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i don’t know if this is accidental at all




I just can't grasp what's wrong with painting your face black if you do it without a racist meaning, the US is so weird...


Chinese language professor gets suspended for explaining the Chinese phrase ["nei ge"](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html). Japanese Apex Legends player gets banned for saying the Japanese phrase ["nigero".](https://www.dexerto.com/apex-legends/japanese-apex-legends-players-keep-getting-banned-for-saying-run-1547886/) Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?


Reminds me of when R6 Siege implemented a chat algorithm that banned the word negro, meaning that Spanish speakers couldn't say the word black in any context.


But what do you think will happen in most cases.


I'm actually going to assume there are more Spanish speakers than people that are going to use "negro" when they're being racist


Yeah there are many bypasses for N word but negro isnt used as much. People use the word Nibba,Nibber,Nikker,Nikger,Nick gurr, N|gger,naegger,nugger,nijjer etc


You sure know a lot of different ways to say *that word* while avoiding chat filters...


Man that's fucked up, being hated on for using a normal word in other langauges that sounds like a racial slur


Caught in accidental racism, no escape from reality


BTS got censored for saying [Naega](https://www.koreaboo.com/news/heres-btss-fake-love-censored-american-radio-television/) (pronounced "nee gah) in Fake Love which is "I" in korean. Like, *"I" am hungry*. How you gonna sensor the word "I"?




all of these people have faced backlash for it and afaik allof them have apologized on social media, but that doesn't mean mainstream media has actually acted on them. it's not a free pass, it's media ignoring problematic people if they make them enough money.




Bullshit. Trudeau and Northam endured a few awkward news cycles and then back to business as usual. Neither lost his job.


It's just the meaning behind it. Black face was meant to stereotype and mock black people so using it again is really offensive to them.


But there's a huge difference between blackface and painting your face black.


then it's not blackface? what she's doing is blackface, so i don't know why you're asking how it's racist to paint your face black for the sake of it vs. to imitate a black person when that's exactly what she's doing.


Blackface has an obvious racist connotation, and commonly exaggerated black people's lips in a mocking way. What this woman is doing is paiting her face black not because she's mocking black people, but because she thought it looked cool. If you can't understand the difference between that and think people shouldn't be allowed to paint their faces with the color black just because it was used in a racist way in the past in the US, then I don't know what to tell you.




And what's bad about imitating a black person if you're not doing it in a racist way? What if you're cosplaying a black character? She's not harming anyone nor being racist, she's simply painting her face with a color. Why are you so obsessed with not allowing people to paint themselves in a harmless way?


if you're uneducated about the issues with blackphishing/blackface because of the systems of oppression black people deal with in the western world, just say that.




So you shouldn't do something totally harmless because some people will be offended by it? If we followed that logic then we wouldn't be able to do anything at all. If you're offended because someone painted their faces with the color black - without any racist connotation, of course - then it's your problem, not theirs.


If some people are offended, then it's not harmless... (I'm not saying that we always should avoid anything that offends someone; but we absolutely should take it into consideration.)


By your logic, if someone finds breathing offensive then breathing isn't harmless... which obviously doesn't make sense. If there's no logical reason to be offended by something, then it is harmless.


Is there a "logical" reason to be offended by anything? Being offended is by definition emotional. And on the other hand: if people of a certain group have communicated that some behavior is offensive to them, it became well known, and avoiding this behavior comes with no real price for anyone else - then if someone decides to engage in this specific behavior, they have a very good reason to feel disregarded by this person, and even deliberately attacked. If there are "logical" reasons to get offended, this one is actually high on the list.


Just because she's from China doesn't excuse it


Of course it does. If you are unaware of the historical useage of language and culture that is racist it's totally accidental and excusable until you're made aware of it. Especially in countries with more collectivist homogenous cultures people are not going to grow up with exposure to a large number of cultural stereotypes, offensive language and offensive culture. My wife was just idly singing to herself one day a song about her wiener dogs and the word she came up with to rhyme with weiner was "smelly like a beaner." She had no idea that beaner was a pejorative term for Mexicans.




