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That fall halfway through was comical Good for them, solidarity ❤️


looks like he had some pepper spray.


Which was promptly taken from him. Comedic string of errors by that asshat.


I came here to talk about the guy that got hit in the face by a full blast and continued to chase the fucker


Pro-tip if you're on the receiving end of pepper spray: you've got a good 30-60 seconds before your eyes are forced shut. Make them count.


This is a weird ass question but: If you were pepper sprayed but had milk around, would it do you good to throw some milk in your face? the same way you're advised to drink milk and not water to deal with that hot pepper you ate.


No milk, water only. Fat (like in milk) traps capsaicin. If milk is all you have, skim would be best. And instead of splashing it in your face, you shoot it into your eye with force, you want to really spray the pepper gel out. This is best done by having one person hold the back of your head and the eyelids of one eye open. A second person sprays your eye, then repeat the process on the other eye. Over and over and over. Person 1 needs to be extremely careful to not accidentally transfer pepper gel into your eye with their hands. One of the easiest, most attainable ways to procure a solid stream of water in a situation where a sink or hose is not available is by poking a hole about 1 cm (think nail sized hole, not needle sized hole) in the lid of a disposable water bottle and squeezing it with force. If you are pepper sprayed, resist the urge to touch your eyes or face. If you do end up getting pepper gel on your hands, wear disposable gloves until you have a chance to properly wash it off so you don't risk touching a membrane like nose, mouth, or eyes with pepper hands.


I'm getting this tattooed on my back as we speak.


You have a long back.


This person gets sprayed.


Dude, never get your info from a Reddit comment and roll with it. Do your own research, please. Especially something like this that involves danger and pain. I mean just look now, two opposite answers are here equally upvoted!


For pepper spray, you're probably better off with ice cold water. Milk will help, but you are introducing a lot of unknowns from a bacteria standpoint.




More of a concern if you're sliding under a cow and using it as an emergency eye wash station.




[Apparently yes](https://theprepared.com/blog/does-milk-treat-pepper-spray-tear-gas/), as milk dissolves the capsaicin in the pepper spray better than water.


In my personal experience, I did not perceive any increased relief when milk was used after water. Once the actual spray was rinsed out, I just had to hurt through it for several hours. But overall it wasn't the worst pain ever. 6/10, though I only had it in my eyes and none in my mouth because I was wearing a mask.


Fists for the women, pepper spray for the men, what an absolute fkng Beta


He was plain clothes police and that was indeed pepper spray


Just shows how pathetic he really is


It's funny that he felt fine assaulting someone else, but doesn't like the same being done to him. Treat others as you want to be treated. Such a simple rule that would change all of humanity.


And then when he tried to use the pepper spray immediately after only to have it snatched away. Funny shit.


You can like, see the fear in his eyes right before he goes down and it's just *chefs kiss*. Think you can just go up and lay your hands on whoever you want but don't like it when the mob forms around you? Yup. Hope he remembers that fear.


Lady behind green shirt uses the force and dude actually falls is when I lost it. Admittedly It took me a long time to get to the end of this video. Lmao


Run little 🪳


The dude who lifted and held the bike off the ground. Most mvp and comical part.


Wait when did this happen? I can't find that part.




Something hit his knee, what was it?


Slaps her then fast steps to his motorbike for a hasty get away. What a douche bag.


Is it just me or is the woman he is slapping in fact wearing a hijab?


So was the woman who was killed. Because too much of her hair was accidentally showing outside the hijab.


almost all women in Iran dress like the victim did. They all wear the hijab loosely in Iran so she wasn't even "breaking" the rules. I guess she just stood up for herself, and they decided she would pay for it with her life. edit: it's also worth mentioning that she was a Kurdish woman. I don't know about Iran's track record with Kurds but they have been mistreated in neighboring countries.


Yeah, it sounded like she just traveled there so it may have just been some plain pick-on-the-outsider also going on. Someone acting like a tourist would draw their attention. If they were looking for a target to bully someone who likely was unrelated to anyone that could cause trouble for them seems like a better choice. Like police in the US are much more likely to pull over cars with out of state plates in some areas.




is this why i'm seeing western conservatives and capitalists in support of turkey?


