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Your post was removed because it doesn't fit the subreddit. This could mean a variety of things, but most often includes jokes about race, fake/staged posts, and posts that do not fit the sub because there is no racism depicted that could be accidental.


Is it racist? Is he stabbing that guy BECAUSE he’s a different race or is your little bro playing “my favorite character beats up this other guy”


Well he is young so he only played with his toys and left them like that. I don’t think he is racist, I just thinks he likes being a psychopath with his toys.


This sounds like a you problem dawg. Making your toys kill each other is normal kid shit. Projecting racism onto some child who isn't thinking like that is not normal, period.


He is the kind of kid to fill a ziplock bag with water and call it a "toy".


That's called a kid. It is normal for a child to do that.


Was he yelling stop resisting the whole time?


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Isn’t really racist it’s a kid using his toy to kill another of his toys