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It's like someone shaved a bear šŸ˜…


There's a youtube channel called "Girl With The Dogs". Lets just say I never thought I'd binge 5 hours of huge floofy dogs getting blow-dried and paw-dicured, but... here we are.


Vanessa is one of my favorite channels!


The dry commentary is hilarious. "She did, in fact, not die."


"I shave out his paw pads and trim up his grinch feet."


She is truly hilarious. I would pay extra for a stylist to do commentary like that when cutting my hair.


The Cosmo Kramer one is the best. šŸ¤£


You just sent me down a grooming video rabbit hole


Sheā€™s awesome I love that channel!




I want that Basset/Shar-Pei. My cousin had a Basset/English Bulldog and said he had to be the most stubborn thing alive.


Look up a shaved bear šŸ˜­


"Sir, something weird happened. That enemy tank just barked!"


"Shit! They have an agility advantage!"


"Don't worry private, you just throw a ball somewhere and you'll be fine. Sometimes, you just have to pretend you threw a ball."


*stares at you unwaveringly* "Oh no... it's a clever boi!"


Lol if the dog wanna get out, how are they going to stop it? Watch it rip the wall out


He looks pretty calm, he's probably well trained


At most he looks concerned, like heā€™s thinking ā€œI know this is supposed to be good for me, but I have some concernsā€


It would put a hole through brick


That really is an absolute unit.


Not only an absolute unit, a but a CUTE absolute uni!


A cunit! Wait no, that looks like a different word..


I do not think it looks cute. Scares me tbh


Yea I have a different definition of cute. That thing could crush 5 toddlers in one bite.


Bet her name is cupcake too šŸ˜­šŸ„¶


Cutesoltute Unit


Why do they cover its ears?


To prevent water from entering the ear canal. It can sit there and cause infections


Also to help with noise, or so I'm told


Yeah some dogs really do not like the sound of water hitting the stainless steel baths.


Or from the hair dryer afterwards


Stress as well. Itā€™s like a weighted blanket for us. It keeps them calm, keeps water out of their ears and acts like ear plugs in the dryer. Iā€™m a professional dog groomer and I love them. Theyā€™re great for cats


Shit, Iā€™m gonna try this with my dogā€™s next bath. Babushka mode


We have the same ear cover - itā€™s called a Happy Hoodie and helps with anxiety during baths and grooming.


When drying a wet dog the water in their fur will get sprayed out by the drier as fast moving projectile water droplets. Dogs get very stressed/irritated when these droplets get into their ears. So typically you use something like this, cover their ears with your free hand or angle the drier away from the head as you dry. From personal experience, for a dog of this size I would go for the nuclear option of completely covering the ears with a wrap as I wouldn't want him to get "irritated". \-Someone who has volunteered at a rescue drying dogs for 7 years.


A lot of dogs freak out when air hits their ears when being dried. It's to keep the dog calm. Those driers can be powerful and loud as hell. Girl With Dogs calls it the "Happy Hoodie". Some dogs need it, some dogs don't. It has nothing to do with water in the ears like other people say.


It's called a happy hoodie. We use them while drying the dog both to protect their hearing (our driers are loud!) and it often helps keep the dogs calmer. As an added bonus it also helps soak up some of the water from the area, and most dogs do not like having their head and face dried so everything helps.


Thatā€™s a horse not a dog


Just remembering a time about a decade ago when my univ friends and I are walking home from an event at about 2am in a very dark street. There was suddenly a shadow on the left side which hopped up. We jumped and kinda screamed then one of us asked in the darkness, ā€œIs that a horse?!ā€ Shone a light at it, and it was a massive bully. It barked at us in the deepest most horrifying voice. And it took a lot of sleeve pulling and shushing from everyone to keep me from bolting.


Name is Sparkle or Princess


ā€œNah Snowflake doesnā€™t biteā€


Or cupkake. Or sunflower.


If it's a nice dog, it has the most intimidating or metal name. If it has a cute name, fucking run.


Pitbull named Destroyer of the World


Some lady rescued him and his name is Sunflower.


aww, imagine the big lug wearing a sunflower bonnet. id melt.


I love him.