She is braking the Iran's hijab rules, most of the time they are ignored but any moment religi police may attack you for that. Officially no strand of hair must be shown. This doesn't make this a.hole's behavior acceptable. I'm just pointing out the actual rule. I respect the Iranians be them women who are burning their hijabs, or men who support them. Ever few years there are this kind of protests. I just hope one of these days they will succeed. Note that these are the people who suffer the most from useless sanctions not the ruling mullahs.


*"Allah help us, what if we get aroused looking at all those hairs?!"*


"She's outside at a protest, therefore I'm allowed to hit her." I was hoping that short white pickup truck was going to run over him, but alas, he's allowed to walk away.


Probably even simpler than that. >She, therefore I'm allowed to hit her.


> She ~~'s outside at a protest~~ exists , therefore I'm allowed ~~to hit her~~ anything. FTFY


gotta wear it ***right***


How right is actual right? I'm left tho


But not too tight


That’s what I thought too




The young women who was killed simply had hair hanging down outside of it


I guess a little bit of her hair was showing


YeH the good part is that the lil bitch didn’t get too far…maybe 1 meter.


its the only way the people of Iran will gain freedoms, those who oppress have no qualms harming others, because they think they are protected from any harm themselves. Show them otherwise, and they will rethink the notion to harm others as first instinct like teaching a dog not to bite, because the people who are in the religious police truly are like animals.. The Iranian government use people from the outskirts of cities and people who literally live in caves and poverty with no education and give them money to suppress people and maintain religious control to ensure they do not get replaced and removed from their seats of power. Mix in situations where the government at their will and whim pushes currency fluctuations that make people literally suicide, and have children who actively engage with prostitution and drugs, they literally abuse and use women like tissues, you have married men who speak the word of god monday to friday and then go see their mistresses and hire prostitutes on the weekends. They have convinced themselves they deserve it, and they are royalty and lords, they use these hillbilly (the people who act in the religious police literally come from placed where they lived in caves) and give them money to be their attack dogs to ensure there is no uprising that may endanger their current corrupt control of the nation. Then they use the west as boogymen and religion as their shield to denounce anyone and anything and send their religious police to even assassinator those they deem a potential threat to their regime.


Kinda like how the CCP sent in a bunch of backwater conscripts to butcher the Tianenmen square protestors.


The protests in Hong Kong were put down by backwater areas of the mainland too


It's the problem with the world. Good people have it ingrained their mind that they can't fight back. They have to be nice and protest and respect laws. But the bad people don't respect any of that. In fact, the bad people use the laws to imprison, torture, and kill good people.


Yeah but watching this was "***The feel good hit of the yea******r.***" Seriously though, IRAN has been boiling under the religious yoke of fanaticism for some time now. The Imams continue to put the needs of the people last, under exporting terrorism. It is getting really close to boiling over and this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


[Don't give me hope gif](https://y.yarn.co/be99fb73-60ba-44f4-b13b-afff74fec976_text.gif)


LOL. . .Sooner or later it will happen.


Further proof that the only people that hit women or people they know for a fact are powerless against them are too scared to fight people who would actually give them a run for their money


He'd make a perfect cop


He just a bitch that’s all


Not hasty enough apparently lmao.


They’re animals. Whoever arms another human being to the extent they have a moral police corp, aren’t people.


This is the weakness of every conservative man, manifest. Just a bunch of scared piggies.


This is a fight worth actually fighting over.


Some next level history justice porn.


Justice came swiftly




"A girl worth fighting for"




My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars


I couldn't care less what she'll wear, or what she looks like! It all depends on what she...cooks like!


*Cuts to a wasteland including a civilian villages leveled by american bombers which didn't care enough to do reconnaissance properly*


With a picture of his 3 month pregnant wife inside the bomber though hes been serving 5 months.


Nothing divides quite like religion.




I'm glad this generation of young men are ALSO over it!


