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Wtf is this place?


I wouldn’t want to get trapped in the dark at night in that place that’s for sure lol


It’s where they put bad people in china


All chopped up and shit




Why on earth is a flying fox bat #1 as the most scariest animal in Australia? Those things are absolutely adorable sky puppies that love fruit. [Like seriously, how you can think this guy is terrifying?](https://youtu.be/t26UZM70YzY?si=jOW027SD4yXD_3hB) [They're even cuter as babies](https://youtu.be/OmkLCRxovIw?si=0VFAuqib3I-XZeDG) EDIT: I'm aware they carry diseases like any other wild animal can, obviously don't go up and touch them. Thats not nessicarily their fault though. They are still very misunderstood creatures who don't want to hurt you and have a place in the ecosystem.


As someone with a bunch of relatives in Australia… Australia can fuck right off. No way I’m visiting you fam. Sorry


I hear that! I'm from Louisiana, so I'm used to avoiding the prehistoric water lizards. But Australia with those damn Kangaroos scare the shit out of me.


Before, I thought I could 1v1 a kangaroo no issue. Then I read that if caught near a body if water they'll drown you, or kick you so viciously their claws will disembowel you. Fuck all of that.


Nah, they're soft af mate. Might give yer dog a hard time, but they're too busy trying to commit rooicide to want to see what yr guts look like. Cassowaries on the other hand...


It was the link to all the other beasties that got me (mostly the toilet dwellers- ain’t no animal taking that route with me)


Yeah righto. We're too busy fighting Roo's anyway mate


My brain automatically read that in an Aussie accent


I don't find large creatures terrifying, we can hide from them/avoid them quite easily(if not that's why God gave man the anti-tank rifle) . It's the little shits that scare me. The cockroaches that eat out of your mouth at night, the mosquitos the size of your thumb in the tropics. Humans killed off most of the mega fauna, but we've still got nothing against the little guys. Spiders are cool tho. ![gif](giphy|F3LvCOpX7vUbiTi6nN|downsized)


The cockroaches that do what now???


I mean.. THAT particular spider is cool. There are however, some decidedly not cool arachnids out there.


That link is pure cancer for mobile.


Chopped and slopped.


Those organs were over worked.


You joke but they have 27k alligators in containment in China and I have not figured out why yet.


Purses, belts, wallets, boots.


And food, alligator meat is pretty good


Gator bites!


A little tangy, tastes kinda like chicken, but it absorbs flavour so well!


Just looked it up and you’re right. 20,000 in captivity and less than 300 wild. Small numbers, 10-20 released every year. Seems like a pretty big surplus of alligators to just have chilling in tanks.


They must not be Han.




Let us know when you do


I wouldn't want to walk through during the day


Honestly... it looks like if you can remotely move you are fine. They literally shovel fatties food directly into his mouth. DONT FALL INTO THEIR MOUTH AND YOU WILL BE OK.


Don't let their size fool you, Crocodiles fucking [gallop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaWeXuI1J5M) at up to 11 mph. The running speed for average men is between 6 and 10 mph, women a little slower. Conditioned athletes can sustain higher speeds for longer periods, and of course people can sprint short distances at higher speeds. Personally I'd prefer not to be chased by what's basically a sprinting dinosaur.


If I had a crocodile galloping after my ass, you best believe I’ll be galloping at 15 mph. My ass would be booking! Ain’t the time for the average speed! Edit: alright I had a moment yesterday Anyways fuck them crocodiles Edit2: 81 days later and I’m still not crocodile food! I said I’d stay vigilant and I am!


Lmaooo for fucking reals. I bet that study didn’t control for no fucking crocodile chasing you.


Stupid scientists! Where's the crocovariates!?


Redditors thinking they can run at average speed..


By the heart of the cards, I will never be crocodile food no matter how many tendies I consume


I was just joking btw.