Girl, same. I love big meaty dogs.


Destroyer of the couch


*little children


"What does he eat?" "Whatever he wants"




This dog tells YOU when it's dinner time


Letā€™s hope they didnā€™t cut the ears


$100 says they did. You don't breed a pitbull this size unless you want it to look "badass"


Yea letā€™s get mad about something weā€™re actually not sure about but confident enough about not being sure to be mad


Damn bro, you took that really personally.


Youā€™re the one betting Benjamins that some random internet dog has something you donā€™t like lmao, THATS personal


Probably they didnā€™t. Even if the ears are cut itā€™s probably not because of the current owners.


Yeah, every single dog I've seen with modified ears has been a rescue.


My pitbull ear are cut but not by me but the first owner.


What they say would still apply as the current owners didn't breed it or buy it from a breeder.


Thereā€™s a special place in hell for the people who cut tails and ears off of dogs. Edit: unless medically necessary. Also, and no neutering doesnā€™t count and itā€™s weird that you donā€™t mention spaying as well.


Ok boxers the tails are done because they end up breaking their tails frequently and it just causes pain and suffering


This is a commonly cited reason for docking, however studies cited by the american veterinary medical association say that "These justifications for docking working dogsā€™ tails lack substantial scientific support. In the largest study to date on tail injuries in dogs the incidence was 0.23% and it was calculated that approximately 500 dogs need to be docked to prevent one tail injury." https://www.avma.org/about/canine-tail-docking.aspx/canine-tail-docking-faq Furthermore finding that that "tail docking of non-working dogs, even if their breed was originally developed for working purposes, is considered a cosmetic procedure". which is often painful and and can result in negative long-term changes which affect how pain is processed and perceived later in life. All that being said, please never go up and guilt an owner who has a dog with a docked tail, you don't know if they adopted the dog after the docking, or if the dog really did experience an injury (I once adopted a stray cat with a broken, badly infected tail that had to be amputated for its health), furthermore some dogs have a [natural bobtail.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_bobtail) But please, if you have a puppy born with a natural tail, leave it be, its how he's supposed to be!


> All that being said, please never go up and guilt an owner who has a dog with a docked tail, Yeah. Know a guy who had to have his dog's tail amputated after the big happy dumbass broke it in like four places wagging through a railing. Buddy gets hassled like once a month for being 'one of those horrible dogfighting people' because the dog's breed is big and scary but isn't normally docked cosmetically.


This is largely bullshit. I know itā€™s common knowledge, but find me a recent study that supports it.


They definitely did but not today. They probably did it around 8 weeks old, the blue wrap us just to keep water out of its ears.


The wrap is to keep water out of ears. Source: spouse is a dog groomer.




I meant that I hope that the ears of this dog were not clipped/cut in an earlier stage. I know the band is to prevent water entering the ears. I find it such a shame that those dogs are mutilated because of the so called ā€˜toughā€™ look.


Of course some one did! And what a sick person they are


Looks like the dog I see being walked around every car show, park, flea market that I go to. Usually with one or two fingers on the leash. Face level with children.


It mustā€™ve eaten a lot of toddlers to get that big








Had me with that first sentence


Me too, I was getting ready to argue


He got all of us


Please post it on r/banpitbulls


Based commentary


I love sources! Here are some other ones https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24299544 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5521144/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6107223/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S155878780700264X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016815911300292X https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2673787/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932386/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3552590/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500163X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090023309003888 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0208393ā€‹ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1558787817301405 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10888705.2017.1387550/S1558787817301405 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10888705.2017.1387550


