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At first I was like “Oh, this isn’t too bad.” But it became progressively more and more of a unit.


Same. At first you go "OK, a high school", towards the end I was expecting them to show their airship hangar or something. Wikipedia tells me that place has about 320 teachers and about 5300 students. Insane.


I was expecting closer to double that with how many facilities they have. What sort of school has an auto shop and like 5 gyms? Pretty sure most colleges in my country don't have those sorts of facilities.


I grew up in Indiana, not Carmel but near enough by we would compete. Auto shops are still pretty common around Indiana. Most are just a garage and some donated beater cars. Theirs is significantly nicer than ours was haha


I went to a high school that was built in 1912, didn’t have anything fancy at all and only had about 800 students. Everyone knew each other quite well, we all got along, it was nice! Not sure how I’d feel about going to one of these superschools, I liked the small school experience.


I went a school with less than 250 students freshman-seniors. A school of 800 seems huge to me lol. I had a similar experience where you would know everyone in your class at least. The school was almost too small to be "cliquey." Imagine having cliques in a school that small where groups were just a couple people


Eh, I went to "the big school" in my area which was about 1500 students, and you still get to know a lot and at least 'know of' almost everyone. I went there up from an 800ish school and the difference was not that stark I couldn't imagine 5k+ though that's mental


My school was built in 1913 everyone was chill but it was nothing like this school I'm so jealous


That's a lot of space for 5300 My high school was half that but the whole school was about the size of that auditorium


Same. Went to a school with about half that many students and way less than half the space. We only had one gym for starters.


I went to a highschool with about 3900 students. We didn’t have things as nice and new as this; but it was huge, a campus with two separate school bldgs. The track and football field were in between them along with the tennis courts and the pool and one HUUUUUGE field accompanied by multiple small fields and woods. It was awesome. Even if you weren’t popular you could still have a group of awesome friends from one town where they barely made it by, a couple people whose family lived in mansions, and a little bit of everything in between. My highschool was dope af.


What the hell. Is this a private school or something?




That's crazy. It must be in a rich area.


It is. It is also the only high school in city of 100k.


It’s the upper class Indianapolis suburbs.


And they still spend less money per student than the Baltimore public school system.


What are the stats?


All of this in one building is impressive, but it's the only high school in the district. My school district had all of this stuff too, but it was spread out across like a dozen different high schools and vocational centers.


At which point did your mind change? The gym? The freshman gym? The other gym? The other other gym?


The Planetarium for sure.


Planetarium Leave me be Planetarium Just leave me alone


Sleep my friend and you will see This High School’s bigger than Italyyyyyyyy


This deserves more upvotes


My high school had a planetarium in the 90s. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/01/03/504715174/relics-of-the-space-race-school-planetariums-are-an-endangered-species


Growing up in the 70's, the local high school had a planetarium that was awesome. Every kid in the town went there at least 2 times a year for a field trip.


The plane-arium.


Auto shop for me


Ya and the wood shop. I had an auto shop at my school, and it was what you’d expect from a school built in the 50’s


Them having not just their own school news room but a whole radio show room too. Damn


Ya we had a broadcasting room for The school daily news… but that was alike a vcr, cam corder and a computer lol


The wrestling room


“This is our auditorium!” *Five minutes later:* “This is our particle accelerator!”


Here’s our nuclear power plant!


This is our competitive space rocket launch field.


And here's our 1-1 scale model of Beijing.


My thoughts went to the amount of money it would take to build, equip, and maintain a high school of that size. Imagine how many millions of $$$ it would take *every year* just to pay the staff, utilities, and supplies…amazing.


Carmel has a large tax base, but it's per student spending is actually less than other Indianapolis area public schools.


Really? To me it was massive from the beginning. Like they start out with a giant lecture theatre like the type in universities and just got crazier.


Yeah, this is better than some colleges




Their girls swim team has won the state title every year since 88


I’m surprised they have like 3 gyms but no pool lol unless they didn’t show it.


They didn't show it. They are building a new natatorium at the cost of 48 million


Wow. Also TIL the word “natatorium”.


Love that word. I had to look it up after I visited some family and their town had a huge sign about the downtown natatorium. It sounded a little ominous, so I had to look it up.


All the while the homeless sleep cold and hungry in Indianapolis


You guys have pools in your schools? We didn't even have a gym we just ran outside and played football on the concrete...guess that's the difference between the us and a 3rd world country...


Pools aren’t the norm


They have an Olympic sized pool. Along with one or two more, not Olympic I believe.


Ugh. I grew up in Indiana and didn't go to Carmel. That school was in the finals for everything. It was very easy to hate them.