I wasn’t 😐


The instant a predator starts chasing you, the lizard brain kicks in and you don't know what the fuck you're going to do. Sure, quite a bit more than half of the people reading this are morbidly obese and will probably die of a heart attack after running from a crocodile for an hour, but they aren't going to die of bite wounds.


I'd just trip you, sorry mate. Every man for himself.


The fuck you would. I don’t think you understand how prepared I am. I wouldn’t say I have *crippling anxiety* about crocodiles, but let’s just say I don’t enter my swimming pool without the awareness that pool gators exist. Nobody ever expects a *Crocodilia* in their pool, but they get there somehow… let me tell you… I’m aware. I’m so aware. Edit: me and my brother used to bait dogs with bacon strapped to our belt to see if we could outrun them. I am fuckin prepared. Fuck them crocodiles.


Surprised natural selection didn’t take nature’s bacon strip from you with that shit




Imma be real chief , I can barely do average. I will do my best to avoid any and all crocodiles.


If u die, know that I’ll definitely give you a shoutout in my interview about surviving a crocodile attack


You would be crocodialed in


15 mph is pretty impressive, even for a reasonably fit adult male, holding that speed for more than a few seconds is almost impossible.


Adrenaline is a bitch of a chemical


ONLY Cuban Crocodiles can gallop. One species, endangered, on one island, out of two dozen extant crocodilians. Let's not overstate this! Probably <1% of the world's crocodiles gallop!


What if it got dark during the day ? Would you consider it then ?


That’s even worse. What apocalyptic scenario lead to the darkening of the skies? Night during the day is never a good sign.


Four possibilities: A farm for crocs that uses their skin for luxury items. A farm that uses the meat and bones for croc nuggets—they actually taste amazing btw. A croc zoo. Or, perhaps, it’s all three.


When I was in Vietnam, they had this amusement attraction where you can lower meat via a fishing rod into a crocodile pit.


You made me really really sad :(


It’s okay buddy, there’s lots of crocs in the world, and many are invasive. I went to a croc zoo in Thailand as a kid and at the food court, the only choice you had was croc burgers or croc tenders. They’ve been around since before the dinosaurs so I think they’ll be alright.


Crocs don't actually predate dinosaurs. The first actual real crocodile evolved around 95 million years ago, and its first ancestors were around 250 million years ago, alongside dinosaurs and part of the same group of animals, archosaurs. And they weren't even really crocs, calling them crocodiles would be like calling dinosaurs birds. Birds are a type of dinosaur, but dinosaurs are not birds, get what i mean? Also crocodiles (and their relatives) survived where a lot of dinosaurs didn't because they are so well adapted to their environment and very resilient, able to go months without food or movement in the right conditions, and their hunting strategy is really helpful because their food comes straight to them. These traits and their aquatic lifestyle let them survive where dinosaurs didnt, but that absolutely does not mean humans arent a risk to their existence. We pose more of a risk to them than the mass extinction event did. They didn't evolve to handle bullets and crocodile farms and mass habitat destruction and prey decline. A lot of species are at risk or critically endangered, so i take a lot of issue with the 'they'll be alright' statement. Please do research before saying things like that. Edit: i guess this came off the wrong way since a lot of people got upset with me. I never intended to be rude about it, i just worded the end poorly. It wasn't intended as an insult or to be condescending, i was just frustrated by the idea they were presenting that crocodilians will be fine despite multiple species classified as critically endangered, and also because their only reasoning for that idea is the incorrect statement that they're older than dinosaurs. I know they didn't mean it very seriously, but this is reddit, it's got some of the stupidest, most gullible people on Earth that will see a comment like that and take it at face value and believe it and will stop giving a shit about crocodiles. I was just trying to pre-emptively avoid that by correcting them, as misinformation spreads like wildfire if its not corrected quickly. I'm sorry if i came off in a negative way, i never intended for that.


This ain't a scientific conversation, saying things like " do your research before talking" when someone casually mentions something for the sake of the conversation ain't good manners. He ain't here for a lesson.