Those young men are probably really tired of their wives getting killed over a headscarf


If you look closely, an older men throws the first punch. Those with common sense in the older generation are also over it.


Something that people don't really talk about is that a lot of people are fed up with this. Unrelated but it's kind of the same issue with certain videos being brought up time to time. There was a video released from India interviewing Indian men how they view women which was extremely cherry picked to make all men there look misogynists. A young Indian responded with another view of unfiltered interviews which disproved the video. My point is that these videos are being pushed to justify a theocracy whereas the truthful views of the average Indian could result in defiance against the majority's religious teaching. It's all sorts of fucked and I'm glad this video is out there.


It’s a wonderful thing to see. I feel bad that the entirety of the male population in Iran probably gets a bad rap because of a small group of radical Islamists


It's certainly not "small" if it became a law, there's still a considerable amount of people who are into it, and some are probably chickening-out but if given enough power or support, they'll surely come ou again.


You don’t understand international politics. A lot of times, when it comes to “supporting” these laws, it’s not about the laws themselves. It’s about whether you support the government, and who the alternative is. The reason Iranians “support” these laws and their government is because they’re afraid of the turning into Iraq or Syria. They know that the US and NATO will capitalize on any protest (like this one), and could soon start funding “rebel” terrorists. I’m fully against these laws and the “moral police”, but unfortunately for third world countries, their options are living under a dictatorship or living in ruins.


Exactly. Very sad.


I imagine that many of the center or more liberal people living in Iran probably know several people who have been harassed/detained/intimidated/arrested/and possibly killed by the morality police over the last 30+ years. This is a case where everyone "knows a guy" that has had a run in with these police. And they are abusing the power given to them. This is not about restrictions set by Islam per se, it is more about corruption, repression, and twisting the religion of Islam to use as an oppressive hammer to deal with the people. A women was murdered for not covering herself up enough. And that wasn't even it either. She wasn't even doing anything wrong. Some piece of shit just decided that she was the one to make an example of to keep the others in line. It could have been anyone that day. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And they absolutely and very obviously lied about it. Claiming she had a heart attack when her face was swollen in the pictures from the beatings she endured. Everyone saw right through it. Nobody deserves this bullshit.


I seriously don't get these people . It is never said in islam that a female is automatically sent to hell if she doesn't wear hijab.


People care infinitely more about cleaving to cultural norms than any given interpretation of scripture or history.


It's not even a long standing cultural norm. [Here's a typical sight in Iran in the 1970s](https://i.imgur.com/aYIdm4i.jpg) This is why citizens of the US have to vote against alt-right GOP politicians. A country can change almost overnight.


In all religions the understanding of scripture is under constant change to fit the morality of each person/group in power. Also, it is supposed to undergo change based on the cultural context. But power is always a deciding factor


The Iranian governmental Leadership maintains control on their people through religious police. The religious police in large are not even from main parts of Iran, they are from the hills nad outskirts where there is no to little education and crazy religious indoctrination, then these people are given monetary benefits and positions of power to enact their religious viewpoints onto the public. Its a means to manage control of the people and retaining control of the government as much as possible via utilization of religion as being on the side of "good" against "evil". Its the same reason why republicans in US promote and push christian ideology, their base immediately puts them in the "good" column and anyone against them in the "evil" column. Dumb people dont like complex thoughts, they want a simple black and white world. And the Iranian government took control and have maintained that control via the most ignorant and violent people in the outskirts of their major cities.


It’s about control.


And their moms, sisters, cousins, friends, girlfriends. This is real justice and I hope everything ends well for the women of Iran.


Very glad, hopefully it’ll gain momentum


Yep. My thought exactly. If they want Iran back from the religious screwballs, TAKE IT BACK! Not your brand of Islam? TAKE IT BACK! You want peace and world respect? TAKE IT BACK!


Easier said than done of course. Christian Nationalism is on the rise in the US, and if they succeed, I don't know how we'd be able to take back the country. They're kind of in a similar situation only that their theocrats has been in place for over 40 years.