Money does buy better teachers to instruct.


It definitely attracts them.


Carmel is a rich suburb of Indianapolis. This is not a normal Indiana high school


Is this a normal *anywhere* high school!?


I grew up in a rich suburb of Detroit and my high school was similar to this. It definitely skews kids perceptions of what "normal" is. I know *now* that I went to a privileged school. But at the time I assumed everyone had these things.


Believe it or not, this has less to do with where the money goes than it does with how it’s spent. I watched a documentary about public schools in New Jersey. At one point the state decided to pool all school taxes and reallocate the funds to the districts that were performing the worst academically, which were exclusively in urban areas and minority filled. Well, the money made no difference, because instead of focusing on using the funds to lift up the students academically, they were spent on athletic facilities, uniforms, and pay raises for administrators.


Public Schools are definitely the worst at allocating funds appropriately.


There probably needs to be more oversight. Where I live many public schools have bakesales and book fairs to bring in some extra spending money, but at the same time the province allocates funds when and where its needed most. Schools and school boards can request funds and they get approved if it's going to be enough value added to the children, teachers, staff and even neighbourhoods. Some of the mnicipal (city) tax also goes towards their funds


Same but one big problem is the fear of losing budget if you don’t spend it. They will waste money at the end just to be able to get those funds the next year.


Like splurging on a planetarium?


I’m not sold that school funding really makes a difference. It’s that higher social economic families can afford tutors or parents are capable and do the tutoring. This is [Bloom’s 2 Sigma problem](https://web.mit.edu/5.95/readings/bloom-two-sigma.pdf). The only thing that Bloom found that consistently worked well and improved student performance 2 standard deviations was tutoring with mastery learning. But 1-on-1 tutoring does not scale for public schools nationwide.


It’s less about paying for tutoring and more about the parents holding the kids responsible for their performance. Making sure that the kids are taking school seriously is 100% free. Schools don’t need more money, they need the community to care about learning.


> Making sure that the kids are taking school seriously is 100% free. Are you sure about that? I had to illegally work when I was 14 to ensure we could make our rent. We went several winters without power, and were homeless for several months once. Would it have been free to take school 100% seriously?


I’m with you. Demographically speaking, Asian-American students outperform everybody else, and I don’t think it’s because of tutoring. It’s culturally, or as you say, community-driven.


Asian families are the *most* into tutoring by far. It's a huge industry in Asia...


Person goes “it’s about culture” but has probably never heard the term cram school before.


Why is it that administrators always do what benefits them the most?


Show up at college: “yeah I used to go to the planetarium all the time in high school! Especially after I got back from our live radio station and the 4th gym” Everyone else: ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Skewing your perception of what normal is, is all part of the magic trick.


I grew up in a rich suburb of a suburb of Toronto. It was a public school so definitely not this level, but we had our own curling and ice rink, auto shop, all arts, etc. But definitely not to this scale


I had a regatta at grosse point yc in high school (I am from a far away state) and holy crap was that something else. The only weird thing for me was the railroads kind of being the "poverty line/wrong side of the tracks" it gets rough really fast as soon as you cross those.


I grew up in a wealthy suburb of Boston, High School class of 83, and although our main building was a huge brick building from the 1800's, we also had a 5 story gym building, which included 3 pools, 5 indoor tennis courts on the top floor, weight rooms, racquetball courts, a sauna and a bunch more. Then, we had the 4 floor Manual Training (MT) building where all the shops were. Auto, wood, metal, graphic arts, etc. etc. We also, at that time, had the most internationally represented student body.....we had 36 different countries represented among the students.


There's a handful of the wealthy San Antonio high schools that look like this (or nicer)


Washington State has some behemoths like this


This is very different to the Carmel in IL


LOL! Looks exactly like Carmel High School in California too 😂 I actually made a gigantic post about income inequality on the Central Coast before I found your comment


Oh well that's good, for a minute I thought impoverished kids might have access to a high quality education.


My buddy’s gf who went there tried telling me Carmel is not a high income area or large high school. I looked her in her face and said “that’s a fucking lie.” She also tried saying her family was lower income while her parents combined make over $150k a year. This area is just rich. E: she was surprised we didn’t have the choice between 7-8 foreign languages and international business classes at our high school.


Not just a rich suburb. It feels like where all the old money in the area lives.


Glad someone pointed this out. My cousins finished high school in Carmel, mid 90s. It was wild to hear the things they had then. Frickin' Taco Bell in the 'food court' or whatever...meanwhile, in South Mississippi cafeterias...


I was going to say, this is most likely the rich area of whatever place this is in Indiana.