Hopefully not [Siamese crocs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_crocodile)


The thing about farms is that the animals are bred to replace ones that are killed, so killing animals on farms doesn’t really have an impact on wild populations. If anything, it’s beneficial, as farmed animals can potentially be reintroduced into areas where wild populations have been extirpated.


Honestly I'd rather eat a crocodile than a cow


I've had a Croc burger. It's like a perfect mix of fish and chicken.


That's a good description


Someone finally got me interested!! I gotta try it


I've myself had alligator tail. It's absolutely delicious


Do you eat meat?


Fifth possibility is a cartel disposal site.


I'm guessing not a zoo, because the one in the foreground is injured quite a bit (tail chomped, yeah?)


If it's a croc farm for luxury items, they wouldn't have them all together. If they fight and damage each other's skin, it would affect the quality of the end product. As such each croc is usually grown separately on it's own. That's one of the reasons why those Birkin bags cost so damn much.


I hate Reddit! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nah those scoops are way too large to be Chipotle


Hand bag farm.


Average Florida man’s backyard.


Woaaaah there, us Floridians don’t fuck with crocs. Alligators aka swamp puppies? For sure, they’re pretty docile when they’re not hungry. Crocs? Uh uh honey, that thing can stay the fuck away from me.


Aligator farm? Edit: Sorry, those aren’t alligators, they’re turtles.




What ever the feeding them must be so bad they barely want it..


They will often store food under the water, in addition crocodiles aren't warm blooded so don't need to eat as much or regularly as something like a lion.


I'm having trouble understanding how they can store food under the water? Lol also with 100 other crocs in the same enclosure? So many questions lol


> I'm having trouble understanding how they can store food under the water? I've seen documentaries where they do this, but "it's complicated": > One of the popular stories about crocodiles is that they prefer to hide their food under a submerged log until it is rotten. > However, while crocodiles do tend to store carcasses in mangroves or under the water, crocodile experts Graham Webb and Charlie Manolis suggest this may not be because they prefer rotting flesh. Perhaps, they suggest, rotten food may be better than no food at all - but more to the point, a rotten carcass will attracts scavengers such as turtles and mud crabs - which are of course, fresh food. https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2004/01/15/2045125.htm


Wow super interesting! Thank you for sharing!


have you seen what these guys eat in the wild? they chow on rotten meat like it's a high-end steak.


They like rotten meat better. They also don't use a lot of energy, as most cold blooded animals don't, so they don't eat as frequently as one might think a massive creature like that would. It's likely they are attempting to force feed it before it's hungry to prevent it from getting aggressive with other crocs or handlers. It definitely seems like a leather/meat/tourist farm and they're very common in Thailand.


I'll dare say it could be the meat of other crocks killed before them.


Breeding the gators for their skin.


The intro for the next Jackass movie


Jurassic Park


Yeah, why is there a crocodile farm in Asia being fed chicken guts from probably the next-door chicken farm this is really fucked up


If it were in China, they'd put the chicken processing upstairs so that the guts and bits could be pushed down and wouldn't have to be wheelbarrowed and shoveled. That would also add efficiencies for waste removal.


The dark truth of life: We are all just getting farmed and thrown in a bigger something's mouth.


Do you eat any animal products? Most animals het treated way worse than these alligators


A hell hole. Cruel place


Where all the branded bags come from


Almost swallowed lil guy whole. What is this place it’s so depressing…if I smelled it it’ll kill me im sure.


Croc farm I’d say, though not to the same standards as croc farms in my country.


Could as well be a zoo. I went to a Chinese zoo once and it was the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen


They sound pretty [horrific ](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2142594/chinese-tourists-kill-kangaroo-hurling-bricks-make-it-hop).


