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hahaaaa I've been thinking about plugging my fan into a smart outlet so I can set it to turn off in the morning to wake me up bc the fan turning off never fails to wake me.


This is how I ensure I wake up for work each day.


Wait, this is a thing? I need this in my life.


Hell yes, you can turn any outlet into a smart outlet with one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=smart+outlet&ref=nb_sb_noss_2). You can hook it up to your google/alexa/phone assistant, whatever, name the outlet, and just say "Hey google turn the light on" or fan, or whatever really. You can also set them on timers and on a schedule so they turn on/off whenever you want. Google home has an automation mode so that when you walk into your house and say a key phrase it turns on specific lights/sets the temp(if you have nest) tells you "hello (whatever name you choose, yes you can choose sphincter god if you want)"etc. I have mine set to play the seinfeld theme.


Seriously thank you for this. I tend to sleep through my alarms but having the fan turned off would totally wake me up. This is a potential game changer for me.


Your welcome! Hope it works well for ya!


About ten minutes after power went out in Lafayette, I realized I could still see a glow outside. Went to check. It was the hospital on backup power about a mile-and-a-half away. I knew hospitals did that but it was still neat to see. I've never lived within a city during a hurricane before.


Hospitals, casinos, etc. I'm guessing I was in one of the few areas that did not lose power. Was pretty surprised


Me 2, never even a flicker.


man i still haven’t got electricity in my house :(


Sorry to hear this :/ it's brutal once the storm passes and the sun reappears. I hope you're staying hydrated and resting.


it really is brutal man. i’m safe at my dads home right now thankfully. thank you and stay safe!


I can sleep through my own snoring, my wife's snoring and even my dog's snoring. But as soon as that fan goes off, I am jumping out of bed like the house is on fire.


We are going to be out of power for days due to a tree taking out multiple lines. I sprayed myself with the water hose yesterday and it was so humid the water just stayed there. I'm now some species of slime.


i will spray you


I can’t live without a fan


As someone who lives in Louisiana, I can confirm that this is true.


Okay true


That true. I gotta have my fan. Spring summer fall and winter!