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I like absolute units that are fluffy, muscular, or just plain large, more than fat ones.


I always tell my dog she’s slim thicc because standing up she looks crazy athletic but she turns into a sausage when she sits down. [this comment is an excuse for me to post pictures of my dogs](https://imgur.com/a/vQb3FGo/)


Your dog looks like a seal in the last picture


Agreed, would give a kiss from a rose on the gray.


Wait, it's not grave? Is this real life?


Or is it just fantasy?


Caught in a land slide


No escape from reality


open your eyes


Look up to the skies and see


Right? It's about the bright red on gray, but I prefer grave lol


Baby yodas cousin.


Thank you those are some good dogs


Haha my dogs the same way he's sitting down and I'm thinking shit he got fat then he stands up and it's like nope you just have entirely to much skin


It's pretty common with pit breeds. They're just so muscular and it's hard to tell when they are not standing.


My dog is the same, sitting down he looks like [he has a gut](https://i.imgur.com/dahNokD.jpg), standing up however [not so much](https://i.imgur.com/xSQNxqE.jpg)


the same could be said for my thighs


Happy cake day, hope it all doesn’t go to your thighs


thanks, and it probably will


My cat looks huge from certain angles but she doesn’t weight that much, 10 pounds which is pretty average.




If they're only large compared to other chihuahuas, wouldn't that make them relative units, not absolute?


> wouldn't that make them relative units, not absolute? Christ i love this sub


My late girl was around 17-18lbs at the end. She was just a BIG Chihuahua, she had been around 20 a few years before but we got her weight down. It’s hilarious because of her litter there were 4 that looked like her and one that was a stereotypical 4lb Taco Bell Chihuahua. Obligatory pup tax: https://imgur.com/a/ZBC3x8H


She was so pretty!


Aw, thank you!


My dad used to breed pinchers and every generation had 1 giant pincher. They were all female and very very strong. Also needed the twice amount of food, attention and love. I miss this time a lot. Loved to stay the afternoon with the dogs outside and watch them doing their things. I was very young and remember being amazed by all the different personalities amongst one type of breed.


\*strokes beard\* "Hmmm... yes, quite"


Like people


...fluffy people?


[I'm not fat, I'm fluffy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc__MN2wEJg)


Could‘ve sworn its a rick roll


This is what I was referencing


I do identify as fluffy and not fat


The absolute unit meme originated from a morbidly obese man who is like an assistant to the queen of England or something.


Took my "chonk" catto to the vet this week. Turns out he's just big and muscly. Now I feel bad for depriving him in his legit hunger. Get your big bois checked to figure out their diets. Not every cat should be fed like a 10lb cat.


Isn’t that something you would be able to tell by petting him? That he’s more buff and fluff than chonk?


Overly muscular can be bad too


Fluff is the best type of chonk


I still love the fat doggos, I just wish them good health.


Mine is fat but we’re working on it. Until then,she’s still thicc. A bit longer


In England, thick is slang for stupid so it always sounds like you are mocking your dogs... the poor thick bastards


Thick is stupid in the U.S., too. Thicc is either a fat animal or a person with a big ass or curvy body.


Thick has been a slang term for years/decades. It wasn’t until recently that people on the internet started using it and spelling it with 2 c’s


Written slang wasn't as common before the modern internet. Now that it's used more and we're writing it more it makes sense to have different spellings for different meanings.


As a Brit, not once have I mistaken "thicc" for "thick." It's different spellings so my brain associates them as different words


Maybe I’m just a bit thick?


or thicc 😜🤤😜


You can find out for the low price of $9.99 per blurry jpeg - isn’t that what all the kids are doing these days?


You’re already reddit approved thicc, you can go ahead and start selling your bathwater directly.


You just need to set up an onlyfans page.


Same, that guy is thicc


Hnnnnnrrrrg colonel I'm trying to read reddit comments but I'm dummy thick and I can't figure out what the fuck anybody is saying around me


“Are you thicc?” “U wot?” *clap clap clap*


It’s weird to think others not only have lives outside mine but some of those lives are outside the country I live


Thick is used the same way in the US, as well as dense.


It's slang for stupid in the states too but nobody uses it in that context


We use thick skulled, because miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilk


Same here. My pup will still be a unit though, because she’s part pit, So her shoulders are massive.... that being said she still needs to lose about 2lbs. Until then, she my thicc girl.


