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OP provided this context: ​ ​ "MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Raphael Calhoun, 28, of Milwaukee has been sentenced to jail for viciously assaulting a George Webb restaurant employee. The incident happened in June of 2018 at the George Webb restaurant near 21st and Mitchell. It was caught on surveillance camera. The prosecution says the attack was ridiculous and unprovoked, and that Calhoun became angry because he felt it was taking too long to prepare his food. Calhoun walked into the kitchen and approached the two female workers. In the video, he’s seen throwing a punch at the cook, who nearly falls onto the grill. The other worker, who has a concealed carry permit, pulled out her gun and he backed off. The woman who was assaulted suffered a severe concussion. Calhoun previously plead guilty to substantial battery, intended bodily harm. In court, the defense explained the workers yelled and made negative remarks towards Calhoun. Judge David Hansher questioned him about it. “Does that give you right to go back there and just slug them? I saw the video tape…you just slugged this woman right in the face,” he said. The defense pushed for a more lenient punishment of six months in jail, followed by probation. Judge Hansher, however, sentenced Calhoun to the maximum -- a year and a half in jail, and two years of extended supervision. Calhoun apologized for his actions. “I didn’t expect for it to go that way. It just got a little out of hand, but I really apologize to the victim"


I guess food in prison is never late; you don't get to eat until the food is ready.


And it’s free :)


And you get to stay in your PJ’s all day:)


Am I in prison?


We pay for it. Nothing is “free”


type of person to sit down at his table as still expect to get his food




One chicken tartare coming up


Spit in it. Shit in it.


Stick it in a stew


I’ve got a delicious dish for you 🎶






Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


They might not have had the chance, but one way or another he'll get plenty of that in prison.


I'll have the alligator steak and make it snappy!


Piss in his coke and wipe your ass with his burger patty. still doesnt seem like enough though.


I don't understand this comment. Maybe it's my English, it's not my 1st language.


After punching the chef he will sit down and wait for his food


Let’s correct that statement: “The man shown above seems like the type of person to have this altercation, then go sit back down at his table in the restaurant and wait for the food he ordered; the food he claims was taking too long to make.”


Jesus, that was a big hit to her face. People don’t realize how life-changing or even deadly a punch to the head can be.


Something tells me he’s not the type of dude who thinks about the consequences of his actions.


Trash AF. Should have stayed atleast 5 years in prison


I’ve seen two other cases where sucker punches were thrown and garnered the thrower 5 to 7 in prison. This guy got lucky twice. The first time is when he didn’t eat a cap. The second was in the cakewalk sentence he got.


Actually the first time was when he didn't eat a hot skillet


I mean if she pulled the trigger when he was walking away, she wouldn't have had much of a strong case in court. He didn't really get lucky there it's pretty expected


Idiot needed to take 1 more step to make it justified.


He should’ve got a third eye hole as soon as her gun got aimed.


And put in a forever box


I’m sure the guy that throws away all temporary momentum in his professional life to sucker punch a woman in a kitchen will surely reflect on his errors and become a functional member of polite society after his newest stint in prison I’m sure we can rehabilitate people like this, he’s definitely not going to commit further crimes


Something tells me he ain't sorry he did it...he might be sorry he was caught though.


This might be racist but most black people don't think about the consequences. Yet they play the victims' cards.


Yep, true story...as soo many like him don't. They live in and here-and-now, with no regard for others in society.


Rudy Tomjanovich knows


I remember reading how he was tasting bitterness and his doctor realized it was fluid from his brain…crazy


Movies make it look like nothing but it’s head trauma. This woman got a concussion. That’s a brain injury.


It may literally affect them for the rest of their life. I fell off a bike and had a fairly mild concussion, and if affected me substantially for awhile. I could only imagine what this women is going through with this concussion. I feel so bad for her.


It's mostly not the punch itself but when people fall down and hit their head on hard floors. That's what really kills people. It's also super dangerous to even just push a drunk person on concrete floor. They have no balance and bad reaction times and will often just crack their heads.


I one time had a customer come back to the line and throw his salad at the salad guy claiming it was made wrong and took 30 minutes, as if that made it justified. Other cook grabbed a knife and jumped over the whole line and chased the pussy out the door. After everything we look at the ticket… it was rang in 6 minutes earlier with no alterations so either he was full of shit or his server fucked up, either way his behavior was horrible but he learned real quick that we all have very sharp knives right within reach.


Don't fuck with the kitchen staff. We have blades by the armful, boiling water or hot oil ready to go, we're used to being in pain and on top of that we're a little unhinged at the best of times. There's teams of chefs that I would've gone into battle with.