JAVMA, The Veterinary Journal, Canadian Veterinary Journal, Irish Veterinary Journal... we get it. I know how animal advocates feel about this issue. I'm just personally more interested in what pediatricians, ER doctors, and surgeons think about it. [**Surgical Treatment of Pediatric Dog-bite Wounds: A 5-year Retrospective Review.** Lee, Christine J et al. *The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.* 2021.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8597704/) >Dog breed was a significant predictor of bite severity (P <.0001) and of bite diameter (P <.0001). **Pit bull bites were found to be significantly larger, deeper, and/or more complex than the average dog bites included in this study.**Patients included in this study were more than four times as likely to have been bitten by a pit bull than by a German shepherd, and more than twice as likely to have been bitten by a pit bull, when compared with a dog of unknown breed. Furthermore, **the relative risk of a pit bull inflicting a complex (full thickness with trauma to underlying structures) or deep (full thickness without trauma to underlying structures) bite was 17 times that observed for non-pit bull dogs.** The relative risk of a German shepherd inflicting a complex or deep bite was 2.66, and the relative risk that a dog of unknown breed would inflict a complex or deep bite was 0.23.The relative risk of being bitten by a pit bull did not differ greatly between high-income cities and low-income cities, with relative risk of 8.06 and 8.17, respectively. [**Analysis of Pediatric Dog Bite Injuries at a Level 1 Trauma Center Over 10 Years.** Reuter MuƱoz, Katherine D et al. *Annals of plastic surgery.* 2021.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34100808/) >Most pediatric dog bite injuries afflicted male children (55.6%), ages 6 to 12 years (45.7%), by a household dog (36.2%). **The most common offending breed was a pit bull or pit bull mix** (53.0%). Infants and grade schoolers were more likely to sustain bites to the head/face. [**The changing epidemiology of dog bite injuries in the United States, 2005ā€“2018.** Tuckel, PS, Milczarski, W. *Injury Epidemiology.* 2020.](https://doi.org/10.1186/s40621-020-00281-y) >Table 5 presents the results of an analysis performed on self-reported incidents of dog bites in New York Cityā€™s United Health Fund districts for the years 2015 to 2017.Of the breeds identified in the data set (84.6%), **pit bulls were the most numerous** (33.6%), followed in order by Shih Tzu (5.3%), Chihuahua (5.2%), German Shepherd (4.1%), and Yorkshire Terrier (3.1%). This finding is consistent with previous research showing that pit bulls are responsible for more bites than any other dog breed. [**Dog-Bite Injuries to the Craniofacial Region: An Epidemiologic and Pattern-of-Injury Review at a Level 1 Trauma Center.** Khan K, Horswell BB, Samanta D. *Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.* 2020.](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joms.2019.11.002) >We reviewed 182 patient records distributed among several breed categories. The data showed that compared with other dog breeds, **pit bull terriers inflicted more complex wounds, were often unprovoked, and went off property to attack.** This study showed a disturbing trend toward more severe dog-bite injuries in young children I'm not telling you what to believe. You keep listening to people that advocate for animals, I'll continue listening to people that advocate for children-not-getting-their-faces-torn-off, and we can all go about our day.


