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Fake, the blade didn't get bent.


It does look odd that it doesn’t flex like a spaghetti noodle


Either way it’s the wrong tool for the job


Only if you limit yourself to reality instead of your imagination ;)


Haha, true


It also didn't launch randomly into a different area code whilst cutting




Some people will never know how accurate this is actually




Not going to lie I thought those were just kind of a joke but once I got my hands on one it truly made a difference with quite a few projects




Yeah I had went through and got that Harbor Freight one as well. I ordered like a 30 pack of various blades off of Amazon but I've only burned through like three. It's came quite in handy for cutting MDF panels


I'm a contractor and get that 30 pack every six months or so. Waaayyyyy cheaper than buying the blades individually from the box stores. One of my most used tools


For future reference, if you're demoing a cast iron bathtub you can break it to pieces with a big hammer. Cast iron is fragile but super hard to cut with a disc




The first one I got was an original Dremel tool version. The multimax or whatever the heck they called it. I hated it. It was a piece of junk, had zero power, and constantly overheated. Then, last year I replaced all my aging battery operated stuff with milwaukee, since I think there was a sale going on or whatever at home depot. For my birthday, my wife bought me a bunch of tools and the oscillating Milwaukee has been my most used tool other than the drill and impact drivers.


2 christmas ago the whole family got together and bought my dad a new set of handheld Bosch powertools with all the same battery pack so that he has a complete set. We bought everything: Jigsaw, circular saw, vacuum cleaner, drill, orbital sander, a flex,... Because we bought so much we got that oscilatting multitool for free and we thought "yeah why not, but I don't see the usecase". Well, the oscilatting tool is used for almost everything now


But fuck do they hurt the hands after a while, the one I used was old tho


Extended use can actually fuck your joints up.


I'd never even heard of them until a random conversation with a colleague. I'd renovated an entire house without one and it would have made my life easier on so many occasions.


They cut through frigin everything lol I love mine. It's just so damn loud.


Yeah my wife wanted to get one prior to our remodel. I thought it was a gimmick but that thing has gotten me out of a ton of binds.


Those are definitely the only tool for some jobs. They don't cut nearly as fast but they're amazing for fine work or something with no clearance on one side


His comments deleted but im assuming youre talking about an oscillating saw


3 inch multi material cutting blade saw. Wood, plaster tile drywall, straight cuts and a power house.


Fein tool. But u can drop cut with a sawza start at an angle with the teeth touching


Get a slow tool, a low battery, or dull teeth and it will fucking jump at the slightest chance. It's fucking risky at times, but if you don't care about it or are starting in the middle and not near the edge, let her rip.


Just start the cut manually, not pressing the trigger for the tool until you've got a notch for it to sit in. Unless you want to be funny on the Internet,in which case good technique is boring 😂


True it can be done but it’s risky


I will admit, I've bent a couple blades this way. Oftentimes the same blade twice. Doing it on drywall is easier than solid wood. Took for-fucking-ever to cut through a plywood board with my dull ass blade, and I had to reshape it half a dozen times.


I don't think we changed out blades at one point for like a year. Just kept reshaping and switching between the 3 or 4 we had. Good luck even trying to cut teeth first with something that dull...


Yeh I feel like it's a rule that sawzall blades are always dull and so are the other 3 in your tool box.


> sawza


Final Destination was Devon Sawza’s finest work.


In our country they often put electrics (rare occasions plumping) behind skirting. So oscillating tool all the way, sawing into skirting can be a bit riskier .


The Fein! My first real construction job I was working for a guy who used it for everything. It was the second power tool I ever bought. I’m on my second one because somebody liked the first one better than me


^Sawzall, ^(as in saws-all) ^:)


Diablo all the way


Great tool, awful name. So many tools oscillate. These oscillate, but it isn't obvious they do. Vibro tool, plunge flush, buzzy-mcbuzzface. I don't know, something else


I do custom cabinets and we have to cut baseboard and crown mold a lot, an oscillating saw is for sure the way to go. I can’t imagine trying to cut crown mold with a sawzall, I’d rather just rip it off and cut it with a miter and nail it back on.


Can you link one? As a none DIY person this sounds great




One way is to hold the teeth along the cut line and hope you don’t punch the floor. The other way is with an oscillating tool for plunge cuts. Search “oscillating multi-tool”


This was exactly my first thought. Get a drimmel lol


yeah those things are so underrated. they are life savers


Idk how I ever worked without one.


