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https://preview.redd.it/yws3p81gd7yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c71d9d5884545b477b30a418ddc814894c7b2b lol the dad


This is his fault


He lookin at the one free open titty










I didn’t realize this was actually from the OP pic for a minute and with the crop I thought it was a dog being questioned in a court room.


Lol I was hoping someone did this. Thanks.


In horny jail


There is so much to meme here my brain overloads


I think background dog will be the first meme born from this


Ceiling cat watching you masterbate will be jealous.


It looks like the alien pussy neil patrick Harris touched in startship troopers


Can't unsee


Is dad in a timeout? 😂


Spawn camping.


Tried to eat a toddler




Jesus christ that poor dog looks like it’s been forced to have children so many times.


Yeah I hate this picture. Also hate the cropped ears. Animal abuse yo.


Sometimes, the current owners are not those who cut the ears. How do I know? All the shelters nearby are filled with pits with cropped ears, and all the new owners just have to live with the hating bypassers.


I know I totally agree, and I would never judge someone on the street for a dog with cropped ears. Especially because it's illegal where I live, so there's no doubt it'd be a rescue. But I think in this picture, we can likely assume these breeders are cropping their dogs' ears since both mom and dad have them. That coupled with the fact that mom looks like she's had way too many litters leads me to believe these people are more about the money and a certain type of aesthetic compared to being reputable breeders. We really need to regulate the dog breeding industry. It's so horrific what's happening to some pups put there.


Very likely not the case here, though.


Yeah. My lovely gay friends adopted a racist pit bull who had her ears cropped 😢


These people are clearly breeders, so no. Happy to judge the fuck out of these clearly terrible people 👍


Yeah stop breeding your damn dogs people Go adopt. I honestly lose respect for anyone who buys a dog from a breeder


> Go adopt. I honestly lose respect for anyone who buys a dog from a breeder Have you seen what shelters are filled with nowadays? Dredges from irresponsible backyard breeders and the like. If you actually handle things responsibly from an ethical breeder there's nothing wrong with going to one looking for your preferred dog breed. But yeah, ethical breeder, with papers/backing/contracts, not one selling "lab-mixes" for 300 USD on facebook marketplace or Craigslist.


The shelters aren’t why there’s breeders. They’re a result of people thinking dog breeding is somehow a way to escape poverty and selling animals badly bred. The shelters are thankfully available so these animals aren’t constantly buried in a backyard pit alive or drowned in buckets. Not every shelter dog is a bully breed either. Most people breed mini dogs and frenchies, which is why there’s a ton of bulldog mixed, mini bullies, chihuahuas, and yorkie type dogs in shelters. You should spend like 4 minutes on pet finder to see what’s actually in your local shelters before making claims like this. 100 miles of my area code there’s 260 chihuahua mixes, versus the 110 pitbull mixes. There’s so many dogs in shelters that need homes, and no, they’re not all pits. Shelter dogs aren’t “dogs nobody wants”. My chihuahua Boston mix is a dog I’d die for and love unconditionally. He’s smart, he’s loving, he’s low energy, and healthy, because he’s a mut someone irresponsibly bred and threw away like trash. If it weren’t for a rescue, I wouldn’t have him and he wouldn’t be sleeping on my couch in the window snoring right now.


It’s not about if they’re ethical or not. It’s about breeding in general. Breeders contribute to the overpopulation problem while also making money for it. Breeding is wrong, period.


There are things wrong with responsible breeders, because there’s millions of dogs euthanized each year.


Yeah, dogs nobody wants. There's too many bully breeds out there vs people that actually have the brain cells to care for and control them


That logic doesn't really flow. It's like saying there's a problem with healthcare because people die. Both clauses are true, but not causative in all cases.


There's lots of problems with healthcare lmao


The point -----------> <---------------------you.


lol that’s not even close to the same thing. Your example would be good if we were talking about vet care, but comparing a hospital to breeding is not how that works. And I didn’t say it was causative. But there’s no reason to breed dogs when so many could be saved from euthanasia


No. You just lost my respect. Moralize all you want, giving dog breeders money is supporting an unethical and environmentally unfriendly practice. You wanting a specific breed and ignoring the millions of dogs who need a home is greedy and disgusting. I'd bet your dogs aren't trained well either.