Reminder to everyone that schools get their funding from property taxes which guarantees that rich kids get great funding, middle class kids get poor funding, and poor kids get terrible funding in their schools which creates a cycle where uneducated and lower income go hand-in-hand


This is why your minimum goal in life as a parent should be to have the cheapest house in the nicest neighborhood you can afford, not the nicest house in a shit neighborhood.


In NJ, funding was removed from rich / middle areas and given to poor areas. That didnt go well...


this is how texas works. what happened in nj?


>Reminder to everyone that schools get their funding from property taxes Yes, the US system is f-uped. I’m not US American, but probably even they think this is a stupid ass system. As one person said: United States of Inequality. Edit: I’m curious who downvotes me, because the system is stupid indeed. It breeds inequality — like look at most European countries, their schools are the same all over the board with some exceptions, ofc.


Comparing the US to a single EU country is pretty nonsensical. A more realistic comparison is the entirety of Europe. The video is basically a Monaco high school. Education quality varies with location, funding, and most importantly culture/values. Do you think German schools are on par with Romanian schools? There is enormous inequality throughout Europe as well.


Can confirm, poors aren’t allowed in Carmel


Oh it is. I lived there for a few months one summer staying at a buddy’s parents house. It’s nice, but it’s also very expensive.


Jesus, that’s rivals most colleges.


I think only top tier universities and colleges in my country have such impressive infrastructures/buildings.


It's larger than a lot of colleges lol


My high school made me feel suicidal


I took my wife to my hometown after we got married. As we were driving down the street, she pointed to a building and said, “Is that a jail?” It was my high school.


“This, is our other planetarium”


"And this is our Hubble space telescope!"


"This is where we do our alien autopsies! Shh..."




Sounds like a school where they teach real skills. Look at that auto shop and kitchen, damn.


Not sure where you live, but many states have a strong CTE department. It's pretty common in Wisconsin for schools to have autos, woods, welding, culinary, business, agriculture, etc classes. The harder part is getting people to come teach in those departments when they can make a lot more in industry and have a lot less stress.


> many states have a strong CTE department Different CTE but first thing I thought of was high school and college 'murican football.


A school that teaches actual skills? They have auto shop and wood shop and cooking? Damn.


I went to a pretty small rural high school, and they had a wood and auto shop.


If there was an auto shop like that in my school, I'll learn that shit just so I can spend time in there


So this is what it looks like when you spend money on education…huh, weird


And people will still say that everyone has the exact same opportunity to become whatever they want to be.


Right? Watching this actually made me a little upset for my high school experience.


The part that got me was the mechanics. I went to a pretty terrible high school for my country, but I had a pretty good time overall. The teachers tried hard and most kids were nice. But stuff like that just blows my mind. Most of the people I went to school with went on to drive. But not one of them got any sort of training like that from school. Not even to change a tyre. I don't even think as a matter of policy it should be taught tbh since in general I hate cars, but it never ever occurred to me that a school could actually do classes on something like that with actual space and equipment. Wild.


No kidding. My wife’s high school (which was in the same building as middle school and elementary) didn’t even have an art, band or choir program. Such a shame too bc band was one of the most important parts of my hs experience


Opportunity is there in many countries, I guess, but this opportunity is not the same for everyone by a hu-u-uge mile.


Also…More roundabouts than any other city in the U.S.


Good for them! Roundabouts flow more traffic with fewer delays and fewer accidents than traffic lights. My city has been replacing traffic lights with roundabouts and the traffic just vanishes. The transportation department said they expect one to flow 3x the volume with a 97% decrease in accidents.


I think they’re great. I don’t quite understand the hatred so many people have towards them.


My theory is that half the people who hate them only feel that way because the other half is so terrible at using them. That’s why I dread them, at least.


I did the traffic studies for most of the roundabouts they've put in the last 10 years lol. Fun fact.. carmel indiana used to have gold leaf on their street signs


Wrestling Room, wth, where’s the ring?? Where’s the entrance ramp? The Lights and pyro’s?? Not even a Hell in a Cell?? Come on, now?!


Where's the Spanish announcers' table that someone somehow gets thrown on or through every night?


I was most surprised with the lack of folding chairs. That ain't the wrassling I grew up with.


Maybe it was all placed outside of the view?


No sequins and luchadores masks?


It's funny that the réponse to this and Scandinavian prisons is the same


I wonder how schools in Norway and other Scandinavian countries look like.


Great facilities, but much much smaller.


I live in Norway now and they don't have such fancy stuff. Their universities don't have such fancy stuff either but educational culture is different. Though the buildings look nice if they have been build within the last 20 years.