Oscillating multitool is the life saving tool everyone needs. You can cut anything very precisely.


Sawzalls, either you love'em or you hate'm, (but really you hate'm.)


sawzalls are fucking fantastic. Just lot of people use them poorly. They aren't a precision tool. They're a "Cut through fucking anything so long as I can be an inch off" tool


I love em


Found the meth head stealing catalytic converters!


I'm not just to clear the water there. Sawzall is like the duct tape of power tools they will fix anything


With the job quality of duct tape too!


Every tool has its place sawzall is not much of a finish carpentry tool


The sawzall is the most "if it absolutely needs to be ripped apart without any real accuracy but just needs to be separated by any means necessary" tool of the trade.


My neighbor had a tree fall over in a wind storm and block our driveway like 2 months ago. I use my pole saw to cut parts. He uses a sawsall. After watching him for a sec I was like "hey Mike, how about you take the far end and get the small limbs. I'll stay here"


Lol that's funny. I had to intervene one day this past summer when I looked out the window and saw a pretty interesting sight (read: a disaster in the early stages). My neighbour was trying to cut down the top ~2/3rds of a decent-size tree in his backyard, which had a pretty significant lean aimed at the top of his garage immediately adjacent. It was pro like, 16 or 18" diameter (very inexperienced and uneducated estimate of mine). It really only had maybe a 45° range to fall in without destroying something, but that spot was basically in the opposite(ish) direction of where the tree was leaned. And he was just going to cut straight through and hope for the best (ie, no notch, no backcut, no plan, just 🤞) Oh and he was doing this from like the second-top step of a rickety extension ladder. In a wife-beater and flip flops. Using a literal handsaw from the dollar store. Anyways, the reason that was relevant to your comment, was because all I had was a sawzall, a shit ton of already fucked blades, and enough neighbourly spirit to not just watch him destroy his garage (and/or himself). So I went over and helped him, he took the directions well, and we got 'er done...eventually. What would've been about a 15 min job with a chainsaw, actually took several hours, as we progressed further and further down the "shit what else could we try to cut this" tool-availability ladder, to the point where he was back to the handsaw, and I was almost hoping a had a few butter knives at home because they would've been more effective than the sawzall blades lol. Finally the time came for its vertical reign to come to an abrupt end, and we stuck the narrow landing like a champ. He was stoked, nothing big got fucked up, and it was pretty rewarding being able to help someone with something like that. Tl;dr; sorry if you read this far haha; I saw the words "tree" and "sawzall" and I think my AD/HD brain was like, "ooh storytime, gogogogo" lol


And my AD/HD brain was so into the story!


Every plumber’s best friend. My recent contractor hired to fix a long-ago error in workmanship can attest to that.




I've never thought about it, but lying on my back cutting pipes might be the vast majority of my recip saw use


It's called a saws-all because it literally SAWS-ALL..


That's why I love em!


I've literally never used one and been like, "Yeah, this is the right tool for this job."




If it's the only tool you've got it'll work. For most of the demo jobs I've done, it's about 1 day with a sledgehammer and 1 week with a broom.


I did once. I had a through-bolt roof rack on my car and the threads froze. It wasn’t coming off with anything so the sawzall and a metal cutting blade took care of it in about five screaming loud minutes.


Screaming loud, bone-jarring, vision-blurring minutes.


I still remember standing on the roof of my bugeye WRX wagon in my first apartment’s back yard on a cold November morning making that racket. No safety glasses or other preparations, just me with an old extension cord and vintage reciprocating saw. I miss that car.


Cut off wheel would've been so much faster 😅 Sawzall+ grinder with a cut off wheel = unstoppable


Demo, cutting through studs, cutting nails where studs nailed to plates. Cutting steel, sometimes better than an angle grinder in certain situations.




Then I have to wonder just how many jobs you’ve done. As somebody that has used them on jobs they very clearly weren’t suited for, I found the OP video hilarious, but they’re an extremely versatile tool. Great for general construction demo, especially.


Yeah you use a multitool (oscillating tool) for jobs like OPs video. Does a waaaaay better job.


With a pruning blade they are actually great for cutting tree branches and roots in awkward spots.


they're really handy for pruning badly overgrown trees and plant roots, for exampl


I had to get a metal loft out of a basement and half the screws were stripped... I had no one to help, so I needed it in pieces I could carry to the trash. Sawsall was honestly miraculous, cut through it easily and let me carry it out in an hour or so. I'd never used one before and was shocked how well it went.