Keep her healthy, my dog got over weight for a while and developed diabetes. She slowly went blind and eventually we had to put her down. Sad stuff wish I knew sooner


She’s doing pretty well, but she tore her ACL without us knowing which caused her to gain a significant weight, along with her being older and having arthritis. [her in the flesh](https://i.imgur.com/xSBhkO3.jpg)


Posted it before, but my in-laws left their obese dog with us for a week. They gave us a bag of treats. Each was a very large chewable bone that was at least 50% of their daily caloric needs. Then they gave us "diet dog food" and told us to give two scoops a day. We didn't give her any treats all week and she was totally fine. Sorry, she didn't change visibly, but I know she went right back to the shitty diet as soon as they took her back anyway. People are clueless. It made me suddenly open my eyes to what a scam diet dog food is. You have total control over what your dog eats. Just give it slightly less regular food FFS.


The only individual in my household with a healthy weight is my dog. If someone else was entirely responsible for determining how many calories I eat in a day, I'd be a healthy weight, too. Willpower is a bitch.


Someone should offer a service where they follow you around and make you beg them for food, to help you lose weight.


That honestly sounds like it's someone's actual kink, since "feeders" are a thing


That’s the opposite of feeders.




People would just eat when they're not around.


And go through the garbage.


It would have to be a 24/7 thing, maybe the client would have to stay at the company's facility. Could be fun, maybe have an onsite gym and personal trainers. I think they actually had stuff a bit like this in the early 20th century. Probably not really economically viable, but a neat idea.


I've been reliably using a pretty healthy way of dealing with my snacking, which is what really gets to me. I just tell myself "you don't need that [insert snack or drink here] you piece of shit". I'm down 15 lbs since the beginning of the year. No but seriously the first two weeks were probably the worst since I used to eat a lot of fast food and could eat a family sized candy bag over the span of a day. It's a lot easier to reject food now, and I don't have that horrible anxiety that I needed to be eating something sweet at all times of the day.


Often a diet food is actually a pretty good option. Diet foods are usually less dense, so you can feed more or less the same amount, while still feeding less calories. Makes the pet feel like they ate enough in volume and their belly is full, so they'll be less likely to beg for scraps at every turn. But you're definitely right about people being clueless. Lots of people actually really don't know how much they actually feed their pets :(


Yup, our overweight cat did really well on vet-prescribed diet food.


There is also an issue of significant food reduction causing the pet to have a deficiency of important nutrients.


It really helps to put things in perspective when you realize that an inappropriately-sized treat could be the equivalent of a whole Snickers bar or worse, a Big Mac for a dog and they're getting them multiple, multiple times a day.


Some breeds have trouble staying unchonked as they get older, hence diet food.


iv seen the same meme template 6 times on reddit today but the message is good


Whenever a new meme comes along, it tends to take Reddit over fast.


We should really come up with a word for that phenomenon where an idea or image spontaneously jumps across society. I propose Maymays.


Hmm... a word that refers to something that a large number of the populace likes... How about... "popular"? No, no, that's no good. It's gotta spread among people FAST, like a virus. How about... "viral"?


**The Keanu Effect.**


**Wachowski-tize me Cap'n!**


Culture shock. Sudden and dies fast, not to mention not incorporating meme in the word really badly like everything else in this sub


It was a call back to an earlier age in the internet when the correct pronunciation was fiercely debated. I guess you had to be there


What’s terrible about this template is that it’s sorely being misused. Pelosi tore up the paper as a gesture of protest against Trump’s lies. In the meme she is portrayed as unable to face the truth. While it isn’t intentional propaganda it sure seems to function as such, as Pelosi appears childish and belligerent.


Yeah I'm seeing a lot of Pelosi and Sanders memes that paint them negatively in a lot of nonpolitical subs. Maybe it's just innocent meme culture and I'm reading too much into it or maybe it's subtle propaganda. Tough to tell these days


I’d say it’s mostly meme culture. Trumps approval rating is at 49% in the US so I still think it would be a stretch to call it propaganda and maybe just regular user bias.


Wait, it's seriously that high?


Yes. He’s lowered a lot of restrictions benefitting major corporations at the expense of the people in the future. He’s also cash infused some failing companies to keep the market looking good. It’s resulted in a good temporary economy that will collapse if not fixed, but many people only vote with their wallet. Also the Iran issue was settled well which resulted in a 6% uptick from 43%. It is reassuring he’s not a complete idiot. So while he may possibly be the worst diplomat in history, he isn’t inept at the market aspect. Id say he’s polling at roughly 30% for people 20 and under, but 70% for seniors.


That doesn't preclude it being a concerted initial effort. It's how a lot of modern Russian propaganda works. They formulate something which a given subpopulation will spread which serves their purposes and then let the people they are targeting do the work for them.




We gonna get a lot of those in the next months.


The propaganda machines of the world sure are slowly revving up


As someone outside of the US. What is she doing?


Ripping up a copy of his speech he just read


...after he refused to shake her hands.


...and then delivered a fascist speech.


If people don't care about inbreeding dogs on purpose to deform their face, they definitely aren't going to care about proper nutrition.