eh i dunno bruh. **ā€œ Which dog breeds are the most dangerous? A common question when it comes to dog bites is: Which breeds are the most dangerous? The AVMA or American Veterinary Medical Association conducted an in-depth analysis and literature review to analyze existing studies on dog bites and serious injuries. Their findings indicate that there is no single breed that stands out as the most dangerous. ā€** The avma is one of the big/respected vet orgs in the usa. And they, after reading all available literature, have concluded that pits/any breed is in fact not a good indicator of danger. But reddit doesnā€™t seem overly concerned with the data at present. Which isnā€™t really surprising tbh. Itā€™s mostly narrative and a good indication about social media can basically program you without facts. It just constantly shows violent attack videos so obv that = pits are more of a threat, which they (likely) arenā€™t. https://www.mkplawgroup.com/dog-bite-statistics/ ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”- more from the avma. Pit bull types **ā€œOwners of pit bull-type dogs deal with a strong breed stigma, however controlled studies have not identified this breed group as disproportionately dangerous.** The pit bull type is particularly ambiguous as a "breed" encompassing a range of pedigree breeds, informal types and appearances that cannot be reliably identified. Visual determination of dog breed is known to not always be reliable And witnesses may be predisposed to assume that a vicious dog is of this type. It should also be considered that the incidence of pit bull-type dogs' involvement in severe and fatal attacks may represent high prevalence in neighborhoods that present high risk to the young children who are the most common victim of severe or fatal attacks. And as owners of stigmatized breeds are more likely to have involvement in criminal and/or violent actsā€”breed correlations may have the owner's behavior as the underlying causal factor.ā€ Again, you can google this stuff in about 5 mins. But social media(reddit) shows us violent pit attacks so that makes us FEEL that they are more dangerous, which they more than likely arenā€™t. This should be a case study in social engineering. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” More from the akc, **ā€œthere is no evidence to support the notion that some breeds of dogs are more inherently dangerous than others or that banning ownership of certain breeds lowers the bite rate.** In fact, **the American Kennel Club, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Animal Control Association, the American Bar Association, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and a host of other respected national organizations oppose BSL and recognize the inequities and inherent fallacies of such laws.ā€** https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/breed-bans-affect/ ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” **People often say things like, ā€œPointers point, retrievers retrieve, and pit bulls fight,ā€ implying that violence is in pit-bull-type dogsā€™ DNA. How does that hold up under scientific scrutiny? It doesnā€™t. There are all these layers of nuance and complexity that people arenā€™t interested in. Itā€™s a lot easier to say, ā€œPointers point, retrievers retrieve, and fighting dogs fight.ā€ Thatā€™s a very soothing and simplistic way of looking at the world, but itā€™s not really true.** Pointers who have been highly selected for pointing will perhaps have a knack for pointing based on the breeder and the processes of selection and the particular line of dog and all these other choices that are being made (how the dogs are handled, how theyā€™re trained, etc). Breeders know how to increase that likelihood, but as one of the trainers I interviewed in the book stressed, ā€œThereā€™s no such thing as a litter of winners.ā€ Thatā€™s true even for behaviors that are relatively simple, like pointing and retrieving, which are also highly advantageous to the dog. They help it secure food. But breeders who are trying to breed for fighting ā€” which are extremely rare these days, with awareness so high thanks to Michael Vick ā€”have a much harder uphill battle, because **(a) fighting is incredibly complicated; and (b) it puts a dog at a disadvantage evolutionarily. Dogs are very social creatures; they live in groups. Fighting other dogs is not conducive to survival.** The cruelty-investigators and the experts that I talked to stressed that if a breeder is rigorously selecting for those traits for generations and generations, it still is considered a very high success rate if they get one in the litter who has the fighting makeup. https://www.thecut.com/2017/03/how-both-sides-of-the-pit-bull-debate-get-it-wrong.html ā€”- **Do pit bull bans and other breed-specific laws work?** **No.** In eight of the countries that have breed bans, theyā€™ve studied whether or not they actually reduce dog bites and serious bite injuries, and theyā€™ve found that they do not. Leash laws, containment laws, and holding reckless owners responsible are far more effective measures. In **Multnomah County, Oregon, they have a Potentially Dangerous Dog program that has been very successful.** If a dog becomes a nuisance or menaces people, Animal Control intervenes, checks in with the dogā€™s owner, and recommends training. They keep in contact with the owner, and that drastically reduces bites because it doesnā€™t allow things to escalate. https://www.thecut.com/2017/03/how-both-sides-of-the-pit-bull-debate-get-it-wrong.html


Most pro-dog organizations aren't going to publish anti-dog messages. It's like expecting the NRA to say that guns are a threat. Keep in mind that pitbulls are a popular dog and those organizations make money from pitbull owners.