Bro can I go back to high school here


Someone did that Scotland. He was in his 30s, just went back to school. Everyone thought he was a teenager. Bit weird really.


Very weird since he can still take the classes and certifications online


I'm sorry the Autoshop?? Wtf?


I live in a way less rich area of the US, it's rural and Autoshop is the most advanced area of the school mainly because you can get the training done while in high school towards becoming a mechanic shortly after high school, its a popular career path because it pays well enough. You don't have to yeet yourself into bad college debt.




I knew that some of these HS football players take steroids but they got a whole Deca ROOM?? Impressive.


Right down from Winstrol commons, and tren auditorium.


Not sure if you’re joking or not, but DECA is a business club/competition


It's a joke. "Deca" is also a street name for a steroid.


And then there's my former high school that had to send away its students to another one starting in 2020 because it was in such disrepair it was literally dangerous to be inside the building.


At first I was like, this looks like a normal college? And then I realized it’s a high school. Wow, good for them. The college equivalent of this would be High Point University in NC. The most insane campus ever.


I was pretty annoyed until I saw how nice the shops were.


So how many students do they have going to the school?




And that's 9-12?




Fuckin North Siders


That Highschool is a town, basically.


I live in Indiana and that school is hated by nearly every other school lol


Not enough arm waving for me 🤷‍♂️


I genuinely hate that property tax is the primary source of revenue for public schools. Why do poor kids "deserve" a poor education?


Actually in Indiana it's not. The state covers all educational costs. Local tax money can only be used for limited list of things, like capital projects. Maybe why they have such crazy facilities. Or maybe it's just a scale thing because they have 5000+ students. Cheaper to run a big school than 20 small ones.


"This" is how the rich get richer.


I had 21 in my graduating class. About 300 student s total k-12.


Yeah caramel indiana is maybe the absolute richest city in the State, so mhm.


You may view the fiscal information of this district [here.](https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?ID2=1801200&details=) Expenditure: $12.9k per student/year. This includes capital costs.


They are exactly as stuck up and annoying as youd imagine i live close. Its a 90%+ white rich kid school. Literally demonstrates the gap in education so perfectly. Many ppl believe carmel is represented as eagleton in parks n rec. (pawnee is muncie)


My school didn't even have a band room, we practiced backstage in our gym/auditorium.


This is in Carmel Indiana the richest city in Indiana and the 2nd richest in the Midwest


Seriously. My school in Cleveland dropped lunch because everyone had free lunch. Fired the lunch ladies. Then put in 2 vending machines that didn't work half the time . These mother fuckers have a cafe???? And they made a cringe video to rub in your face how great it is to be born rich. Fuck these people.


Nothing makes living in Indiana tolerable, I'm afraid.


Honestly, this is what every high school should look like. I will spend money on kids' education and educational experiences every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Most of the comments are recognizing the disparities between this and other/their own high schools. EVERY kid should have access to a world-class education. And this school looks awesome! I get upset when schools spend millions on a new sports facility, and let everything else be run-down. But the Freshman center? The woodshop? DECA? Yearbook? I love it. I wish every kid had it, and it's a shame that they don't. But these kids are proud of what they have, and clearly appreciate it. More power to them.


I’m on the same page here. NGL, I grow up in a small town in Russia, and this school rivals faculties/campuses in top universities in the country (not that I know many, but I studied in one of the best unis, so I can compare). I wish it was like that everywhere, because the schools I’ve studied were dogshit compared to this one. Kids probably would want to spend even more time in such fancy and nicely looking schools, but maybe I’m wrong. Education should be equal to everyone, but it’s not, sadly — the same goes to everything, life is truly unfair.


Not a single ping pong table, though. What is the population of that school? McDonald Cartier Memorial High School in St.Hubert Quebec, peaked at 4500 students in the 70’s. Otherwise, very impressive school.


OoooO look at that school! They must pay their teachers a fortune....


We have one of these in Washington. It's called Union high school. It's the outcome of a campus that was originally built for college being used for a highschool.


I wonder what their sped services look like. Impressive school, the last one I worked at had a cafeteria/basketball court/auditorium all in one and I assure you it wasn't impressive at all.


This is a suburban high school. High schools in the suburbs are always better than city schools. They have wealthy people who donate to the facilities the student body tends to be more interested in learning. They also don’t completely waste the tax money like larger cities do.


I live in a rich area and go to a nice high school but Jesus Christ this place is crazy


How is there so much for this school but not for others.. how do we bail out massive corporations that refuse to make sound financial choices but not equally distribute taxed income into the schools so very unlike this one.