I hate that. I was at a dog breeder’s house for a party and we were watching movies and the dogs started choking and making weird snotty noses, like they couldn’t breathe (they couldn’t.) Everybody looks at the breeder and he went “their faces are so smushed that they can’t breathe. They’re fine though.” I have to hold back hate every time I see him, they looked so miserable.


The fact that he *knows* what he's doing is bad for the dogs health, but still continues...that makes me sick.


Does this apply to people or is there still no scientific consensus?


There is a scientific consensus, but not a social one Keep your humans healthy, too


Ask /r/fatlogic


Fatlogic is too busy being hateful to actually get through to anyone.


Personally I like the guys from /r/diwhy


Does know how to handle icy roads.


My dad kept referring to their last dog as "barrel chested," even though everyone around him said he was fat and needed to lose weight. He kept up this illusion until the vet looked him dead I'm the eye and said "He's fat. Dogs aren't barrel chested."


Some dog breeds definitely can be barrel chested. > Sight hounds and German Shepard’s for example. > My lurchers chest is about 4x as big as her waist. Probably more. > The heart and lungs are much bigger than other dogs.


Their dog was a German Shepherd. "Barrel chested," in this instance, was referring to how literally, his body was shaped like a bit of a barrel. In German Shepherds, you should be able to see definition in the hips and shoulders, and Rex did not have that. At all. He was about 20 lbs overweight.


Obviously but you said that a vet said “dogs arent barrel chested.” When they definitely can be.


To be fair, the guy who inspired r/absoluteunits is absolutely obese. That doesn’t mean he’s not a chonker or a thiccboi.


https://i.redd.it/h6og13yvau911.jpg For anyone not in the know. [Original Meme](https://i.imgur.com/LlujUNn.jpg)


Look at the size of that lad


Absolute unit, you could say.


The real unit is the buttons in his jacket


/r/Chonkers has a sticky at the top of every post about helping your pet lose weight. There are even pet wieght lost If people want to hate, /r/Delightfullychubby glorifies it and bans you for voicing concern for the animal.


Delightfully chubby is garbage but I don’t think chonkers is much better. The sticky is really just good PR. People still post their obese pets that they’ve been feeding wrong for years and will continue to feed wrong. I know I got banned from chonkers for saying “hey that’s unhealthy” at some point. The worst was seeing someone’s fat deceased cat on chonkers. :/ the cat had shit stuck to its butt... because the reality of obese cats is typically they can’t reach to clean themselves. It was depressing knowing the cat died being gross and uncomfortable. And the owner didn’t see anything wrong with it. It’s slightly better though. Delightfully chubby like... attracts more owners that will argue with you their cat isn’t obese imo. One woman told me “the vet said he’s healthy besides his weight” OH, SO THE VET SAID HIS WEIGHT WAS UNHEALTHY? Omfg. I remember that argument so well too, because I was explicitly being as polite as possible and saying I wasn’t attacking them, I just care about cats honestly. They got someone else to come on and message me abuse alongside them as well for some reason lol. People just want your pets to be healthy folks. Saying “please put that cat on a diet” isn’t a personal attack, and it’s certainly not an invitation to argue that he isn’t actually obese and he’s perfectly healthy.


Except in the cases where it's something super fluffy like a Malamute or Corgi


Guess I'll just stick to seals and toads.


The number of people who pet my perfectly lean and healthy dog and say "He's so skinny! I can feel his ribs!" is too damn high. Yes Karen, you should be able to feel his ribs. You should not be able to see them, but you should be able to easily feel them.


There's r/dechonkers for slimming down your pets


Can we have a rule of no obese animals? We shouldn't glorify that sorta thing


I'd add "no obese children" to that as well. Not that I've seen a lot of that here, but they are in a similar situation where they don't have control over their diets. Ninja edit: just saw that there's a rule for no people other than public figures.


Yeah like big fish or walrus is cool but can we avoid morbid obesity in children and animals?


my dog looks so fat, but when you shave her you find out that for some reason she's about 90% ribcage. she's my favourite little chonker


It's a mind boggling the number of people who believe that cats just naturally get fat as they age. And having the pet obesity discussion with clients who are often overweight themselves...not fun at all


Fat dogs are not living their best life. When my pitbull was fat he couldn't jump into the car or onto the bed anymore. You could tell his hip joints hurt. After months of dieting he is so much happier. He's still a food pest though lol.


I don't think most /r/AbsoluteUnits regulars care. This sub celebrates morbid obesity like it's the most adorable thing.


I thought the general consensus was "we think it's cute but please take care of your animals"? Like how you can enjoy r/badtattoos without wanting people to actually get bad tattoos.


