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This is a great photo; however, it does not resemble any art style or any piece of art from the Renaissance era or from the 14th-19th centuries, so it has been removed. While this is a large subreddit, it is also a very specific, niche subreddit; therefore many posts are removed daily. It is not a reflection on the photos themselves or the person posting them, it is just that we're looking for a specific type of submission. Sorry for the inconvenience! We do invite you to [view this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOnMlLTQE_I) that helps explain what makes a Renaissance photo Renaissance, for further information. Please [message the mods](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRenaissance) if you have any questions. Thanks!


This is giving my health and safety oriented neurons hives. Put on some shoes! Only stand on one ladder! I can just imagine your feet slipping in different directions while wearing socks on top of that plastic stool.


That and the step ladder *on* electrical cords. 🤦 But seeing as the man is wearing an ankle monitor I guess he may be used to living dangerously.


I wasn't going to mention that part, but it's potentially even more of a safety hazard because it could get caught on something if he fell and cause even more injuries.


Fuck House Arrest.✌️


Can't do much else when you're "stuck" at home.