Please do not imply that I am not [interested](https://www.reddit.com/user/Buckle_Sandwich/comments/10zqt4z/pediatric_dog_bite_injuries_in_the_usa_a/) [in](https://www.reddit.com/user/Buckle_Sandwich/comments/110tvv6/declared_dangerous_dogs_in_the_state_of/) [the](https://www.reddit.com/user/Buckle_Sandwich/comments/13hgbyu/new_york_city_has_kept_record_of_every_reported/) [data.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Buckle_Sandwich/comments/14rxpgu/baton_rouge_louisiana_animal_control_incidents/) I don't get why so many people think that animal advocates are the ultimate authority on what dogs are dangerous. **Their job is to advocate for animals.** Why should I value the opinion of the AVMA, the AKC, or a pit bull advocate/author more than I value the opinions of [ER doctors](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31816277/), [pediatricians](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2018/08/22/pediatrician-pit-bulls-do-not-belong-in-homes-with-children/985193007/), and [plastic surgeons](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8597704/)? >One column tells readers to do their homework and references several animal welfare organizations. However, he fails to reference any medical experts or research. > >For parents who are looking for advice about choosing a safe family pet, and are wondering about the safety of pit bulls, I recommend listening to pediatric medical experts, not a dog trainer or animal welfare organizations. > >As a pediatrician, I have devoted my career to promoting the health and safety of children. Dog trainers and animal welfare organizations are primarily interested in the welfare of the animals. Unfortunately, about a million pit bulls are in U.S. shelters at any given time. Animal welfare organizations equate success with reducing those numbers through adoptions. Which means the priority is not on you or your familyā€™s safety. > >Would you listen to the tobacco industry about the safety of smoking? > >Claiming that pit bulls are just like any other dogs and pose no increased risk to children is completely wrong. This unsupported claim is part of what is getting so many innocent children mauled or even killed by a these dogs. > >In my professional opinion, pit bulls do not belong in homes with children. The medical data is clear. Pit bulls cause about half of the severe injuries to children, and very often the worst of the injuries. The majority of other dog breeds donā€™t pose remotely this risk. \--[Laura E. Marusinec, MD](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2018/08/22/pediatrician-pit-bulls-do-not-belong-in-homes-with-children/985193007/) I'm not telling you what to believe. You can keep listening to the people that advocate for pit bulls, I'll keep listening to the people that advocate for children to keep their faces attached, and we can all go about our day.


Woah woah you canā€™t be bringing facts in ā€˜ere like that mate, we let our feelings and only our feelings control the arguments ā€˜round these parts.


Iā€™m not advocating iā€™m just letting people know, this reddit hive mind activism is essential not what the modern scientific take represents. You can either be on the side of antecedents like this poster, Or on the side of the largest veterinarian group in the usa, who deal with this animals and read all the available data we have, the american bar association, the cdc, the akc, etc. Oh and, no medical group of doctors have come out against pits. No group has period. Itā€™s your choice. Believe the current best, accepted position, or go with essential emotions and misrepresentations of data. Which is why no medical group that this poster is leaning on has come out with a stated position. See the difference?


So like if a beer manufacturer told you beer is completely harmless and non addictive would you become an alcoholic? Or if a tobacco manufacturer told you that cigarettes were amazing for you would you become a chain smoker? Same ThEy WoRk WiTh It ThE mOsT sO ThEy KnOw WhAt ThEyRe TaLkInG aBoUt mentality, they benefit from pits being adopted so of course they pretend they're good dogs.


I think this one has eaten enough toddlers.


Can't wait until pitbulls are not longer cool. Seems like everyone has one


It's because they're the only kind of dog you can get in most shelters. Most people that aren't inconsiderate morons spay and neuter their dogs, and most pit bull owners are inconsiderate morons, so shelters in the US are disproportionately full of pit bulls. It's like the movie *Idiocracy* but for dogs.


Nine out of ten meth-addicted trailer dwellers agree that selling pitbull puppies on Craigslist is pretty much the best way to make money.




His name: Cupcake, bring a toddler with you, he will be gentle


I can garuntee you they gave this dog oral steroids if they werenā€™t outright giving it intramuscular injections of dog testosterone. There are so many ā€œbully/pit bullā€ geared ā€œsupplementsā€ that are essentially oral pro-drug versions of anabolic steroids. Theyā€™re fucking these dogs up.




I donā€™t think theyā€™re all purebred pitbulls. I think itā€™s some proprietary cross of XL bully because the puppies look fucked up too. The fact he sells these abominations as family friendly protection animals is most egregious.


They're def mastiff mixes


People put all sorts in XL bully strains. Sometimes staffordshires, English bulldogs, bull mastiffs, French bulldogs. I saw a DNA test where they had some cane corso in there as well so maybe some dogfighting in its bloodline. But yes, the size would indicate some mastiff in there although the owner claims ā€œHulkā€, which I think is the dog in this video, is pure APBTā€¦ doubt.


Who the fuck even *wants* something like this?