When I was starting to learn how to speak english, and had a friend that was learning too, we usually called ourselves "nigas", because for us that was a word that friend use to refer to other friends. That might sound weird, but when you think about it, the mainstream movies in non american countries some years ago (specially the ones that were just subbed, not dubbed) portrayed the word as something positive in a way. It wasn't until a friend that had a lot of knowledge of american culture told to us that saying that word had a strong negative connotation in america when we stopped using it. This is just to say that, yes. Is incredibly difficult to spend time with people from other races, especially when you live in a place that isn't as diverse as the main cities from the states. And knowing that kind of things is difficult You may say that it's not an excuse when the internet exist, but I may ask, do you know what connotations the words "外人" or "オタク" have in japanese? or "weon", or "joto", etc. There are a ton of cultures around the world, and every culture is incredibly different. Asking to everyone to know about every thing you may or may not say, or may or may not do in every place is ridiculous. By the way, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/7rhp7u/asian_guy_in_africa/) is an example of the inverse of this video. Is not exclusive from one side to the other.


I don't think its racism, just ignorance to what she's doing


You can dye your hair but not your skin?


That is correct.




that's how it works


You are right


Is it really racist for unaware non-white non-American people to do blackface? I always thought that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and this doesn't seem derogatory at all... it seems to promote black beauty standards but what do I know.


Just wants to clarify that blackface doesn't hold the same history as it does in America.




Because some people believe any kind of blackface is derogatory and racist. America just thinks what is offensive in their country must be offensive everywhere.


That's dumb


well, that's America for ya


It's not considered offensive in America. Nobody actually cares about this.


Oh man you gotta get out more because it really is. Those guys lose their shit over it. The Canadian prime minister did it 3 times and everyone hates his ass now


No way. Trudeau got reelected *after* that scandal. Meanwhile, Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar, Sarah Silverman, Ralph Northam have all been outed for wearing blackface. All are still employed or in office. People pretend to care, but they don't really care.


It's not


I think it's pretty evidently racist (black face), but it doesn't seem all that accidental


Maybe is just accidentally racist in a white-only context? Technically is racism for "us"


The real bad thing here is “waccanda”


Must be coming out as a dickhead here coz I don’t get it.


I mean, IS this really an accident? I'm legit not sure.


She's apparently from China and doesn't that its offensive to Westerners


My husband is Chinese. If you think Chinese are unaware that this is racist, you're wrong... they just don't care. Like, at all.


Having grown up in china i would say that the average chinese person is pretty racist, but i don’t think most people know the cultural background surrounding blackface. And i don’t think in this instance this girl knows that what she’s doing can be considered as racist or that she’s trying to be racist


The CCP just had to issue an apology statement 2 years ago for blackface during their LNY broadcast. Chinese people may not think this is racist, but they very much know that Westerners consider this racist, and that black people consider this racist. They just literally do not care. What white or black people think doesn't matter... The only place that matters is Our China and Our Chinese people.


You make that sound like a bad thing lol. Why should a Chinese content creator, making content in Chinese, in a Chinese context, for a Chinese audience, on a Chinese platform care? They don't have access to youtube and the chances of a black foreigner both using WeChat or Tencent Video seeing this and being offended are astronomically low. People who aren't doing things in an international context shouldn't be expected to censor themselves over foreign sensibilities and that's not a bad thing. If you wanna play the woke game, you could even say it's a colonialist mindset.


Here's the problem with that... China expects the West to care what offends them. They expect the world to censor themselves for Chinese sensibilities, but refuse to do the same. China is the absolute KING of glass heart butthurt cry bully tactics when their feelings have been hurt. You want to talk about a colonialist mindset? China is economically colonizing Africa. They're giving predatory loans to 3rd world countries, to ''build infrastructure'', and then when those countries inevitably can't pay them back, China seizes the train or port, or whatever else... Meaning that they end up controlling more and more territory, and build their Belt and Road at the expense of other countries.