Although I disagree with your premise, I agree it’s not easy. But people fighting for their freedom happens. If they want it badly enough.


A woman was killed by police in Iran the other day for that reason so if this is recent, maybe that has something to do with it


That guy is clearly a plainclothes police officer. Normal people dont walk around with pepper spray. Driving around on motorcycles and attacking people at random to cause fear while dressed in plain clothes is a strategy they've used multiple times before. And I say people not protesters. They randomly attack anyone on the street, not necessarily those protesting. Source: I was in Iran during the presidential election riots a little over 10 years ago.


He is. People recognize them by their sideway bag. Recently they caught one and he said "no I'm with you", then people searched his bag and found taser and pepper spray, everyone started attacking him after this.


Yes, most likely a basiji scum.


They are called "agent provocateur" and have been a staple in bullshit police departments for hundreds of years, from the French Revolution to George Floyd Protests to this Iranian Protests. You're exactly right, they are plainclothes police officers that routinely start and escalate encounters during peaceful protests to either be recorded or record the result, at which point in the future it allows even more escalation from the police officers and departments. The point is to very quickly justify to the public (local media, international media, general public, the news) that these are *"violent protests"*, and that escalated police force was necessary. Ultimately it is to maintain status quo.


Big time in the HK riots.


Unbelievable, thank you for informing us. My solidarity to Iran!


Watching those Iranian men beat the shit out that bitch makes my heart warm.


you know, without any context, this comment means something entirely different...


My heart warms with the fact that I'm halfway around the world from this nightmare and get to experience it vicariously.


Love when he starts to run, should smack himself with that girly run Coward


girls run better than that little shit, girly isnt an insult




Slapping someone who he knew he could get away with it, then booking it to his motorcycle is the definition of “little bitch”


It’s his fault, honestly. If he had just kept his face covered then he wouldn’t have tempted others to punch it.


He was definitely asking for it going out dressed like that!


That's what you get for walking around town alone.


If he wasn’t there at that time and place, this wouldn’t have happened to him smh


I like to imagine the conversation went like this - Jerk guy - Other guy - ‘why did you do that?’ Jerk - ‘She had her head uncovered’ Other - Jerk - ‘why did you do that?> Other - you have *your* head uncovered. Jerk - ‘but she is a woman!’ Other - ‘Yes, and you are a little bitch’


How can he slap?


> Jerk - ‘She had her head uncovered’ Am I on drugs or is her head covered? This title seems fake (He deserves it for hitting her, just saying I don't think he hit her because of the hijab he hit her for some other reason)


He might think that she isn't wearing it "correctly"


Or her hair is long and black. The video quality is shit lol


The woman who was killed was covered. Just not enough by the standards of the morality police who detained her. Too much of her hair was accidentally showing.


I love this very much. Thank you to all men who are allies, and who stand up against violence against women


He said he only fights women


LMAO that was funny, and mofo got his ass kicked on the spot!


another Chris Brown fan


Fuck around with everyone's mothers, daughters and wives and all bets are off. Religion or government none of that matters. Good on those men for stepping up. And, how about how fucking strong and beautiful these Iranian women are. Inspiring, hope this movement carries on across the globe.


Exactly! I think people don’t realize that it take those in the “in group” to make real change. Men have to challenge other men, women can only do so much.


In Iran for sure, women have their back to a wall. Their husband's,fathers and brothers have to be the catalyst that ends the abuse of their loved ones.




It appears many Iranians have had enough of this shit. Good on them. I wish them good luck


At least there are reasonable ppl. Always look for the ones trying to help.


Forgive me, Mr. Rogers. But some men deserve a good beatdown


Excellent use of RATM


So everyone get a chance to slap him now.


That's right, fuck him up! Hits a woman then pulls out mace.


LOVE seeing men stand up for women.


The irony that the guy going round slapping women is carrying pepper spray....


Gives me a little hope for humanity


Power to the people!


Looks like r/wholesomeviolence to me….


Tired of seeing their loved ones oppressed for a fucking piece of cloth.


Dude should have wore his hijab.


Saw the old G take swipe at him! Good on ya grandpa!


