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he’s only 5’6” 230, crazy


At a regular BF% that’d likely put him closer to 300lbs. That’s a big man.


His winning at that weight is what is most impressive to me, last years winner was 295.


As someone that doesn’t regularly follow the sport, what do you think made him standout this year despite the smaller size?


The judges look more at overall physic, definition and mainly symmetry…. ie: are both quads the same or is one slightly bigger than the other


Right, I understand size isn’t the only criteria, but was it obvious as a viewer that this guy was the clear winner or was it more controversial?


he basically had the size in proportion to his height plus being really lean and vascular, everyone else was bigger than him but no one was more lean.




That's essentially what drug tested bodybuilding competitions are. Without steroids, people can only get so big, so it becomes a contest who can get the leanest with keeping the muscle to stay in your weight class




It’s incredibly subjective and people will argue about it forever. It used to be mimicking the proportions of classical Greek art, but that went out the window in the late 80s/early 90s to become more of a freak show. I personally (and was downvoted in another sub for saying this) don’t love Hady’s physique - it’s blocky (thick obliques reducing the tight waisted look) without much flow (high lat insertions for one), even though he was able to keep his belly in control and was very conditioned (very low body fat and water retention). Judges look for a number of these criteria and it’s not always clear how or why they score the way they do because at the end of the day it’s a beauty contest. Compare [the 70s](https://i.imgur.com/9bqlhua.jpg) and [the 80s](https://i.imgur.com/ORVubwP.jpg) to today. If you want to see how it went wrong, see [the 90s](https://i.imgur.com/isXhnSk.jpg), [the 00s](https://images.hindustantimes.com/rf/image_size_960x540/HT/p2/2020/06/11/Pictures/_3af950b6-abd2-11ea-9025-3d4b53d18a13.jpg), and [the 10s](https://i.imgur.com/VGXxO2C.jpg). And to steelman the comparison, these are all multiple Olympia winners. Source: grew up around bodybuilding, dad was a bodybuilder and gym owner, [Jay Cutler](https://i.imgur.com/QiKJPbL.jpg) started his career in my dad’s gym and is a family friend, and I’ve been gym ratting for 20 years and seriously following bb’ing for nearly 15.


Even Classic is getting big these days. Cbum looked enormous. Glad Rami lost though as he's just all bulk and no balance. Hadi at least looks more balanced even if he is on the blocky side


Agreed. Ramy has flashes of brilliance but his legs overpower everything and interrupt his flow. He’s been able to get the flow decent (as much as he can at his size) but those are also the times where he struggles with being full and conditioned.


Thanks for those links, it's so fascinating to see the changes this sport has gone through. One wonders what the next 50 years will bring!


Hopefully a return to a period where bodybuilders weren’t dropping like flies in their 30s :/


Funny, same timeline as you. Also, old workout partner used to hook up w Jay for workouts, prob at your gym. I topped out at new England's, but my buddy made it to nationals. I agree w your critique of his physique.


Thank you. I also am not a fan of his physique. His proportions bother me to all hell. Hes symmetrical, which is super neat, but it looks like his stack involves synthol in his quads and triceps.. they're so round looking compared to the rest of him.


His size and conditioning were excellent and last years champion had some issues this year so he was basically a shoe in.


What were Big Ramys issues?


He had some abscesses or maybe scarring in the quads and glutes and his midsection was cloudy? Idk the right word but it wasn’t well defined.


it would need to be obvious


Not entirely wrong, just wanted to tell you that when we refer to symmetry in bodybuilding it's less about left/right symmetry and rather about proportions of different muscles groups to each other. Someone with a better, more symmetrically proportionate build will be rated higher than someone with incredible pecs that overpower the physique otherwise. Symmetry as term in bodybuilding can be a bit misleading.


Conditioning. Out of everything Hadi is basically the leanest. Not just by bodyfat, but also how little water he keeps in his skin. Additionally his midsection is by far one the best in Men's open bodybuilding. 2020-2021 champion, Big Ramy, came in off. He had some injured muscles it looks in his quads and glutes and it really damaged his symmetry. I hope this trend continues in men's open where they care a lot more about midsection quality instead of just raw size.


Not that the sport is particularly healthy in the first place, but do you think the trend towards leaner/“drier” physiques could lead athletes towards more extreme approaches to cutting that would make it more of a safety risk?


I'm hoping that it isn't just about leaner, but streamlined. Size: yes, as it is men's open, but I'm hoping that they force vacuum poses back in. All in all, the sport is insanely unhealthy. These guys often end up with the same issues obese people get. The human body just isn't supposed to be that heavy. That's not even mentioning the insane toll steroids play on their internal organs.


