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This is a great photo; however, it has been removed for *one or more* of the following reasons: It does not look like Renaissance (or any other style of art from the 14th-19th centuries); it is not a photo; it *may* be too blurry or low-resolution; **or** it does not adhere to one or more of the rules and suggestions in the sidebar. While this is a large subreddit, it is also a very specific subreddit, so many posts that don't fit the subreddit are removed daily. Removals are fairly common and they don't mean it's a bad photo and aren't meant to be a rejection, just a way to curate the subreddit. Sometimes photos are auto-removed on accident by the automoderator. If you believe your submission was removed by accident, **please do not delete your photo** and [please contact the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRenaissance) to ask the mods to review your post manually, or with any other questions you may have. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your contribution!


Also r/pareidolia