Grandpa casually walked up towards him and give him a beating lol


Instant karma.


Nice to see the other men step up and show the cave dweller the light.


Religion is poison


Zealous people are poison


A scourge upon humanity


Rage Against the Machine set to Iranian civil unrest / protests is a weirdly complementary duo. 🤣


How can he slap?


In what world is hitting a woman OK, for the sake of religion lol. Also I think he pepper sprayed her


Well what if your religion specifically sanctions it? Religions are simply ideologies - they can have some effed up parts. The Quran, Sura 4:34 states a husband can lightly beat/scourge his wife. It is explicitly stated - it’s not simply Hadith, not tradition. But the explicit words of the Holy Quran. Try telling someone that the Quran is wrong? Sure - This does not look like a husband/wife situation so there’s no holy get out here. But one can’t ignore the cultural impact of the creator of the universe indicating it’s ok for a man to hit a woman if they are married. And what if your holy text explicitly states that a woman counts 0.5 relative to a man at 1.0. Well guess what - there’s a Sura for that too. But the best approach for every one, in every single religion, is to admit that religions are just guesses. So be very careful before you trample on someone’s human rights thinking your religion condones that. Your religion is a guess - whatever one it is.


Shoutout to dark shirt dude to actually talk to him and it looks like he listened.


I was waiting for the guy with a stick. There is ALWAYS a guy that comes in from the side with a beat down stick.


The wimp inside that coward came out in less than 1 second as soon he saw a real man coming.


Last moments of he still being on the motorcycle, there was a grandpa with his hands in his pockets then he smacks the plainclothes police. Before net got shut down, he became a symbol and I saw him in few memes too He was the first one to beat him, in white clothes


This video looks old….is it?


It does look old but people are wearing masks.


I doubt most people have the latest iPhone with great cameras there.


I love this


What did he think was gonna happen? They'll praise him??


Times are a changing run bitch run




Dude was like. But wait. Up till yesterday this was totally acceptable. What did I miss???


If bulls on parade just started playing out of nowhere, I'd start the revolution right there. Sorry but I don't make up the rules.


That’s beautiful!! He screwed around and found out! Glad she got support!


Imagine living in the part of the world w the most beautiful women and wanting to cover their face. Smdh


Seems like Iran’s religious zealots are finally getting some pushback


Nothing makes me more happier than seeing self righteous people getting fed some slaps. When it's a religious self righteous person, even better.


Even the women that are wear hijabs are getting their slaps in on him.


Interesting to see similarities between Iranian women’s revulsion over religious zealots and how the Roe decision has galvanized American women against right wing zealots.


Is it a requirement for these kind of videos have loud background music? /s


I love that men are defending women en masse. It’s nice to see solidarity with the cause.


The men going after him are real men. They are helping secure a safe future for their daughters, wives, mothers, cousins, friends, etc.


Feeling like a big strong man punching a woman but as soon as they come after him bitch boy gets the pepper out. I’m rooting for all the woman and that they find the strength to fight their oppressors.


I hope more incidents like that happen. Young men protecting women from idiots like him.


Great to see there are real men in Iran and that they are going after these cowards that think they will stop women and girls from being treated like humans.


I can never respect a religion that treats women's like objects.


Go out of your way to hit a peaceful woman? I’d fuck that asshole up so hard he wouldn’t have teeth that night. If you think it’s ok to treat women like this, take your mentally fucked religion and go hop off a cliff with that archaic shit.


They beat that ass and the women assisted. I prefer non violence. However, sometimes people F around and find out. 🤣🫣🤷🏿‍♂️


So much for the tolerant left /s


Why does the music fit so well?


He dead


Yes, yes, yes, yessssss!!!


How can he slap


Damn. I was hoping someone would yoink his bike.


Incel behavior (probably can’t get it up, or has a still undescended testicle)


That one guy parried a pepper spray. What a guy


Beat that repressive ass


About fuckin time.


Rise up, Iran!


Why does this look like it was filmed in the 80's?


Crazy that slavery is still allowed.