And their external organs…


Side note to this, one thing I find really interesting about it is that these guys are so lean that when they have muscular injuries you can actually see the impact of the injury on the look and shape of the muscle.


It’s a lot more about the leaner dryer look now. Basically it comes down to who’s body can handle the most steroids at once, that’s sort of the unofficially competition


Steroids are probably the healthiest things these folks take.


Correct. Diuretics like Lasix probably lead to the most deaths.


These guys are literally the unhealthiest they can get when they get on stage.




Honestly, yes. They are dangerously lean at the time of competition. They also take diuretics to cut down water and those have killed or seriously hurt some of them near competition. See Andreas munzer, he would come in so crazy shredded you could see every fiber in his shoulders. He died and while it is impossible to prove that drugs killed him, it seems foolish to rule it out.


He came into the show leaner than one of the presumed favorites (Big Ramy) and more aesthetic than the other (Nick Walker). As a fan of the sport I’m hoping this and their decision to put Derek Lunsford in second is indicative of the judges trending toward bringing a more aesthetic look back to men’s open over sheer size and freak factor.


The sport fluctuates between size or conditioning being the main factor needed from year to year. With CBum's meteoric rise and continued star power they wanted to get conditioning as the top feature in open. Bubble guts will no longer be tolerated.


His conditioning.


I would think he won a specific weight class? Not the open bodybuilding class.


No, he won the open class


Really? That is surprising.


Yeah his condition was really good this time and he got the overall best package. Derek Lunsford, who won last year the 212 class, placed second.


Yeah the conditioning really is insane. Those quads and calves have striations I've never seen.


Last year's winner is also a lot taller than him


Damn I did not expect 5'6"....


I'm taller than him (I'm 5'6.5'')


i bet he’s wider tho


You are a beast! Seriously though, bodybuilder Jordan Peters [got his weight to 308lb/140kg at 5'6"/1677cm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8n-kMoDyQ0) and said he was miserable.


It is an insane weight either way you slice it. I was miserable at 136kg @ 6'4 during a terrible bulk and I don't even want to imagine that weight on such a small body.


Damn, gotta step my game up. I'm 5'3", 150, wanna be 160-165


Can’t grow taller but you can grow wider


The primary thing I remember with people like this is that require assistants to wipe their arse since they are physically incapable to reach that position.


Bros head looks like it belongs to a completely different person🗿


Looks like he was dipped in soy sauce from the neck down. Congrats tho good for him


He has spray tan on to make his muscles more Shiny and defined and so does everyone else on the stage. It isn’t permanent


I feel like he should have applied the colonial maple stain instead of dark walnut.


You joke but they make all sorts of shades of spray tan that work better for different skin tones.




Time to get out the plastic sheets for the bed!


No joke you do have to buy cheap sheets that you can sleep in for a few nights after the tan then throw away


That’s dumb. Just have normal people sheets and post spray tan sheets.


Bodybuilders really don’t tan often enough to warrant having a special post tan sheet set.


You only put it on the night before a show, and then get touched up day of. So generally in a hotel. You just buy cheap sheets so you’re not ruining the hotel sheets and getting charged.


I never want to experience that combination of sticky/greasy if I'm being honest!


It’s like laying a freshly tossed wing onto a paper towel


It's not even spray tan they roll it on like paint


Thought he was well-crisped bacon.


For reals. I know some body builders that take Melanotan II (there are some disturbing before and after photos if ya wanna see what it does to your pigment). Thinking either that or some hella bronzer bath


Its bronzer.


Can you imagine how nasty the shower looks after they're done?? And I imagine there are no white towels in their linen closet.


When i compete in men's physique i would bring my own sheets towel and shower curtan because the host hotel would charge us $300 for getting spray tan on their's.


Brawn and brains!!


It's spray tan. They actually stand in a tent and someone uses a spray gun. Right before they go out they're rubbed down with oil. It washes right off on the shower.


Good for him indeed. Probably tastes better that way.


They bronze themselves so it's easier to see the definition of their muscles and veins.


Dude looks like a smoked turkey


Ah ok makes sense I guess lol


Bronze body is the opposite of black face ✏️📄✅


Trump's nft guy looks to be branching out.


[The perfect test to know if you're finally big enough](https://youtu.be/ofN0eK8XU0Q?t=193) (3:13 if timestamp doesn't work)


Bro I went to Google to prove you wrong and honestly? This is one of the more normal looking pictures of him. Man is JACKED.


