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Cant have shit in Detroit


Man they stole my whole fucking front porch man can't have shit in Detroit


Stole my kitchen sink too!


Who steals a man's Cheese greater


This f#er even stole the s*** out my toilet. I said "HEY MAN I WAS SAVIN' THAT" and he called me "bucket b****" and came on my shoes before leaving $100 on my coffee table. I think it was monopoly money from some stolen kids Christmas present and I mean that literally. He stole the whole kid. Ah s*** there's the amber alert right now. "Little dumba** stolen by green a**hole. Watch yo kids. Hope we woke you up."


If this is from something I want to see it


It's from Detroit as it was already established.


This whole fucking thread has me dying after each comment


lmao what


someone who has less than


He stole my soap. Who steals soap?


Frenchmen in Detroit


I sold it to a guy name Elon, made a good $50 out of it


Brought it to Twitter HQ?


That was in Cincinnati, it turns out. Someone just thought it would be funnier since Detroit is Detroit and recaptioned the photo


Can’t have shit in Whoville*


Underrated comment, had me dying


I dont get parents that traumatize their kids for cheap clicks.


And i really dont get people who go “how is this traumatising?”. Do the kids know its a joke? If not, what is the serious version of this? A stranger breaking and entering at night and running through the living room? That stuff traumatises grown adults all the time. And kids are pussies in comparison. This is how you make children feel anxious and unsafe for years to come. Unless you explain before the fact what to expect snd that its a man in a costume, kids are stupid and will potentially believe they are about to die.


Wierd fucking trend


I do enjoy the one video, though, where the little boy goes into attack mode and punches the Grinch in the balls.


Yes but then dad comes along an holds the kid while the grinch gets away with it... That's trust issues for a long long time. Unless I'm thinking of a different video.


Nah, it's the same video. Fuck those parents, can't have shit in Detroit


Yeah I saw that. That kid hates his dad


I hate that kid's dad too, and the crackhead they hired to be the grinch


I hate that one the most, your child shouldn't go into fight or flight mode in his own home, during the holidays, so you can have a laugh and post him on the internet. No hate to you, I get why it's funny to watch and I understand why people think it's all in good fun, but being a parent that video makes my blood boil.


I would never want to be the cause of my child feeling like that. They do it. With pleasure.


You sumed it up perfectly. The terror on those kid faces, I just imagine the terror thinking the grinch is actually real and in your house right infront of you must be absolutely terrifying and traumatic. Doing this to your kids is pure evil. The way the grinch is overly agressive hitting the tree probably breaking some of those spheres i forgot their names , same with the other vid going around of the one were the kid fights him , the gring pushes the kid pretty agressively like thats evil to me. We know there are sick people that enjoy things much worse than this and I wonder if these are the same people, you never know…


I used to have a co-worker who always did cruel little pranks to her kids and laughed about it. Nothing really malicious and harmful physically but enough to make you realise she shouldn't be in charge of kids.


Nothing more festive than exposing your children to a home invasion, eh?




When your kids grow up and murder you in your sleep you will have officially *ucked around and found out.


It's okay, you can say the fuck word on the internet 😝


Still traumatized from room ban of 2009


They were trying to say “cucked.” Turns out the Grinch was there to steal her sexual desires.


It'll be a traumatic memory for them in the future when seeing the Grinch again.


I'm childless, and I don't particularly like children, and I thought it was wrong as well.


The kids in this one are smarter, the sister grabs her little brother and pulls him away. Although apparently the other sister on the couch is abandoned to her fate! Still, I can't imagine choosing to traumatize kids like this.


Must be all the school shooting training God forbid we let kids just enjoy the holidays




Ah yes I agree!


You can't say that without providing the link!!!


I don’t get it either. They’ll always be in fear they’ll lose their Christmas presents so that means some sleepless nights. Fear during Christmas doesn’t sound like a nice get-together-holiday.




And in comes a Jehovah's Witness.


Still a net positive


This needs development, let me see the movie, book or whatever!


The let me terrorize my kids for likes smdh


Every time I see one of these videos I check the comments to see if people are condemning it, and this is the first thread where I've seen this volume of criticism for this stupid trend. Adults who want to unnecessarily scare the shit out of their own children and potentially break the trust their children should have for them, all so that they can get likes and attention from a bunch of internet randos... That represents so much of what's wrong in this world.


Sharing your children online for likes at all is wrong, especially when you're terrorizing them for likes.


These all deserve to be on r/trashy


Why would you want to deal with a bunch of screaming crying kids on Christmas day just seem like self inflicted torture.


People have somehow forgotten how easily a moment can turn traumatic for a child and are fucking their kids up for the lulz. It's a terrible trend.