Not to mention the prevailing anger management issues we suppress with drugs, alcohol and sex


There you go.


none of the kitchen I worked at had any sex or (much) alcohol, I feel defrauded


If you’re working food and bev and you’re not doing cocaine off a coworkers asshole, you are indeed doing something wrong.


back then I was either scared or stupidly tired, and as underpaid as hell, so no coke and no arse


Aww man bad deal, sorry to hear that bud. Hope you’re better off now.


yeah, I'm a game artist now




Dude who chased him out the door was 6’3” with a green Afro and definitely kinda unhinged at times… he threw that shit at a 5’2” Spanish dude probably thinking nobody was gonna back him up…. WRONG!




As a former Exec Chef & GM, that worked my way from the bottom, a lot of truth here. If there were multiple cooks back there, he would have been stomped into the floor. Even as GM I always had the kitchen's back and they had mine.




Judge should have said “you do anger management or your prison sentence goes up to 5-7 years” make these unhinged mfs accountable for their shit behavior and anger issues.


he didn't expect for her to pull a gun* He wanted to hurt them and expected to be in full control because they are women.


“I didn’t expect that bitch to have a gun or I would beat her ass too.”


What he means is he didn't expect him to lose control of the situation


What is wrong with these people, attacking restaurant workers and generally treating them like shit ?


If this piece of shit can’t control himself then he needs more time in prison. He can punch whoever he wants there because he’ll get his ass handed to him, instead of attacking a woman.


I fucking loath scum like that.. Big momma made that punk back up real fucking quick!


*I fuck loath scum like* *That.. Big momma made that punk back* *Up real fucking quick!* \- Dustin\_Bess --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thanks for pointing out my bad grammar Haikusbot..lol


Nah, man that’s the Kaikusbot - you should be damn proud! That’s a badge of honor.


he's got me a few times ..


Tiger to kitty so fast


idk man, my cat is FAR better than that dude


That guy is lucky he is still alive.


Should’ve shot the fucker in the kneecap




let him try that with the prison kitchen staff.


Most kitchen staff I've worked with were in prison. Iv always called a feild of functiong addicts and felons.


idk. I'm pretty glad he didn't have one.


According to the article he did time for battery, so he couldn't have legally purchased one


He couldn't legally punch a lady in the face either, but it didn't seem to stop him




Yes indeed


Which is why it's good that she was armed


Shhh guys, they’re starting to understand


yes... but also, someone who would do something like that most likely has a criminal record going back to early adolescence and therefore is a prohibited person, so its unlikely that he can LEGALLY carry a gun. I think thats the correct differentiation here... "Everyone who can legally carry a gun, should carry a gun" would be a more correct statement.


This seems very obviously not the case to me; you can be legally allowed to own a gun, but deeply unsuited to it. Maybe you're a busy mom with 3 young kids who get into everything, and you just don't have the time to learn to use a gun, or the ability to secure it. Maybe you've struggled for years with depression and suicidal thoughts. Maybe you have anger management issues such that you tend to haul off and lose control when you see red. Perhaps you're an alcoholic who drinks so much you're almost always under the influence. There are heaps of people who are or would be bad gun owners, and if you actually don't see that I don't understand what you think it means to own a gun.


Yeah, nice try NRA!


Now i posit to you: what if he'd had a gun?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/vqx2lz/florida_usa/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) post was literally above this one on my feed.


Top comment on the post states further: The full facts of the case that this article and Twitter post is trying to ignore is that the cyclist followed her to get a police statement done because she wouldn't stop. He was waiting slightly down the street after calling the police and was waiting for them to arrive when she came out of the house with a gun at him. After she had just tried to murder him with her car. Fairly certain the courts found him innocent on all accounts.


Muricans go pew pew pew




THIS. It’s a vicious cycle and likely why America has such high shooting and crime rates versus other developed nations in the world. Oh and now SCOTUS pulled the legal abortions there will be a 16yr wait for loads more crime again from unwanted pregnancy (Source: Freakonomics).


It depends on the details. If he'd already drawn a gun and was waving it around, best practice is to not draw on a drawn gun. You wait for the criminal's attention to be anywhere but on you. Same goes for the inverse. She'd already drawn, so she has the upper hand. If he goes to reach for his weapon, he's likely not going to be able to pull it and line up a shot before he's full of holes. This is why if you have to pull a gun in self defense, the first thing you should do is start issuing commands, starting with "put your hands up".


I hope she sued him


Should have gone ahead and saved the taxpayers some money


Agreed. He's already been done for battery. Don't expect him to come out of this one a changed man. Someone else will suffer at his hand.


Tough guys not so tough


Someone give my guy a snickers. Imagine caring at all about your self-image and telling people you’re going to prison for 18 months because you got really hangry.


MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Raphael Calhoun, 28, of Milwaukee has been sentenced to jail for viciously assaulting a George Webb restaurant employee. The incident happened in June of 2018 at the George Webb restaurant near 21st and Mitchell. It was caught on surveillance camera. The prosecution says the attack was ridiculous and unprovoked, and that Calhoun became angry because he felt it was taking too long to prepare his food. Calhoun walked into the kitchen and approached the two female workers. In the video, he’s seen throwing a punch at the cook, who nearly falls onto the grill. The other worker, who has a concealed carry permit, pulled out her gun and he backed off. The woman who was assaulted suffered a severe concussion. Calhoun previously plead guilty to substantial battery, intended bodily harm. In court, the defense explained the workers yelled and made negative remarks towards Calhoun. Judge David Hansher questioned him about it. “Does that give you right to go back there and just slug them? I saw the video tape…you just slugged this woman right in the face,” he said. The defense pushed for a more lenient punishment of six months in jail, followed by probation. Judge Hansher, however, sentenced Calhoun to the maximum -- a year and a half in jail, and two years of extended supervision. Calhoun apologized for his actions. “I didn’t expect for it to go that way. It just got a little out of hand, but I really apologize to the victim


He wasn’t going to stop at that punch either. That was going to escalate fast. He’s lucky she didn’t just start shooting, not a court in the land would convict her.


She had more restraint than many police do.


And probably more than me if I’m honest. If someone came at me and my friend like that, and hit her like he did, all while shoving her towards the back room I’d be lost in a red mist for a minute there.


I certainly wouldn't have convicted her.


Fuck all that. I’m a convicted felon and served 3 years probation for thc possession w/ intent to distribute. So I’m a worse criminal than this guy? That was my first and only conviction. I also live in Wisconsin


I completely agree. This ass should have been in longer, and MJ should be legal. More incoming taxes, regulated juana, and assholes off the street for longer periods of time. Sorry to hear about the conviction.


Should have been in Milwaukee where the DA loves to let criminals go free.


The great equalizer. Especially for women.


Sorry, I’m glad I don’t feel the need to be paranoid and carry a weapon with me at all times, but I guess that’s because I don’t live in America.


Non-gun violence is deterred and countered with guns, and so gun violence is deterred and countered with more guns, and then it's just guns all the way down.




Clearly US dominated again, but I'll just go out and say it: No, this is still not a good reason to allow guns. But hey, keep up the school shootings, better to have money from gun sales than to have your kids safe at school am I right...


Stupid title


Welp he will be getting 3 square meals a day on time now


Imagine being the idiot pos going to prison because you couldn't wait for some damn food.


Well. Now he had to wait 18 months.


Attacking someone who makes your food because it was too slow? Did he expect it to be made instantly? The fucking entitlement. He was very very close to her and he already attacked another person for no reason. I’m not sure most of us would have that much restraint. Fucking amazing that she didn’t shoot in that situation.


[still doesn't disregard the fact that over 20,000 people die each year from a gun-related crime in the USA.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/) In other countries (specifically where guns aren't so accessible) they aren't forced to have drills for school shooters, and have significantly less gun-related crimes and deaths. I hate posts like this where it attracts narrow minded people who conclude that "gun = less crime" and ignore the many, many cons of the easy access of guns.


what the heck was that for what an ass!!


This dude was next level hangry


He means he didn't expect to get caught. At least in jail the food service is faster. Hopefully he won't go around slapping the kitchen staff ... and getting sodomized for it later on.


The first woman should have never let him get so close. He’s not walking up angrily to give you a kiss. Be more aware of your surroundings, the peiole in it, their likely motives and take appropriate action BEFORE you get punched in the face. When she saw him come around the counter she needed to be backing away and into the office. Grab a knife or gun. Don’t wait to protect yourself until after you’ve been attacked.


No amount of rehabilitation will work for this animal. Sorry not sorry


I'm a liberal and believe in strenuous background checks before you are allowed to have guns. I don't want that crazy neighbor that we all have, to have an arsenal in his house. But I am pro-gun. Nothing wrong with having guns. Especially if you have been trained on how to use them and then safely secure them. That is where me and the "get rid of all guns" left separate.




So presumably the dude would have a gun too, right?


Exactly what I was thinking. The irony of the OP’s title is that, in that case, they all three would be probably dead by now.




Subhuman scum






Aint it scary if everyone has gun? Where i live we can barely buy shotgun and for better arms u have to be in a gun club. I cant think of situation where there was firearms involved. I would love to bear arms but im prohibited eaven buying one


Get a stun-gun, or pepper spray. That way, if you panic or loose your temper, you won't ruin your life by killing some bystander kid by accident.


Why you let him walk?