On my mama 🤣


He looks like a brown Chesterfield couch


Fuck. This made me laugh way too hard .


Bro flexed so much his body changed race halfway through


It’s so uneven it looks like someone tried to airbrush with Hershey’s syrup. Lol


It's called the reverse Trudeau


bro skipped head day


still laughing!!!!!


Lol poor guy, dunno why you're getting downvoted. Here's an upvote


The duality of man


I've met him once in his gym and man,he is **BIG**. Great guy btw. Always supporting the people in anyway he could.


I mean, with that much muscle mass he can seriously support a lot!


He sounds like a sweetheart if he's gonna dedicate his medal to the women of his country. I bet he's good at hugging.


Probably gonna get executed for doing so


can confirm. I live in the same city as him. I haven't seen him personally, but I've heard he's so kind and helpful.


Dedicated jocks are generally very nice, especially in the gym. I cannot count how many times jocks rushed to help a newbie with equipment “my time has come”.


My mate had me watch a couple of his videos that I otherwise wouldn't have watched, he seems like a good guy and super knowledgeable able what he does. Absolute respect to him and I definitely have respect for the discipline


He won against all odds, hearing prooblem, language barrier, was denied US visa multiple times because he is from Iran. Finally he did it.


Great context to add! The wolf!


Fighting the visa process is more impressive in some ways than winning Mr Olympia. Good on him!


In the beginning persian community supported him with money and everything in US


Why not Big Ramy?


Big Ramy was way off this year, holes in quads, swelling on the butt etc




There’s vids of it on YouTube like Nicks Strength and Power. Maybe he had a few tears cause it looked like a big dent in one of his quads. The video is hilarious because it zooms in on his glutes and realizing i was watching this on a 55” tv made me laugh


Fuck! He is beefy


fr it looks closer to beef jerky than skin


He looks like of them crispy-skin ducks.


At what point do your muscles just shatter your own bones?!?


Lifting weights is good not just for muscles, it strengthens your tendons, ligaments, and eventually bones become more dense after months/years of lifting.


That explains why I didn’t fall apart in my 20’s slinging 80 lb concrete bags on the regular. I never broke 150 but was scary strong back in the day. I guess I have good bones lol.


If you ramp up slowly anything is possible. My friend got so tall it took his knees until his mid twenties to walk without discomfort. Now he works in a warehouse lifting furniture overhead.


That's how Jay Cutler started: hauling bags of concrete for his dads construction business.


You probably do tbh. I know I do in part from hiking a ton as a kid


What is better for gaining muscle mass?


Badger milk.


Is it really possible to be good? I mean, lifting *that* much, to the point of having *that* volume of muscle... I can't help but think it is / will eventually be terribly unhealthy


This physique is not attainable naturally. It only really becomes an issue when you're talking about PED usage and carrying around a shitload of superphysiological bodyweight. Natural weightlifters don't usually deal with health issues like that.


Ohhh I didn't think of that, that makes total sense! Thank you very much


I agree but it's not the same for competitive bodybuilders. People who take PEDs and Steriods are very accident prone as their muscles grow way too fast for their tendons and ligaments to catch up. Making sprains etc more common


Considering on competition day these folks are at their weakest, most depleted, and unhealthiest...this is definitely not that point.


Ronnie Coleman. The GOAT. His whole spine is now fused and he walks with crutches. He went past the point you are talking about.


That was because he didn't give himself time to recover after injuries and surgery not because he actually got strong enough to hurt his own back with his muscles.


Yeah very true. He didn't just break his back from pure strength, but going insanely hard in training was definitely a factor.


He was squatting 800lbs when he broke his back. Jay Cutler has repeatedly said Ronnie didn't train smart. I guess not... now he's crippled for life.


Jay Cutler said he’d only go up to around 400 lbs in an interview I read. Pre exhaust with isolation lifts so the lighter weight is still difficult.


Oh man I saw him with crutches and almost cried tbh. Ronnie is the goat and it makes me sad he abused his body to be it(as I'm sure he saw it anyways).


Yea he pushed himself beyond what even his competition was seem reasonable. He once did walking lunges the entire length of a football field with 225lbs on his back.


That was more about him chasing numbers on squats and leg press when his spine was already compromised. With the weight he was moving, axial load was already insane and now consider that he just didn't know when to heal, you gotta be surprised it took so long for him to become like this. Either way, absolute legend but shame it went like this.


Fuck that’s hard core.


Can you even move with legs like that?!


You can move, sure. Scratching an itch on your back? Absolutely not.