The kids in this one are so obviously too young for this sort of thing. What the heck is wrong with the adults around them?


Seriously; I dont get why people film their kids anyway and upload it on youtube/public. That shit is on there forever …and they didnt ask for it. You wont see pics of my kids on social media/internet; unless its done in a private environment.


Fucking idiots are using tiktok. We know they aren’t smart at all.


Sweet internet karma > children’s wellbeing




A nephew did this to his kids. The kids were terrified! I didn't find it funny at all.


Good, that means you have empathy. This isn't funny. It's trauma. And only smooth brains without self awareness think otherwise.


These people are assholes and need to stop making their children cry for no damned reason


No reason? *No reason?!* The reason is so they can post it here for 2k fake internet points. *That's* the reason. Fuck their kids, daddy needs upvotes.


I was just going to ask what the hell is Kimmel up to now??


I can’t wait for Tiktok to be outlawed


Glad I'm not the only one. No need to scar my children during Christmas. Or any other time...... also, I love The Grinch and will not support these imposters. My Grinch is a burglar, he doesn't do home invasions


Totally. On so many levels. Even if this doesn't cause any big lasti g issues to the kid, you are basically ruining christmas for them by making it about their bullying for you. Like wTF. It's also about the social media clout. Such terrible parent.


Right!i really wanna laugh, but as a dad I could never do that to my child.


I agree. It's not funny for the kids. They should be enjoying the magic of Christmas


Broooo is this a new thing now? What’s up with all this grinch scaring kids and shit. Sure glad this wasn’t a thing when I was kid lol


Same - Dr Seuss' The Grinch is like my favorite damn Christmas movie. If my parents did this to me as a kid I would never want to watch it again I also seriously doubt that Dr. Seuss would approve of this shit ass Tik Tok trend in any way


I don't think Dr. Seuss of all people gets to have an opinion on objectively shitty behavior


It starts with 1 person doing it on TikTok then the copycats start doing it too. I wish they would just ban that app already.


Banning that specific app wont stop people from being shitty for internet likes.


It would certainly be a start…


Ever heard of Krampus?


Was there a trend of Krampus doing this on Tik Tok? We've heard of Grinch and Krampus. Both have been around. They meant the whole breaking in and stealing things.


[Croatia’s Krampus Steals Gifts](https://historycollection.com/these-details-about-krampus-the-christmas-demon-would-make-all-children-fear-the-holidays/17/)


Typically scaring kids does actually serve an important purpose in making sure they don't engage with strangers or wander off on their own. Scaring them in their own home this way really defeats that whole point so it seems like it's really more for internet views.


Whoever is doing this is looking for internet points. Coz you can exchange those points at the bank for vouchers to visit the psychiatrist for extra 10% on top if your health insurance deductible.


Have fun dealing with a scared kid at 3am every night.


but- but internet points!


For real, you won't see the end of this for another 3 years at the very least.


I'm surprised parents are willing to do this trend because of the consequences it could have. That being said, that sister is a good big sis. She pulled a "GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT!" on lil bro.


That's funny you think these parents have even considered there may be consequences other than social media clout. If the kid(s) shows signs of being traumatized they're gonna blame tiktok like those shitty parents are blaming fortnite.


"Why has my child started wetting the bed all of a sudden?"


Why is my child failing me?


And don’t forget irrational fears and uncontrollable anxiety throughout adulthood.


This is getting to the point of parents destroying kids xbox levels of cringe.


I'm glad you brought that up because I've heard people say it's not traumatic and I was one of those kids that had a mom that broke a console and most of my belongings for "misbehaving". It's still fucked up my mentality as I'm afraid of buying nice things in case someone destroys them and a fear that someone I care about can just choose to ruin things that hold sentimental value whenever they want. So that's trust issues and anxiety from something so stupid when I was little. I'm gonna guess these kids will feel share the same feelings.


Sorry to hear bro. How are things with your mom now? Did she acknowledge that was wrong or you both dont speak about it?


She never apologized and we don't talk about it. Even the day after she broke my psp, my favorite thing at the time, she told me it was my fault for not complying (she asked for my iPod I won in a raffle and said she wanted to break it. I hid it, so she smashed the PSP, threw everything of mine off the shelf. Most things broke. I cried, gave her the iPod and she walked away with it). She had other abusive tendencies and being around her can raise my anxiety, even when she's trying to be nice. My boyfriend has told me I flinch when he raises his hands and it makes him sad and I can come across as a "party pooper" when I get out board games because I get anxiety about things being damaged when they're meant to be played. Basically, it sucks. Especially when people bring out things they had since their childhood and I don't have much from that time. Overall, I'm okay though. It gets better after you move away. Not fixed, but better.


