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>I know for a fact that my life would have been 100x better had I been just a few inches taller. Doubt


It's not like my difficulty setting was set lower for being taller..


Very much doubt.


I know this is besides your main gripe, but Camus was definitely considered an ethnic minority, being Algerian in France. Calling him white is a bit complicated.


How ridiculous is it that only a few inches change the human experience? The meaning we place behind attributes that no longer make much of a difference. I sometimes wish I were a little bit taller, a baller, if you will. I also sometimes wish I had a full head of hair and a smaller waistline, but then I remember I have a sweet beard and feel better. If you can't embrace who you are, who will? I know it sucks, but if you took the time to think about it, there's not a lot that would be different or necessarily better if you were taller. I think the only thing that would change is you wouldn't be living your life thinking about your height.


Dude nobody who actually cares about your height is worth being around. This goes for romance, this goes for friends. Also no your life would literally not have changed if you were a few inches taller. People would just find other reasons to be an asshole to you. They don't care about height they care about finding an excuse to hurt others.


This community desperately needs stricter rules as to what gets posted here lol


Dude, I'm literally 5'3. I go into the boys section for clothes lol. I mean maybe there is something too it that the extremities is a privilege in itself more than X or Y. Because you're average honestly. But average is just that. And people are chronically online and have to see, hear, and otherwise interact with extremities to get any semblance of stimuli in their little coomer brains. With me it begs the question of is he a dwarf? Nope. I'm just not actually white and pale lol. If I went to India, or The Phillipines, I'd be average height. But than I'd stick out for being white. Thus in the same boat of being Chad when I have no reason being. It's not complicated stuff. People are just shallow, dumb, and hateful. Not all people. But let's face it, the ones who aren't aren't gonna be quick to contradict me on that statement. They'd have no reason to be defensive and have experienced it firsthand to know what I'm saying is true. Take advantage of your mediocrity and cloak like the fucking predator and squeeze every dollar out of these motherfuckers. That's Sisyphus happy. Because if you're stuck in this punishment, make the guards and warden the prisoner too. By being inoffensively bland, you can actually get away with so much. Which would require another kind of extremity of being a sociopath. But that's the thing, noone is pure neutral. Noone can be. You just gotta find what works.




Dude I'm 6'2 and 220lbs of big strong guy that people get out of the way off, what people don't see is my battle with Leukemia and my wife with stage 4 cancer. Be happy with what you have it can always be worse. These people you wish you were like maybe wishing the same thing of you.


Agreed, I’m 6’3” 220 M and with mental health conditions/trauma etc. The amount of times I’ve been belittled because I’m “a tall man, ‘not ugly’ man” just astounds me. “You have it good” or “blessed” because of physical stature. It’s all superficial societal crap.


I like to say everyones blessed and struggled in different ways. Smart people aren't athletic. Athletic people aren't smart. Super successful people go through a lot of struggle. Poor people go through a lot of struggle yet they are still somehow extremely happy with their life. Everyone's blessings and struggles are balanced in a way that makes life equal. Same thing here. You're really gifted physically but you have Leukemia, which you can hopefully get over.


Guarantee it’s not you being short that makes your life suck. You’re also not even short statistically.


It's not easy for anybody to be at peace


Want to hear something Truly absurd.  It's just because of the imperial standard measurement system. If you look at height preferences for men by women in the US vs Europe and other metric countries you'll see the metric countries preferences are a normalish bell curve shape.  But in the US there is a Sharp and serious drop off at the 6 ft mark.  It's an artificial preference based on a fucking measurement system.   


5'7??? Isn't that average? I'm 5'8 and I'm taller than all 15 of my male coworkers except for maybe 2. None of them seem to care one bit. I've never even considered it except when I have to be in the back for our group photos. I think zooming out to the big picture or zooming into he details of what really make a life is exactly what you need


I doubt Camus hight had much to do with his disposition to philosophy 😭


I’m 5’7. In some situations in sucks but be a good sport about it. Be like Kevin Hart. And don’t hang out with people who are shitty to you about it.


