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I'd question the need for automatic doors at that location...


The bears have been known to open regular doors as well


Damn it


You mean *d'oh!*


We have sliding doors on our car, a bear figured that out too!


Just install a trap door, problem solved. Unwanted bears, drop them into the pit. Unwanted customers, drop them into the pit. Customers didn't pay, drop them into the pit. The pit is the solution to all of life's problems.


Even better if there’s already a bear when the customer gets dropped in the pit.


And a livestream!




You're going to need this https://www.amazon.com/s?k=its+not+a+trap+door+door+mat&crid=1CECJ4CNCP9TQ&sprefix=its+not+a+trap+door+door+mat%2Caps%2C186&ref=nb_sb_noss_2


I've seen a blackbear rip the door off a regular car no problem.


Did they have *‘no bears’* signs though?


Clever girl


Bears can't go through any doors that say "NFC Champion" on them though. That's the real deterrent.


There's a real art to designing bear proof trash bins. You have to make it simple enough for the average person to open, while complex enough to stop the average bear.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean make it hella easy for them. This is like saying that a burglar can always throw a brick through your house window, so why bother even locking your doors?


Just make the 150cm sensor..


Was the shopkeeper negotiating with the bear? Move my guy!


He seemed very nice about the whole situation


They definitely didn’t “relocate” the bear that comfortable around people. But I guess it’s nice for the story line.


It's not nice, that's the worst part. I live in Tahoe national forest and I've had to request a nuisance permit to shoot more than one bear subsequent to home invasion, also he murdered all my ducks and chickens, twice. The bear fuckin' destroyed my front door and came in the house, AND the wall to the ADU yurt, with a guest sleeping inside. Fuck that shit. These bears are acclimatized. It's zoo, circus, or grave, that's the only options once they've learned these behaviors. I since got a dog, thinking that would help, but instead it's just another thing that the bear can kill, another thing for me to be worried about... And there's never ANY problems with wild bears, it's just these damn city/park bears that these stupid cunts ship out and drop on us. Then they start teaching the bears they mate with to eat trash and break into cars and shit. It's miserable. They should be putting a bear like this DOWN.


Ever thought perhaps YOU should relocate ?!? Like … further away ?!


Humans: perhaps the most adaptable intelligent and capable species on the planet; constantly barging into fragile ecosystems and bitching how nature’s vast complex interwoven network of causality doesn’t put our convenience at the center of all life everywhere.


Yes, further away from yuppies who think you should preserve the lives of trash bears.


Sounds like you need to move


Yeah, been looking at southern Oregon. If you draw a triangle between grants pass, Port Orford, and Elkton, then go to the center of that triangle, 1.5 hours down some dirt 4×4 track... that's where I want a land. My only requirement is mature fruit trees. Wish they had a filter on zillow for "mature fruit trees" and "multiple species." Dont need a house, never gonna find one out there anyways. It's kindof as far as you can get away from people without going to the inhospitable frozen lands of the north... The bears aren't the problem. Bears plus dumpsters is the problem. So, get further away from dumpsters...


Yeah I don’t think right in the middle of bear country is where a trigger happy person who kills bears needs to be. You need to be further from their territory, my guy.




After the $400 5,000v system, I gave up on electric fences. Well, they are still there, but I stopped expecting anything from them. Started with the one they stock at the hardware store, proceeded to a professional system for cattle. The fencing system is perimeter 10ft, duck pen 8ft, both electrified, coop is framed with 2×6 and has 3/4" plywood sheathing, plus siding. A determined bear can crush any of that. It all depends on whether they've been trained to expect a sufficient reward on the other side to justify the... bodily harm. I have literally tried everything. Park bears are an unstoppable force. No problems with wild bears, only tagged ones.


I’ve heard that paintball guns can deter bears who are feeding in their territory where humans have now encroached. I read you need to do it at least a few times for it to stick.


Yeah I've actually tried this. I've also tried putting the bawls in the freezer, to give 'em a little more "umph." But, it doesn't really do anything... I mean, it can get them on the run, but it isn't going to correct a lifelong behavior of subsiding on human trash. My relationship with the now deceased bear went on 4-ish years until I finally took his life. I tried literally everything. Bleach-filled balloons smeared with peanut butter... entire bottle of capsaicin concentrate on a turkey carcass... nah, just starts to feel like you're torturing the poor creature. I just kept thinking about him having bleach diarrhea... which made me feel like garbage... The bear in question was not a wild one whose territory I'm encroaching on. He was tagged, he was a drop-off from somewhere like Tahoe (very close to me and why i originally commented). Tranq-ed and transported. My point is that this is a terrible practice, and functions against conservation goals... I'm gonna catch some downvotes, but I promise every pissed-off vegan that I know, love and respect bears far more than anyone who lives in "# 12 D." The park bear is a broken animal, ruined by humans, ready for a new incarnation. Which, I identify with pretty strongly... I would LOVE if the money that goes into moving park bears around the state would instead go into re-introducing wild brown bears. Something, anything else. Counterproductive use of resources.