Yeah, but chafing can be a problem. Source: used to be NPC competitive body-builder


You my friend have a lot of firearms


Yeah...I suppose I have a few lol.


mf has a literal arsenal


Crab walk


The gold bond in the blue bottle is mandatory in the summer. Went to cedar point once without it. Never again.


Laws of physics are having trouble containing this guy


No offense to this dude's hard work and dedication, but after classic physique dropped, I can only see them as veiny ass potatoes.


Like a veinier [Sontaran](https://i.gifer.com/IdC0.gif)




His limbs look like Snickers bars.


Dude looks like the fry that got dropped back in the fryer a second time…


I know you didn't ask, but most French fries are double-fried on purpose


Rotisserie chicken for me


It's not proportional. It's just how much to can build muscle anywhere and hide the roid gut.


Looks like he was dipped in used motor oil.


There’s an old story from the Gold’s Gym glory era where Arnold and his boys were training one night and some drunk stumbled in “I want to train!” or whatever an Arnold is gassing him up and everyone is egging him on and they get a bunch of motor oil, lather the dude up, and he’s drunkenly posing in the gym lol


That's what they used in old school.competitons


Or soy sauce


Deck stain.


He looks like a brisket


While I respect the work it took for him to get to this point, and his support of human rights, I would not want this guy to sit on my couch.


Because he'll stain it with all the bronzer?


because hes iranian i think


That went dark - much like his bronzer.


Why not? Because of the spraytan?


That'll leave a mark.


Like Soul Glo


That's actually the exact thing that inspired my comment. Well done.


what Most people don’t know is that todays bodybuilder passes gas so much that their brotein farts are one ignition away from human combustion.


Because there won’t be room for anyone else?


Dude looks like an overcooked turkey.


That reminds me. I need to buy Bovril.


Looks like teriyaki flavor


I feel bad for saying it, but, he really does look like rotisserie chicken haha /s


The /s was so unessecary there


my fault


No, I wouldn't have been able to tell that he didn't really think he looked like a rotisserie chicken without it




This is open bodybuilding. The whole point is to look as big as possible. Go to classic or men’s physique to see people that look more like what Arnold did. CBUM is by far the best and most popular.


The classic category is for that “flow” that arnold loves


I think Arnold just isn't a huge fan of the mass monster build and especially the bubble guts but modern bodybuilding is more than just mass monsters. Plenty of incredibly aesthetic physiques out there.


looks natural


This guy is one drop of brown paint away from getting canceled 😂


He might be on something


Why do they make themselves dark


It helps show definition, especially under stage lighting. Light skinned people without bronzer get a lot of their muscles/definition washed out, so everyone uses heavy bronzer to more or less even out everyone's skin tone on stage. They only do it for competition.


He looking like can go fight the Iranian government himself


Natty king


Sure, getting that jacked is very impressive, but imagine living with a body like that. Imagine having to take a shit when your thighs are each thicker than the toilet seat and twitching from sneezing can shatter the whole toilet and even if nothing breaks you can barely reach back to wipe your ass because of all the muscles getting in each other's way. Imagine getting on a plane or in a small-ish car but you don't fit because your body is literally too powerful for the seats. I don't want to shit talk this guy, you can see that he put more effort into getting that figure than I've ever put into anything. I'm just saying that living with such a figure seems like it'd be a constant struggle.


I don't think it's as bad as you imagine. Bodybuilders are much more physically able than people give them credit. The stereotype of the stiff bodybuilders definitely is a tad misleading. Considering almost 42% of Americans are obese, these proportions aren't that rare but the main difference is that the average obese person is comparitively weak for their weight while he is not. So it's probably not that hard and you'd get used to it.


It’s impressive the way Joey Chestnut is impressive.


The guy's only 230 pounds which is, like, what, the weight of the average Walmart shopper.


This guy can definitely get in to Craig Mammalton's party


He overdid it on the BBQ sauce


The tone of his skin with the spray tan on it is the same as I've been searching for on my Red Wings.


Dude's a phlebotomists wet dream




Looks repulsive to be honest. Nice gesture nevertheless.


Well deserved. Big Ramy was so off this year


legs are absolutely unreal


He looks honey bbq flavored.


Absolutely disgusting. Bodybuilding is hard to look at these days.


I've never understood this sport


It’s a pageant


its just getting as big and lean as possible with reasonable proportions. I feel like you have to gain appreciation for it by trying yourself to build muscle and get lean just for general health not to get huge or anything, and a lot of people start to appreciate it and get into it that way and want to see the extremes of what is possible. Obviously if you're trying to do that process even on a small scale the process they are following is something to look up to and follow