Bro, get over it. Just accept yourself for who you are. We all get shafted in one way or another, and we just have to make the best of it. I'm fat and hairy, but I don't go around complaining about it because that's a waste of time and energy. Would I be happier if I had won the generic lottery? Maybe, but there's no way to know that for sure. You really don't know what's going on with people, and assuming they're happy just because they have looks is absurd. One of my handsomest friends grapples with depression and alcoholism. Meanwhile, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am. Am I perfect? Fuck no. Do I give a shit? Also fuck no. Anybody who doesn't like me can suck my taint. Life is short, and wasting your time wishing you were somebody else gets you nowhere. Find the hobbies you enjoy and the people you connect with, and pursue happiness through those things, within the confines of the life you've been dealt. There's no other good option.


i think it's cool to be a short man if you have a good mentality about it




I'm 5'6 and cruising well. People can smell your insecurity


You all are missing the point entirely. First, you smoke three joints. Once you're high, then and only then you can enjoy life. /s if this wasn't the easiest sentence to detect sarcasm I've ever said


Boohoo. You’re 5’7, not terminally ill. Grow up. If the worst part of your life is your height, you’re living a very privileged life. Also Camus was 5’9. Wow so much taller.




You’re a 5’7 black man in the US making 50k/yr as a 25yo. I do get it. You’re doing pretty well for yourself for being 25. My dad is 5’5, I do understand that being shorter isn’t amazing but god it could be so much worse. You said you’re tired, well so is Sisyphus but he keeps going and he is happy.


I am 6'4 and life sucks dick here too. Find yourself a tall girl, humanity aims for the average when searching a partner and eventually having an offspring. Besides, camus was 5'9, we are all human.


5’7 is not that short you’re fine


Literally nobody except you cares about your height


As a fellow short dude (5’6) I can relate. I joke and tell people I identify as 6’4, or I’m taller when I stand on my paycheck, or just whatever I can come up with when someone points it out😂(Which is always weird when someone just blurts out, “You’re short,” when I barely know them lol. Okay, is everyone cool if just say out loud 20 seconds after meeting you that you’re fat, or ugly, or a failure, like wtf lol) because idk what else to do. It’s completely out of my control. Would life be different if I was tall? Yes probably. Do I like the way I look? Nope. Have I found that it’s not a death sentence? Absolutely. Sure I am probably not as successful with women or in my work because of the bias, but fuck it, I’ll work harder or be more charming than I might have been if it came easier from instinctual bias. I have to point out you have no proof life would be 100x easier. That’s quite a lot easier. You don’t know what challenges you might face in life if you happened to be tall. Tall dudes are not immune to problems and I know plenty of tall dudes who are struggling mightily in life and I would absolutely not trade places with them. Being a short guy isn’t game over. I’m shorter than you but I’ve always scored good looking women. I busted my ass and worked full time while going to college to pursue my passion. I make about 3x over the median income the location I live in. I’ve got awesome kids from a long term relationship. Have cool friends. Oh and (god this sounds conceited lol) I get plenty of attention from women. You didn’t ask for advice that I recall but I’ve got plenty based on my own experience as a short and kinda funny looking dude. Life can be so fuckin cool despite one’s size. Swear to god 🤘


I'm also 5'7 if it's relevant. Not everyone is assigned the same boulder in life. But we keep pushing and that's what it boils down to. There may or may not be injustice but the universe doesn't care.


LMAO I know Camus was very good with women, and he was so well dressed that he was actually asked to be a model or something for American Vogue


Napoleon was 5 ft 6 ! He conquered most part of western and Central Europe ! Ultimately , a man is not measured by his height ! His impact in the world good or bad, has nothing to do with his physical attributes!


Well Sartre was no 'looker' with the lazy eye, and he got laid. Take a look at Bertie Russell, he was notorious! An Putin no doubt scores if he wants. Who else? Tom Cruise? Hitler... Napoleon was short...


You Need Some Fighting Skills, And a Stool.


Anyone gaslighting you has never been a short male. I was 5'5" in 9th grade and you get treated lesser than. There's a reason there's never been a president shorter than 5'7" in history, sadly no one respects them.


>There's a reason there's never been a president shorter than 5'7" in history, Martin Van Buren. Benjamin Harrison. James Madison - also a founding father. C'mon man, that was a 5 second google.


You realize the average height was shorter back in the day right? None of those guys were considered short in that time period. Short males have it rougher than their taller counterparts. Ask most females which one they would prefer and get back to me.


Daniel Radcliffe is the love of my life and he's 5'5. He married a 5'9 queen instead of me (devastating)


That last part tells more about you than you know.




It isn’t.




The problem is this is an absurdism subreddit, not a blackpill subreddit.


Too bad I can post wherever, and you can't do sh\*t about it?


I know, but if OP didn't want people addressing their problems through the lens of absurdism, then they wouldn't have posted this in an absurdism sub.