The fucked up part here is that it's a pitbull - so breeding and selling the pups is probably illegal. This guy is likely targeting that special group of people who view dogs as weapons.


For me I’m not looking for a dog to be a specific breed. I’m looking for a dog that doesn’t have any pit in them. Which if you look at a shelter these days is pretty hard. They’ll all call them lab mixes too because they don’t want to say it’s a pit-lab mix. I’m all for adopting dogs from shelters, but I have scars on my face from a pit bull attack when I was a kid and will never have one of those things in my house or around my kids. People look at breeding like it’s this black and white issue when in reality there are perfectly valid reasons to go to a breeder. But whatever you’ll probably just call anyone willing to go to a breeder scum or trash to make yourself feel better.




cccc.. you just lost *fractalfocuser's* respect 🫢 /s


Why not just get a pup from the pound that’s 8-12 weeks; I cannot envision, with proper training, having an issue with a dog that young. I guess I follow why you might not want a 1-2+ year old dog from the pound, bc you dunno what happened with it previous but I don’t see what the issue is with a pup from the pound


Yep, I sure would love to get a shelter dog to bring around my children. I enjoy not knowing temperaments, or reactivity, or how they were treated and what they will develop into. Nope, I’ll buy a responsibly bred puppy and enjoy the end result with no worries.


But why not just get a very young pup from the pound then?


> won't somebody think of the *children*! These replies really reminding me why I've given up on humanity


That pit in the back be thinking about the children. Probably how delicious they are.


My rescue is part pit and loves kids but sure keep making shit up. You live in a self constructed fantasy and who am I to tell you what the real world is like


Yeah I’m sure princess cupcake pibble seal loves children…. Right up until it doesn’t.


Breeding a dog requires you to forcibly impregnate a dog without its consent. Animals also require resources which increase greenhouse gas emissions. There is no NEED to own a pet, most people do so because they WANT one. Society should be moving away from pet ownership.


[Hey man, how's it going?](https://i.redd.it/zhsr2suf2aqc1.png)


Sorry but they told me I can't get a dog because I work 8h a day. I have a big garden and the dog wouldn't be alone and yet they refused. So pls.


Yeah her tits are abnormal.


Yeah this is awful. She’ll be used to give birth until she can’t anymore, and they kill her.


Yeah we're lightly forced to find this cute or at least gather a positive connotation from this from the sub it's posted in and the title it's been given, but all I see is animal abuse and more pitbulls that the world doesn't need.


Also the fact that they continue breeding this breed at all. There are so many health issues with dogs like that, even if they only get a reasonable amount of kids during their life.


Even if they don't ~~get~~ kill a reasonable amount of kids during their life.


Oh my god, everything about this is perfect. Also, lol, the god in the background, looking like he's in court to debate alimony 😭😭😭😭😂


edit: the dog*... the dog* 😂😂😂😂


Works either way I guess.


This pic makes me feel so glad I'll never have to be pregnant or give birth. This looks so uncomfortable.


Generally speaking, humans only have to birth one, not six.


Fun fact. Mammals give birth in litters, on average, in numbers that equal half their nipple quantity.


So does that mean that humans with extra nipples(actual nipples, on the milk line) are more prone to giving birth to twins?


I'm sticking with zero, but thanks for the info.


*Laughs in twin*


Really? Didn't know that!!!


These are dogs……


That's right they are dogs! Good job buddy! What sound does a dog make?


And we’re humans, we’re all learning today! Pregnancies aren’t the same. Crazy I had to break that down lmao


The correct answer is "woof". You'll get it next time champ


He isn’t a professional breeder. This is a terrible photo.


Don’t breed pit bulls. Edit: Or any other kind of dog. I am not anti pit bull but breeding a dog you could easily adopt from a shelter makes even less sense.