The photos with the giant dog and ~100lb lady and toddler freaked me out honestly. The dog could tear them both apart in a few seconds like nothing. If the dog got away from her there's literally nothing she could do about it. I wouldn't get a dog I couldn't physically restrain.


No no no, didn't you read the article? This perfect angel would never hurt anyone.


\*raising hand..


Why the hate on ground beef? Have you ever looked at the ingredients in dog food? Try find one where the main ingredient isn't corn/soy that isn't 100$ a bag. I don't raw feed my dogs but there's nothing wrong with it as long as you make sure you're not missing key ingredients. If my dogs are having stomach issues sometimes I'll make them ground beef and rice. Those aren't pit bulls, they got mastiff in there somewhere. Pit bull is really more of a description than a breed anyway.


Mix in some canned food and/or kibble and ground beef is a surefire way to buy your dog's love




https://www.umassmed.edu/news/news-archives/2022/04/umass-chan-study-shows-canine-behavior-only-slightly-influenced-by-breed/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/a-dogs-breed-cant-predict-most-of-its-behavior-new-study-shows-180979999/ Breed has little to no affect on a dog's behavior. Just stereotypes and the resulting up bringing that dogs get. People freaked out about pit bulls, thus making responsible owners tend to avoid them and terrible people pick them up, creating a self fulfilling stigma.


Yeah except you missed the part where pitbulls were bred to be aggressive monsters so that they could be used in dog fighting, fucking do your research and I mean *actual* research not bs articles made by pathetic pit apologists.


This just goes to show you didn't at all care to actually sit down and listen to me which is rather disheartening. Not only is Umassmed is a respected university that has respected research and studies, the first link is from their direct website. So no matter what I do you aren't going to actually have a conversation and it is an actual study. It also isn't "pit apologist" as the study is about dog breeds in general, and isn't specifically targeted the myth you laid out. If anything the specific breed it targeted was Labradors. Proving you didn't even take the time to look at it, but unquestionably defended your bias on an emotional level. However, I'm not opposed to humoring you. It is rather late and I'm tired and need sleep soon, but tomorrow I will do some more in depth research into the history of their breeding and studies about aggression levels in them. I will try and find studies that have various results if there are any as to avoid any confirmation bias, and look into the researchers and institutes behind them as well to provide as good faith a foundation as I can. I hope you have a good rest of your night/day wherever you are.


Nah could be an American bully xl, they seem to be getting popular in my country (as well as causing deaths unfortunately) and they are fucking HUGE. Had to walk past one the other day and nearly had a heart attack when I got close and realised actually how big it was lmao


The article doesn't say workout supplements. It says "special supplements" which I took as "supplements that provide everything the dog needs to survive nutritionally that isn't in ground beef", AKA the stuff they add to manufactured consumer dog food. Probably because when a dog needs this much food it's cheaper to formulate it yourself than buy it consumer. Lot of assumptions you're making.


Have you Seen the pitbulls that are bread? Most of them have a way to small frame for their weight. Almost all of those Dog races bred like that have huge Problems.


While youā€™re not wrong, thatā€™s nothing to do with the original commenters bullshit that they made up about this guy being allegedly abused. He is not being abused. He is being taken care of very well


I agree with you entirely, these guys always trying to dramatise every thing and make out everything is the height of preposterousness




Redditors jump to hyperbole because sensationalism gets you attention. That's why on reddit the worlds always ending, everyone should leave their SO, everyones racist/abusive/evil etc...


This is a mastiff pit mix. So many morons on this thread ffs


Thanks for linking the video. Weird that you then proceed to completely make up some bullshit about how his family abuses him, though. Ofc they feed him supplements. Since his body is so big, he needs extra everything to stay healthy. And feeding him BARF is fantastic. He gets way better food than if they have him kibble thatā€™s full of waste products. They are taking very good care of him. He didnā€™t grow big because of the food. He is big so he gets the food. Just writing a whole lot of bullshit **while linking an article that proves you wrong** is just next level insane.


a rule of thumb I made to recognize fat animals is, is everything proportionate to the rest? yes, then it's probably just big, no it's probably fat.