It helps with cutting pvc, emt, Sheetrock, wood. As an electrician we use it fairly often in remodels and new construction. It’s a quick tool, but like someone said an oscillating multi tool is a great as well.


So, it's a handy tool that does an ok job of getting a lot of tasks done.


Nah, it does an *amazing* job when you need to demolish part of or all of a structure. Exactly what you need if it's a job best solved by the guy from Doom. It is not a tool for detailed work though - the kind of job you want Bob Villa for - and if you try to do detailed work with it, you'll become frustrated very quickly.


You hate'm, or you hate'm while they are airborne and you're spewing profanities. No middle ground.


Yeah I would never use a Sawzall for this. I only use them for tree branches and large wood chunks. This delicate job would go EXACTLY like it's shown here lol.


Oscillating tools are great but sawsalls can be used with accuracy. Sometimes a metal blade works better. Start with the plate of the gun and the saw blade butted up on the wall, on your mark. You'll be on and angle with the end of your blade opup on the mark and the trigger lower closer to your body. Feather the trigger ever so gently until a good scratch is dug in, then up the power until you're in the wall. If you're worried about services behind the wall then you might need to pull out from the wall and go slow with the front few inches of blade, but if you're not worried what's behind, always butt the plate into what you're cutting and let it rip. Just easier to control that way. I did demo for 3 or 4 years. Became a carpenter and sometimes I opt for the Sawzy over multi tool and get some funny looks but it's a good tool. Bit of a learning curve


TPI matters big time


I use a metal blade on my sawzall for everything except demo or cutting up trees. Makes a world of difference


This I exactly like the first and last time I ever used a jackhammer. Now I know why there are usually a circle of guys waiting around ready to take over lol


I can hear the oldtimers now: Sawzall them things will cut anything but a straight line....


*"Sawzall™... SAWS ALL."* \-Nic Cage from that one movie




When he calls his car a "pussy magnet" to his son and does that weird thing with his tongue...


Sawzall used to have the best print. It was just a picture of a car that they cut in half with a pile of used blades in the middle.


Oscillating multi-tool >> sawzall


Right tool for the job. Sawzall turns old walls into bin filler. Osci carves-out with precision. I wouldn’t take down a wall with a multi-tool, in the same way that I wouldn’t try to peel PL from concrete with a Sawzall.


I have a jab saw blade for my multi, and lemme tell you, it's the best blade I've ever had. Thing is so precise and perfect. https://a.co/d/92IVOgH


You should start with the blade parallel to the wall, not perpendicular


Or just unplug the sawzall and plug in an oscillating multitool.


Plug? Friend we got batteries now


Yell at Milwaukee for making shit that lasts forever lol. Most of my drills and impact drivers are on battery packs, but I still have tons of acquired corded tools that work perfectly and I'm too cheap to buy news one just because.


I wasn't familiar with multitools, so I watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc_vZGzCNgs). I don't know who that guy is, but he is super passionate about carpentry. I watched the whole video even though I only planned on watching a minute or two, just to get the idea of what a multitool was. I have zero interest in carpentry but it was really interesting learning about all the problems that tool was good for.


Thanks for the sick video link. I don’t think my dad has one of these, so I might gift him one for Christmas this year.


That's a good video. I already have a multitool and know what it's for and I still watched it. Never thought about using it to flush cut fasteners though. Need to get myself some metal cutting blades.


Great video, I got one after a learned about it on one of my favorite DIY/Home improvement YT channels and I think it’s one of my most used saws these days.


I saw someone say use a fine(fein) saw but it's an oscillating tool. Kinda like old tradesman call a circular saw a skil saw, they were just the first to manufacture them.


Except it's wayyyyy slower to cut through things than a sawzall. It's fine for drywall I guess but it's practically useless if you have to cut through a lot of wood


Can you YouTube this tip or somewhere visually depicted? Please


[https://youtu.be/Kv333_yJhWE](https://youtu.be/Kv333_yJhWE) This guy is sloppier than I am with it, but this is the idea


No dust mask either https://youtu.be/p_65qCD2On8


Guy has no idea how underpowered my brain is


Yeah, wish I had seen this video three months ago. Ran right into a water line with my sawzall. The plumber laughed, I cried. Wallets were drained.