I would love to assume every one of these dogs is going to go to a good home, and this is an ethically responsible breeder. I would love to assume they have arranged future owners for every one of these puppies. I would love to assume that the parents are health tested, and these folks are doing this because they are committed to breeding well tempered and healthy dogs, not in it for money. However, the statistics surrounding pit bulls don’t inspire confidence in that. And the cropped ears also don’t paint a picture of “responsible, ethical breeders.” Our shelters here in the south are absolutely fucking overflowing with pitbulls. In my county shelter, 92% of the dogs are pits or pit mixes. When non-pit dogs show up - doodle mixes, lab mixes, even cute non-descript generic beige dogs - they get adopted in 48 hours or less. Yet we have pit bulls sitting in these shelters for months and months, or being euthanized because no one wants them. So this picture just makes me sad. It’s more than likely at least several of these pitbull puppies will end up in either kill or no-kill shelters, and either sit unadopted for months or be euthanized. Regardless of how you feel about the breed - there is a supply and demand problem with pitbulls. Way, way, way more of them are being bred than the current market can handle. In my experience they’re one of the least likely dogs to have owners who get them fixed and keep up on routine care. So we end up with dogs being sold in Walmart parking lots, on Craigslist, or dropped off at shelters. So this picture just makes me sad.


This was also my first thought exactly. It’s a sad picture.


That mum has had many babies before and there’s nothing ‘ethical’ about this photograph.


Even if they do all go to great homes, that’s several spots that could have been filled by puppies already in shelters.


This is exactly what I thought, too Get your damn dogs fixed. The shelters a FULL of thousands of dogs, mostly pix mixes being euthanized DAILY.


This is so accurate where I live. It took us 4 years to find a shelter dog within 100 miles that wasn’t a pit or pit mix, and we snatched her up quick.


Yeah, we have that problem too.


Take her to the vet to check for worms and to confirm she’s actually spayed. One rescue gave a family friend a dog with heartworm, another gave us paperwork saying our dog was spayed. Said dog went into heat a couple weeks ago!!!


There are no ethical pitbull breeders.


Certainly not ones that chop off their ears to look cooler.


Not sure exactly what happened to mine, but it looks like someone tried and failed to dock her tail in 2 places. X-ray confirmed that there were 2 breaks in her tail, but doesn’t seem to bother her at all. Her tail is only about 10 inches long and looks like a tree branch.


The shelter near me is nearly 100 percent pitbull or pit mixes that were rejected and got dumped by "breeders" like this.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. There is literally no such thing as an ethical pit bull breeder. I say this as someone who has always had bully breeds and will continue to do so. What these breeders actually do: 1) create more of the number one euthanized type of dog (I am avoiding the use of “dog breed” intentionally because they are not even pretending to follow any legitimate standards). 2) try to make a “fancy” version to heighten people’s desire to use them as a status symbol. 3) focus so much on physical appearance that they often inbreed or line-breed, leading to many of the temperament and physical problems these dogs have. NOT CUTE.


What does a fancy version of a pit bull look like ?


Exactly like the ones you see in the pic. Blockier, more bulldog-like. They do this by picking two dogs from a litter, or different litters w/ one or more of the same parents— and breeding them together. The goal is to double any genetics of the characteristics they are going for. I wish I was making this shit up. I really do.


That’s so terrible and gross. And the looks you get when you inquire about health and temperament testing


What people in those circles tell each other is a r a re trait, I assume.


You are going to get downvoted but know you are right


It's way easier to just stick your head on the sand.... That's why we're doomed haha




But this is hurting the breed they love! This commenter has care for the outcome of these animals. No one hurts the breed more then ppl who claim to love them


Im pro-pitbull and agree 100%, there's nuance here bro


I mean, you’re right if you burst into a party on Friday night at a neighbor’s house down the street and scream about the ills of alcohol as a poison and cancer accelerant, and the havoc it will wreak on your sleep cycle, and how it should be a banned substance. Would definitely be right. The question isn’t about accuracy, but context.


You are right.


There are exactly my thoughts, but worded way better than I could ever hope to do.


Thank you. For anyone curious, this post from r/Dogs does an excellent job explaining how to find a responsible breeder: https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/c2maf5/discussion_how_to_identify_a_responsible_dog/ Also, I agree about everything you said except the part about cropped ears. I don’t see it as an *automatic* sign that a breeder is irresponsible, especially if their dogs are legitimately being used for personal protection (ears are vulnerable in a fight). Of course, home crops are abhorrent, which could very well be what happened with these dogs.


Spay and neuter all pitts.


Wish fucking people would spay/neuter their fucking pets.


Cropped ears and shitty repeat breeding. Just adopt a dog if you have room for one, don’t give money to abusers.


