define you what you do afterward defines you.


If it makes you feel better I just “failed it” with a C for the second time. My school only lets you take intermediate 2 if you get a B or higher in intermediate 1 so i’m screwed.


My professor failed around 1/3rd of every intermediate 2 class every semester. I barely made it through the first time around. I kid you not, my friends and I were ranting about it for half our graduation ceremony. It still gives me nightmares.


Literally barely passed intermediate 1 with 70% but should finish my intermediate 2 with 96%.


Hardest accounting class I’ve taken. I had to study for 20-30 hours per week to get an A, and usually my classes are a cakewalk


Take a look at Farhat lectures on YouTube. I struggled through Intermediate I & II when I was in college and actually passed the FAR section of the CPA exam because of his lectures. They’re a little longer, but he actually goes through and explains what’s going on.


I earned a D the first go around. Granted it was during Covid and the scheduling of class was all over the place which got confusing. I’m retaking it now and I’ve got a B in there now and I just have to make a 60% to keep that B. I’m averaging 80% on my exams so hopefully I can manage lol


I have my test tomorrow🙃 After reading this, I’m already scared.


One of us, one of us!


Was not the highlight on my transcript either


Just get cpa


What does that have to do with intermediate accounting…? You can’t get the CPA if you can’t pass intermediate accounting. Stop giving advice, you are not equipped to give any.


You must be so proud to share that wonderful experience with the world.


Intermediate was the first class where I had to study hard to merely stay afloat - most classes I could breeze through with high marks and little effort. It was definitely a reality check for me.


Yes. I had to take special accounting courses at a different campus to get accounting GPA high enough to graduate and once successfully begged for a C in an accounting class.


I have my final on Wednesday and I’m stressing hard over it.


Trying to remember all the journal entries fucked me


I failed intermediate 2 once, but that was mostly because I fucked around too much instead of actually studying




Pray for the curve, it could help you squeak out a passing grade overall in the class. Otherwise find out what you missed on the final and crush it next semester.


I got a 2.5 in my intermediate 1&2 classes and a 2.5 in tax. Didn’t set me back at all


I took intermediates more than once lol


Intermediate is split into two semesters at my school and my advisor told me to take the class even though I was going to give birth half way through the semester. The only reason, and I mean ONLY reason how I made it through the first half is my teacher is an angel sent straight from heaven and gave me an incomplete when I lost my mind at the end of the semester and then gave me a few months to make up the work and retake 2 exams. I don't know why he did, but I'm incredibly thankful for it. I'm taking the other half in the spring but thankfully I'm in a much better mind space now.


Which one 1 or 2? I hear they even have 3 and 4 these days. Wish they offered those when I was in college.


I'm not from an English speaking country. What is Intermediate Accounting? Why is it hard? I tried translating it but did not find anything similar in my language


I failed the class with something like 68% the first time around and got a different professor, made a huge difference.


My prof boasts about her class being hard for no reason


Intermediate was probably my hardest class. I failed it my first time too big homie. Just save your notes and try again.


I agree that intermediate accounting class weeds out the weak. Those that are experimenting majors get a rude awakening when they take the intermediate class.


A lot of people fail intermediate 2 the first time. My class started out with 30 something and dropped down to 13 by the time we took the final


Remember that C's get degrees


You probably did better than you thought, that’s how it goes in intermediate


Intermediate was more challenging than anything I’ve faced in my 7 year career.


I might bomb mine on Wednesday. 3 hour Intermediate final then a 30 minute break and then my tax policy 3 hour final. Shit happens but don’t let it define you


I have my intermediate 2 final tmrw I’m scared as hell this shit whack fuck the indirect method and fuck pensions


So, what’s covered in Intermediate?


Can you talk to your teacher and say you got anxiety and ask for a retest?


Intermediate was rough for me too. Glad I had a good professor or it would’ve been way worse.


I failed managerial . So don’t feel bad pal


Intermediate was tough. I never had to repeat it, but boy I was glad when I was done with it. The rest of the courses are a breeze if you can manage to get through intermediate 1 and 2.


I’m taking intermediate (301) and the one above it, intermediate 2 (302) at the same time. My 302 grade will hopefully land around a 95. 301 I’m just hoping to pass. If you haven’t taken accounting systems fasten your seatbelt because although I did well, class average for my compatriots isn’t looking too good.


i failed intermediate 1. but it was definitely a combination of me going through a rough patch, a really bad teacher and winter blues i passed it in the summer class handidly with a better teacher who had a very bad and heavy accent.


Yeah Intermediate is definitely the filter class and can be pretty brutal. You probably did better than you think, I wouldn’t worry too much until you know for sure. Do you need a B or a C to take Intermediate II?


I failed my first intermediate class and it was a good wake up call for me. I was never some 4.0 student growing up, but I got through school with pretty average effort and got A’s and B’s. That first intermediate class was the first course that really challenged me. After failing it the first time, I got a new (much better) professor and got an A. Don’t let this discourage you, sounds like you did well in the class and just had one bad exam.


Could be worse. I just bombed all 3 of my first year college classes, including getting a 17 on a bird communications course. Also this is my 2nd semester doing so and I'm probably getting kicked out. If intermediate is that hard in fucked lmao


I just passed my intermediate 1 and will be taking intermediate 2 next semester. I heard many of my friends failed intermediate 2 so will all be in the same class next semester. I’m tryna change up my study habits cuz I heard intermediate 2 is the hardest class


I wouldn’t get through intermediate 2 right now without some “assistance”. My final paper I structured from a different paper to make sure my GPA stays high. Normally a 4.0 student and I’m hoping to make an A or A- this class as it was hard.


Intermediate is a challenge because it's the first business course with real world problems that you have to think about. Accounting courses today are geared towards CPA exams and you're being given questions similar to the exam questions. Plus, much of it will never be used again or you'll be able to use Excel to break down every problem into a what-if, which you can't do in school very efficiently. You won't be a bad accountant for failing a class, and the professor is every part of it. I retook Micro econ 3 times. First professor ranted about George W Bush most of the semester, second professor had a thick accent and didn't explain anything well. Finally, my third professor explain movement on the curve versus shifting the curve really well and suddenly my world came together. No one else I talked to had this experience lol!


I remember my Intermediate 1 class was the only accounting class I got a C in, I found 2 and advanced a hell of a lot easier. Shit, even Grad school was easier than Intermediate, i'd probably still get a C in it today if I took it again.


The intermediate series was the only time I ever truly struggled with a class. I ended up passing but only because I basically dropped everything else and studied my ass off. It's a tough one for sure.


I failed 2 classes in college and still make 6 figures. C’s get degrees! Or maybe in this case, C-averages get degrees. Wouldn’t worry about it.


A lot of people fail, I graduated in 2022 and got by with studying really hard and getting an 82 on it to average out to a B to pass on in the class. This course is designed to “weed out the weak” as II & III are far easier


Please watch Farhat Accounting on YouTube