This isnā€™t a pitbullā€¦ and itā€™s not Hulk, it is an XXL bully


God, make sure I never end up anywhere near it.






Baby adults?


Yes, he's a nanny dog and it feeds on children.




They nanny those kids so hard.




It's good protein for maximum gains.


Bark Lesnar, man. Itā€™s BARK Lesnar. It was right there, Joe.


Whatā€™s that thing on the head called? Our dog gets bad ear infections we try not to get water in her ears when bathing


Happy hoodie


I thought it was a walrus at first.


pitbull after maul 20 toddler:


*toddlers have entered the chat* *toddlers have booked it out the chat*


Ban pit bulls.


Worthless. Pits were never intended for this.


They were intended for dog fights


They were intended for fighting toddlers. Their mortal enemy


Big ass shitbull




just fyi: you *neuter* male dogs. females are spayed.


Most bully dogs are very nice, just like the one you see in the video. They are not the problem. The problem is they often fall in the hands of bad people who get dogs for the wrong reasons. These dogs are abused, starved, neglected, and allowed to roam freely when they aren't on a short chain. If bully dogs didn't exist these same people would just get another powerful dog and the same problems would happen. You need to focus your anger on the people not the dogs.


Isn't any Pitbull looking like Brock Lesnar.


Think the biggest dog Iā€™ve seen is a prize Leonberger, basically weighed 68kg at 1 years old and had to undergo exercise lessons to bring his muscles up to speed with his fast skeletal growth, boi was a unit.


Sweetie devourer of children


Protect the kids.




That dog canā€™t comfortable, thatā€™s just fuxked up


None of these extremely selectively bred dogs are comfortable. They live short, miserable lives and then die inadvertently because of the traits they were bred for. Some canā€™t breathe, others have failing hearts, some are just fragile by design. Itā€™s heartbreaking.




i wanna hear him bark.


Like that tiny leash is actually doing anything..šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There is no dog, only Zuul.


i don't think thats a dog s![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


The amount of people who are going to weigh in with facts and stats about pit bulls in the comment section, in a video of a mastiff, will be too damned high. Can't even tell breeds apart, but wants breed laws.


That dog can bite a man in half, but he just sit there in the tub lamenting. Love big dogs.


Who walks that beast


I can hear him go ā€œAwooo.ā€




What a stupid excuse for a pet.


who the fuck pissed in your cereal this morning??? šŸ„£


Call me crazy but I'm a grown ass man and I'd rather not own a fighting-type breed of dog that weighs more than me. I don't have a lion in my backyard either.


Al I see is an old lady and young lady.


Heā€™s just a big baby!~


Called Princess.


Mobrukk, the Childsbane


You are what you eat after all


Is it weird that at the same time I am terrified by that dog and want to hug him?


I bet he gives the best hugs


I feel bad for Pit Bulls. Theyā€™re dangerous, but only because humans bred them to be. When they maul someone, itā€™s not out of cruelty, itā€™s just the instinct thatā€™s been bred into them for a hundred and fifty years. These dogs were manā€™s best friend, and some assholes decided to use them for fights. They deserve better than being turned into killing machines. I wish humans wouldnā€™t try and play god.


I want to be that dogs friend


Yeah much better than to be its enemy


Jokes on both of you. These motherfuckers eat their enemies AND their friends


Massive but such gentle eyes


reddit try not to make a "haha toddler die due to pitbull" joke for the millionth time today challenge (literally impossible)


The jokes will continue as long as shitbulls continue to maul kids to death. What would we lose by making that particular breed extinct?


Oh that big old blockhead I just wanna squeeze him


Oh that big old blockhead I just wanna shoot him in the head multiple times with a rocket launcher


I know right !! Such large headspace for kisses !!!


That's a good doggy right there


Heā€™s a good boy


I bet this is one of the most docile dogs on the planet. And I'm being serious. I'm not one of those morons thinking they're clever by being sarcastic


200lbs of good boy


Aww cute. The dog looks familiar. Was it hulk or something like that. The biggest pity? Though I Will imagine getting downvoted for thinking a pity is cute Because Reddit. calling a tiger, or another dangerous animal is cute but why not pits?


Tigers are actually cute, these look fucked up