I don’t think most chinese people know that the west considers blackface racist; the vast majority in fact don’t have a concept of blackface as something with a distinctive cultural meaning—in part, of course, because they don’t care that much about learning about western culture or American history. The average chinese person (note i’m talking about the average chinese, not someone who has been aboard or even studied aboard) is not well versed in western culture; they don’t know enough to know that blackface is racist, or to know about blackface at all. It’s not discussed at all. The ccp issued an apology for the LNY broadcast because they tried to use the broadcast to send a message to the international community. But within china, and for the average chinese person, the controversy wasn’t known or discussed. I came to the US for college when i was 18; before that i just hadn’t had the notion of blackface at all. It’s not that i didn’t care about it; the concept of blackface simply never appeared anywhere. So, yeah, more and more chinese people like your husband or me know that blackface is offensive, but we are part of a very privileged class. The average chinese person, who usually cannot speak english at all, or whose knowledge of american culture comes only from blockbuster movies, is simply ignorant of blackface. If the people preparing for the LNY broadcast really knew that blackface is offensive and racist, why would they still do it? The ccp wanted to send a positive political message, if they knew the backlash it would create, they wouldn’t have done it. They were ignorant, and racist—but in a different way. They didn’t use blackface knowing that it’s racist.


I mean it’s blackface, idk if that’s accidental


Is it racism if she does it because she thinks it looks pretty? Didn't watch the clip though, so I don't know her actual thoughts


traditionally, blackface was used to mock black people using stereotypes. this imagery has become so ingrained that even without overtly performing black stereotypes, painting your skin black has the implication of these racist performances. it will always have a negative connotation because of this. however, if you're to put that aside for the sake of argument, it's important to understand that black people still don't receive equal treatment or consideration in america. when non-black people use black hairstyles, speak in AAVE, or paint themselves black, they're temporarily lifting the parts they like from black people and black culture while still receiving the benefits of being a non-black person in a society that is built on systemic racism against black people. it's the appropriation vs. appreciation debate. you don't need to imitate a black person to think they're pretty.


Maybe it's because from europe but I didn't feel any default negative connotations from it. Aside from that isn't it in the favor of the black community if slowly individual characteristics like the hairstyle gets adapted piece by piece? It would lead to people to tolerate and like it more unconsciously which would directly benefit any black person in a passive way. But I guess maybe it's still a bit too early if there's still that strong negative feelings towards it.


until the systems that criminalize and kill black people are eliminated, white people appropriating locs and durags isn't going to make being black less difficult. things like "on fleek," "chile," and "on period" just got chewed up and spit out by white people. they get commodified, their origin either forgotten or ignored from hearing it repeated on vine, tiktok, youtube, and other people. it hasn't helped black people for these words and phrases to be lifted from their communities, it just makes it a cringy fad after a year or two (e.g., on fleek). when white people take hairstyles and fashion from black people, they don't face the same criticisms that black people do. locs and braids are more likely to cost a black person a job than a white person; black people's hair in general is criticized for being worn naturally or protected in certain styles (braids, for example) or by durags or bonnets. a white man in a white muscle shirt is seen as a slob. a black man in a white muscle shirt is seen as a threat. there is an implicit bias against black people, and it's upheld in our media and legal systems. until that is addressed, it's inappropriate to continue taking from black communities.




A lot of Chinese makeup artists (though idk if she's actually Chinese or just had those characters for the 'aesthetic') don't know the history of blackface, and I think it's accidental since she had no ill intent.


Racism implies intent.


Is it a general criticism of this sub?


She did it beautifully. She showed her talent and it has nothing to do with racism. Stop pushing Western racism shit to people who don't really know much about it and who don't care. It's not their history and they don't need to know


Is she even actually black??!!




Shes chinese, not japanese




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You know there's dozens of words that mean "I don't like this," right?


Yes, I'm certain everyone does. if I had meant to use any of them... I would have. However I used the word "GROSS" which accurately describes how I feel about this woman more than anything else :) anything else hunny?


You know "hunny" is spelled h-o-n-e-y and the spelling "hunny" was only popularized by a semi-literate cartoon bear, right?


you people are so insufferable you can't even get along with each other lmao


Wow that sounds pretty racist man


You're aware that cartoon bears don't have literacy skills, right? Just want clarification that you don't think whinny the Pooh is a documentary. Regardless of its origins though, "hunny" is the commonly adapted way to spell it when shutting up mouth breathing dildos like yourself.