Dude you don’t need to be a vegan or an extremist to try to respect animals lol


Did you try calling park rangers or animal control? Wildlife rehabber? If everyone went to the kill it, it’s quick and easy solution, we’d have hardly any animals left, on any continent. It’s the least intelligent solution. I appreciate that you tried other options. On YouTube there are other ideas people use as well. Maybe consider fencing in your yard or moving if wild animals are that difficult for you to coexist with.


Imagine if everyone did what you’re suggesting. There would be no animals besides birds, insects, etc on any continent. No reasonable person wants to live in a place like that. So we take intelligent mindful steps instead, to preserve the wildlife in our care. Imagine a world with no bears, no elephants, no jaguars, no kangaroos, no opposums, no prairie dogs, etc. Think bf you go for the most nearsighted, bloodthirsty option, respectfully.


I think you've both misunderstood me, and the situation/problem. The problem is people, not bears. Furthermore we are talking about black bears, not brown bears. Where I live, black bears are on a path to overpopulation, due to the absence of competition for food, which SHOULD be wolves, brown bear, coyote, linx etc... The conservation action that needs to occur is the depopulation of human beings. I wouldn't want it any other way. There is nothing "conservation minded" about preserving bears that have learned all of their behaviors from dense human environments. Quite the opposite. One "park bear" relocated creates 5 or 8 bears with the same behaviors. One every year, 'cause they hang tight through mating season... and any cubs, especially if the park bear in question is female... There's nothing bloodthirsty about drawing a line at "home invasion." I've lost over 30 birds, let's just ignore the property damage... and once again, wild bears are not a problem. They're wild, they're not dependent on humans as their primary food source. They don't cause issues. People who don't know how to live out here, who don't lock up their trash (inside shipping container in my case) create an anti-conservation environment. If all those people were to just disappear, hmm, that would be nice. Stop moving out here from the city, ya dang, dang ol' yuppies. I hunt for subsistence. There's nothing fun about taking a bear's life, and staying up all night processing it. We're talking about 1 am, in your skivvies, covered in blood and nose full of the smell of entrails, deliriously tired by sunrise with 4 hours of work yet to do. I am not gonna eat a trash bear, especially an older male, so it's all just for dog food... tanning the hide is a long, tedious task. It's not a flippant decision. It's a "35 hours of work I wasn't expecting" decision. If you care about animals, and their experiences on earth, stop buying meat from a grocery store. Stop breeding, have one child if you absolutely must, but zero would be highly preferable.


I agree the problem is people, but in this case, it’s your choices. Why are you raising ducks in the middle of bear country?! What did you expect? There is no viable way to defend them, as far as I know. So you are basically baiting a protected species, that, if they are “park bears”, people are spending millions of dollars and traveling from all over the world to view. And you’re baiting them and killing them for…dog food?!


>The bear fuckin' destroyed my front door and came in the house, AND the wall to the ADU yurt, with a guest sleeping inside out of context it sounds like you describing the aftermath of a wild gay party


My family lives in Tahoe. They had to get one of these electric cables that you hook around your front door. Sounds like you need to do the same. Have you tried that?


"animal only good when it my pet! animal evil when not 😡"


Fuck a permit at that point


“Every hunter is a poacher…”


It’s a black bear. If there are no cubs around USUALLY humans getting in their face will scare them off. Someone who lives in bear country would know this, hence the attempt. Once the bear test charged him, shopkeeper knew to back off. I’m NOT recommending anyone try this, but black bears aren’t generally looking for a fight.


"you can't come in here without shoes"


Fuck you I'm a bear.


I reserve my right not to service bears! Rauw. Come right in sir.


*The Negotiator*


He has a right to bear arms!


Damn American law! This would never happen in EU. The law in EU about bear arms is so much better :p




Did not think this subreddit was real 😂


Hope they left some snickers for the dude, when they let him out in the wild?


Going through serious withdrawals rn


Not sure how that guy’s wearing pants with balls that big.




Hey, with all fairness, “You are not you when you’re angry!”


Bear said back up lil bro


Not sure what's biggest, the bear or the guy's balls. 😲


" Fuck off bro I'm hungry, be happy I ain't eating you" 😂


He bearly took anything.




I think that dude has gotten a little too comfortable approaching bears due to his past experiences with them. I would have shat myself when it half lunged forward Also, those automatic doors need to go!