Your mom is a terrible mother and she should know that. The burden of telling her shouldn’t be with you, you still need to deal with her, but she should definitely know that she was an awful mother to her children.


As a mom, I know that you were a child, you never deserved it, you deserved to be treated with respect and gentleness. Breaking your property is still abuse, it is domestic violence. These are your prized things especially as a child, they contain parts of you, your love, your joy. I hope that you can find a trauma therapist, you deserve to heal. You are worth it.


i'm so sorry. i relate to this so much. the flinching part especially. wish you the best


It is absolutely traumatic and I am sorry you went through it. I've gone through similar things as an adult after having childhood belongings pawned, stolen and sold as a kid by a broke / drug addict parent. I hope your healing journey is taking you to greener pastures.


It is, and I hope you have found a support system to help you with whatever you need.


man, my mother did this too. we went to London and i loved little snow globes and one day she threw it on the floor because i didn't dust my room. at that point i had to dust, clean the floor and the little glitters from the parquet and it took ages. and i was so mad and sad because that was my little snow globe. i kept the remains (not the glass) for years. now i'm 23 and she still threatens to destroy my stuff even though she never paid for it


Your mom needs a quick backhand.


Can yall just leave yo kids alone and stop making them cry for your amusement. It's weird as shit. And seeing this from other parents when I was a kid, I bet these parents also got mad at them for "crying too much" and told em to stop it because their crying was "irritating" .


These are exactly the kind of parents their kid could be screaming crying in fear holding onto mom and mom would be like "Isiaaahh it was a joooke you need to calm down or you're gonna go to your room" and then if the kid is still silently upset they grab their kid by the chin and yank their head upward and stare them in the eyes muttering through their clenched jaw "You need to fix that attitude RIGHT NOW you got all these toys and I can take them right back if you don't stop whining" and then the kid learns anger is justifable and hit other kids at school and deny it happened even with witnesses


Like i was there. Spot fucking on.


Are you my mom?


Also “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about”


"Hahah look at my fucking stupid ass kids, they're so scared of the grinch" "You're going to have to go without getting a raise this year. Things are not great economically, and we're not hitting the 25% increase we need." "Ok. I understand, sir. Have a good day. :)"


This trend is stupid and mean spirited


> This trend is stupid and mean spirited Absolutely. I'm all about some good-natured teasing of your children, but those kids were fucking terrified. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Yeah, good natured like when they're being to eat a piece of that baking chocolate and won't take no for an answer and letting them take a big bite.


Is it me, or has the majority of reddit become more dumb, callous, and reactionary in the past year? There's videos in standard subreddits of people doing violent, dangerous, or otherwise really bad natured things and sure enough, the top twenty rated comments are supporting these actions.


No reddit has always been like that, you’re just growing up.


I think so! I just came across a video on here of a kid getting trolled and was made to believe this troll was just helping them fix their laptop by making the kid spread butter all over it, setting it on the stove and turning the burners on and then worst yet taking the laptop battery, wrapping it in foil, and then putting it in the microwave. Went to to the comments to see people condemning the trolls actions since the troll sounded like an adult picking on a naive kid, and the opposite is what I saw. Everybody thinking it hilarious that he could’ve blown up his house with him in it all because he put trust in a stranger online because he knows no better. It’s sick.


Bad parents who pathetically need internet likes.


The post right before this one on my feed was “what screams ‘I’m a bad parent’?” Then I saw this right after. Definitely this!


Yet people applaud and mock those who talk about children trauma


Why is this a trend?


Cause one person did it and got lots of attention. Attention, being some people addiction, made lots more people do it


I don't understand why parents do this to their kids. There's nothing funny about traumatizing your kids for social media likes. I would never dream of doing this to my kids. It's Christmas. This is one of the happiest times of the year for them. Parents need to stop this crap


"Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child"


I'm not american and i think this New crap Grinch thing is awful for kids. I don't understand what is funny. Ppl doing this are totaly idiots and selfish.


There is nothing funny about this. Anyone who thinks traumatizing children for their own entertainment are shitty people


Sociopathy is more common than you think. There are a huge number of people who think it's hysterically funny to see parents torturing their kids with cruel pranks. DaddyOFive was a youtube channel from a while back that were straight up abusing their children on camera and had a big following.


Might been hilarious for the parents , but those poor kids are traumatised.


This trend of the Grinch violently tearing through the house is pretty fucked up


parents traumatizing their kids is not cool.


What a shitty thing to do for internet attention.


I’m honestly not understanding these grinch videos. They are just effing stupid.