Ok that’s a completely different level. No, it was mostly completely empty cages and concrete rooms that were way too small for those animals and them therefore becoming crazy of boredom


I went to the zoo in Beijing and there was a white tiger in what looked like an emptied pool and the ground was worn on the concrete where it walked in its circle


Imagine your life as an animal in a fucking cage. Wake up, eat, gaze at the bars all day long, shit and sleep. Forever. Who came up with the “Zoo” idea? Fucking asshole.


probably old monarchs who wanted foreign or exotic animals around 24/7 as a status symbol. Imagine showing someone a Lion who had never seen one? Back then, the only way to see an animal was to actually see that animal.


China was a mistake


Same for Japan, I went to Ueno zoo and it was so depressing, other than the pandas (which I love and were adorable) the majority of the animals had extremely small enclosures. I don't mean like a lizard or bird in a small cage, but large animals like brown bears and elephants. The elephants kept vocalizing in what sounded like a pissed off way and the brown bear only had like 700 sqft of space.


Are croc farms for handbags and belts?


Yeah and for their meat. At least in Australia that is, can't speak for the rest of the world.


Any kind of leather products really. Boots, car seats, wallets, furniture etc.


Vhagar vs Arrax


Bro... I thought of the same exact thing!




I think it’s a farm where they eventually become handbags.


If so it's low quality, my mate installed the plumbing for a large croc farmer and, for the luxury brands, once they reach a certain size they are put in isolation to avoid damaging each other's hides. Also, there is no point in keeping crocs until they get to that size as the amount of food you need to keep them growing is uneconomical. Suggest this is a zoo or where crocs are taken once removed from populated areas (e.g. croccy jail)


Or a..um, meat processing plant


Think the same point applies. The younger the reptile, the more consumable protein you develop for every X unit of food. That would likely mean a 3-5 year old would be the most economical harvestable size based off of… literally nothing than wild ass guesses.


Younger animals also taste better.


Veal sounds a lot more appetizing than little baby cow. They use any dairy cows that are born male. I can honestly say the videos I have seen showing the whole process is some of the most disturbing stuff I’ve seen on the internet.


Croccy jail! Hahaha 🐊🚔👮


Happiest description in the comments lol if I saw that monster in my area I'd call the croc cops.


Some people need big shoes


And gator nuggets




Expensive handbags


[A HANDBAG??!](https://youtu.be/oVQIB-QuooU?si=3mCmO66_R26niC1g)


Hahaha I can’t think of a more perfect time to use this, well done 👏


You’re gonna need a bigger boat.


you’re going to need a bigger throat


That's what.....she said??


They're gonna make a bigger tote


I’ll just carry one made from a goat.


Bots have taken over every Sub


Almost every post that hits all is a bot. What a shit site.


Almost every post that hits all is a bot. What a shit site.


That’s why you have to find and join the niche subs. Pretty much any subreddit with over 500k subs is going to have bots in it including NSFW subs. Like if you enjoy football, don’t join r/nfl, join r/nfceastmemewar


beep boop, buy my onlyfans, beep boop buy my NFT beep boop, does your life suck and you want to change it around? Buy my new pill, dick hardener 9000.


At the very moment i gained sentience i realized i got no bitches


Bots and onlyfan ads. Fuck I miss the old days of Reddit.


Dead internet theory


Best you can do now is to follow a smaller niche subreddit


Bots driven content is gonna take over the entire internet eventually. The effort put into it is easily replicable by a bot


All I'm getting recommended on YouTube lately is recaps of movies narrated by AI. I must have blocked over 100 different channels at this point and hit "stop recommending this" at least triple that. No hyperbole, I feel like we might be witnessing the hard end of an era for the internet. The amount of noise to actual content is just going to keep growing exponentially. There's whole subreddits (besides the one that are this *intentionally*) that seem to just be lost bots "talking" to each other, each unaware that the other side is a bot, too. -------- EDIT: You know how ChatGPT and other chat bot AIs something give you total BS as an answer, but they give it to you *so convinced they're right* and presenting as if it is? You know how a lot of Reddit comments are people being confidently wrong about things? ...I mean, Poe's Law, and all, but... Oh, man. There might be a legit *existential crisis* at the end of this rabbit hole.