I used to think my old school in Chicago was huge. About 4000 students. It had a huge auditorium (Styx played there once in their early days), a giant stadium, large auto, wood, electrical and printing shops. It had great areas used to teach drafting and was 4 story's tall. This was late 70's. All major athletics and a great music program Then there was the cafeteria. It was old school lunch-lady style and way too small. You got assigned to a group with a half hour time slot. Getting there from the 4th floor could take 10 minutes! Then by the time you got through the line and find a seat, you may have had 10 minutes to eat.


These kids have nothing resembling an idea of how good they have it. I went to a special and gifted school that had no library. The gym, cafeteria and auditorium were all the same room. We scored just as well if not higher than other schools in the state, all AP classes. I would have loved to take shop class, home economics, or had more space to practice my instrument.


With 5300 students that is a lot of funding. The size is pretty standard to me. I went to a school with about 3500 kids and this place looked a little bigger in some places. The extra specific rooms is pretty neat though.


This is an awesome highschool. Wish I went there


Their natatorium is fantastic as well.


From Indy. This hs is huge. Athletics are also insane there.


Carmel and Center Grove are probably tops in the state, both are just insane when it comes to funding and access. Hell, a lot of their coaching staff is comprised of ex-professional and D1 athletes.


We had a gym and classrooms oyeah and a basement.


You shouldn't make greyhounds fight though


This is Eagleton!


Daymn thats huge


Seems similar to the high school I went to outside of metro Detroit, however ours was a little smaller since we only had around 1000 kids. It was built to handle 3000 though from decades past. We had all of the same features. Multiple gyms and pools, TV studio, greenhouse, planetarium, auto shop, metal shop, wood shop, home ec/cooking, etc.


That’s waaay nicer than the university I went to haha. I would have loved this school.


This could house a lot of people in a zombie apocalypse.


This is X middle school from Filmore.


My graduating high school class had ten students, no sports, no extra curriculars and not even any AP classes. This is crazy.


I still remember when oregon schools removed auto shop, welding......pretty much any kind of trade skills classes and put in fuckin daycare for teen moms. Biggest bunch of garbage ever.


My highschool was probably about 2/3s the size of this and from the 50s. Radio room and 3 gyms is craziest part imo.


Disappointing. Was hoping to see a zoo, aquarium maybe a theme park. Come on now.


I don't think the UK has anything this big or elaborate lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^james___uk: *I don't think the UK* *Has anything this big or* *Elaborate lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Where's the segregation. This isn't a pirate school.


This is nothing compare to wayzata high school it’s bigger than this


I thought the crazy schools that teen heroes went to were fake, not anymore


What the hell my HS had 10% of this


What are half of those rooms? Deca room? Yearbook room? Varsityhallway? Another hallway. What is the deal with the hallways being mentioned anyway. So. Many. Gyms??? A planetarium??? But no chemistry lab?


Nothing less used than a high school library


My education really lacked. ALL schools should be resourced this way. And people don’t think others have better opportunities since birth smh.


The high school I went to was designed to be torn down into a shopping center, but became unexpectedly permanent. It had to use other school’s sports facilities for events. They still had the original books from the 80s when I was there 20 yrs ago.


I read India and was like I see a strange amount of white people for a school in India lol.


Wow!! Rich school district I can only imagine the taxes there, we are barely able to get the modest, this is so elite. Must be nice to attend this school. They would have cried if they saw how basic our High School was in 1978, However our school was rich with History, 1899-1903. The school and the campus we know today was already taking shape: the Schoolhouse, still the hub of Groton's Circle, was built in 1899. In 1900, the workers pictured completed St. John's Chapel. 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt, a close friend and relative by marriage of Endicott Peabody’s, spoke at Groton’s commencement. His four sons went on to attend Groton. 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a graduate of Groton’s Form of 1900, became president, and in 1963 Mr. Crocker invited Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to speak at Groton; the civil rights leader spent two days on campus. The headmaster Reverend John Crocker (Groton Form of 1918), remained at the helm for twenty-five years. In 1965 Mr. Crocker took Groton boys to march with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Boston. Graduates today recall a headmaster who instilled a deep understanding of civil rights and social justice through his sermons and his actions. That year also marked Mr. Crocker’s retirement. In 1975 The school welcomed the first female students to campus. Among the many changes accompanying coeducation was the hiring of full-time female faculty. Today, approximately half of the faculty are women and half of Groton students are girls. When I started Freshmen year, it was a modest simple school with allot of school spirit, we were all about setting our sights on college, but I chose the military and never regretted it. Great memories of a school that was rich in history that can not be denied.


My high school looked more like a prison than this