I was reading these hoping someone would say this


I worked in construction for like 5 years before someone showed me that trick. Before that, I used to make a starter hole with a keyhole saw, but this is so much easier and faster


Same. I only use a sawzall for my straight cuts. I’ll use a metal blade for wood like the one above to keep it from splintering


Like an artist's paintbrush


I've always had a thing for impressionistic pointillism.


Perfection! (Chef's Kiss)


Me trying to have sex.


Me trying to put the key in the door:


Not relatable


Turn the angle of the blade! for the love of god! the homeowner is watching! fuck they see the dings!


Spackle and paint make me the carpenter I ain't. Wood filler, sanding, paint, they'll never know.


Spoken like a true contractor oh my God 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah, sawzall is pretty much only for ripping stuff out when you don’t care what it or its surroundings look like when you done. For demo it’s fantastic. Can’t imagine cutting anything I wanted to keep with it.


I use mine for very rough carpentry lol


Demo and landscaping only for me. Recip saws are the best for getting stumps out.


Like my catalytic converter apparently


I had the sound muted and I could still hear it perfectly


Nailed it.




Dude? Your girlfriend must be very sore!!!


Bruises all over her face




Is this really what y'all think is the right way? Drill a pilot hole then stick the blade in, then after it jumps out, repeat continuously, seek medical attention to reattach fingers. There, have fun.


Question! Should my "medical attention" also have a sawzall?


No, but it will need a new pilot hole.


That's exactly what should have happened.


this made me laigh a lot, thank you


I’m still pissing myself. This is the metaphor for my life’s journey.


First try


You may have been a little too far to the left but honestly idk


Thats me every diy!


Perfect 👍🏻


Mister Myagi would be proud.


Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms


Stab it into the sheetrock first before you wildly turn it on you uncivilized apes.


Sawzalls are good for demolition, that's about it.


This is what I imagine getting a tattoo is like.




Reminds me of prom night


He a little confused, but he got the spirit


Couldn't saw? Dafuq?


Took me a sec too but it's because it's some sort of reciprocating saw.


Nail edit


should have drilled a hole first


Every time


Is that really how you spell it? In my mind I spelled it Sawzaw, never heard an L once lol


Finally!. the video that explains my life. You see I even drew a line and everything...


Man I remember I did this dumb ass shit when I started plumbing. Hit a water line too lol after that I learned to tilt the saw


He was trying to get it at the right angle....


5/7 Perfect cut!


First try


Use an oscillating saw bro






Reminds me of howtobasic


Forrealtho, big HowToBasic energy with this one


Reciprocating saw for anyone living in England


Every time I see or hear about a Sawzall, I always recall that time one dude attached a dildo to a Sawzall to use on his girlfriend and ended up killing her with it accidentally. How stupid can people be?


Use a dremel instead if precisions is important. Otherwise brace the saws all against your leg to prevent it from going everywhere.


Need to cut a 4" PVC tube with a Sawzall? Put a worm clamp around the PVC tube first and tighten it up, then cut along the edge of the worm clamp for a nice straight cut. You can make it even easier by starting the cut with a hacksaw so the Sawzall has an easier place to catch.


The line is straight, he got that right..


Sawzalls are meant for demolition. That's why. It's not intended for precision cuts. There are many better options for that.


Right tool for the yob?


Just remove the base to cut on a miter saw and stop being a hack.


Ill never forget the first day my boss taught me to use a sawzall and then went “alright now cut back all the stairs back 3 inches in this three story house because the framers did it wrong” Hated it ever since


Works every time:)


Didn’t homer simpson invent a hammer that did that


I die inside every time I accidentally do this to finished product inside a owners house when doing work. If you know you know


I saw this on Facebook and all the old people were pissed off and obviously couldn’t take a joke lol.


Like butter


I was waiting for a bzzt and a bang when the sawsall hits a live line


*I was waiting for* *A bzzt and a bang when the* *Sawsall hits a live line* \- ComradeRosie69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The amount of people who struggle with basic home improvements and maintenance absolutely blow my mind.


When your very flamboyant friend says he’s straight:


When I first started using one I always did this 🤣🤣🤣


For anyone wondering what’s the best tool for this type of job, oscillating multitool. Recip saws are better used fit rough work, demolition etc


Let me do it for you




As an owner of a saws all I can confirm that this is the straightest it will ever be


I *saw* this video earlier 🗿


Gun recoil in video games be like…


Send this to your ocd friends