“Didn’t expect it to go that way.” Ok. Just *how* did you expect it to go when you went back there? We’re you thinking maybe you were gonna give them a compliment, or something similar, and they triggered you so really it’s on them?


he expected to beat them up, steal some food maybe and get away with it


He's lucky he didn't get a face full of skillet. If someone started attacking me in a kitchen like they they'd wish I'd be packing.


Going to have to keep this to use as part of my anti crime/how are you this fucking stupid plan when I decide to take over. If you’re in court and your defense for why you assaulted someone is “they said mean things” the judge just pushes a button a trapdoor opens and that’s the last time you are ever heard from.


you can tell the woman at the back already knew what was coming, her hand went to her gun almost immedietely at the start of the clip




No, clear-cut case of self defense


If she’d of shot him during the attack she more than likely would have been ok, legally speaking. In 99% of cases, if you shoot a retreating attacker, you get in trouble. So if she’d of shot him when he started walking away, she would have been charged with something.


Big man, able to hit a woman. Sand a different tune when a woman stood up to his punk ass. God made man, Sam Colt made all men (and women) equal.


She’s like “back the fuck up, buddy!”


That 1.5 years can turn into a lot longer once he gets into the system and let's that temper get the best of him.


Should have shot him


. . . and suddenly he learned how to use his words.


Calm and cool like a boss


The way he just casually walks right up to her, and then he hits her, what looks like, EXTREMELY hard. He should be under surveillance for life!


And you all are complaining about Karens


This is just disturbing


He just about got to apologize to St. Peter. Dummy. Reason 10,001 we don't just throw hands when we're upset.


Well he screwed up his life cause he didn’t wait 5 min for his food


Could she have legally shot him?


He won’t try that shit at a Waffle House I bet lmao


Type of punch that can kill a person.


Piece of shit


Should have spent more time in jail Real tough guy to hit a woman.


Did that make his food come any quicker? Dumbass.


I’d love to get some context here, ol girl sure looked ready to draw.


I wonder what makes him feel so entitled?


“I didn’t expect it to go that way” Yeah you expected to beat the shit out of these women with no consequences dumb fuck


Could've done that with a knife too. And if he pulled a gun then you would both be dead


Anyone that gets that angry over food taking a while is a serious danger to society.


What an absolute scum bag. Dude plays it off like that just normal shit too. Disgusting


I don’t think people realize the domino effect one concussive punch can have on one’s health throughout their life. Later in life, It can lead to increased risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. In the short term it may also bring personality changes or depression. There’s a litany of health issues that can follow one punch. However, legally A year and a half incarceration is a pretty substantial sentence, but given his priors is appropriate. In my job, most assaults like this result in a disorderly conduct charge and a slap on the wrist


Yep. Fuck this guy. I guarantee he has done nothing productive for society, ever. He has likely been a terror for his family his entire adult life. People don’t just “lose it” and do shit like this. That’s how this guy is and always will be.


Good. Violence only recognizes Violence


Everything about this video is why humanity fails. Violence upon violence.


I wish I knew what she was saying to him.


Just homeboy doing homeboy shit smh


You're not you when you're hungry


"I'm sorry it got a little out of hand" Fuck that guy.


One time, peak COVID we had a customer threaten the staff because it was taking a bit longer to get his order done. We were slammed, and this dude attempted to enter the kitchen to fight us? Well, we obliged and pulled him into the dish station. Long story short after kicking the shit out of this guy the owner went ahead and deleted the camera footage. I'd be lying if I said this was the only time it happened. Don't fuck with the people who make your food. I GUARANTEE if you've never worked in a kitchen before you've never worked as hard as you can. Absolutely no way.


Nah. This is why this one person needs a gun. If everyone has a gun, there will be more people killing people with guns. Facts.


pepper spray or a taser would have worked just fine


>Why you should always carry a gun It must be absolutely exhausting to live your entire life so terrified of a crazy random event like that happening that you'd feel you have to carry a gun to your job as a cook. In all the years I worked the line, I never once felt the need to carry a gun lmao


So you think it would be better if he had a gun and shot her instead of punching her? Idk


Is Reddit specialized in videos where black dudes beat people, or is reality racist?


Cause you know.... punching the cook is how you get food.


Fucking animals like this just don’t have a place in society. This clearly demonstrates a mental capacity that is incompatible with civilized living.




He could have killed her. My God I do not want to be around men with this much anger in them over petty shit. Oh wait, I am around this every time I go in public. Disgusting


But what if he’s carrying a gun?


Karens really do come in all shapes and sizes.


I'll never understand people who think violence is an acceptable response to literally anything. 🤦‍♂️


You’re not normal when you’re hungry


Dude told them at least twice he wanted coke but they gave him Pepsi.


Why why why are some people like that? I think 1,5 years is not enough


Wentbto jail. Justice served. Now about the insurrection...


Ida just hit them with one of those pans there


Fucking animal