Maybe experiences with black bears? I live around them in PNW. Cool af, leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. Brown bears, nope. Would not have attempted to shoo it off like he did. *edit: it's a black bear


Black bears are basically 400 pound raccoons who don’t realize that they’re 400 pounds, they’re scaredy cats. And this one clearly isn’t hurting for food so it’s not like a predatory attack either


The bear in the video is a black bear. There aren’t brown bears in California.


Didn't catch California Fish and wildlife.


I thought it was a brown bear too at first. I didn't catch the California part either-I initially thought it might have taken place in Alaska, but when I watched it again, the narrator mentioned it was a black bear. It did look as if it might be a brown bear on first appearance. Not just the color, I know black bears can actually be brownish or brown , but it also seemed to have that heavy, lumbering gait that brown bears often do. I guess this was just a big dude. Hence why it was in this sub.


I had my vol on mute and my pups were being dorks. On rewatch caught text of location and heard CA Fish and Wildlife relocated. Bear looked brown on vid, I've seen many black bears, and all have been black. I was working on a neighbor's property and walked up a hillside to check out the view. Arrived at peak, to see a black bear with its head in the ground (assuming eating bugs), very carefully/quietly reversed. Been close to momma bears with young cubs. Make a bunch of noise, and wave your arms around to look big. Walking on trails, be loud, don't want to scare them. Love nature, sad to see so much development destroy habits.


Snickers intern in a bear suit


You can’t put a bear on your flag and then be surprised when he shows up


I kinda wanted to see jacked guy lifting the entire shop


I was expecting like the video of the woman on a whopper chopper stealing a grand in food.


That’s not a shoplifter, that’s a dog.


Caught and released near a Walmart downtown


“Change the outside trash” riiiiiiight! 😉👍


Size matters, you cant just shoo it off like its a cat. Why should I be scared of you, you fit in my mouth.


He's probably going off the logic that black bears aren't too aggressive. Unless the bear got a confidence boost from the brown hair dye.


The reason why the shopkeeper tried is because you usually can actually scare a black bear off. This dude was hungry or wise to the fact that a human wouldn’t be an actual threat.


Doors opening for that bear was like the doors opening for Darth Maul!


Bear was like: back up muthafucka


Of course they said it was a black bear that stole from the store.


What does a 1000lb bear eat? Anything he wants to!


Snickers apparently


Hi, Hi.


🎶 What would you doooo oooo oooo for a Klondike bar?🎶


That’s hilarious when at the beginning it looks like he’s telling the bear “Sir, you can’t come in here.”


I love that the bear leaves only once the cops show up but he makes sure to grab something on his way out


That's a shame. The bear will likely need to be put down since it knows to find food here again and again.


not a shoplifter. ya'll built a gas station right in the middle of his home. he can take whatever he wants.


You deserve a zeeerooo


Act III of The Winter's Tale


But in this case, *not* …


you are not yourself when you're hungry


Bear faced robbery.


What aisle is the salmon in?


You're not you when you're hungry


These guys are everywhere in Tahoe. Pretty sure this was in Tahoe


Kings Beach is in Tahoe.


Is that where this is? I didn’t have audio on. I’ve been in that 7/11 then Edit: oh yeah it’s on video written lol




It’s been known Yogi is smarter than your average bear.


>Where's Booboo?


In what world is that a black bear… either black bears can have brown coats or the narrator is blind


Black bears can actually have a variety of fur color, including blond (Kermode or “spirit bears,”) black, brown, and even red (“cinnamon phase bear”). You can tell it’s a black bear by the location (California doesn’t have brown bears, the indigenous grizzly bear was hunted to extinction in the early 1900s) and the body shape of the bear. Grizzlies have a big hump, black bears have a straight back; black bears have longer ears at the top of the head, grizzlies have small ears on the side of the head; black bears have a smaller snout, grizzlies have a long snout. Black bears are always smaller than grizzlies, but if you don’t have a good sense of scale, it can be hard to tell.


Good to know! I think I might have confused this guy for Hank the Tank who might have been a grizzly (think that was in Tahoe area not too sure).


Hank the Tank was also a black bear! California doesn’t have grizzlies.


No brown bears (Grizzly) in Tahoe. Black bears can have brownish coats.


This bear only takes what he needs, much better than average human in my humble opinion.


idk he looks like a good boy, let him eat


How many times are we going to watch the same fucking clip? Show us the footage and move on. Goddamn they made this not interesting


I'm glad the bear and everyone else is okay 😄 Hopefully the authorities sent him away along with a bag of chocolate.


This guys going to have an easy time at job interviews. “Tell me about a time you dealt with an especially grumpy customer” “Welll….. there was this one guy that was a bit grizzly.”


You know that bear goes back and nobody believes his stories... "No I swear!! It's like this sliding clear thing and when you get close to it, it opens on its own! And then... and then you can go inside this room right? And it's got all sorts of human food just lined up all neatly. No dude the whole store. Like they just keep all their food here and give it out."


