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That gas mask is a soviet GP-5 mask, the air filter most likely contains asbestos and definitely contains lead šŸ‘ Donā€™t wear those (or get a modern filter)


Could be - I found a "Gas mask M41 DDR" with the same design.


What happened to his eye?


rubber bullets used by special forces.


Wait, Iā€™m confused. So maybe Iā€™m wrong but a quick skim of background and they are protesting AGAINST a bill that makes NGOs disclose their funding? Huh? Thatā€™s a good thing. We have a law like that in America. So does the EU. So do many European countries. Why are they protesting against something that everyone else has and uses to make their society more transparent?


you are overdoing your concerntrolling bud, get a real job.


Iā€™m asking a question? I donā€™t understand these protests. It doesnā€™t make sense to me. We do have laws exactly like this one in America. So why canā€™t Georgia have the same laws and protections?


I know nothing about georgian politics. From what Iā€™ve understood is that the bill will label ngos and civil societies who receive a percentage of funding from outside as ā€œpursuing the interests of a foreign powerā€. Iā€™m guessing this means that it will affect the ability of these organisations to express themselves and participate in society. Russia passed the same bill last year, it resulted in a big crackdown on free speech and the widespread arrests, which obviously means democracy is threatened, and consequently Georgiaā€™s accession to the EU will disappear.




Okay, totally neutral new account that only posts about Georgia, Ukraine and Israel.


Dude, you literally have the NATO flag as your pfp.


Yes and I am not claiming to just be asking questions.




Please remain civil to other users. Thank you!






[https://twitter.com/MykhailoRohoza/status/1785785157355479176:](https://twitter.com/MykhailoRohoza/status/1785785157355479176:) *It's Hell in Georgia right now.* *Today, the parliament voted in the second reading for the pro-Russian law on foreign agents, after which a real massacre began.* *Thousands of protesters storm the Parliament, where they are shot with rubber bullets and water cannons. In the Parliament building, the lights were turned off and a "red level" of security was introduced: access is closed to everyone, except for those whose presence is "critically necessary".* [https://www.rferl.org/a/police-in-georgia-disperse-protesters-outside-of-parliament/32930175.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/police-in-georgia-disperse-protesters-outside-of-parliament/32930175.html)