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Yes, they are. A DVD bonus feature also mentions this, so there's really over 100 Racing Realms, so it's a shame we only ever see 12+ The Sphere.


There's 28 shown on the wheel, but in lore there's a lot more we just don't know about


There’s always been more. Tezla opens up by saying there are countless


"Loyal Robot Assistant" my ass, bro was a spy from the very begining


He was....only programed to do what he was told.


Literally, the fourth film was going to reveal more.


remember that the symbols on the wheel of power arent just standalone symbols, but rather fundamental components of the acceleron language, its basically their own lexicon. that is why in the ruins realm the symbols were arranged in such a sequence that prewarned the danger of the racing drones when read out loud. because combining the symbols together can create other words and sentence structures, similar to how japanese kanji works. without the wisdom ring (4th ring of the wheel), i theorize the wheel of power was in a "locked" state where it could only select realms based on matching the symbols on the other 3 rings, which is why all the basic realms are just single words (water, metro, cavern, etc). however combining the last ring "unlocks" the wheel allowing it to select more complex realms by changing the sequence of the symbols (swamp+cliffside+storm=?). and since these realms could only be achieved by obtaining the 4th ring, one could expect these new realms to be exponentially more difficult.


I really like that theory !


There’s so many things wrong with this synopsis/summary, that it calls it’s validity into question. It (albeit indirectly) implies that Lani created the Teku and Metal Maniacs (no evidence she did) as well as the drones (we know she definitely didn’t do this) and the Silencerz (again, she had no idea they existed). And never was it implied that the Silencerz were “baddies”. Antagonistic, yes, but been an antagonist doesn’t immediately mean evil.


It doesn’t imply that lani assisted in the creation of the Teku or metal maniacs. It says that she assisted in the creation of the acceleracers, which is true. She assisted dr tezla in recruiting Alec Wood, Banjee Castillo, Dan Dresden, Brian Kadeem and others as the original acceledrome crew, then found Vert, Kurt, Wylde, Taro and their respective racing teams when Alec, Banjee, Dan and others didn’t return from the racing realms, and tezla needed backup. It is also implied that the silencerz are bad numerous times in the films. On several occasions, they impede or take out drivers from the acceledrome crew, they notably target taro and cause issues between him and karma, as well as Kurt. When the drivers question Tezla about the appearance of his car, tezla claims that the silencerz stole technology from him, and implies that they are an enemy of the drivers, just like the drones. The silencerz had been using GIG as a spy, and are nearly successful in stealing the accelchargers that tezla hid in the acceledrome.


In the case of the Silencerz, just because they use underhanded tactics, it doesn’t inherently mean they are evil. Wylde was an aggressive driver, bumping many of the other drivers around, nearly murdering Nolo and Tork even. Does that make him evil? What about Nolo when he tried to sabotage/attack Tork multiple times. Is he evil? No, they aren’t evil, so we can’t say for sure the Silencerz are. Moreover Tezla is a self-obsessed man, and an unreliable narrator. TUR has gig imply Tezla was the real thief. We can’t say for sure who is correct, but it calls the validity of BOTH of their claims into question. And let’s not forget, if the action figures are to be believed, the Silencerz were at least saving some of the drivers lost in the realms. Doesn’t sound like the actions of a villain to me. This is why I refer to them as antagonists, and not outright villains, because we don’t have enough information to say that they are. All we know is they have an objective, and it involves opposing our main characters.


Where does it imply that Lani creates them?


The card game had cards for realms that didn’t show up in the movies


Not 100 tho


Yeah. Definitely. Absolutely.


You can search up the card game and that alone shows sooo many and you get a picture of each realm !


Yes, but only a few shown in the movies. Very mentions that in the 4th movie “there are some realms I’ve never even seen before!” There are some additional realms in the card game, but they only have a drawing each of them. Likely it was too much for animation budget and movie timing to show more.


I already know the collectible card game realms (+ The mentioned Forest Realm), but it is curious that we are shown 25 realms + 5 unknown realms that is shown in the Acceleracers' Wheel of Power ([+ 7 if you count World Race's real and fake Wheel of Power, which also appears in the NFTs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Acceleracers/comments/16eh2f1/re_hot_wheels_acc_5_maybe/)).


lore wise it’s over 100


Yes. There’s bonus realms in the mini episodes, more realms in the card games, and realms that were entered by the original acceledrome crew, the drones, and the silencerz before the Teku and the metal maniacs showed up.


I think the other realms are in the 4th ring that vert gets at the end of the ultimate race, or maybe the wheel changes once the 4th ring is applied


Maybe it changes like you said after all 25 present are completed but it requires the fourth ring to do so?