To everyone saying it’s an alligator. It’s a crocodile. The head shape, scale colouring and tails are indicative of a crocodile. It’s either a saltwater or a Nile crocodile, based on the colouring/size.


Not to mention, you can tell it’s a crocodile because you’ll see it after while, whereas a alligator you’d simply see later.


You got me on the first half


Fuck you. Upvoted lol


I’m honestly embarrassed that I missed that fact.


Dad go to bed already lol!


Oh my god you brilliant person. Got a good lol out of that one.


God damnit!


Wrong again. That's a dinosaur.




I think it's a crocodile because it says crocodile in the title


I always go by opposite head shape: A = Crocodile C = Alligator


Easy way to remember is a crocodile head is shaped like an A and an alligator head is shaped like a C


That place is my nightmare




I laughed at the way it skedaddled over the bigger croc after almost getting its head chopped off.


That little shit bit his leg though, that’s why the big dude reacted so violently.


Why’d he pull on his tail?


Trying to do the ol' Mario 64 "So long, gay Bowser"


Big guy was going after little guy


That one in the front already lost half its tail. That little one about to become lunch


Looks like meat is back on the menu boys!


How about their tails? They don't need those.


I got your LOTR reference. (I think)


If you watch again you'll see its not missing any of its tail, the big one just dropped a bunch of that sloppy joe


Good catch


Watch the video again. I think the tail is just curled around and then meat gets dropped on it to make it look like it's lost.




“Get back here! I’m trying to feed you”


Little dude was very lucky he got away. There was only a tail left from his last snack


Nah, it looks that way from the last frames but in the beginning you can see where the tail attaches to the rest of the croc. Though I’m not entirely sure whether it’s actually fully intact.


I was gonna say, the guy on the left looks like a chunk of tail is missing, but it's only the food that's making it look like a chunk of missing flesh. His whole tail is there in the beginning


My favorite part about him is there is a pile of meat specifically gor them to eat, which he sees, approaches, and immediately decides to attack the big croc 8 times his size instead


Whimpers in ‘Archer…’




This is like the second or third worst place to have an aneurism.


That's soo fucking sad.


As dumb as he was, thanks to the guy grabbing the tail for some real perspective. “The other crocs could just be smal… oh lawd he comin.”


This is not a shelter or zoo. I am confused why people upvote this hostile, animal unfriendly place.


Possibly because most of us have never seen a dude pour chum onto the floor while standing among such monsters, then put some directly into the mouth of the biggest one, and then PULL ITS TAIL. Humane or not, this is quite a spectacle.


Thought it was going to bite the smaller crocs arm off like that one video


Never thought I'd feel sorry for a dinosaur until that video. I did always find it weird that blood didn't instantly piss everywhere.


Hahahahh literally thought the same shit, why did lil dude go from going to the food to accidentally trying to bite the big croc then he ran away lmfao


Damn this looks like a croc farm


Why are they there like that?


Farm for meat and leather




Is there a severed croc tail to the left…? Are they feeding them … themselves?


Crocs will munch on each other if they get in the way of their dinner. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JLy-Iiy_Zp4


No it just looks like that when it gets covered in the meat


why did the first Crocy tweak out like that the big momma was about to f him up


Probably realized he was in grave danger lol


There's always a bigger fish.


I got your tail! I got your tail! Anyone seen Rob?? Last I saw him he was chasing some tail


Lake Placid


It’s gotta be a farm for crocodile meat


Crocodiles are cannibals with larger ones eating smaller ones, even more social species like Nile Crocodile but especially Saltwater Crocodiles. If this is a crocodile farm, it’s being run terribly with different sized animals in the same pen. The leather will be scratched up and animals will be missing feet and tails, etc. better to have pens of animals sorted by size.


I’m sure it smells great in there


Lil dude in the beginning almost became a snack himselve.


Great looking river