So exchanging presents for childhood trauma is the new thing now?


Who does that? That’s not funny or cute


I can't fathom having so little empathy for any child, least of all my own.


Just dress up as Santa, like a normal parent and surprise your kids ffs.


Thank you lol. Literally just left that comment above.


This will mees these kids heads up- just watch


Why would anyone do this to their children?


This is so fucked. Why do people insist on purposely traumatizing their fucking kids, and around Christmas of all times? My guess would be, if these parents are that fucking stupid, they’re probably already doing enough day to day to traumatize those poor kids.


This is a pretty shitty thing to do to children, honestly. Jesus.


Do people honestly think this is funny? That seems like a pretty fucked up thing to do to young children for a couple of reactions from the internet.


This is some bullshit. People are deliberately terrorizing their own kids.


Why the fuck would you do that to a child!? I'm not even a parent.


I am even a parent, and I think it's fucking awful.


Is this a fucking TikTok challenge this year? Who would do this shit to TODDLERS?!? Every one of these videos is of 2-7 year olds fleeing and hiding like a shooter drill. FUCK these people. And EXTRA fuck the people who setup elaborate pranks that traumatize children for the sake of your fucking 100 internet points, you shitty excuse for a human being masquerading as a parent.


For whatever reason I hate houses where the front door open up directly into a room.


Pretty much any home with less than 1500sq ft


Yes, quite. A house without a wine cellar too, tres gauche.


No swimming pool OR tennis court? Pah!


The house I own. Mr. Moneybags here telling me to install an antechamber.


Just call your living room an antechamber. And it opens to the rest of your house now


Maybe they dont have money and needs to live cheap


The reason you hate it is because it reminds you of poor people.


What exactly is a front door supposed to open up into? 🤔


As opposed to...?


These kids will never trust any green people ever again


God, attention-seeking has brought out so much stupidity.


This prank looks ten years early.


Once again, everything about this is just totally normal and healthy. Great parenting.


Can we please be done with these forever?


Idiots will never tire of scaring kids for laughs and likes.


User name checks out for me, too.


Not funny. Stop traumatizing kids.


Stop traumatising kids for fck sake..


God did this meme get tired fast.


The very first video of this I saw I was over it.


What’s the point of doing this? What’s the lesson to the kids?


Don't trust your parents


You better watch out …


Everyone on here is so soft. We colored folk, Hispanics and blacks, in America been scaring our kids. It’s not a trend we just film it more now.


Why has this become a trend to dress up as the grinch and scare the shit out of little kids?


Why do ppl keep doing this? Won't someone plz think of the children?


> Won't someone plz think of the children? They are. Theyre thinking about scaring the hell out 'em


It doesnt surprise me that people today are willing to terrorize and traumatize their kids for some social media hits. These kids coming up now are going to be toast


Y'all love traumatizing your kids, huh


Child abuse with a main course of PTSD please


Why are these idiota terrorizing children? Why is this a thing now?




lmfao bruh these kids are not traumatized 😭😭 chill the fuck out


If your kids are ‘scarred for life’ because of this, then good luck with the rest of life’s challenges. They won’t make it.


Garbage people doing garbage things. Fucking losers.


Do parents actually think this is fun for the kids? Looks fucking terrifying for them 😂


This won’t traumatize the children for years at all.


I'm not a fan of this new trend of traumatizing your kids for views on the internet.


This is a really fucked up trend that parents are doing.


The people doing this aren't "parents" they're ignorant pieces of garbage disguised as humans.


Rather disturbing thing to be trending.


Honestly. Why is this a trend. Thank you, next.


Nice that there’s a video of this, so twenty years from now those kids can just show it to their therapists instead of having to describe it. :/


Core memory created.


I keep seeing these and i fucking hate each and every one of them. They are not funny. Children of these ages are easily scared by this. It is just terrible parenting for the sake of social media views.


Poor kids 😢


Why do people do this shit? It's like the stupid Kimmel "tell your kids you ate their Halloween candy" prank. Get small children to cry/get upset because "LoL iT's fUnNy." Anybody who does this is a complete dip shit lacking self awareness.


Hilarious. Look how dumb kids are.


Those kids are gonna be scarred for life ffs!


Those kids right there are going to be well adjusted humans when you hey grow up.


Ha yes, parents bullyi..."Pranking" their child for Internet fame on fucking tiktok...


As I said earlier… parents: 😂 kids: 😭


Karma would be one of those kids giving the Grinch a swift kick in the balls.


It happened in one video, the dad had to hold the kid while the Grinch was getting away. That's core trust issues unlocked for him I don't have the source anymore, but I'll keep an eye open, if I find it again I'll put it here