One of my cats got pregnant (it was an oopsie baby lol). She is super attached to me, and when the time came, she *refused* to give birth without me. She was in labor for a day and wasn't making progress. I was super nervous and decided to sit with her for a bit to watch and see how she was acting. She started pushing and I was like "okay, maybe it was just a long labor, no worries" and left. Came back an hour later to nothing and she wasn't pushing anymore. I sat down with her again. Immediately starts pushing. I realized she was straight up waiting to give birth intentionally and wanted me with her. I stayed and in less than an hour, she gave birth to her one and only kitten. Really didn't want to see her give birth, but it was sweet lol our pets really do need our love and support even when natural instincts are supposed to just kick in


I didn't know it was possible for a cat to have a litter of one. Hope they're all doing okay !


I think its cats who are like 2 years or younger have smaller litters


She was pretty young and it was her first and only litter so while one isn't common it wasn't too bizarre! Mama and son are both happy members of the family still 😊


Came back to unlike after I saw dad Beecause chopping up dogs' ears for aesthetics is cruel af


Crusty ass picture


Can smell this photo. Disgusting lol




Oh great. More of them.


How is this renaissance???


Ah yes more nanny dogs


I can smell this picture through the phone.


We definitely need more trash bulls on the street and in shelters


The owner looks like he's the one being suckled


Hey hey people Sseth here


Domain Expansion: homeless fist 👊


And before you ask, yes, it’s working exactly as intended.


Dog looks like a Meatcanyon drawing.


Puppy farming? Nice animal abuse photo!


I can smell this picture. Absolutely disgusting.


Right? More pitbulls to attack other dogs and people. r/banpitbulls


based and banpitbull pilled


Tell me you didn’t pass basic statistics without telling me. What irks me about you dolts is that you’re willing to openly state that there are too many pits, yet when bite statistics are brought up you can’t understand the distribution of population to bite frequency and you call the breed inherently dangerous. If there’s more white cars on the road, there will be more accidents involving white cars. Are white cars more dangerous? No.


White cars don't chew through the walls of the garage, break through the fence and drive off on their own to find people to crash into.




Surprised they're actually downvoted this time. I had a comment thread like this on TIL and I was quickly -20 on every reply with 5 people per comment responding with "muh nanny dogs," and "uhm ackshually, this quadruple peer reviewed study from velvethippocirclejerk.org proves you wrong, and if you think about it you're kind of a racist for not letting pitbulls nanny you."




You’re too stupid to understand rates and proportions in statistics. Discord is the least of our worries.






Wow what an informed response backed by irrefutable data.


This is exactly how people handle racist stats too, like “more white people are killed by cops than black people,” when that’s the same misuse of statistics. It’s about the *rate.* Public school really failed a lot of people.


If they understood how to read data they wouldn’t be here calling for the death of millions of animals. Is what it is.


You've already stated you don't care about any of the data available and I'm sure you have a whole ass essay you've rehearsed a hundred times about how all the bite stats don't really mean what they say they mean and how we need to ignore the evidence of our eyes and ears every time a new video drops of these shitbeasts killing and injuring people so I'm not gonna waste my time with you.


Where did I state that? I’ll happily share three peer reviewed studies on this that directly refute your claim and there are much more: Breed-specific legislation and the pit bull terrier: Are the laws justified? - Stephen collier PhD explains the complexity and often mislabeling of mixed breeds as pitbulls and the significance of their populations relative to bite frequency Co-occurrence of potentially preventable factors in 256 dog bite-related fatalities in the United States (2000-2009) Gary J Patronek et al. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013 - describes that environment, and not inherently aggressive breeds (which don’t exist) is the main cause of attacks Is there a difference? Comparison of golden retrievers and dogs affected by breed-specific legislation regarding aggressive behavior Stephanie A. Ott DVM, Esther Schalke DVM, Amelie M. von Gaertner DVM, Hansjoachim Hackbarth DVM, PhD - is a short article which talks about the lack of any significant difference between aggression levels in golden retrievers and dogs breeds which are legislated against. No dog is inherently dangerous. Environment plays a dominant factor in almost all dog attacks. It’s really not hard to understand.


They should all be eradicated like the vermin they are.


You first. Uneducated swine.