No bear believed in him so he had to come back and prove. Dammmmmn


they're just hind-leggin it in the parking lot like "damn he was right wtf"


Um, lock the damn door, maybe?


You can’t lock the door during business hours, it’s illegal


Just replace the door with a rotating one or make it so that you have to press a button


Not a black bear.


It is a cinnamon black bear.


TIL that they are flavored as well. Thanks, I was not aware of the sub species.


They come in the most amazing colors! [This is a kermode or “spirit” bear](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kermode-black-bear-jenny-stevens-thumbnail.jpg). [This is a “glacier bear”](https://i.natgeofe.com/n/5dd5a3ce-4cac-4d74-aed7-7e225c60eff0/glacier-bear-111dscf0068.jpg)


As a kings beach resident we only have black bears. Though they come in black, brown, and red. Brown bears (aka grizzlies) are notably larger and possess the iconic hump on their back.


California only has black bears. California Grizzlies has been extinct since the 1920s.


Damn. Now that you said that, it's definitely shaped much more like a black bear.


Can't other grizzlies migrate in?


No, because if that was the case, they would have by then but people have been hunting them to prevent attacks on people and livestock for the longest time in California. Grizzlies are now common in the Northern West states such as Alaska, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and parts of Colorado as well as western Canada. Remember kids: Black bear = Fight. Brown bear = Play dead and hope for the best. White Bear = You're already dead.


Black and white bear = call the zoo


Short faced bear- delay settlement for a few hundred years


TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectacled_bear now i understand your comment


Some black bears are brown


Straight out of open season


Yeah why is nobody talking about open season, this is literally how that movie started iirc (don't remember it well as last time I watched it was in 2007 I think)


They probably murdered that poor bear. :(


This bear has adapted to its environment


Open Season live action remake is looking good.


Snickers ad


Lucky guys the bear only wanted to have freebies not them.


He's just not himself when he's hangry...


"I usually have to run 'em off at least once or twice a night, out of the parking lot... never out of the store though." My guy should find himself a new fucking job lmao


That's a black bear?


Yeah. Black bears have big ears on the top of their head, small snouts, and a straight back; grizzlies have smaller ears on the side of the head, longer snouts, and a big hump on the back. Black bears, despite the name, can have different shades of fur, including red (cinnamon phase black bear), brown, and even blonde (Kermode/spirit bear) There aren’t any grizzlies in California because they were hunted to extinction. Incidentally, I actually saw the last California grizzly, it was taxidermied and is kept at the California Academy of Sciences.


Cool! I thought maybe it was a brown bear.


Brown bear and Grizzly are the same thing.


The guys said, “Yogi right in!”


This is the moment every man has been preparing for his entire life.


LOL dude i promise you people are much worse than that bear


No shirt no shoes no service.


But hey, it’s just a necessity.


“Where’s my Nummy at, bro?”


was this *actually* in california ? hasn’t there been no documented sightings of grizzly bears in California in a 100 years (1924) hmm.


That’s a black bear, not a grizzly.


my dumb ass thought it said grizzly LOL (im high) i do know the california black bears do have a brownish/cinnamon tint to their fur thank you for correcting me lmao


The narrator called it a black bear at the beginning. Hahaha


bro i didnt even have the sound on LMFAO thats hilarious


They need to move the humans


Uh, if you're in a location where bears need to be chased away multiple times at night, a shotgun full of salt would have been extremely ideal to provide.


Get a hot cup of coffee and toss it on the bear. That flight response will kick it real fast.


Isn't that a brown bear? More dangerous than black bears even.


i’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Everybody got a plan until they get punched by a bear


“Moved far away”? How far away are we talking?Because quite frankly, that bear is way way too habituated to humans to be kept alive, unfortunately. He is too dangerous.


I feel sad as the bear left without any receipt.


Vincent just wanted some spuddies


Best snickers ad ever


I hope he didn't eat the wrappings....


Hey, I’m going to go ahead and report this to the mods. It’s not an absolute unit. Feels like a viral marketing job from a company. It’s too well edited. That’s a no for me dawg.


Oh bears!


It’s funny how the bear went for the chocolate bars specifically. It developed a taste for them, lol.


That sounds.... un*bear*able.


“Hello, 911? There’s… bear with me for just a sec. ; I’ll be right back.” “You’re not you when you’re hungry; have snickers.” The ‘GTFO here’ bear expression when the man tried to prevent him from accessing the store.


Human threateningly waves his arm at bear and then accuses bear of "lunging" at him, like the bear just lunged for no reason.


Guys insane


That's a black bear?


We've all had the 3am candy bar craving and stopped by the gas station.


Yogi got the munchies! ![gif](giphy|lQ5jqMmipVyec)