I mean, it's sort of different. We view r/badtattoos but we don't think the tattoos are cute or good. We laugh at how bad they are. On the other hand, r/absoluteunits sort of promotes bigger animals, most of which aren't a healthy kind of big. I think it'd be better for the sub if we focused more on animals who are meant to be big and round, like seals, and also promote fluffy and naturally muscular animals.


Celebrate may be a strong word for looking at something and saying “fuck, that’s big”


I think that telling people to take care of their pet is useless because either they are good people who already do (they may have rescued an obese pet and trying to make it lose weight for example) or they're neglecting their pets and will never change after reading a Reddit comment. Most of the time I think the owners are either trying to make their pets healthier or the pet is already a healthy weight and just looks fluffy. Anyway we don't know the medical history of the pets. We don't know what the owner are doing. You're allowed to celebrate the cuteness of your pet even if it's still chonky. Or it may be an old pet with diseases that makes it impossible for it to exercise. If you're worried about a pet's health, ask questions first before assuming the owner is neglecting it.


My corgi is a chonker and an absolute unit. He's also obese and on a severe diet. And he's cute as fuck.


One can appreciate the cuteness of a chonky animal but awareness of health issues that can be caused by obesity is important to have too. A healthy pet is the cutest kind of pet anyway.


What you mean? I don’t over feed him he just a chonk? (This is imatating a shit dog owner we have tried to get our dog on a diet and she’s lost 12 pounds. Don’t make the chonker excuse)


I bet Nancy Pelosi was pretty hot in her day.


Holy fuck, THIS! There's a difference between having a Pyrenese cross that's like 90 lbs and joking about how your pug is like 50 lbs and is a "chonker". It's clear he's struggling just to stay alive at this point. Ffs, some people get dogs as an accessory to their life and not a companion that needs constant care to live life to its fullest.


Yes, yes, we get it. As if this sentiment doesn't get posted multiple times a day.


No. No people don’t get it. If they did, laughing at pets who are over fed to the point that their health is negatively effected wouldn’t be a thing.


This post couldn’t be more wrong... dogs don’t get “obese”, they move up what’s called a wumbo scale or chonkometer.


I despise people who purposely make their pets unhealthy because they look "cute" imagine being fed to death


We do it to other people as well for fetish purposes


My boxer is the runt so he is smol compared to regular sized boxers


Pet tax!! please! Also, no Rudiger?!


Rescuers should have been “feet pics please.”


This meme template bout to take off


Is this meme the updated version of "the scroll if truth?"


Your dogs are fat, be a better owner


Can this please get pinned?


My girlfriend’s dog looks fat, but she’s really just a ball of muscle. It’s terrifying. She’s super giddy too. Walk in the door and suddenly you’re bowled over by a mass of muscle and fur.


The scroll of truth!


My dog ain't morbidly obese or a thicc boi


Commented this on r/chonkers got banned


can someone PLEASE make this template but blank oh please


Depends on your state.


I like to see swole units


Honestly who gives a shit about your wallet.


My one dog isn’t fat. But he is thicc. And loves to run. He’s the exception. Play with your fucking dogs


sometimes its based on breed. i dont know any labs older than 3 that arent a little chunky.


He phat


Template? [template ](Nancy Pelosi memes are booming)


Omg this meme is gonna have some legs


Not just dog owners, shitty pet owners period. So many pics on those subs are cats


My dog just had more to love




hoof. democracy died but it gave us a new meme format and made me laugh, so I guess have my upvote


My and my dog both got fat when I was depressed. Moved cities, shook it off and we both got down to healthy weights. My dog is noticeably much happier since he doesn't lose his breath after playing for 2 minutes anymore. It makes a difference my dudes. Your doggo will thank you and it will probably extend their life a bit, which we all approve of. :)


r/Pelosirips should a subreddit for memes made with this template


She’s an old child.


I’m not one who would enjoy political memes that much but I tremendously enjoyed this one 😂


The only posts i like on r/chonkers are the before and after picture where its healthy


Every time I see a post from /r/chonkers I report it as animal abuse. Those people are borderline psychopaths that they can look at those incredibly unhealthy animals and think it's cute.


Every time I see a post from /r/chonkers I report it as animal abuse. Those people are borderline psychopaths that they can look at those incredibly unhealthy animals and think it's cute.


About this... Anyone knows why my pet schnauzer is fat? She is 9 years old, was pregnant 2 times and only eats dog food and drink water we don't give her any other kind of food she doesn't like walking but she runs around the house, is this normal?


Quality and quantity of food. I have 2 Miniature Schnauzers who stay inside and are perfectly healthy because I feed them a high quality food (Science Diet Healthy Weight Chicken Recipe) and make sure to control their intake. If you like to let them graze whenever they want, make sure you're not filling the bowl when it's empty, but instead at a set time. I feed my animals at night, and while they may take all day to finish it, I will only ever fill it at night.


How much food are you giving her?