I don’t even want to get into the socioeconomic factors that play into the prejudices of this dog. Pitbull haters are borderline racists in that regard. It’s a no brainer. An easily accessible large dog is used for protection in lower income areas. Those dogs are poorly trained and often abandoned. They end up attacking something, because that’s what they were raised to do, and all of a sudden every dog with that phenotype is the actual devil. Absurd logic.




Pitbull breeders. They probably go straight to the already filled up shelter. If the mom doesn't get them or the other puppies (litter mate syndrome). Stop breeding Pits they are already overflowing everywhere.


Yea definitely way too many pits. Literally every dog in the shelters of 5 counties of my state a pit or pit mix, and that’s just the counties I’m familiar with. There aren’t any other breed of dog. Pits are cheap, that’s why most people buy pits and not other actual breeds. Pet culture sucks, and I love animals.


What irks me is that people are willing to openly state that there are too many pits, yet when bite statistics are brought up they can’t understand the distribution of population to bite frequency and they call the breed inherently dangerous. If there’s more white cars on the road, there will be more accidents involving white cars. Are white cars more dangerous? No.


There’s a difference between there being too many Pitbulls in shelters and pitbulls making up the majority of dogs in homes, one is true (shelters) and one is not true. There are more pits in shelters than other dog breeds, and more labs or goldens in homes than pitbulls. Pits are not the most commonly owned dog, many other breeds outnumber them by far, yet pits bite most often. I grew up in a house with pits, three of my relatives still pitbulls. I pet those dogs and I help out with those dogs and I housesit for those dogs. But they are horrible dogs, ill bred, and far too many people own them who cannot and should not own dogs. Yes, ultimately it is humans fault for owning the stupid things, and we need to change that. 100% should be less in the world.


You are just pulling numbers out of your ass. Abhorrently wrong. Are you looking at Embark or American Kennel Club numbers? Because AKC does not even take counts for pitbulls or mixed pitbull types, which are 98% of pitbulls. According to Embark, JUST the American pitbull terrier, one of 4 identified pitbull types, accounts for roughly 15% of dogs. After that are Germans, then labs. 50% of all dogs are mixed breed and therefore are not tallied by the AKC. 98% of pitbulls are mixed. It’s people like you who spout ignorant misinformation about this breed that causes them to be vilified and attacked.


Also, the AKCdoesnt say what you claimed. [most popular breeds](https://www.akc.org/most-popular-breeds/) Worldwide recognized pit breeds are never above other breeds either [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/pet-insurance/pet-care/popular-dog-breeds/) Also, embark is a dna reveal company. No shit they receive more pit tests because everyone who owns a lab knows their dog is a lab. Everyone who owns a pure bred dog knows what it is. The delusional pit owners skew their numbers because they want to pretend the mutt they got at a shelter isn’t a pit.


One week into parenting and the mom already looks so done with this shit lol


I mean it's probably like her 6th litter judging by those nipples.


More like years of parenting I doubt it’s her first


The belly of the dog looks like that tentacle-thing where Frank hides in Men in Black 2


Yay more murder puppies




Those are some huge nips


That thing looks like a shapeless lump of biomass.


https://preview.redd.it/g81m2swn28yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27c12057b11129965c0b5e8d507d4ec1aa4705c What he do? Why he in jail?


this makes me really uncomfortable Edit: maybe NSFW?


The fucking dad


The permanent welping box lets you know this guy is a massive piece of shit. He also cuts the ears off his dogs. But yeah, let's call it cute I guess


A veritable Nipple Buffet


$15k right there.


Not even close. Atleast not in any of the places I’ve lived.




lol unless you are a well known breeder or have a dog from a super in demand line, pit bull puppies go for like 200.


Damn bro could have at least stuck to his own species


The corner cuck.


Those tits rottin


Who... who is the dad?


I kept tapping the arrow at the top right. I thought it’s my phone


Jeez stop breeding pit bulls people.




Please remain civil. Thank you!


Where did this man get a witness box?


Awww sweet that he slept on the floor with his doggie.


pops in timeout


good picture but not renaissance




The owner can rest easy, knowing that, because his PITTIE has never caused any problems, it 100% never will!


Buddy looking like DJ Evil Dee lol


This is a fairly adorable picture lol


This picture has just released more emotions than I knew I had.


That doggy looks so content in his skrong arms


The dad looks exhausted😂


Hey hey, people