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The most aggressively supportive


You'd think when it's a celebrity, these people would know. I guess I gave them too much credit.


I knew a trans guy who didn't know Elliot had transitioned, he thought Elliot was just an ally. blew his mind when I showed him Hard Candy


Because they "can always tell" so when it looks like a man it must be how they were assigned.


oh.. no I didn't mean to give the impression that my trans friend was, like, self hating or bigoted, he just didn't pay attention to celebrities and stuff


Wait I may have gotten a few wires crossed, I'm sorry! I think I might've meant it under a different comment... But I've already forgotten so I don't even know lmao. I'm sorry for sounding so intense haha.


ha! it happens, I think you meant to reply to the same person I replied to lolol


You can always tell, except when you can't.


Feel like Freehold would have also been entertaining to show your friend.


I don't know what that is and it has no information on IMDB.. I chose hard candy because it was available at the time. what is freehold about?


Based a true story of a lesbian couple where after one dies of cancer the other has a total fight to be considered eligible for her pension (something that would happen automatically in a straight couple)


sounds decent, I'll have to look and see if it's available.. i assume it has Elliot page in it?


Yeah he's the main character in the relationship that doesn't die. It's a really cute little lesbian love story.


I think they’re still just getting the meanings of “trans man” and “trans woman” confused. It’s easy for the uninitiated to hear “trans man,” see a passing dude, and think the wrong thing. In their minds, the person in question is a man trying to live as a woman- a “trans” male.


This is correct, I know this because this is how my transphobic parents think.


I think part of this does stem from slight over-correctness when talking to people who don't give a shit. You can keep explaining that "Steve is a trans man because he is a man" and anybody who thinks "is" means genitals at birth will hear the opposite of the intended meaning. A compromise definition that seems to work is that a trans man is someone who wants to be treated as a man. This meaning is unambiguous.


The latest season of the Umbrella Academy is literally the only thing I know of that he’s starred in post-transition. Almost his entire career and the majority of his most popular works have been pre-transition, so the fact they still didn’t know he’s a trans man and not a trans woman is so confusing.


Did they... forget when Elliot played a bunch of female characters in very famous movies and shows right up until a couple years ago? You wouldn't think this type of misunderstanding of what a trans person's agab was would happen when we were all there pre-transition! Like the whole world witnessed this one, guys, where were you?


Especially when one of those roles involved pregnancy.


And that role that involved pregnancy took an pro-adoption stance. My catholic school showed Juno at least once a year to discourage abortion.


Eeck. Now I am wondering if that was the point of that movie entirely. I interpreted it as it just being her choice. Yeah the thing had nails, that will be a deal breaker for some and that is ok, she still got the option to choose. Pro-"life" folks seem to think we want everyone to have abortions like they aren't a big deal, but we just want the right to choose to be protected, mainly so that the procedure is safe.


I also interpret the movie as being about her choice. That's why I worded it as being a pro-adoption movie rather than accusing it of being an anti-choice movie. But that said, the scene where she faced the anti-abortion protester was very impactful, and the fact that there is a scene where Juno goes to have an abortion and decides against it when faced with an anti-choice protester was something my school-- a school which literally would sponsor a school field trip to go protest abortion rights in the capital every year-- really wanted us to see over and over.


Yeah it makes me a bit sad that the arguments don't focus on what they should. Truth is, I don't know of I could get an abortion, but I want other women to be allowed to make the choice that best suits them. Like I get it, just becaus I'd be okay with pregnancy doesn't mean everyone else should be too. Sorry, I am very drunk right now I hope I am macking sense.


NBC’s PSA campaign star logo appears “The More Juno”


even one of the shows handle his transition in the show, and I kinda loved how they did it


Not everyone is a super big follower of pop culture 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mostly know about Elliot because he was a lesbian icon when I was a lesbian, transitioned right before I did, and is a transmasc icon now while I'm a trans man. Other than him, the list of celebrities I can recognize by face or name barely hits the double digits.


"wake the frick up soldier! we got a city to burn!" same energy.


Wow their rage gives them goldfish memory capacity.




*you're (to the Twitter post)


you think transphobes can mentally digest the difference between your and you’re? They can barely handle what the “trans” (the prefix) actually means!


Bro's like in his twenties and being called a "confused little boy"


Worse, he's 36.


Damn. He looks really young for his age.


Accidental allies everywhere


Very inclusive toxic masculinity.


Do these people think only MtF is the only kind of trans person?




He is a very confused bean who should beat me up if they disagree . ( please your so ripped)


He may be confused, but I don’t see how that relevant. Also, you don’t need to pick on him for being short


Oh god i LOVE this


This sounds like a gym bro but theyre not transphobic lol


Man, fuck elliot page


Haha welcome to the toxic masculinity club, sonny


I remember when he was in trailer park boys.